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| Newsletter 09a February 23 - February 25, 2015
Quote of the Week
"You can judge your age by the amount of pain you feel when you come in contact with a new idea."
Pearl S. Buck
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on February 25, 2015 |
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1 USD = 0.8826 EUR
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1 USD = 1.2843 AUD
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1 CAD = 2.2772 BRL
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1 CAD = 4.8789 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA: Two competing bills looking to change beer industry taxation system
...Click here
USA: The Boston Beer Company reports volume increases both in Q4 and FY2014
...Click here
USA, CA: Twelve Rounds Brewing Co. to open in East Sacramento this spring
...Click here
USA, KS: Kansas legislators may allow grocery stores to sell full-strength beer
...Click here
Canada, ON: The Gananoque Brewing Company receives C$60,000 federal grant for expansion
...Click here
USA, CO: Trve Brewing opening second location to initially focus on sour beers
...Click here
USA, CO: Rally King Brewing to open by late spring in Fort Collins
...Click here
USA, ME: Strong Brewing Co. temporarily closed for expansion
...Click here
South America: SABMiller planning to develop premium beer portfolio in Brazil, increase beer consumption in the region
...Click here
UK: Brewing booming in the UK with breweries applications tripling in the past five years
...Click here
World: Total grain crop seen on the rise to 2.002 bln tons in 2014/15
...Click here
France: Number of French breweries already surpassed 700
...Click here
Mercosur: Malting barley imports forecast at up to 400,000 tons this year
...Click here
New Zealand: Total volume of alcoholic drinks available for consumption fell 2% last year
...Click here
Japan & EU: Asahi Breweries’ Nikka whisky enjoys success in Europe
...Click here
Kenya: Keroche Breweries preparing to launch new production facility next month
...Click here
Cameroon: Government increases taxes on alcoholic beverages
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
World Use of Hops and Hop Products 1997 - 2014s
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Canadian Malting and Feed Barley Prices
US Malting and Feed Barley Prices
French Malting and Feed Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
Canadian Malt Prices
US Malt Prices
Theoretical EU Malt Prices

Scientific Digest
All there is to know about Iso-alpha acids
If you really want to know ALL there is to know about iso-alpha acids, a recently published review article will give you the full insight. There is actually no way to make this long story short, so if you are interested you have to read it. These are the topics covered: Formation of iso-alpha acids, stability of iso-alpha acids and reduced iso-alpha acids, degradation possibilities for iso-alpha acids (oxidative, non-oxidative), relation of iso-alpha acids to aging flavor formation and others... all there is to know about it! Read more
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
February 23
1886 Aluminum manufacturing process developed
1886 London Times publishes world's 1st classified ad
1965 Michael Dell is born. He later drops out of the University of Texas at Austin to found Dell Computer Corp. with the radical idea of assembling made-to-order computers
February 24
1921 1st transcontinental flight in 24 hours flying time
1986 Texas Air buys Eastern Airlines for $676 million
1995 Dow-Jones hits record 4011.74
February 25
1791 1st Bank of U.S. chartered
1837 1st U.S. electric printing press patented by Thomas Davenport
1862 Paper currency introduced in U.S. by President Abraham Lincoln
February 2015:
07-08: Bruges Beer Festival 2015 (Bruges, Belgium)
10-12: International Brewing Awards 2015
11-14: National Winter Ales Festival 2015 (Derby, UK)
21-24: Beer Attraction 2015 (Rimini, Italy)
27 February - 01 March: Alltech Craft Brews & Food Fair 2015 (Dublin, Ireland)
March 2015:
01-06: 15th IBD Africa Section Convention 2015 (Maputo, Mozambique)
11-14: Brazilian Beer Festival - Festival Brasileiro da Cerveja 2015 (Blumenau, Brazil)
13-15: Barcelona Beer Festival 2015 (Barcelona, Spain)
20-21: BeerX 2015 2015 (Sheffield, UK)
31 March - 02 April: ProPak Vietnam 2015 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
April 2015:
14-17: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2015 (Portland, USA)
21-23: Brewer (Pivovar) 2015 (Moscow, Russia)
23-25: Shanghai International Brew & Beverage Manufacturing Technology and Equipment 2015 (Shanghai, China)
25-26: Zythos 2015 (Leuven, Belgium)
May 2015:
06-08: bevtec Asia 2015 (Bangkok, Thailand)
07-23: The Czech Beer Festival 2015 (Prague, the Czech Republic)
18-20: Beer (Pivo) 2015 (Sochi, Russia)
24-28: EBC 2015 (Porto, Portugal)
26-28: Alimentaria Mexico 2015 (Mexico City, Mexico)
28-30: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2015 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
28-31: Latvia Beer Fest 2015 (Riga, Latvia)
June 2015:
10-14: Mondial de la Biere 2015 (Montreal, Canada)
July 2015:
01-04: Ollesummer 2015 (Tallinn, Estonia)
15-17: Brasil Brau 2015 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
August 2015:
11-15: The Great British Beer Festival 2015 (London, UK)
September 2015:
19 September - 14 October: Oktoberfest 2015 (Munich, Germany)
24-26: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2015:
01-03: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)
November 2015:
10-12: Brau Beviale 2015 (Nuremberg, Germany)
More events are available on site
News Articles
USA: Two competing bills looking to change beer industry taxation system
Whether you like craft beer brewed in small batches or the mass-produced variety, the most costly ingredient that goes into every pint of beer in the United States is taxes, Reuters reported on February 20.
