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| Newsletter 10a March 02 - March 04, 2015
Quote of the Week
"Find a purpose to serve, not a lifestyle to live."
Criss Jami
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on March 04, 2015 |
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar on March 04, 2015 |
1 USD = 0.8939 EUR
1 USD = 0.6505 GBP
1 USD = 1.2504 CAD
1 USD = 1.2806 AUD
1 USD = 119.7800 JPY
1 USD = 2.8990 BRL
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1 CAD = 0.5202 GBP
1 CAD = 0.7148 EUR
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1 CAD = 95.7800 JPY
1 CAD = 2.3180 BRL
1 CAD = 49.6584 RUB
1 CAD = 4.9169 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA, MI: Elk Street Brewery and Tap Room in Sandusky tells its success story
...Click here
USA, KS: Tallgrass Brewing Company expected to open new $7 mln facility this spring
...Click here
Canada, ON: Manantler Craft Brewing opens in Bowmanville
...Click here
USA, MI: Pigeon Hill Brewing Co. purchasing new facility for distribution
...Click here
USA, MO & KS: Torn Label Brewing Co. to start distributing in Kansas
...Click here
USA, CT: Still Hill Brewery to launch in Rocky Hill sometime this year
...Click here
USA, VA: The Big Ugly Brewing Company opens in Chesapeake
...Click here
Brazil: Beer output down in January-February and in February alone
...Click here
Ethiopia: Bavaria NV’s Habesha brewery to start selling beer in Q2 2015
...Click here
World: Barley production forecast revised to 140.2 mln tonnes
...Click here
Germany: German brewers win government backing to protect springs from fracking
...Click here
Ethiopia: Diageo’s Meta Abo Brewery completes last phase of expansion
...Click here
UK: Area seeded to barley variety Propino expected to rise nearly 10% this year
...Click here
Russia: Heineken’s Siberia plant starts brewing rice beer
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
US Barley Supply and Distribution
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Canadian Malting and Feed Barley Prices
US Malting and Feed Barley Prices
French Malting and Feed Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
Canadian Malt Prices
US Malt Prices
Theoretical EU Malt Prices

Scientific Digest
Where the aroma hides in hops and other fruits
If it is about sulfur containing aroma compounds in hops, this research group is leading the way. Several of their projects in the past years focused on polyfunctional thiols in beers. In 2012 the team reported the evidence of S-cysteine conjugates. Now they have subjected 4 different hop varieties, Saaz (CZ), Tomahawk (US), Cascade (US) and Nelson Sauvin (NZ) to an enzyme treatment (a β-lyase treatment, apotryptophanase) to see which free thiols would be detectable and to estimate the flavor potential of these hidden flavor compounds. Free thiols were then extracted and quantified by GC-PFPD. Polyfunctional thiols with sensory impact are known in the wine industry and were also identified in different fruits. Furthermore cysteine- and glutathione-S-conjugates have also been found in passion fruit juice, onions and bell peppers. The Cascade hop variety exhibited the highest potential, with 1641μg/kg of 3-Mercapto-hexan-1-ol (grapefruit) released. This value is 14 to 22 times the amount of free thiols previously found in this variety (73-117 μg/kg) By comparison, the treatment of Tomahawk, Nelson Sauvin and Saaz extracts released only 276, 261 and 316 μg/kg of this compound, respectively. Also the yield of other components were quite remarkable. Free the fruits in your hops with the help of enzymes!
