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| Newsletter 22a May 26 - May 28, 2014
Quote of the Week
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
Thomas A. Edison
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Base Currency: US Dollar on May 28, 2014 |
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Currency Rates Chart
Equities of the Largest Breweries
Canada: Barley plantings to decline to 2.554 mln ha
...Click here
USA: Shandy gradually conquering more and more consumers in the States
...Click here
USA, SC: Senators discussing new bill which will help accommodate Stone Brewing Co.’s new brewery
...Click here
USA, NY: Kingston to become home for Great Life Brewing Company soon
...Click here
USA, VA: New Wild Run Brewing Company offers 3 of its year-round beers on tap
...Click here
USA, TN: Turtle Anarchy Brewing Co. expanding operations into Nashville
...Click here
USA, ID: Soon-to-be-launched Bogus Brewery decides to change its name
...Click here
USA, NY: Rare Form Brewery Company to hold grand opening in Troy on May 30
...Click here
USA, RI: Brewery 401 already open for business in Pawtucket
...Click here
Malaysia: Carlsberg Brewery Bhd reports 5.3% slip in first-quarter revenue
...Click here
UK: Increasing whisky exports boosts malting capacity usage
...Click here
Romania: Heineken Romania’s net profit drops 14% in 2013
...Click here
India: United Breweries acquiring brewery assets of Pacific Spirits Pvt Ltd in Rajasthan
...Click here
Germany: Barley and malt export increase in July-March 2013/14
...Click here
France: 72% of winter barley crop in good to excellent condition as of May 19
...Click here
India: SABMiller repositioning Foster’s beer in India
...Click here
Finland: Beer consumption estimated at 465.3 mln litres last year
...Click here
Australia: Cascade Brewery closing its malting plant
...Click here
Brazil: Beer and football making a powerful team in Brazil
...Click here
Russia: Grain crop will suffer is rains don’t come this week
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
Europe Malt Imports
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Canadian Malting and Feed Barley Prices
US Malting and Feed Barley Prices
French Malting and Feed Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
Canadian Malt Prices
US Malt Prices
Theoretical EU Malt Prices
Scientific Digest
Bitter acids
The rule of thumb for the yield of bitter acids
(specifically iso-alpha acids) in brewing is about 30%,
which is not a lot. German researchers found
out that reversible, pH dependent hop acid
complexes including iron ions are mainly responsible
for the loss of BU during brewing. The loss is mainly
during hot break and at the beginning of
fermentation. However it is possible to recover the
bitter acids from the hot break and yeast under
alkaline and high temperature conditions, which
consequently transfers the lost alpha acids in isoalpha
acids, which can be used for other beers. The
good side-effect is that pro-oxidative acting iron
ions are separated this way and don't ruin your beer. Read more
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
May 26
1781 Bank of North America incorporates in Philadelphia
1896 Dow Jones begins an index of 12 industrial stocks (closing is 40.94)
May 27
1895 British inventor Birt Acres patents film camera/projector
1952 European Defense Community forms
1969 Walt Disney World construction begins
May 28
1783 Benjamin Tower of Philadelphia publishes 1st daily newspaper in U.S.
1849 Patent for lifting vessels granted to Abraham Lincoln
1863 Georg Adler, German state economist is born
May 2014:
21-24: Pivo (Beer) 2014 (Sochi, Russia)
21-24: South Beer Cup 2014 (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
22-24: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2014 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
23-25: Latviabeerfest 2014 (Riga, Latvia)
June 2014:
11-15: Mondial de la Biere 2014 (Montreal, Canada)
August 2014:
12-16: Great British Beer Festival 2014 (London, UK)
September 2014:
08-11: Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference 2014 - IBD Scottish Section (Glasgow, UK)
25-27: Drink Technology India 2014 (Mumbai, India)
October 2014:
13-16: China Brew and Beverage 2014 (Beijing, China)
November 2014:
11-13: Brau Beviale 2014 (Nuremberg, Germany)
12-14: Vietbrew 2014 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
More events are available on site
News Articles
Canada: Barley plantings to decline to 2.554 mln ha
Recently announced Canada’s barley acreage intentions, in 1000 ha, are as follows (last year in brackets):
Manitoba 176 thousand ha (182), Saskatchewan 880 thousand
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USA: Shandy gradually conquering more and more consumers in the States
Shandy, a mixture of lager beer and lemon soda, is a long-time staple in Europe, but until recently, it was largely unknown in the United States, CNBC reported on May 25.
