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E-Malt.com News article: Ukraine: Quotas for barley export may be cancelled by the beginning of March
Barley news

According to Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine Yuriy Melnik, Ukrainian Government plans to cancel quotas for barley and maize export by the beginning of March, Agrimarket reported February 19.

According to him, the correspondent draft regulation of the Government is under discussion of Ministries and bodies.

Y.Melnik noted once again that the decision of Ukrainian Government about introduction of grains quotas was accepted considering domestic stocks of grains and regarding reducing of grains harvest in 2006 from 38 to 34 mln. tonnes.

As we informed before, from December 14, 2006, Ukraine introduced quotas for grains export till the end of the current marketing year in total volume of 1.106 mln. tonnes, including by 3.000 tonnes for wheat and rye, 600.000 tonnes for barley and 500.000 tonnes for maize.

On February 7, 2007, the Government decided to increase export quotas for grains introduced till the end of the current season in total by 864.000 tonnes.

Recently, vice-prime-minister of Ukraine Andriy Klyuev declared about the intention of Cabinet of Ministers to discuss the question of cancellation of grains quotas in the end of February-beginning of March.

Earlier, Ministry of Agrarian Policy considered grains export in the current season in the volume of 8 mln. tonnes possible.

In 2006, the harvest of grains in Ukraine reduced by 9.9% as compared to the last year to 34.3 mln. tonnes (in clean weight).

21 February, 2007

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