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| Newsletter 13b March 27 - March 30, 2014
Quote of the Week
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
Wayne Gretzky
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on March 28, 2014 |
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar on March 28, 2014 |
1 USD = 0.7263 EUR
1 USD = 0.6025 GBP
1 USD = 1.1081 CAD
1 USD = 1.0824 AUD
1 USD = 102.1160 JPY
1 USD = 2.2913 BRL
1 USD = 35.5963 RUB
1 USD = 6.1635 CNY
1 CAD = 0.9026 USD
1 CAD = 0.5438 GBP
1 CAD = 0.6556 EUR
1 CAD = 0.9770 AUD
1 CAD = 92.1673 JPY
1 CAD = 2.0681 BRL
1 CAD = 32.1283 RUB
1 CAD = 5.5630 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA: Craft beer industry overview and malt use estimates
...Click here
Canada: Malting barley value raised by C$30 / ton in CWB’s latest Pool Return Outlook
...Click here
USA, MI: Craft Brewing Legislation changes allow to double microbrewery limits
...Click here
USA, IL: Half Acre Beer Company to open second brewery in Chicago
...Click here
USA, PA: Deschutes Brewery starts distribution in Pennsylvania
...Click here
USA, VA: Midnight Brewery breaks ground for brewing beer
...Click here
USA, MD: Union Craft Brewing Company completes expansion
...Click here
USA, WY: Freedom's Edge Brewing opens in Fort Collins
...Click here
USA, CA: King Harbor Brewing opens doors in Redondo Beach
...Click here
USA, MT: Lolo Peak Brewing Company set to open this spring
...Click here
Canada, ON: Gananoque Brewing Company to finally open brewery
...Click here
Canada, BC: Fernie Brewing announces release of Project 9 Pils
...Click here
Vietnam: Rapid growth of the beer market only expected to intensify
...Click here
The Philippines: San Miguel Corp. reports rise in 2013 net profit but beer sales decline by 9%
...Click here
Argentina: Argentinean barley sales become more animated at the end of February
...Click here
Finland: Members of the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry increase beer sales last year
...Click here
The Philippines: San Miguel Brewery raises P15 bln from sale of 7-year and 10-year bonds
...Click here
France: Heineken inaugurates new brewing hall at Marseille brewery
...Click here
Brazil: Heineken’s Kaiser Radler rapidly growing in popularity
...Click here
South Africa: Competition Tribunal dismisses seven-year antitrust case against SABMiller
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
EU Malt Exports
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Canadian Malting and Feed Barley Prices
US Malting and Feed Barley Prices
French Malting and Feed Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
Canadian Malt Prices
US Malt Prices
Theoretical EU Malt Prices

Scientific Digest
Pesticide residues and nitrate in dry-hopped beers
Until now it was unclear if dry-hopping has an
impact on the nitrate and pesticide residues transfer
from hops into beer. German researchers
performed extensive dry-hopping trials and
monitored the nitrate and pesticides levels
throughout the process. The results show that
nitrate is transferred quantitatively, which means
that depending on variety and amount, the final
values vary between 3-90 mg/l. Comparing those
values with different foods where nitrate is found in
a range of 40-8000 mg/l dry-hopped beers can be
considered of very little concern. And also the
monitored pesticides did not increase with dryhopping,
although up to 500g of hops/hL were used. Read more
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
March 27
1855 Abraham Gesner patents kerosene
1933 Polythene discovered by Reginald Gibson and Eric William Fawcett
1999 The macro virus "Melissa" was reported for the first
March 28
1797 Nathaniel Briggs of NH patents a washing machine
1841 1st U.S. steam fire engine tested, New York City
1866 1st ambulance goes into service
March 29
1886 Chemist John Pemberton begins to advertise for Coca-Coke
1888 James E. Casey is born, founder of United Parcel Service
1918 Sam Moore Walton, future founder of Wal-Mart, is born in Kingfisher, Okla
March 30
1858 Pencil with attached eraser patented by Hyman L. Lipman
1867 U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward agrees to purchase the Alaskan territories from Russia for $7,200,000

World Beer Cup 2014 key dates:
-Call for Entries: Oct. 28, 2013-Nov. 1, 2013
-Judging: April 7-8, 2014 in Denver, Colorado
-Gala Awards Ceremony: April 11, 2014 in Denver, Colorado
March 2014:
12-15: Brazilian Beer Festival (Blumenau, Brazil)
18-19: Food and Drink Technology Africa 2014 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
23-28: IBD Convention - Asia Pacific Section (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
April 2014:
07-08: World Beer Cup 2014 (Denver, USA)
08-11: Craft Brewers Conference 2014 (Denver, USA)
13-17: Trends in Brewing 2014 (Ghent, Belgium)
22-24: Pivovar (Brewer) 2014 (Moscow, Russia)

26-27: Zythos Beer Festival 2014 (Leuven, Belgium)

May 2014:
21-24: Pivo (Beer) 2014 (Sochi, Russia)
22-24: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2014 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
June 2014:
11-15: Mondial de la Biere 2014 (Montreal, Canada)
August 2014:
12-16: Great British Beer Festival 2014 (London, UK)
September 2014:
08-11: Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference 2014 - IBD Scottish Section (Glasgow, UK)
25-27: Drink Technology India 2014 (Mumbai, India)
October 2014:
13-16: China Brew and Beverage 2014 (Beijing, China)
November 2014:
11-13: Brau Beviale 2014 (Nuremberg, Germany)
12-14: Vietbrew 2014 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
More events are available on site
News Articles
USA: Craft beer industry overview and malt use estimates
In the U.S. there were 2,822 breweries operating in 2013, of which 119 regional breweries and 2649 microbreweries and brewpubs. Further 1700 breweries are
...More info on site
Canada: Malting barley value raised by C$30 / ton in CWB’s latest Pool Return Outlook
CWB said on March 27 it raised 2014-15 (August-July) Pool Return Outlooks for wheat, malting barley, canola and peas that are contracted through the Early Delivery, Winter and Annual pools.
