Newsletter Summary
Currency rates
Equities of largest breweries
Market prices change trend
Top industry news
Brewery news
Malt news
Barley news
Hops news
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Theoretical malt prices
Malt Price Evolution
Malting barley prices
Table of the week
Graph of the week
Do you know
Average market prices Change trend
Note: Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market Price History.
Average barley market prices are French and are estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average malt market prices are estimated on FOB Antwerp basis.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices.
Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
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Last five E-malt Flashes

Flash 25b, 2005

Flash 25a, 2005

Flash 24b, 2005

Flash 24a, 2005

Flash 23b, 2005
Market price evolutions
The evolution of market prices for barley and malt, which are periodicaly issued with newsletters are published on site in Market Prices section. Just click here!
Available market price evolutions

Canada Average Barley Prices 1983-2005

Canadian Malting Barley Prices vs. Danish 2Row

Australia Malting Barley Export Prices 2000-2005

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2005

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2005

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2004

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2004

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2003

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2003 graphs
All graphs issued with newsletters are published in "Graph" section of site.
Last five graphs

German Malt Exports by country of destination 2004

Brazil Beer Production 1993-2004

Canada malting barley exports by countries 2002-2004

Romania Beer Production 1993-2004

China supply of malting barley 1999-2005f
The graphs are updated from time to time. Just see the updates online on site! Tables
We have the pleasure to let you know that all tables are published in Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statisctis section.
Last five tables
search in statistics

