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E-Malt.com News article: 2162

Danish brewing force, Carlsberg A/S has plans for further acquisitions worth a total of €1.5 billion. Carlsberg’s supervisory board approved that statement, Nils S. Andersen, the brewer’s president told Germany’s Focus magazine. He also said that the acquisition would focus on Germany. The Danish brewer is eyeing Jever Brauerei and the Berliner-Pilsener group, both currently belonging to Brau & Brunnen, Nils S. Andersen revealed. Initial high-level talks between Carlsberg and officials at some German breweries will be held at the end of February.

Separately, Focus magazine also reports that Brau & Brunnen is looking to make acquisitions in Germany worth a total of €120m, while Bitburger told the magazine that it has set aside €500m to buy some of its rivals.

11 February, 2004

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