Malting barley pool return outlooks saw an increase of C$30 per ton amid recent strength in international prices because of concerns about dryness in Australia. Steady demand was also supportive, CWB said.
USA, MI: Craft Brewing Legislation changes allow to double microbrewery limits
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder recently signed new legislation aiming to help expand the state’s craft beer industry, MI News 26 reported on March 27.
The nine-bill package doubles the amount of beer that microbrewers can produce, from 30,000 barrels per year to 60,000. It also allows brewpub owners to have an interest in five other pubs, up from the previous two, so long as the combined barrel production is under 18,000 barrels per year.
Additionally, small microbreweries that produce less than 1,000 barrels of beer per year are now able to distribute their product directly to retailers under certain conditions.
The package of laws are now Public Acts 42 thru 50 of 2014.
USA, IL: Half Acre Beer Company to open second brewery in Chicago
Founder of Chicago Half Acre Beer Company Gabriel Magliaro is opening a new brewery on Balmoral Avenue, a mile and a half north of the Lincoln Avenue location where the company launched nearly six years ago, Chicago Tribune reported on March 24.
Magliaro said the plan is to make beer in the new Half Acre by October, with a restaurant and taproom to follow. Half Acre will continue to brew at its original location, but with the majority of the brewing heading north, the Lincoln Avenue taproom will likely be expanded.
The Balmoral brewery, which is about 60,000 square feet (compared to 13,000 square feet on Lincoln), will likely take on production of Half Acre's biggest-selling beers — year-round offerings like Daisy Cutter and Pony Pils — in a new 30-barrel brew house. The brewery's offices will also be moved there.
The Lincoln Avenue facility will be home to more experimental and smaller batch brews, Magliaro said.
"There won't be a ton of duplication" between the breweries, Magliaro said. "We'll allow each place to go through its exploratory process."
So what will happen with all that additional Half Acre beer? There will be more releases and they will be more widely available.
Sold primarily in Cook
...More info on site
USA, PA: Deschutes Brewery starts distribution in Pennsylvania
Deschutes Brewery has been a staple of the craft beer industry for some time. Established in 1988 in Bend, Oregon, Deschutes Brewery is the number five craft brewer in the country, known best for beers like Black Butte Porter, the top-selling craft porter, and Mirror Pond Pale Ale, which is second in its style only to Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale, reported on March 25.
Now distributed in nearly 30 states -- including, as of this week, Pennsylvania -- Deschutes’ clout will no question make an impact in the state’s local market.
An “official” launch week is planned for mid-April with half a dozen brewery representatives helping share the Deschutes brand in Pennsylvania. They’ve planned a number of events for that week.
The brewery will be launching four flagship beers -- the aforementioned best-selling Black Butte Porter and Mirror Pond Pale Ale -- as well as their current seasonal, Red Chair Northwest Pale Ale, which won honors as the World’s Best Beer two of the last four years. Finally, they’ll also launch their new Chainbreaker White IPA, a new style “smash IPA-wheat,” which is made with a Belgian yeast strain and has a great hop profile along with flavors of orange and coriander.
...More info on site
USA, VA: Midnight Brewery breaks ground for brewing beer
Midnight Brewery in Goochland County broke ground for their new facilities on March 28, the next step for the Goochland County business and another milestone for Central Virginia beer lovers, according to
The new building, to be built adjacent to the current location, will be a grand 5,400 square feet total, including a larger, 1,800-square-foot tasting room with bigger bar, expanded seating, and increased tap capability, plus outdoor seating.
