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E-Malt.com News article: USA: Anheuser-Busch will keep on marketing its brands
Brewery news

Anheuser-Busch will not stop marketing its brands, especially its successful April introduction Bud Light Lime. The company’s acquisition by InBev will not change its marketing activities so far, CourierPostOnline assured on July 29.

Anheuser-Busch marketing executives want to sustain the success of the premium beer beyond Labor Day.

Bud Light Lime is lifting sales for the whole Bud Light category. Volume for the segment, which was down in the first quarter of the year, rose slightly in the second, says Dave Peacock, vice president of marketing.

InBev CEO Carlos Brito, on tap to be CEO of the merged company, said the lime flavor would be a focus for the next two years under InBev's new ownership as a way to grow the Bud franchise.

31 July, 2008

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