Read more
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
March 02
1809 The earliest known bank failure in the U.S. is reported when the Farmers Exchange Bank of Glocester, R.I., goes bust after issuing $800,000 in fraudulent loans against total capital of $45
2000 Wall Street creates what may be the most worthless company of all time. 3Com Corp. spins off 23 million shares of Palm, Inc. on NASDAQ at an initial price of $38
2000 Shares in MicroStrategy Inc., a hot software consulting firm, fall from $246.75 to $86.75 in a single day as chairman Michael Saylor announces that the company will have to slash its reported revenues and earnings for the past two years
March 03
1885 American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) incorporates
1979 Meeting in Geneva, OPEC declares that its members will raise the price of crude oil 9% in a single leap, from $13.34 to $14.55, igniting another round of global inflation
2000 On the same day, technology stocks set a record for industry representation in the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index, at 34.9%, and Cisco Systems, Inc. becomes the world's most valuable corporation, with a total market value of $548 billion
March 04
1902 American Automobile Association, AAA, founded in Chicago
1977 1st CRAY 1 supercomputer shipped, to Los Alamos Laboratories, New Mexico
1991 Bank of Credit and Commerce International divests itself of 1st American Bank
March 2015:
01-06: 15th IBD Africa Section Convention 2015 (Maputo, Mozambique)
11-14: Brazilian Beer Festival - Festival Brasileiro da Cerveja 2015 (Blumenau, Brazil)
13-15: Barcelona Beer Festival 2015 (Barcelona, Spain)
20-21: BeerX 2015 2015 (Sheffield, UK)
31 March - 02 April: ProPak Vietnam 2015 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
April 2015:
14-17: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2015 (Portland, USA)
21-23: Brewer (Pivovar) 2015 (Moscow, Russia)
23-25: Shanghai International Brew & Beverage Manufacturing Technology and Equipment 2015 (Shanghai, China)
25-26: Zythos 2015 (Leuven, Belgium)
May 2015:
06-08: bevtec Asia 2015 (Bangkok, Thailand)
07-23: The Czech Beer Festival 2015 (Prague, the Czech Republic)
18-20: Beer (Pivo) 2015 (Sochi, Russia)
24-28: EBC 2015 (Porto, Portugal)
26-28: Alimentaria Mexico 2015 (Mexico City, Mexico)
28-30: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2015 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
28-31: Latvia Beer Fest 2015 (Riga, Latvia)
June 2015:
10-14: Mondial de la Biere 2015 (Montreal, Canada)
July 2015:
01-04: Ollesummer 2015 (Tallinn, Estonia)
15-17: Brasil Brau 2015 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
August 2015:
11-15: The Great British Beer Festival 2015 (London, UK)
September 2015:
19 September - 14 October: Oktoberfest 2015 (Munich, Germany)
24-26: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2015:
01-03: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)
November 2015:
10-12: Brau Beviale 2015 (Nuremberg, Germany)
More events are available on site
News Articles
USA, MI: Elk Street Brewery and Tap Room in Sandusky tells its success story
The story of Elk Street Brewery and Tap Room in Sandusky, MI dates back to 1984, Port Huron Times Herald reported on March 1.
In 1984 Ron and Anne Hasenbusch, of Port Sanilac, were young college students at Western Michigan University – they had just started dating.
Anne bought Ron a home brewing kit for Christmas. Little did she know she was creating a brewing monster – or master.
"It started with the home brew kit in the kitchen. Then it expanded to the basement, then the shed, then he needed a new garage built – but we couldn't park our cars in it, it was just for him to brew in, then he needed to run eight lines into our house for taps," Anne said. "It just kept getting bigger until we finally said 'either we follow our dream now or we never will.'"
Elk Street Brewery opened on Nov.28 – exactly 30 years after the couple's first date.
"That was just a coincidence. I didn't remember the date, she did," Ron Hasenbusch said.
They purchased the building at 3 South Elk St. in downtown Sandsuky in July 2013. Previously the building cycled through a grocery store, archery range, barber supply shop and most recently
...More info on site
USA, KS: Tallgrass Brewing Company expected to open new $7 mln facility this spring
Jeff Gill, president and founder of Tallgrass Brewing Company, has weathered the ups and downs of starting a new business. He now has a stronger business plan, more qualified employees and a nearly finished $7 million brewing facility on the west edge of Manhattan that will help meet the demand for his craft beers, reported on February 28.
The 60,000-square-foot facility is expected to open this spring and solidify Tallgrass Brewing as a player in the national craft beer market.