With federal, state and local levies, taxes make up, on average, more than 40 percent of the cost of beer purchased in the United States. In an effort to reduce the excessive tax bite, two competing bills have been proposed this month on Capitol Hill, along with legislation at the state level.
One proposed bill, the Small BREW Act, would, if passed, provide targeted federal excise-tax cuts for beer made by domestic brewers, with tax relief based on volume. This bipartisan bill would change the definition of a small brewer.
The federal government now levies a $7 tax on each of the first 60,000 barrels produced by small brewers. After that, the tax spikes to $18 a barrel. Businesses not defined as small brewers - those that produce more than 2 million barrels annually - must pay the $18 federal tax on every barrel they make.
The proposed bill, however, would halve the tax for small brewers on the first 60,000 barrels to $3.50 a barrel and redefine
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USA: The Boston Beer Company reports volume increases both in Q4 and FY2014
The Boston Beer Company, Inc. reported on February 24 fourth quarter 2014 net revenue of $217.8 million, an increase of $12.4 million or 6% over the same period last year, mainly due to core shipment growth of 4%.
Net income for the fourth quarter was $19.1 million, or $1.40 per diluted share, an increase of $1.0 million or $.07 per diluted share from the fourth quarter of 2013. This increase was primarily due to shipment increases partially offset by a higher tax rate.
Earnings per diluted share for the 52-week period ended December 27, 2014 were $6.69, an increase of $1.51, or 29%, from the comparable 52-week period in 2013. Net revenue for the 52-week period ended December 27, 2014 was $903.0 million, an increase of $163.9 million, or 22%, from the comparable 52-week period in 2013.
Jim Koch, Chairman and Founder of the Company, commented, "I am pleased with our depletion growth in 2014 and that The Boston Beer Company after 30 years of brewing continues to help lead the craft beer industry both in innovation and variety. Our drinkers still get excited by our beers, and our growth is attributable to great beer innovation, coupled with
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USA, CA: Twelve Rounds Brewing Co. to open in East Sacramento this spring
A new brewery in East Sacramento, Twelve Rounds Brewing Co., is expected to open this spring at 866 57th St. It fills a 3,000-square-foot building across from an antique mall, Sacramento Business Journal reported on February 20.
"We gutted the existing two-story building and started from scratch," owners Dan Murphy and Elle Murphy said in an email. "Our space will have a beer garden, tasting room and restaurant."
When the business opens, it will focus on the brewery and tasting room before adding the restaurant as part of an expansion phase. The Murphys plan to have 12 of their own beers on tap, including six year-round offerings and six seasonal varieties.
"We will be unique in that our focus will not be just IPAs," the owners said. "We will offer creative beers made with unique ingredients."
USA, KS: Kansas legislators may allow grocery stores to sell full-strength beer
Kansas legislators are considering a proposal to permit grocery stores to sell full-strength beer, wine and liquor starting in July 2018, reported on February 23.
The bill up for debate on Monday, March 2 in the House Commerce, Labor and Economic Development Committee also would permit convenience stores to sell full-strength beer starting in July 2018.
Groceries and convenience stores now can sell weaker beer known as cereal malt beverage. Only liquor stores can sell full-strength beer, wine and liquor.
The measure is backed by grocery and convenience store chains. Many liquor store owners oppose it, fearing they'll be run out of business.
It would cap the number of retail liquor store licenses and allow store owners to transfer theirs to grocery stores in the same county starting in July 2018.
