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E-Malt.com News article: Canada, AB: Dog Island Brewing days away from releasing its first batch of beer
Brewery news

Prairie beer news blog On Beer reports that a new brewery in northern Alberta is just days away from releasing its first batch of beer to the public.

Dog Island Brewing is being established by longtime homebrewers Ben Fiddler and Chad Paulson, who decided to switch from being hobbyists to professionals when the downturn in the oil industry led to a reduction in the work they were doing on the local patch.

Currently brewing on a 200 litre system they had originally built for homebrewing, the pair received their manufacturer’s licence last month, and have brewed up several beers including The Pits Wit, Nine Mile Session Ale, DiBs Berry Wheat (made with raspberries), and Saskatchatoon Wheat (made with Saskatoon berries).

Dog Island beers will be available soon on tap at several local bars and pubs, and once the proper approvals have been received, growler fills will be available at the brewery.

21 August, 2016

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