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Malt news
1160 articles
Malt news Australia & Vietnam: Interflour planning to launch Vietnam malting plant by the end of 2016
Interflour, the joint venture partly owned by Western Australian co-op CBH, is setting up a new malting business based in Vietnam, in what will be South East Asia’s first major . . . get full article
10 April, 2015 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news EU: Malt markets rather inactive in March, capacities well employed in most parts of the world
Malt markets were dormant in March. As always there existed a wide margin between the highs and lows of market prices. The average in the continental EU was about EUR . . . get full article
08 April, 2015 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: Malt shipments increase despite disappointing beer sales in some markets
While January - February beer sales figures of Brazil (minus 2.9%), USA (minus 6.9%) most European countries (e.g. Germany minus 6%) are disappointing, malt shipments (as per source IGC) show . . . get full article
08 April, 2015 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Russia: Building of malting plant in Tumen region suspended on decline in demand for malt
Russian company Osnova Holding has suspended the construction of a malting plant in Zavodoukovsk, Tumen region (Siberia), company PR head Ksenia Nazarova was quoted as saying by vsluh.ru. “We have temporarily . . . get full article
03 April, 2015 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Russia: Malt production shrinks in 2014 but manages to register an increase in January-February this year
Russia’s malt output amounted to 1.075 mln tonnes in 2014, which is 2.5% less than in 2013, Rosstat reported. Tula region, which is the nation’s largest producer of malt, saw its . . . get full article
25 March, 2015 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news EU: Malt markets inactive as brewers are covered for the current year
February was a completely inactive month in the malt sector, brewers are covered for their needs in 2015 and hesitate to start purchases for 2016, the latest report by H. . . . get full article
11 March, 2015 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news UK: Barley usage for brewing, malting, distilling up 3.6% in July – January 2014/15
Total barley usage by the United Kingdom’s brewers, maltsters, and distillers increased by 3.6% to 1124.7 thousand tonnes in July – January 2014/15, Defra reports. Barley usage for malting was up . . . get full article
06 March, 2015 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: World’s main barley malt exporters increase shipments abroad in July/November 2014
In their quarterly statistics, the IGC reported the following malt exports for the period of Jul/Nov 2014 (in grain equivalent): The EU exported a total of 1.383 mln tonnes of barley . . . get full article
20 February, 2015 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news USA: Malt needs to increase alongside craft brewing industry expansion
The USA remain the center of craft brewing. Total beer output in 2014 shrank by 0.5% to 208 mln hl. But 3200 craft brewers increased their output from 17.95 to . . . get full article
18 February, 2015 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: EU maltsters almost sold out for deliveries in 2015, late season demand from abroad may face small availabilities
Among the latest malt industry events, H. M. Gauger GmbH indicates as the most important the sale of Molson Coors UK’s 120,000 tons maltings at Burton upon Trent to Soufflet. . . . get full article
13 February, 2015 Article only for members with paid access
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