Now a growing number of U.S. brewers are finding success experimenting with the style—a result of many beer drinkers continuing to seek out new flavors.
Leading the shandy charge was Wisconsin-based Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing, which introduced its Summer Shandy in 2007.
After many years of steady growth, 2012 was a breakout year for the brand after it achieved nationwide distribution and the support of national ad campaign from its parent company MillerCoors.
Summer Shandy now accounts for 50 percent of Leinenkugel's total business and the brewery is looking to keep the shandy momentum going.
"We're just now seeing shandies in the United States starting to blossom because probably half of all beer drinkers still don't know what a shandy is," said Jake Leinenkugel, president of Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing. "We're at a point where the shandy still has nothing but upside."
But it's becoming a more crowded category.
Traveler Beer, which is part of Burlington, Vermont-based Alchemy & Science, a unit of Boston Beer, is also betting big on shandy. Founded in 2012, as the House
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USA, SC: Senators discussing new bill which will help accommodate Stone Brewing Co.’s new brewery
S.C. Sen. Luke Rankin said on May 27 that Commerce Secretary Bobby Hitt told him that Stone Brewing Co. would move to South Carolina if the legislature passes a bill to accommodate its operation, Myrtle Beach Online reports.
But Stone Brewing Co. spokeswoman Sabrina LoPiccolo said in an email on the same day that the company has not made a decision where it will build its East Coast brewery.
“While we applaud the legislation in South Carolina and any like it, this necessary element is but one of many factored into our decision making laid out in our request for proposal,” she wrote.
Rankin, R-Myrtle Beach, said that a House-Senate conference committee working to resolve concerns with the bill reached a compromise with the S.C. Beer Wholesalers Association. Rankin said that the beer wholesalers association had wanted to deny the sales of wine and other beers at a bistro next to its brewery, but decided to drop that request during the conference committee meeting on May 27.
Allison Skipper, spokeswoman for the state Department of Commerce, would not comment about Stone Brewing, saying that the agency does not comment on ongoing economic development matters. Myrtle Beach, as well as Charleston, Lexington and Greenville-Spartanburg,
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USA, NY: Kingston to become home for Great Life Brewing Company soon
For 30 years, Patrick Clancy has cooked up his own not-for-sale brew.
Today, the West Park man has his sights set on a commercial venture at 75 Clarendon Ave. in Kingston to be called the Great Life Brewing Company, Daily Freeman News reported on May 26.
Inside the building, Clancy plans to brew a small amount: 15,000 gallons of beer a year, or just about 1,000 kegs.
The brewery will take up about 3,000 square feet of space in the 15,000-square-foot vacant building.
Clancy and one other person will be the only employees when it opens. More employees could be hired in the future, Clancy said.
The Great Life Brewing Company is expected to start operations in the fall. The city’s Planning Board has already given its approval.
Clancy says he will need to get approvals from state and federal agencies.
The planned brewery has drawn support from Alderwoman Elisa Ball, D-Ward 6, who represents the area.
“Small breweries seem to be a growing trend in the Hudson Valley,” Ball said in an email. “I am so happy that they chose Kingston. Clarendon Ave is in a very nice quiet neighborhood with existing businesses, This will be a great addition.”
Clancy has worked for 35 years as a engineer
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USA, PA: Columbia Kettle Works opens in Columbia
Columbia Kettle Works, a craft micro-brewery, has opened in Columbia at 40 N. Third St, Lancaster Online reported on May 24.
