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Malt news
1168 articles
Malt news USA, MI: Michigan does not have enough malting companies for booming craft beer industry
At its peak just after the Civil War, Michigan farmers harvested some 300,000 acres of barley to feed livestock. Today, a revival in barley production could soon serve a higher calling . . . get full article
07 February, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news UK: Dust explodes in malt factory in Witham, leaves man with burns
A man was rushed to hospital with burns to his head and neck after an explosion in a malt factory in Witham (Essex) on January 24 that eye witnesses described . . . get full article
29 January, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Zambia: Zambian Breweries to build malting plant in Lusaka
Zambian Breweries will commence the construction of a US$32.6 million malting plant in the Lusaka South Multi-Facility Economic Zone (MFEZ) in the second half of 2014. The construction of the . . . get full article
22 January, 2014
Malt news USA, MI: Pilot Malt House supplies Michigan breweries with locally produced malt
Being able to support the local economy by drinking a beer brewed by a neighbor is just one of the perks of living in Grand Rapids. Many breweries in Grand . . . get full article
22 January, 2014
Malt news UK: UK’s barley and wheat usage for brewing, malting and distilling up in July-November 2013
United Kingdom’s brewers, maltsters and distillers used a total of 775.5 thousand tonnes in July-November 2013, up 5.5% as compared to the same period in 2012/13, Defra reported. In November alone, . . . get full article
17 January, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: Cargill reports 36% increase in Q2 net earnings
Cargill on January 9 reported net earnings of $556 million in the fiscal 2014 second quarter ended Nov. 30, up 36 percent from $409 million in the year-ago period. First-half . . . get full article
10 January, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Russia: Malteurop purchases extracts plant to profit by increase of kvas market
Kvass, one of the national drinks of Russia usually made of wheat, rye, rye bread, or barley and buckwheat meal, is enjoying a steady growth in demand. According to industry . . . get full article
03 January, 2014 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news UK: Barley usage for brewing, malting and distilling increases by 5.8% in July/October
In July/October of the 2013/14 crop year, United Kingdom’s barley usage for brewing, malting and distilling increased by 5.8% to 615.8 thousand tonnes, Defra reported on December 5. In October alone, . . . get full article
18 December, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news EU: Latest malt production figures higher in Germany and the UK
The latest malt production figures available are as follows: Germany produced in July/Aug a total of 292,700 tons of malt vs. 287,600 tons last year. France malted 414,000 tons of barley . . . get full article
13 December, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Russia: Voronezh regional government promises to support Baltika Breweries in constructing a new malting plant
The government of Russia’s Voronezh region has promised to support the local business of Baltika Breweries’ on condition that the brewer maintain the current production volume and tax payments, Avis.ru . . . get full article
13 December, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
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