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E-Malt.com News article: United Kingdom: Small independent brewers achieve growth despite drop in overall beer market in 2009
Brewery news

Small UK brewers have reported overall growth of 3.75 per cent last year – compared to a drop in the overall beer market of 4.2 per cent, the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) announced on February, 22.

Three-quarters of all local brewers recorded volume growth in 2009 and on average, they achieved a 17% increase in turnover. Besides, the number of pubs sourcing local beers through SIBA’s direct delivery scheme (DDS) grew by 12% – a reflection of local cask ale’s unique ability to help pubs weather the recessionary storm, SIBA said.

SIBA’s chief executive Julian Grocock said, “Over 60% of our members were founded after 2000, so the current recession is the most severe they have traded through. That the vast majority managed a sales uplift last year and are anticipating the same in 2010 speaks volumes about the resilience and resourcefulness of the UK’s quality independent brewers.”

Out of a British industry of approximately 700 brewing companies, SIBA now represents close on 450 members.

24 February, 2010

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