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Malt news
1168 articles
Malt news World: EU, Argentina, Australia, USA report higher malt exports in 2012/13
The IGC reports the following malt export figures for the crop year of 2012/13 (in grain equivalent): Argentina is reported to have shipped 710 thousand tonnes of malt (601 in 2011/12), . . . get full article
11 September, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news UK: Brewers, distillers and maltsters use record amounts of barley and wheat for the month of July
The first set of usage data for the 2013/14 season was published by Defra on September 5. The UK’s brewers, distillers and maltsters (BDMs) used the biggest amount of barley for . . . get full article
11 September, 2013
Malt news India: India seen by analysts as both a buyer and supplier of strategic importance in the evolving global malt supply chain
Global beer producers are faced with a conundrum. On the one hand, global beer production has shifted, with more beer being produced closer to new consumers in emerging markets where . . . get full article
21 August, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news EU: Malt production down in Germany and France in July/May 2012-13
German malt production in July/May 2012/13 amounted to 1.548 mln tons, minus 1.4%; in May alone production dropped by 23,000 tons, official statistics show. French barley use in July/May totalled . . . get full article
14 August, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news UK: Barley usage for brewing, distilling and malting in 2012/13 the highest since 2003/04
In the 2012/13 season, brewers, distillers and maltsters used a total of 1.822 mln tonnes of barley – the highest level since 2003/4, Defra reported. Full season wheat usage by . . . get full article
14 August, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: World malt trade forecast to increase in 2013/14
In its quarterly update the IGC estimates the world malt trade (in grain equivalent) at 6.54 mln tons for the past campaign and at 6.7 mln tons for the new . . . get full article
09 August, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Australia: Glencore agrees to sell Joe White Maltings to Cargill
Cargill Australia Limited on August, 5 confirmed that Glencore International has accepted its offer to purchase Joe White Maltings, which is Australia’s largest malt producer, with seven plants, and currently . . . get full article
06 August, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Australia: Sale of Joe White Maltings may be completed within weeks
CBH is going down to the wire in a controversial bid to buy Glencore's Australian malting assets in a deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars, The West Australian reported . . . get full article
31 July, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news UK: Barley usage by brewers, maltsters and distillers up 0.5% in July-May 2012/13
UK brewers, maltsters and distillers used 163.1 thousand tonnes of barley in May, the highest monthly usage of the 2012/13 season so far and the highest level of usage in . . . get full article
17 July, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news EU: Malt exports to third countries up in July - April
IGC reports EU malt exports to third countries of 2.397 mln tons (grain equivalent) in July - April, up from 2.275 mln tons a year ago. France’s malt production in July . . . get full article
12 July, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
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