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E-Malt.com News article: Cyprus: Beer sales up 3.6% in January-October
Brewery news

Beer deliveries during January to October 2018 reached 37.10 million litres, recording an increase of 3.6 per cent compared to the same period of 2017, data released by the Cyprus Statistical Service on November 13 shows.

The increase is mainly attributed to local consumption, which is in turn connected to the number of tourists visiting the island. Local consumption during the period was 36.14 million litres, recording an increase of 3.71 per cent on an annual basis.

On the contrary, beer exports for the same period recorded a small drop of 0.60 per cent compared to the previous year and fell to 0.96 million litres.

Total beer deliveries (local consumption and exports) in October 2018 reached 3.58 million litres, which constitutes a historic record high, an 18.6 per cent increase over the previous year.

Exports in October however recorded a great drop reaching only 55,606 litres of beer compared to 92,410 in October 2017 and recording a drop of 40 per cent.

July saw the highest beer deliveries in Cyprus, during which a total of 5.36 million litres were delivered. In 2017 June was the month with the highest beer deliveries reaching 5.46 million litres.

14 November, 2018

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