USA & EU: EU brewers negotiating US tax breaks
The U.S. is a craft beer nation, and the 2,768 craft breweries in the U.S. are proof of it. Although Americans would like to believe that they love craft beer more than any other nation, people across the pond would disagree with them. European breweries are more than just old world brewers, steeped in tradition and bound by outdated purity laws. Craft breweries are on the rise in Europe, producing innovative and novel beers as much as any American brewery. In fact, the E.U. has over 5,000 breweries, the majority of which would be considered “craft” breweries, Forbes reported on February 24.
As such, it shouldn’t be surprising that American brewers and European brewers collaborate with each other. Evil Twin, a gypsy brewery from Denmark, and Westbrook Brewing Co., a South Caroline brewery, have produced some of the most praised brews in the craft beer world.
American and European brewers are also sharing facilities to bring their beers to market without compromising quality. Green Flash Brewing Co., a California brewery, has a deal with St. Feuillien, a Belgian brewery, to produce their West Coast IPA in Europe.
Stone Brewing Co. from California has plans to open a brewery in Berlin (and in Virginia)
...More info on site
Canada, ON: The Gananoque Brewing Company receives C$60,000 federal grant for expansion
The Gananoque Brewing Company is expanding its brewery on downtown King Street thanks to a C$60,000 federal grant, The Kingston Whig-Standard reported on February 23.
In announcing the grant on behalf of the Thousand Islands community Development Corporation, Leeds-Grenville MP Gord Brown said the money will allow the brewery to expand its fermenting capacity and purchase a canning machine to can its beer in town.
Bruce Davis, founder of the brewery, said the money will allow the company to move more of its production to Gananoque.
The brewery cuurently produces 150,000 litres of beer a year at its plant in the town's Bell Tower mall. The beer is shipped in draught kegs for distribution to its commercial clients in bars and restaurants. The beer in bottles sold at LCBO outlets and Beer Stores is made at a brewery in the Niagara region. Davis said the new canning machine would allow more of the beer to be made in Gananoque and gradually the production will move here.
The GBC now sells its bottled beer in 27 LCBOs and seven beer stores, and Davis said putting the beer in cans will help expand its market further.
Many customers prefer the convenience of cans, and the canning machine
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USA, CO: Trve Brewing opening second location to initially focus on sour beers
A heavy-metal themed Denver brewery is cranking up a second brewhouse that will initially focus on sour beers, BusinessDen reported on February 24.
Trve Brewing is opening a 5,000-square-foot facility on 2nd Avenue next month called the “Acid Temple” that’s more than double the size of the brewery’s current space at 2nd Avenue and Broadway.
“I honestly think we’re going to grow four times this year alone,” Trve founder Nick Nunns said. “We made about 350 barrels last year, and we want to hit the 1,000-barrel mark this year.”
Nunns said last year, the brewery sold 97 percent of its beer in the taproom.
“We’ll have more than enough beer for the taproom, so now we can start getting some bottles and kegs out there,” he said.
Trve’s beer is in 10 spots outside of its taphouse: two bars, seven liquor stores and the restaurant Fruition.
“We’ll finally be able to sell to the bars that have been hounding us since day one,” Nunns said. “I’m getting a little tired of saying no to people who want our beer.”
The new warehouse property made the cut for the “Acid Temple” because of the rent and proximity to the main Trve space.
The project cost about $150,000, Nunns said,
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USA, CO: Rally King Brewing to open by late spring in Fort Collins
Friends Matt Kriewall and Jason Connor are getting serious about brewing beer together, The Coloradoan reported on February 23.
The chiropractor and software engineer have invested $250,000 into construction of a new craft brewery that will open by late spring at 1624 S. Lemay Ave., in Fort Collins.
Rally King Brewing is named for the dedicated craft beer drinkers, like themselves, that Kriewall and Connor hope to attract to their new establishment. It also is a play on their own, mid-career life stages.
"To rally is to come back from, to start over, to do again," Kriewall said. "That's sort of what we're doing."
Kriewall and Connor met in the Fort Collins homebrew club The Liquid Poets Society. Even now as the two move from hobbyists to professional brewers, they are measured, keeping their day jobs with the hope to one day turn beer into a full-time living.
As a hobby it started five years ago for Kriewall, when he received a home brew kit as a gift from some clients. After clumsily working his way through a first recipe, he said, "I liked the process so much, I brewed six more batches before tasting the first one."
His enthusiasm for brewing has since led him
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USA, ME: Strong Brewing Co. temporarily closed for expansion
Strong Brewing Co. in Sedgwick is expanding and is temporarily closed, The Ellsworth American reported on February 20.