The brewpub occupies 7,500 square feet of space on the first floor of the former United Telephone Co. building.
Owners Rod Smith and Bill Collister oversaw renovations that began in January and included the installation of a bar, seating areas and brewing equipment.
In all, there’s seating for 46 in a space that has kept an industrial look with concrete floors and painted block walls.
Collister declined to estimate the cost of the renovations.
The brewery, which will eventually have eight beers on tap is now making six varieties: a blonde, a raspberry blonde, two India Pale Ales, a coffee stout and Bald Guy, which is an amber ale made with rye.
Columbia Kettle Works sells beer by the glass and also fills growlers in addition to selling Pennsylvania wines.
The owners, who have day jobs in Coatesville, are helped at the brewery by a couple family members. The brewing is mostly done on Saturdays, giving customers a chance to watch.
USA, VA: New Wild Run Brewing Company offers 3 of its year-round beers on tap
Wild Run Brewing Company, which is located at the Aquia Pines Camp Resort in Stafford, is now open, reported on May 27.
Three of the year-round brews are available on tap, said owner Everett Lovell.
Wild Run is open daily, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Lovell also runs Shorts Branch Brewing Supply out of the campground, which he expanded to open the brewery.
USA, TN: Turtle Anarchy Brewing Co. expanding operations into Nashville
Independent Franklin brewery Turtle Anarchy Brewing Co. is expanding its operations into Nashville by summer and should have cans of its beers on store shelves by year’s end, The Tennessean reported on May 23.
The nearly 2-year-old brewery has leased 25,000 square feet inside the Music City Tents & Events building in the Nations neighborhood, where it will expand its brewhouse and add a beer-canning operation, said Mark Kamp, brewery owner.
“The goal is to be open and operational by the end of the year,” Kamp said.
But Turtle Anarchy isn’t backing out of Franklin yet. Kamp said the taproom and a small brewing system will still operate in the 5,000-square-foot space at its current spot at 216 Noah Drive.
Turtle Anarchy’s expansion adds more fuel to the renaissance of craft beer making in Nashville, with numerous beer makers jumping on board or expanding their operations. Most recently fellow Franklin craft brewer Cool Springs Brewery recently began bottling its beers.
“There’s room for all these breweries,” Kamp said. “When I get asked about (Nashville breweries), I say take a look at Portland. Take a look at Boulder. Take a look at the cities with 30-plus breweries.”
Kamp said the company had initially looked for space in
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USA, ID: Soon-to-be-launched Bogus Brewery decides to change its name
After months of "negotiation and collaborative thinking" with Bogus Basin Recreational Association, Bogus Brewing has decided to change its name, Boise Weekly reported on May 23.
According to a press release, Bogus Basin approached the downtown brewery (located next door to BWHQ) earlier this year regarding the fact that the two organizations share a first name. Bogus Basin has given Bogus Brewing six months to select and implement a new name, but has pledged to help defray associated costs and will allow the brewery to sell its beer at the ski hill.
At 6 p.m. May 23, the brewery's board of directors will take up the matter of the brewery's new name. But since "BB" has been permanently dyed into the facility's floor, the brewery would like the new name to start with a "B" "from a practical standpoint."
Regardless of its new name, the brewery is scheduled to open June 13.
USA, NY: Rare Form Brewery Company to hold grand opening in Troy on May 30
Rare Form Brewery Company, a brewery and taproom in downtown Troy, New York will hold its grand opening on Friday, May 30, Albany Business Review reports.
The brewery, located at 90 Congress St., has a capacity of 40 people. It lists four permanent beers on its website: Sabbatical Session Ale, Cascadia Double IPA, Wee Plaid Scottish Ale and Satan's Gut Imperial Stout. The brewery will also serve a rotating selection of beer.
