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Malt news
1160 articles
Malt news UK: Barley and wheat usage for malting, brewing and distilling increases in July – November 2012
Total barley usage by the UK’s brewers, maltsters and distillers in November 2012 was 153 thousand tonnes, up 5% from the same month in 2011, Defra reported on January, 10. In . . . get full article
11 January, 2013 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: Industry analysts forecast improved malt sales figures for 2012
Forgetting about the large overcapacities in China, Russia and Ukraine, the world malting industry is in good shape sales-wise, albeit at continuous poor malting margins, an industry report said at . . . get full article
27 December, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news EU: Major EU malt exporters worked close to full capacity in 2011
All major EU malt exporting nations are working at or close to full capacity. Germany’s malt production capacity is estimated at 2.128 mln tonnes with output at 1.752 mln tonnes . . . get full article
21 December, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: The largest malt exporting countries in the world in 2011 (outside the EU) - CORRECTED
Counting out the EU-27 and France in particular, the world’s largest malt exporting countries in 2011 were as follows: Australia shipped abroad 588 thousand tonnes against 578 thousand tonnes in 2010 Canada . . . get full article
19 December, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news EU: Malt exports exceed 2 mln tonnes in 2011 - Euromalt
EU represents more than 70% of a world trade (on a continent to continent basis) in malt with around 2.1 million tonnes of malt exported in 2011, Euromalt, the association . . . get full article
14 December, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: Major M&A decisions in the malting industry this year still outstanding
The mergers and acquisitions activity continued in the malting industry this summer and autumn: Getreide AG, Rendsburg, Germany purchased in November the 220,000 tons GTH silo in the port of . . . get full article
12 December, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news UK: Scottish distillers may have to ship necessary supplies of malt from the UK and the continent this year
The Scottish whisky distilling industry will have to import malt this year to meet a shortfall in Scottish supplies, Bob King, commercial director of Crisp Malting Group, which operates two . . . get full article
28 November, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Canada & USA: Malt overcapacity managed quite well by the local industries
In the U.S. and Canada there is still a malt overcapacity, which, however, is managed quite well by the industry, an industry report said on November, 2. Price levels of . . . get full article
28 November, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Ukraine: Malt production increases by 21.5% in October, 2012
Ukraine’s malting industry increased output of malt to 39.4 thousand tonnes in October, a plus of 21.5% as compared to September this year, Pivnoe Delo reported on November, 15. As compared . . . get full article
23 November, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Germany: Getreide AG purchases malting business of Rudolf Meyer GmbH & Co. KG
Getreide AG announced last week the acquisition of G.T.H. Getreide Terminal Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG in combination with the malting business of Rudolf Meyer GmbH & Co. KG in . . . get full article
21 November, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
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