Australia Barley Supply and Disposal 2001-2006f

Ukraine Barley Supply and Demand 2002-2006f

USA Craft Beer Industry 2001-2004

EU malt export licence fixations until May 26, 2005

Mexico Barley 1996-2005f
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| Flash 26a June 27 - June 29, 2005
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro, EUR
on 29-June-2005
1 EUR = 1.2060 USD
1 EUR = 0.6645 GBP
1 EUR = 1.4854 CAD
1 EUR = 1.5825 AUD
1 EUR = 132.62 JPY
1 EUR = 2.8522 BRL
1 EUR = 34.535 RUB
1 EUR = 9.9935 CNY
Base Currency: US Dollar
on 29-June-2005
1 USD = 0.8294 EUR
1 USD = 0.5510 GBP
1 USD = 1.2317 CAD
1 USD = 1.3122 AUD
1 USD = 109.97 JPY
1 USD = 2.3650 BRL
1 USD = 28.636 RUB
1 USD = 8.2865 CNY
Equities of the Largest Breweries
Top Industry News
Poland: Royal Unibrew Polska streamlined for profitable growth
Click here
Brazil: Stella Artois® taps into the Brazilian beer market
Click here
Canada: Labatt Breweries invests C$40 million in London
Click here
Belgium: Beer production increased by 11.2%, consumption fell by 2.3% in 2004
Click here
Australia: Australians drank less beer in 2004
Click here
Ukraine: Malt production already reached 230,600 metric tonnes this year
Click here
Canada: Barley production is forecast to decrease by 7%
Click here
New Zealand: Hops production in 2004
Click here
More News
Germany: Oetker is keeping its beer interests
...more info
Brazil: AmBev and Molson profit from Schincariol troubles
...more info
UK: Carlsberg invests GBP 13 million in a high speed canning line
...more info
Latin America: The Ordinary General Meeting of Quilmes Industrial
...more info
Poland: InBev partners with PepsiAmericas to introduce Beck’s® in Poland
...more info
China: Asia Pacific Breweries sets up regional headquarters in Shanghai
...more info
USA: Bud Light’s “Real Men Of Genius” wins Grand Prix At Cannes Lion Ad Festival
...more info
UK: Edinburgh Pale Ale captured top award at UK’s largest annual beer festivals
...more info
Laos: Beer Lao wins second prize at Russian beer festival
...more info
Israel: Stella Artois launched in Israel
...more info
Australia: New barley varieties to give Australia edge in malting barley quali
...more info
France: Since 1995, beer has been the worst performing commercial beverage category
...more info
Belarus: A disbalance between beer production capacity and consumption has been noticed
...more info
USA: Barley planting has been finished in North Dakota
...more info
France: Heineken opens a bar on Champs-Élysées. InBev plans a beer park in the North
...more info
China: Foster's wants to turn Shanghai beer into an international brand
...more info
Brewery News
Poland: Royal Unibrew Polska streamlined for profitable growth
Scandinavia's second largest brewery business Danish based Royal Unibrew A/S announced on June 28 that it concentrates all Polish activities in Royal Unibrew Polska Sp. z o.o.... more info
Brazil: Stella Artois® taps into the Brazilian beer market
InBev S.A. announced on June 28 the launch in Brazil of Stella Artois®, one of its three global flagship brands. Following the success the brand has experienced since its launch in Argentina in November last year, Stella Artois® will now also be produced at AmBev’s brewery in the state of São Paulo. Initially, it will be available on draught in select venues in the city of São Paulo, and later, in the second phase of the launch, it will be sold in its long-neck bottle.
AmBev master brewer, Gabriel Galembeck, spent the last few months traveling between São Paulo and Leuven, in Belgium, studying its recipe, its special brewing process, and the ritual which involves the pleasure of drinking a Stella Artois®. He brought to the Brazilian brewery the secret of Stella Artois®’ authentic flavor, which today is enjoyed in more than 80 countries.
The launch of Stella Artois® in Brazil is yet another step in achieving what the company announced on March 3, 2004, when Interbrew and AmBev revealed they were joining forces to form InBev: a pre-tax total of 140 million euro of annual commercial synergies by 2007.
Commenting on the event, Brent Willis, InBev’s Chief Commercial Officer, said: “InBev is not yet a year old, but already we are witnessing the collective strength of this exciting, new company, and the realization of its powerful synergies.
... more info
Canada: Labatt Breweries invests C$40 million in London
Labatt Breweries of Canada announced on June 28 a C$40 million (US$ 32.5 mln) investment in London, Ont., Labatt's hometown... more info
Belgium: Beer production increased by 11.2%, consumption fell by 2.3% in 2004
Beer production in Belgium increased by 11.2 % in 2004 compared to 2003 from 15.65 million hl to 17.41 million hl... more info
Australia: Australians drank less beer in 2004
Australians drank 109.9 litres of beer per person aged 15 or more in 2004, down from 114.6 litres in 2003, The Australian Bureau of Statistics announced on June 27. Altogether, 1,760 million litres was available to drink in the year to June 30, 2004, down 2.6 percent from 1,807 million litres a year earlier.
Full strength beer consumption fell to 80.1 litres per person in 2004, down from 85.9 litres a year in 2003, according to The Australian Bureau of Statistics. Mid-strength beer consumption increased slightly, to 15.5 litres a person from 13.8 litres a person. While, low strength beer consumption fell to 14.3 litres a person from 14.9 litres a person.
The shift is a result of an increase in the amount of wine available in Australia and a continued increase in the amount of pre-mixed spirit drinks available, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Malt News
Ukraine: Malt production already reached 230,600 metric tonnes this year
For the 11 months of the market year 2004-2005 (July 2004-May 2005) Ukraine produced about 230,600 metric tonnes of malt... more info
Barley News
Canada: Barley production is forecast to decrease by 7%
Based on Statistics Canada (STC) estimates, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) forecasted on June 28 that Canada’s barley production is to decrease by 7% due to lower seeded area and yields. Total supply, however, is projected to increase slightly, due to higher carry-in stocks resulting from the large production of lowquality barley in 2004-05. Exports are expected to increase by 25%, due to higher supplies of malting quality barley and less competition in overseas feed markets.
Carry-out stocks are expected to decrease by 16%. The average off-Board price of feed barley is forecast to be the same as 2004-05. Malting barley prices will be pressured by higher world production, with the CWB PRO for Special Select 2-row down by C$6/t from 2004-05 to C$174/t.
Hops News
New Zealand: Hops production in 2004
In 2004 New Zealand produced about 792.1 metric tonnes of hops from an area of 422 ha... more info
Theoretical malt prices.
* - 70/30 = 70% Average Two Row Spring and 30% Six Row Winter
** - 50/50 = 50% Average Two Row Spring and 50% Six Row Winter
Theoretical malt prices for crop 2005 are available on site
Malt Price Evolution
Malt Market Price Evolution, Crop 2004
Malting barley prices. French barley prices.
Nominal prices.
Table of the week
World Barley Exports, in thousand metric tonnes
Oct/Sept Year |
1999/2000 |
2000/2001 |
2001/2002 |
2002/2003 |
2003/2004 |
2004/2005f |
2005/2006f |
Australia |
2,870 |
3,922 |
4,590 |
2,159 |
6,105 |
4,500 |
3,800 |
Canada |
1,806 |
1,956 |
1,126 |
304 |
1,935 |
1,300 |
2,000 |
United States |
853 |
1,068 |
517 |
552 |
357 |
450 |
300 |
Kazakhstan |
772 |
292 |
393 |
542 |
700 |
50 |
100 |
Russia |
393 |
1,031 |
2,664 |
3,066 |
1,736 |
1,000 |
800 |
Ukraine |
787 |
1,479 |
3,134 |
2,334 |
2,557 |
4,000 |
3,500 |
Turkey |
181 |
151 |
501 |
504 |
0 |
50 |
0 |
EU (EU-25) |
10,443 |
6,159 |
3,236 |
6,307 |
984 |
2,800 |
3,600 |
Other Europe |
607 |
576 |
845 |
253 |
20 |
800 |
650 |
Argentina |
50 |
202 |
91 |
101 |
167 |
200 |
200 |
Others |
18 |
72 |
492 |
629 |
722 |
450 |
300 |
18,780 |
16,908 |
17,589 |
16,751 |
15,283 |
15,600 |
15,250 |
Source: USDA, June 2005
Graph of the week
June 2005:
World Barley, Malt & Beer Conference 2005, Germany;
ASBC Annual Convention. American Society of Brewing Chemists Meeting.;
BRASIL BRAU International Fair of Beverage Technology;
FOOD TAIPEI 2005. The largest food and beverage show in Taiwan;
BevTek / BrewTek International Exhibition of Beverage and Brewery Processing and Packaging Technology. Bangkok, Thailand ;
July 2005:
Interwine China. International Wine, Brewery and Beverage Processing Technology and Equipment Trade Fair;
2005 North American Barley Researchers Workshop;
U.S. Grains Council Summer Board Meeting;
District Eastern Canada MBAA annual convention;
Open Door to "Mortal's Beers";
More events are available on site