Besides the tasting room expansions, the new building will house the 10-barrel brewing system and 20 barrels of fermenting tanks that Midnight is buying from O’Connor Brewing Co. in Norfolk. This will allow the brewery to increase production from current levels of 30 barrels a month to 200 barrels a month, increasing from there as demand increases.
One thing that won’t change with the expansion is the Midnight atmosphere. “My goal was always to make our tasting room feel like when a friend of yours comes over and you share a beer on your back porch, just sitting, relaxing and catching up on conversation,” says Midnight owner, Trae Cairns. “That’s what we try to foster here. You can have a really good conversation over a pint of beer.”
Increased production will not merely accommodate
...More info on site
USA, MD: Union Craft Brewing Company completes expansion
Baltimore, Maryland’s Union Craft Brewing Company has completed its second expansion to increase capacity by 65% and is releasing its third canned beer offering, Shanken News Daily reported on March 26.
Union’s Blackwing Lager, a dark yet light-bodied German-style Schwarzbier, will now be produced in cans alongside Duckpin Pale Ale and Balt Altbier. The cans are available at retailers across Maryland and Washington, D.C. The additional capacity at the brewery will allow Union to meet demand for its existing beers while encouraging experimentation with new beer styles.
The expansion adds three new fermentation tanks and a 3,000-square-foot unit next to the current brewery space. It is the second time since opening in June 2012 that the brewery has expanded.
USA, WY: Freedom's Edge Brewing opens in Fort Collins
Freedom’s Edge Brewing Co., the Cheyenne, Wyoming-based microbrewery, opened its doors in Old Town Fort Collins on March 27, The Coloradoan reported.
The brewery has been operating in Cheyenne since 2012, but with the second location, owners Tim and Dawn Moore and their Fort Collins-based family will be spending more time at home in Colorado.
Located in the old Red Table Cafe location, Freedom’s Edge is smaller than most breweries in town, and it will serve as a community-focused pilot brewpub.
The space still maintains the charm of the old building. In the back, a pilot three-barrel brewing system has already cranked out nine beers, which will be on tap starting March 27.
The brand’s flagship beers, High Noon Chili Ale and 1890 IPA, will be flowing as well as some new ones for Fort Collins customers, such as the Candi Sugar Brown, a Belgian with light-roasted notes and a raisin finish.
A 10th tap will rotate monthly and feature collaboration beers with Fort Collins homebrewers and microbrewers.
Tim Moore said his sons-in-law do much of the brewing with him, while his wife and daughters manage the front of the house.
USA, CA: King Harbor Brewing opens doors in Redondo Beach
Born and brewed at the beach, Redondo Beach’s first craft brewery may also be the most accessible of the seven that have popped up in the South Bay since late 2009 in the quickly fermenting industry, Daily Breeze reported on March 27.
King Harbor Brewing Co. opens its doors on March 29. Its flagship beer is fruit-inflected pale ale dubbed The Quest. The craft brewery is located in a light industrial strip mall.
The three partners behind King Harbor Brewery settled on the location when they were unable to find a suitable location in south Redondo Beach near the landmark for which the business is named.
“The idea was to be as close to the beach as possible,” said co-owner Tom Dunbabin, 30, a Hermosa Beach native. “But we still wanted something that was accessible by bike, by walking, something that would still be a destination, but something the casual passer-by can also find and come in. ... This is the perfect commuter spot.”
So it’s just as well that Dunbabin, brew master Phil McDaniel, 30, and Will Daines, 28, will focus on lower alcohol session beers.
But about the only thing the brews in production — the pale ale and a brown ale —
...More info on site
USA, MT: Lolo Peak Brewing Company set to open this spring
Two Montanans are building a new brewery in Lolo, with the hope of creating a gathering place for community members, ABC FOX Montana reported on March 25.
"The ultimate hope for Lolo Peak Brewing Company is to provide a place for community and gathering," said Radd Icenoggle, the head of communications for the brewery.
Icenoggle said Lolo's location between Missoula and the Bitterroot Valley made the perfect location for a brewery.
"Thousands and thousands of cars drive 93 every single day and there's nowhere for them to stop," he said.
Icenoggle said owners Al Zepeda and Pat Offen, purchased the lot behind Town Pump in Lolo and started construction last fall. He said Lolo Peak will operate on a 15-barrel brew system.
"So, that means we have the ability to have 12 taps, 10 are CO2 taps, two of them are nitrogen taps," Icenoggle said.
Head Brewer Paul Roys said he'll use his nine years of experience at Kettlehouse Brewery to create a full lineup of American ales and seasonal rotators.
"You can tap into a lot of local flavor, there's a lot of creativity that comes out of it, and it's a very community-based industry," said Roys.