Rare Form Brewery joins a growing number of craft beer providers that are opening or expanding in the region. Since the beginning of the year, Adirondack Brewery and F.X. Matt Brewing Co. in Utica, New York, have announced expansions. A hard cider tasting room, Nine Pin Cider Works, opened this year in Albany.
Brown's Brewing Company, which opened its Troy-location in 1993, also has found success in downtown Troy. It opened a speak-easy style pub and tapas bar in September and is completing its $2.5 project to convert a former paper mill into a 20,000-barrel brewery on the Walloomsac River in Hoosick Falls.
Rare Form Brewery's official opening will be Friday at 4:30 p.m. The brewery will remain open until 9 p.m.
USA, RI: Brewery 401 already open for business in Pawtucket
A new brewery is open for business in Pawtucket, joining a growing list of breweries setting up shop in Rhode Island, reported on May 23.
Brewery 401, named after Rhode Island’s only area code, opened on Mineral Spring Avenue earlier this month, becoming the smallest brewery in the smallest state, and the third to open in Pawtucket in recent years, following the Bucket Brewery on Pawtucket Avenue and Foolproof Brewing on Grotto Avenue.
“The craft brewing industry is so far from saturated in the state of Rhode Island,” said Nichole Pelletier, co-owner of Brewery 401. “There’s more than enough room for people to come in.”
Pelletier says she and fellow Brewery 401 co-owner Jason Lourenco chose Pawtucket as their base of operations partly because of the city’s welcoming atmosphere.
Brewery 401 took over the same spot Bucket Brewery once occupied, but outgrew. Now that the Bucket and Foolproof have gained success, Pelletier hopes her brewery will follow.
“We would love nothing more than to be at their scale in the not too distant future,” said Pelletier.
Pelletier says she hopes to see her beer in area bars and restaurants in early summer.
USA, NC: NoDa Brewing planning expansion
Charlotte-based NoDa Brewing has plans to expand, reported on May 23.
NoDa Brewing says it has four more tanks coming which would max out its space on North Davidson Street.
The owner of the brewery told Channel 9 they're looking for spaces for the second location.
NoDa Brewing also hopes to buy its own canning line and they hope to have all of this done in about two years.
World: Beer category brand value up 14% this year
According to the new BrandZ™ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2014 report, global beer category’s brand value this year is up 14% to
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India: United Breweries Q4 profit rises 15.7%
India’s largest brewer United Breweries Ltd reported on May 28 a 15.7% rise in fourth-quarter net profit to Rs.67.7 crore, helped along by increased
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Malaysia: Carlsberg Brewery Bhd reports 5.3% slip in first-quarter revenue
Carlsberg Brewery Bhd saw its revenue in the first quarter ended March 31, 2014 slip 5.3% year-on-year to RM445.9 mln from RM470.8 mln but
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UK: Increasing whisky exports boosts malting capacity usage
Scotch whisky exports of 1.3 bln bottles in 2013 showed an increase of 3%, single malt whisky shipments even grew by 5%. Top markets
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Romania: Heineken Romania’s net profit drops 14% in 2013
Heineken’s Romanian subsidiary registered a net profit of RON 159.9 million (EUR 36 million) in 2013, down some 14 percent against the previous year.
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India: United Breweries acquiring brewery assets of Pacific Spirits Pvt Ltd in Rajasthan
United Breweries Ltd, India’s largest brewing company, is acquiring the brewery assets of Pacific Spirits Pvt Ltd for Rs 105 crore ($17.8 million), as
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Russia: Grain exports in July-May up 61.7% yoy
Russia's grain export between July 1 2013, the beginning of the current marketing year, and May 21, totaled 24.1 million metric tons, 61.7% more
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Germany: Barley and malt export increase in July-March 2013/14
The German statistics office reports that Germany exported 12.0 mln tons of grain from July 2013 to March 2014, which is up from the
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France: 72% of winter barley crop in good to excellent condition as of May 19
FranceAgriMer reports that as of May 19, 2014, 75% of the wheat crop (excl. durum) in France were in good to excellent condition (previous week 73; previous year 67), as well as 63 (62; 64) % of the durum, and 72 (70; 66) % of the winter barley.
