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E-Malt.com News article: 4597

USA, Helena: Farmers have begun spring planting in parts of Montana state, Associated Press cited the Montana Agricultural Statistics Service on April 4. They have 9 % of barley planted, 2 % of spring wheat and 3 % of oats, the agency said.

Limited precipitation fell in parts of the state, but topsoil moisture conditions for the week still were rated 63 % short to very short. That compares to 55 % short to very short the previous week, the agency said. Subsoil moisture conditions for the week were rated 83 % short to very short, 16 % adequate and 1 % surplus. Range and pasture feed conditions were rated 64 % poor to very poor, 24 % fair and 12 % good to excellent, the agency said.

06 April, 2005

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