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E-Malt.com News article: Canada: Horton Ridge Malt & Grain Co. Ltd plans to open small malt house in Nova Scotia
Malt news

Horton Ridge Malt & Grain Co. Ltd has plans to open a malt house in Hortonville, Nova Scotia to produce organic malted grains for use in the region’s craft brewing and distilling industries. Currently there is no malt being produced in Nova Scotia, The Daily Business Buzz reported on November 29.

Horton Ridge Malt & Grain is seeking community investment to launch its business by establishing a Community Economic Development Investment Fund (or CEDIF).

On Dec. 11, 2014, at the Wolfville Farmers Market, Horton Ridge Malt & Grain Co. Ltd will be hosting “Horton Ridge Malt Comes Alive” at 7 p.m. This event will allow attendees to obtain more information on both the business goals of the company and the investment opportunities available.

“The Nova Scotian craft brewing and distilling sectors are having a measureable positive impact on our economy. The establishment of a craft malting business will amplify this by allowing the most important ingredient of beer and whisky to be produced here, instead of being imported from other regions of Canada or beyond”, says Alan Stewart, President of Horton Ridge Malt & Grain.

“Furthermore, a malting operation will channel beer dollars to rural Nova Scotia, into the hands of the growers of the organic grains which will be used in the production of our malt.”

The rural economies of Nova Scotia, in general, and small farms in particular, have been under economic pressure in recent years as agricultural processing businesses have ceased operations.

Craft brewers and distillers will have a new tool with which to work to create unique tastes in their products. Malt production, along current hop initiatives in the province, will make a truly local beer possible.

“As a craft brewer in the Annapolis Valley,” said Randy Lawrence of Sea Level Brewing in Port Williams, “I look forward to having malt produced next door. The availability of quality local malt will change the craft brewing landscape in Nova Scotia. This is long overdue.”

Community Economic Development Investment Funds are rapidly becoming a very effective method of involving members of a community in new business ventures.

“As a long-time CEDIF investor, I take pride that my investment dollars are working in my backyard, supporting my neighbours, and ultimately myself," said Av Singh, a resident of Hortonville. "My investments allow me to help create within the larger economy a community with values I can share.”

05 December, 2014

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