Corn plantings stood at 98 (92; 85) % and 89 (79; 68) % of the corn has emerged. In good to excellent condition are 90 (91; 67) % of the corn crop.
India: SABMiller repositioning Foster’s beer in India
Leading beer marketer SABMiller is repositioning Foster's beer brand in India as it looks to tap potential of the fast emerging market identified as an 'area of focus', The Economic Times reported on May 25.
As part of the repositioning of the Foster's brand, the company is introducing various changes, including new thermo- chromatic packaging and change in names of various brands targeting to tap 'refreshment category' consumers.
"Our quantitative consumer research showed that there is a potential of addressing a big consumer need gap, the need of refreshment which is a core need for the beer category," SABMiller India Marketing Director Darioush Afzali said.
The new 'extra-cold refreshment' positioning of Foster's is focused towards providing consumers with a refreshing beer experience, he added.
Elaborating on the changes being effected, Afzali said: "We are introducing thermo-chromatic packaging for both bottles and, for the first time in India, thermo-chromatic cans, a new taste for our brews of both Foster's Lager and Foster's Gold along with the introduction of an effective extra-cold chain."
Apart from the packaging innovation, Foster's has re-named its existing Foster's Strong variant as Foster's Gold.
Commenting on the company's road map in India, Afzali said: "We will continue
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Finland: Beer consumption estimated at 465.3 mln litres last year
Finland’s total beer consumption is estimated at 465.3 mln litres in 2013, the nation’s Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry reported.
Per capita
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Australia: Cascade Brewery closing its malting plant
Tasmanian brewer Cascade will cut 10 jobs at its South Hobart brewery, after announcing four roles will go as it closes its malting plant
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Brazil: Beer and football making a powerful team in Brazil
Beer and football make a powerful team in Brazil, which is bracing for a drinking bonanza when it hosts the World Cup, reported on May 25.
The passion for football is well-known - it has won the World Cup five times.
Brazil is also the world's third largest beer producer - more than 13 billion litres of beer were brewed here in 2013. Such is the country's love of the beverage that you can even buy beer-flavored ice cream.
When the sun is baking the sidewalks off Copacabana beach, the first reaction seems to be to order a beer that Brazilians always say arrives "stupidly" cold.
A recent survey commissioned by brewing giant Ambev, the country's largest company by market value, asked Brazilians to list their national passions. Seventy-seven percent named football; 35 percent said beer.
Now brewers are anticipating a beer boom during the World Cup Brazil will host from June 12 to July 13.
A study released this month by Nielsen and Kantar Worldpanel, commissioned by the Sao Paulo Supermarkets Association, forecast a 37% increase in beer consumption during the World Cup and total sales of 1.8 billion reals ($816 million) during the four weeks.
During the 2010 World Cup, beer sales
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Russia: Grain crop will suffer is rains don’t come this week
Russia's grain crop will suffer if rains do not come this week as expected to several growing regions of the country, one of the world's main wheat exporters via the Black Sea, analysts said on May 26. The agriculture ministry forecast the 2014 crop at 100 million tonnes on May 22, its most optimistic estimate so far and up from 95 million tonnes, but gave no reason for the move.
"If there is no rain this week, some optimistic forecasts would have to be downgraded," Dmitry Rylko, the head of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR), said. IKAR, the Moscow-based agricultural consultancy, had kept its 2014 forecast at 94.5 million tonnes, Rylko said. Another leading Russian consultancy, SovEcon, said it was also keeping its 2014 grain crop estimate unchanged at 90 million tonnes.
Rain is needed in the Central and Volga Federal districts, analysts said, but one trader said those districts had enough moisture in the soil for this week and next thanks to rain in early May.
"Conditions are not critical yet and if rains come to the Centre (the Central district) this week as expected the situation can be fixed quickly," SovEcon head Andrey Sizov said.
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