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Malt news
1168 articles
Malt news South Africa: SABMiller’s malting division looking to supply product to other African countries
South African Breweries’ (SAB’s) maltings division is looking to supply product to other African countries following its investments to expand capacity, according to SAB Maltings GM Thinus van Schoor. SAB Maltings, . . . get full article
14 March, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Canada & South Korea: Canada and South Korea reach free trade deal on malt supplies
The Malting Industry Association of Canada (MIAC) said it was delighted with the free trade deal reached between Canada and South Korea (CKFTA), which was announced on March 11 by . . . get full article
12 March, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: Barley malt trade expected to increase in 2013-14
World trade in barley malt, spurred by demand from Pacific Asia and South America and abundant global production, will continue on an upward course in 2013-14, according to the latest . . . get full article
07 March, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: With most malt business done by LTA it is not easy to estimate the degree of cover of the brewing industries - analysts
As most of the malt business is done by long-term agreements (LTA’s), it is never easy to estimate the degree of cover of the brewing industries, an industry report said . . . get full article
28 February, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news USA: Malt use by craft brewers seen as at least 3 times higher than that of large brewers
uThe Economic Research Service of the USDA compared the malt use of large brewers of 13.5 kg/hl to craft brewers use of 53 kg/hl, an almost unbelievable figure. Non-craft volume . . . get full article
26 February, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: Malting industries sold out in South America and Australia, some European maltsters still report available quantities
Malting industries are well sold in Western Europe, much less in Germany and Southeast Europe, industry analysts reported earlier in February. South American malt factories are sold out for 2014, . . . get full article
21 February, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: EU malt exports increase 7% in July/November 2013
As per International Grains Council (IGC), world malt exports in July/Nov 2013 were more or less unchanged for Argentina, Australia, Canada and the USA, however the EU shows a gain . . . get full article
19 February, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news EU: Malt production, barley usage up in Germany, France, and the UK
Germany produced in July/October 2013 a total of 604,000 tons of malt vs. 587,000 tons the year before, plus 2.9%, official statistics show. Barley and wheat malt production represent only . . . get full article
14 February, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news UK: Barley usage for brewing, malting and distilling increases by 3.9% in July-December
Brewers, maltsters and distillers total wheat usage in December 2013 was 69 thousand tonnes, down 11%, Defra reported on February 6. In July-December, wheat usage declined by 0.8% to 406.9 thousand . . . get full article
12 February, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Russia: Malt output and import lower in 2013 – preliminary data
According to preliminary data by Rosstat, Russia’s malt output amounted to around 1,110,000 metric tonnes, which is slightly below the 1,220,230 metric tonnes produced in 2012, Barley-malt.ru reported on February . . . get full article
07 February, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
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