Al and Mia Strong are expanding both the tap room and the brewing system, which will result in expanded hours of operation in addition to more space.
The couple had hoped to reopen the first week of March, but winter weather has led to construction delays, Mia Strong said this week.
“We’re hoping to be open the end of March, beginning of April,” Strong said. “We’re very excited.”
South America: SABMiller planning to develop premium beer portfolio in Brazil, increase beer consumption in the region
SABMiller wants to develop its premium beer portfolio in Brazil and increase beer consumption across LATAM, but also strengthen its hold on other beverage
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UK: Brewing booming in the UK with breweries applications tripling in the past five years
Brewing is booming in the UK, spurred by growing sales of craft beer and ales, with applications to start breweries tripling in the past
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World: Total grain crop seen on the rise to 2.002 bln tons in 2014/15
IGC figures of the 22nd of January, 2015 show that world grain crops rose from 1.793 bln tons in 2012/13 to 2.002 bln tons
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France: Number of French breweries already surpassed 700
Biotechnology Professor Frédéric Sannier is almost disconcerted by the success of the university degree he created at the University of La Rochelle in 2007. That's because the university has to refuse dozens of candidates every year, just one sign of the incredible resurrection of a practice that seemed destined to die out in the 1980s: the production of craft beer, reported last month.
In 1985, there were just 22 breweries left in France, compared with more than 1,000 in 1926. Twenty of the country's 22 regions no longer had brewers, and there was little chance they'd find new ones, because the Minister of National Education had removed brewer degrees from university offerings.
Twenty years later, France has 700 breweries, and a new one opens on average every three days. They are microbreweries with virtually secret production, often integrated into hotels or large regional brands that produce between 1,000 and 10,000 hectolitres per year. It's a rebirth explained both by the success of small American breweries and French enthusiasm for regional products.
"The resurrection of breweries is especially linked to the regional sphere," says Pascal Chèvremont, executive director of the Association of French Brewers. "It actually started in regions with strong identities, such
...More info on site
Mercosur: Malting barley imports forecast at up to 400,000 tons this year
Bolsa de Cereales in Buenos Aires estimates the Argentinean barley crop at 2.85 mln tons, private estimates are lower, averaging 2.7 mln tons, H.
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India: Beer sales volume increases in 2014
Microbreweries, pubs, beer startups and beer cafes are fuelling growth of imported and new varieties of beer in India, backed by willing PE firms and angel investors, according to Euromonitor.
Last year, Cerana Beverages raised Rs 9 crore from angel investors and PE funds, making it the first deal for a craft beer venture.
Beer Cafe, promoted by BTB Marketing, raised Rs 30 crore from Granite Hill Capital Partner and Marico promoter Harsh Mariwala two months ago.
India’s per capita beer consumption reached 1.9 litres last year – the lowest among BRIC nations. Total beer sales volume is estimated to have risen to 2.41 bln litres in 2014 from 2.24 bln in 2013.
Imported beers form less than 1% of the Indian market, which is dominated by premium lagers with 80% market share.
United Breweries control more than half the market, with a share of 50.6% in 2013, followed by SABMiller India with 26.8% and Carlsberg India with 7%.
New Zealand: Total volume of alcoholic drinks available for consumption fell 2% last year
New Zealand is saying no to mid-strength beer and spirits but yes to craft beers, low-alcohol beers and wine, 3 News reported on February 25.
The total volume of alcoholic drinks available in New Zealand fell 9.4 million litres in 2014, a fall of two percent.
This came after an 8.9 million litre rise in 2013.
The biggest drops were in spirits (down 4.3 million litres) and beer (6.5 million litres).
Beer availability was especially down in mid-strength beers, with increases being recorded in high-strength and low-strength beers.
Low-strength beer available for consumption was 66 percent higher in 2014 than the previous year, Statistics NZ spokesman Jason Attewell said.
"This rise may well have been due to the industry gearing up for the new blood-alcohol limits introduced at the end of 2014," he said.
High-strength beer availability has nearly doubled since 2009 and reflects the growing demand for craft beers, he said.
Wine availability was up 5.7 percent.
The statistics show the volume of alcoholic beverages released to the market, and therefore available for consumption, rather than how much people actually drank.
Japan & EU: Asahi Breweries’ Nikka whisky enjoys success in Europe
Asahi Breweries saw its Nikka Japanese whisky brand break the 1 mln-unit barrier in Europe last year for the first time.
