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E-Malt.com News article: EU: Maltsters accept pour quality malting barley as growers choose to sell it sooner or later
Malt news

The malting barley market continues firm throughout the EU and seems to have found a level and is now shadowing the feed price, Stackyard released September 07.

EU maltsters are buying anything that they can use and normal acceptance levels are gone for now.

Growers choose to sell poor quality sooner than later. In the UK, exports continue off the South Coast but have stopped in Scotland over supply worries.

Maltsters are having to accept barley that would normally only make the feed heap. The better quality winter malting barley has increased in price and is easing some maltsters fears.

Maltsters are likely to reduce carryout significantly this year and buy more 2007 harvest.

08 September, 2006

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