“We were working through our strategic plan to get to where we wanted to be in 2016, and it became clear we needed a new brewery and to increase the quality and consistency (of our beer) to sell it all over the country,” Gill said.
The facility, which will have a workforce of about 30 people, will be able to produce 100,000 barrels, or 3.1 million gallons, of beer a year, which will be distributed in 13 states.
Gill, who formerly worked as a geologist at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, said he became interested in the home-brewing of beer and mead years ago and had purchased the necessary home-brewing equipment.
But it wasn’t until Frank Arnwire, a geologist who was his
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Canada, ON: Manantler Craft Brewing opens in Bowmanville
Five months after soft launching with a contract-brewed debut beer, Manantler Craft Brewing has opened its brewery and retail store at 182 Wellington St. in Bowmanville, ON, Canadian Beer News reported on March 2.
Manantler’s first day of business was on February 21st, and a number of different beers have passed through the fridges and tap lines since, including Rococo Chocolate Milk Stout, Clown Punch IPA, Dark Prince Black IPA and Safety Meeting Session Ale.
USA: Michigan hops production may double by 2016
A recently announced project is set to double Michigan hops production by 2016, The Idaho Statesman reported on March 2.
A Traverse City investment group that typically invests in commercial real estate, MI Local Investment, is prepared to break ground on a 400-acre hops farm in Williamsburg once the ground thaws. The sign is posted, the poles are waiting in the snow, according to the Traverse City Record-Eagle.
MI Local Investment President Jason Warren said the project is big for a reason. It follows an agriculture business principle he learned growing up in a cherry farming family on Old Mission Peninsula.
"It's all about economies of scale," Warren said. "If you're going to do it in a meaningful way you have to set yourself up for this size of a farming operation."
The new farm, MI Local Hops, will be larger than most Michigan hops farms, which Michigan State University Extension hops expert Rob Sirrine said typically come in at five to 10 acres.
The state's hops harvest could double along with the swelling acreage, changing the commodity's supply and demand structure and potentially the price.
But Joe Biermacher, a partner at Empire Hops Processing who tends four acres at Biermacher Farms in Grawn, isn't worried
...More info on site
USA, MI: Pigeon Hill Brewing Co. purchasing new facility for distribution
Muskegon-based Pigeon Hill Brewing Co. opened less than a year ago and has agreed to purchase a 9,270-square-foot-facility in Muskegon, at 441 W. Western Ave., which is across the street from its taproom, Grand Rapids Business Journal posted on March 3.
The project will end up costing Pigeon Hill about $1 million, with financing help from a bank.
Pigeon Hill Brewing co-founder and CEO Joel Kamp said the brewery wasn’t actively seeking a production facility, but was contacted by the owner of the building, represented by Signature Associates.
The facility will house a 20-barrel brewhouse with two fermenters to start — either 60- or 90-barrels each — and a brite tank. A barrel is 31 gallons.
Brewing will stagger between several of the brewery’s mainstay beers, such as Shifting Sands IPA, Walter Blonde Ale and Renegade White Double IPA.
The brewery will also purchase a canning line to help extend the brewery’s reach.
The brewery in the company’s taproom can sufficiently meet guest demand there.
“This expansion is mostly for distribution,” Kamp said. “This will also us to get into canning and further into the market at tap and off-premise retail accounts.”
Prior to being approached about the new location, Kamp said Pigeon Hill Brewing did expect to
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USA, MO & KS: Torn Label Brewing Co. to start distributing in Kansas
Kansas City, MO-based Torn Label Brewing Co. is coming to Kansas. The Crossroads production brewery officially launched in January with Major Brands issuing its kegs on the Missouri side of the state line. Starting as soon as next week, Torn Label's brews will be sent to the Sunflower State, The Pitch Weekly reported on March 3.
Torn Label's Rafi Chaudry said the brewery has signed an agreement with Standard Beverage that will begin sending its kegs to Johnson and Wyandotte counties. That's just the start.
