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E-Malt.com News article: 3798

United Kingdom: Hundreds of brewery workers who produce top-selling brands such as Stella Artois are to be balloted on industrial action in a row over bargaining rights, it was announced on December 10. Union members at Belgian brewing giant Interbrew will vote over the next few weeks following a dispute about bargaining over redundancies, work transfers, pensions and plant closures, News Scotsman revealed.

The firm provoked an outcry with its recent announcement that the Boddingtons brewery in Manchester is to close. Workers at Magor, near Newport in south Wales, Samlesbury near Preston, and Glasgow will be among those balloted. Brian Revell, national officer of the Transport and General Workers Union, said: “For too long the company has been able to determine national issues without taking account of the interests of the workforce.

“The threatened closure of Boddingtons in Manchester cannot be anything other than a strategic company decision. “If Interbrew can make decisions like that at a national level, there should be no reason why they shouldn’t discuss associated issues which directly impact on their workforce.”

Jude Brimble, national officer at the GMB, added: “Our joint stand highlights the concerns our members share. Interbrew needs to treat its workforce with greater respect and consult with us, their unions, on a national scale. The days of divide and rule are over.”

12 December, 2004

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