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E-Malt.com News article: Ireland: Big increase reported in winter barley sowings this year
Barley news

There has been a big increase in winter barley sowings in Ireland. Figures from some members in the seed trade would suggest that winter barley seed sales are up by 25-30pc. This would equate to 70,000 ha, excluding crops sown from home-saved seed, independent.ie reported on December 10.

Wheat sowings appear to be back 10-15pc in the south of the country. Sowings in the northern part of the country appear to be similar to 2013, while the oats crop also appears to be on a par with last year.

This is the first time that winter barley acreage will be greater than winter wheat and is, analysts believe, a reflection of the relative costs and returns of the two crops.

Growers have at last switched on to the fact that winter wheat is a very expensive crop to grow and with the good yields of winter barley over the last two seasons, the return from the winter barley crop can easily beat the returns from winter wheat.

The acreage of winter oilseed rape appears to be down by 25-30pc and again is reflective of the high costs of growing this crop.

10 December, 2014

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