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E-Malt.com News article: Slovak Republic: Pivovar Popper Brewery output increased by 1.5% to SKK 103.9 million
Brewery news

Bytca-resident brewery Pivovar Popper, reported output at SKK 103.9 million (US$ 3.54 million) for 2005, Haspodarske Noviny learned August 21.

It translates into a moderate year-on-year increase of 1.5 percent. Company’s sales of own products and services reached SKK 104.9 million on a year-on-year growth of 2.3 percent. Production consumption went down by SKK 5 million to SKK 69.6 million and added value thus surged by SKK 6.3 million to SKK 34.4 million, informed the company.

23 August, 2006

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