The brewery will have a large main taproom, an
...More info on site
Canada, ON: Gananoque Brewing Company to finally open brewery
After three years in business, the Gananoque Brewing Company will soon begin brewing beer in Gananoque. Company president Bruce Davis said the brewery will be up and running at its Bell Tower location in May. The company has hired a full-time brewmaster and is now cleaning up the Bell Tower in preparation for the brewing equipment to be moved in next month, Gananoque Reporter reported on March 26.
Davis said the beer production will continue to be split between Niagara Falls, where the beer has been brewed for three years, and the new plant in Gananoque. Eventually, Davis said, the plan is to move all production to Gananoque, but the Niagara brewery has a bottling plant, so it will continue to produce bottled beer until the Gananoque operation can afford to buy its own plant.
The new Gananoque brewery will be producing at full capacity when it gets going, to supply the 80 bars that now sell its draft beer. The brewery makes four beers: its flagship Naughty Otter Lager, Remarkable Session Ale, Bell Ringer IPA and Shiver Eisbock, a dark winter beer. Most of its beer is sold in Kingston, Brockville, Gananoque and Toronto.
Davis said the beer business is booming, with
...More info on site
Canada, BC: Fernie Brewing announces release of Project 9 Pils
Fernie Brewing has announced the release of a new beer – named for local bike trail – that will be available on its own, as well as in the newest iteration of the brewery’s sampler pack, Canadian Beer News reported on March 26.
Project 9 Pils is a 5% abv and 35 IBU lager.
Project 9 Pils is available now in cans at the Fernie Brewery retail store and select liquor stores in the Fernie area. A full roll-out in cans and on draught to BC and Alberta will follow soon, as will the newest edition of the Fernie Craft Collection pack featuring three cans each of Project 9 Pils, Big Caboose Red Ale, The Griz Pale Ale and Buck Wild Blonde Ale.
Vietnam: Rapid growth of the beer market only expected to intensify
Vietnam’s beer market is experiencing rapid growth, an average of 10 percent a year. Foreign firms are pouring into the country’s market and local
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The Philippines: San Miguel Corp. reports rise in 2013 net profit but beer sales decline by 9%
Philippine conglomerate San Miguel Corp. said March 27 net profit in 2013 rose 38% to 38.1 billion pesos ($847 million), bolstered by gains from
...More info on site
Argentina: Argentinean barley sales become more animated at the end of February
Argentinean barley comes on the market more freely than a month ago, prices FOB seaport are USD 225,- /228,-for feed barley, an industry report
...More info on site
Finland: Members of the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry increase beer sales last year
According to the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry, its members - Hartwall, Nokian Panimo, Olvi and Sinebrychoff – sold a total
...More info on site
UK: On-trade alcohol sales down 6% in 2013
On-trade alcohol sales fell 6% in 2013, largely due to a 7% fall in beer sales and mitigated by growth in sparkling wine, liqueurs
...More info on site
The Philippines: San Miguel Brewery raises P15 bln from sale of 7-year and 10-year bonds
San Miguel Brewery Inc., the beer unit of conglomerate San Miguel Corp., has raised P15 billion from the sale of seven-year and 10-year bonds,
...More info on site
France: Heineken inaugurates new brewing hall at Marseille brewery
Heineken France officially inaugurated the new brewing hall at its Marseille brewery on March 27, L’Usine Nouvelle reports.
Total investments in the project amounted to EUR2.4 mln, the company said.
The brewery currently produces 1.3 mln hl of beer per year, the new installations will allow for a capacity increase of up to 70,000 hl in 2014.
Brazil: Heineken’s Kaiser Radler rapidly growing in popularity
Heineken Brasil reports that volume sales of Kaiser Radler, a beer mix with lime juice launched in the market in October 2013, has already taken 0.4% of total sales of the Kaiser brand, A Tarde On Line communicated on March 27.
Kaiser’s share in key markets reached 11.9% as of February with Kaiser Radler accounting for 0.4% of this volume. Radler’s market share increased by 123% from January till February this year, the company said.
Heineken considers it possible that Kaiser Radler may take 10% of the total volume of Kaiser brand by the end of this year, as it has already done in the other markets it is sold. Of every three Heineken’s Radlers sold in the world, one is sold in Brazil, the company said.
South Africa: Competition Tribunal dismisses seven-year antitrust case against SABMiller
South Africa's Competition Tribunal said on March 24 it had dismissed a seven-year antitrust case against SABMiller, saying there was not enough evidence to prove the brewing giant is breaking the law, MoneyWeb reported.
The Competition Commission - which investigates and refers cases to the tribunal for a ruling - had alleged SABMiller broke the law by giving its appointed distributors discounts and making it difficult for those without such discounts to compete.
"The appointed distributors were not sufficiently autonomous to be considered competitors of one another and so it could not be said that competition between them had been restricted," the tribunal said in a statement.
SABMiller has about 90% of the South African beer market.