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E-Malt.com News article: USA: Malt & Malting Barley Buyers’ Conference this month
Barley news

Plans are underway for the Council’s first-ever Malt & Malting Barley Buyers’ Conference, scheduled October 30-November 2 in Portland, Ore, U.S. Grains Council posted on October 7.

In an effort to facilitate trade relationships between the U.S. malt and barley industry and international malt and brewing sectors, the Council is sponsoring approximately 30 international buyers to attend the conference.

“We’re bringing in key purchasing decision makers from major malting and brewing companies in Latin America, Asia and South Africa,” said Adel Yusupov, manager of international operations – Asia. “This conference will give international buyers a chance to interact with U.S. barley producers and industry representatives while laying the groundwork for future developments in trade for U.S. barley.”

The conference will feature an outlook on a global level as well as the United States for malt and malting barley; trends and developments in production; barley quality management; hops production; and export trends. In addition to the Council, the conference is being sponsored by Council members Busch Agricultural Resources, Inc.; International Malting Company; CHS Harvest States; Idaho Barley Commission; North Dakota Barley Council; and Montana Wheat and Barley Committee, as well as Cargill Malt and Great Western Malting Co.

For more information on the conference, contact Yusupov at ayusupov@grains.org.

11 October, 2005

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