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E-Malt.com News article: Canada: CWB’s October PRO for 2012-13 shows sharp increases in malting barley values
Barley news

CWB on October, 25 released updated Pool Return Outlooks (PROs) for 2012-13. For the Harvest Pool, malting barley is up C$35 to C$350 per tonne. For the Early Delivery Pool projected returns for malting barley is C$32 per tonne higher – at C$347 per tonne in October.

Western Canadian malting barley quality results have been disappointing, tightening malt barley availability further and putting upward pressure on North American malting barley values in particular.

Domestic barley prices also continue to be supported by the tight North American feed grain supply - demand situation, the CWB commented.

Australian barley production is expected to be lower than last year on account of drier growing conditions, with crop quality being the main factor yet to be determined concerning the Australian crop.

26 October, 2012

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