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E-Malt.com News article: Ghana: Guinness Ghana launches new Guinness Smooth beer
Brewery news

Guinness Ghana Breweries PLC (GGBPLC) has launched its latest stout - Guinness Smooth - made from 70 per cent natural ingredients from Ghana, allghananews.com reported on August 14.

Brewed with fruity, butterscotch flavour to provide a distinctive and perfect bittersweet taste of smoothness and refreshment, the latest addition was crafted with the Ghanaian consumer in mind, and is a new expression of Guinness, developed by the Guinness master brewers.

Speaking during an exclusive revel, Samuel Dery, Marketing Manager for Stouts, Adult Premium Non-Alcoholic Drinks (APNADs) and Ready-to-Drink (RTD), Guinness Ghana, noted that, the local brewing team in Ghana worked closely with the international brewers in Dublin, the home of Guinness, to deliver an exciting and stand out beer that has refreshment of a lager but bold character of Guinness for casual social occasions.

“This is an important addition to our beverage portfolio. At Guinness Ghana, innovation is critical to our business, we wanted to create a unique beer with Ghanaian consumers in mind. This demonstrates our Commitment to innovation and bring to the Ghanaian consumer a flavourful beer which they can always enjoy.”

“It has been a really exciting project and the team who have worked together on the product are so passionate about bringing it to the market. We really believe this is the perfect beer that stands out from the rest for Ghanaians to enjoy,” he added.

Guinness Smooth is currently available in the Greater Accra Region in 33cl bottles at GHS3.50 only.

There are plans to expand its availability to other parts of Ghana later in the year. It can be bought at any mainstream bar, wholesale and retail outlets.

15 August, 2019

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