Nikka, which celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2014, posted a 45% rise in European sales, while domestic sales jumped by 20%, Asahi said on February 24. The brand, which comprises around 30 expressions, arrived in Europe in 2007.
France is its top market in the continent, with sales hitting 600,000 units last year. Germany, the UK, Sweden, Belgium, Italy and Switzerland also host Nikka.
Thierry Benitah, the GM of French importer La Maison du Whisky, said: “Driven by some ... new product launches and innovative gift packaging designs with the support of our European distributor network, and a continued growth in France, I believe the brand can go beyond the 1.5 mln bottle mark in 2015.”
Asahi also said that it has changed sales and distribution partners in the UK. Since the start of this month, London-based Speciality Brands has taken over from Eau De View in the country.
Speciality Brands has subsequently recruited Demerara Distillers' international brand ambassador for El Dorado Rums, Stefanie Holt, as ambassador for Nikka.
In full-year results for 2014, released earlier this month, Asahi posted a near-12% lift in group
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Latvia: Latvia beer output down 34% last year
A total of 968,100 hl of beer was produced in Latvia last year, 34% less than in 2013, The Baltic Course reported on February 25 citing data by the State Revenue Service.
According to the State Revenue Service, this substantial drop in beer production was mostly due to Latvia's largest beer producer Aldaris moving a large portion of its beer production abroad.
The State Revenue Service also informs that the 26 micro-breweries active in Latvia last year brewed 23% of the total amount of beer produced in the country, which is 16% more than in 2013.
Luxembourg: Beer production down 6.5% in 2014
Beer production in Luxembourg fell by 6.5 percent from 2013 to 2014 and sales also dropped 4 percent, Luxemburger Wort reported on February 25.
According to latest figures, 18,000 fewer hectolitres of beer were brewed in the Grand Duchy last year.
While this could be a sign of an increasingly competitive market, it is worthy to note that total sales also dropped to 338,000 litres, a phenomenon for which brewers are blaming the smoking ban introduced in Luxembourg on January 1, 2014.
"This damn law ..." Managing Director of Brasserie national Georges Lentz said on February 24, adding: "The position of our house was to say it was not for the state to direct but every cafe should decide (on whether to ban smoking on its premises).”
The industry was helped somewhat by an outdoor beer festival hosted in Place Guillaume II during World Cup screenings. However, wet weather in August saw many consumers turn away from the refreshing summery tipple.
The brewery collective has a glass half-empty outlook for the months to come. Results for 2015 are expected to worsen thanks to the VAT increase on alcohol from 3 to 17 percent.
Luxembourg counts seven breweries, of which six are family owned and one, Diekirch,
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Kenya: Keroche Breweries preparing to launch new production facility next month
Kenya's second-largest beer maker Keroche Breweries is set to open a bigger factory next month, of which the construction cost is an estimated Sh.2.5 billion, The Star reported on February 23.
The Naivasha-based brewery will commence full operations on 31st of March producing over 30 brands.
According to Keroche CEO Mrs Tabitha Karanja, the plant would see their annual beer production rise from 10 mln litres to 100 mln litres.
"The new plant will have the capacity of packaging 30 different brands of beer and it should be fully operation in a couple of weeks," she said.
Karanja said that the ultra-modern and automated plant would have the capacity of producing 600,000 bottles per day.
The CEO added that the plant would have a daily production capacity of 250 hectolitres and a yearly production of up to 1 mln hectolitres.
"Currently we are producing 60,000 bottles per day from the other factory and once this plant is ready we shall be producing 600,000 bottles," she said.
Karanja noted that the liquor sector in the country was yet to meet its demand, adding Keroche Breweries was committed to offering consumers quality products.
"Once complete we expect the brewery to employ over 100 people directly and tens of others indirectly,"
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Cameroon: Government increases taxes on alcoholic beverages
The Cameroonian Ministers of Trade and Finance have increased the taxes on alcoholic beverages according to the reform of the specific excise duties contained in the Finance Act of the year 2015. Thus, the amount of additional excise duty resulting from the application of the specific tax system is 75 FCFA for all the beers of 65 cl and 37.5 FCFA for all 33 beers cl, Medafrica reported on February 20.
Also, the government said, “For the implementation of this reform, no other price increment than this resulting from the impact of the tax is permitted.” From February 16th, 2015, date of entry into force of this new taxation specific excise duty, the price of each bottle of beer is expected to increase by 75 FCFA excluding VAT, for large bottles, and 37.5 FCFA at least excluding VAT for small bottles.