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Malt news
1160 articles
Malt news World: Malt shipments from Australia, Canada increase in July-December 2011
Australia and Canada increased their malt shipments in July-December 2011, whereas Argentina, the EU, and USA saw lower demand for malt from abroad, the IGC reported last month. Australia’s malt shipments . . . get full article
21 March, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Vietnam: Interflour to build a 220 thousand tonnes malthouse in Vietnam
Interflour, one of the largest integrated wheat buying, flour milling and marketing organisations in South East Asia, has announced plans to build its own malthouse and form a new company . . . get full article
21 March, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news EU: Malt supply and demand balance improved in Scandinavia, experts forecast further consolidation in the eastern Balkan countries
The closure of Raisio Maltings in Finland has improved the S/D balance in Scandinavia. In the crop year 2011/12 Denmark and especially Sweden have been hurt by very poor barley . . . get full article
16 March, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news EU: France, Belgium and the Netherlands use almost full malt capacity in 2011, Germany has the largest overcapacity in the world after China - analysts
France, Belgium and the Netherlands report good malt production figures and close to full capacity use in 2011, industry analysts said earlier this month. The combination of local barley production . . . get full article
14 March, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news EU: Malt markets inactive, experts fear shortage of malt supplies this spring
Malt markets have been completely inactive during the month. Brewers have apparently decided to wait for new crop offers, for reasons of price and quality, industry analysts said in a . . . get full article
09 March, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Australia: GrainCorp predicts better overall results this year, malt business performing strongly
The carryover from last year's bumper wheat crop is pushing grains handler GrainCorp to a better result this year despite receiving less grain. GrainCorp, whose financial year runs from the . . . get full article
17 February, 2012
Malt news World: Malt markets still depressed by overcapacities
Malt markets are still depressed by overcapacities throughout the world. But a number of countries and of large companies are doing quite well, industry analysts reported earlier this month. Overcapacities . . . get full article
15 February, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news EU: Germany malt production drops in July – October last year, the UK increases barley use for malting
Germany produced 549,000 tons of malt in July/Oct of 2011, vs. 586,000 tons one year and 624,000 tons two years ago, a minus of 12% in two years’ time, industry . . . get full article
10 February, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news Ethiopia: Assela Malt Factory to boost annual production capacity by 144% to 61 000 tonnes
Attracted by the growing demand for malt, Assela Malt Factory is to inaugurate an additional production facility, which will boost the company’s annual production capacity by 144pc to 61,000 tonnes . . . get full article
08 February, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
Malt news World: Malting industry consolidation results of 2011
Consolidation of the world’s malting industry continued in 2011, just like the M&A activity was strong in the brewing industry, experts summed up earlier this week. Graincorp of Sydney, Australia, . . . get full article
06 January, 2012 Article only for members with paid access
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