"We are however excited to have statewide distribution capacity with Standard Beverage and look forward to expanding our footprint to places like Lawrence, Manhattan, Wichita and Topeka in the future," Chaudry says.
This is a bit of a homecoming for Chaudry and brewmaster and co-owner Travis Moore. Chaudry grew up in Overland Park, and Moore is from Olathe.
"The first place we met was at a coffeehouse on 135th and Quivira, so on a personal level it’s deeply meaningful for us to launch in Johnson and Wyandotte counties," Chaudry says. "Those are the bars and restaurants where we cut our teeth discovering craft beer, and those are where the true origins of Torn Label lie, even
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USA, CT: Still Hill Brewery to launch in Rocky Hill sometime this year
Still Hill Brewery will now have a home in Rocky Hill, CT, reported on March 2.
Brewing equipment has been ordered and the brewery will open sometime in 2015, according to its Facebook page.
It is named after Still Hill in Glastonbury, which is a historic site for brewing.
There are three planned year-round beers and seven potential season beers along with a number of other brews in development, according to the brewery’s web page.
USA, VA: The Big Ugly Brewing Company opens in Chesapeake
What started with a "Mr. Beer" kit has grown into Chesapeake's first microbrewery, the Big Ugly Brewing Company, complete with a 220-gallon or 14-keg capacity, tasting room and retail area, reported on March 1.
Michele Lantry got the ball - or keg - rolling when she purchased a home brewing kit for her husband Jim about 12 years ago.
That piqued Jim's interest. Before long he began to delve into the craft beer process, upgraded his equipment, and dedicated an entire room in his Carriage House Commons home to his hobby.
Brewing their own beer quickly became a favorite Lantry pastime, and they enjoyed sharing it most with their neighbors and friends of 10 years, Aaron and Shawn Childers. The couples would often gather in the Lantry garage to make - and drink - beer.
"We kept brewing and making better beer," said Jim Lantry, 53, a retired Navy commander who keeps his homebrew beer recipe journal virtually under lock and key. "We also made a lot of bad beers, but we kept working on the process, tweaked the system, read, studied and asked questions."
"We tasted a lot and called it research and development," said Shawn Childers, 41.
They won a few local contests
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Brazil: Beer output down in January-February and in February alone
Brazil’s beer output dropped by 6.6% in February as compared to the same month last year, data by Sistema de Controle de Produção de
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Ethiopia: Bavaria NV’s Habesha brewery to start selling beer in Q2 2015
Ethiopian greenfield brewer Habesha, majority-owned by Dutch brewer Bavaria NV, said it plans to start selling beer in the second quarter of this year
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World: Barley production forecast revised to 140.2 mln tonnes
The IGC on February 26 revised up its forecast for global barley production in 2014/15 to 140.2 (previous figure 138.8; previous year 144.9) mln
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Germany: German brewers win government backing to protect springs from fracking
German brewers have won government backing to protect the springs they use from fracking, which they say could taint the purity of their beer, Irish Independent reported on March 2.
The government plans to allow federal states to identify locations where fracking can't take place to preserve the quality of the ground water used by brewers and producers of bottled mineral water, the Environment Ministry said last week.
"We need clean water to produce our beer," said Friedrich Duell, president of the Bavarian Brewers Association.
"If our wells aren't protected our business is threatened.
"Fracking is a high-risk technology and we've seen water tainted in other countries often enough," said Mr Duell, whose 350-year-old brewery in Krautheim in the south German region of Franconia operates two wells.
The country's €8 bln brewing industry argues fracking for natural gas could endanger the quality of German beer, which is protected by the world's oldest food-safety regulation still in effect. Beer is ever-present at Germany's thousands of biergartens and at celebrations such as Munich's Oktoberfest.
Chancellor Angela Merkel was among politicians last week seen partaking of the beverage at the annual carnival festivities.
The Reinheitsgebot, or "purity law", was drafted in 1516 and states that only malted barley, hops and
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Ethiopia: Diageo’s Meta Abo Brewery completes last phase of expansion
Diageo’s Meta Abo Brewery has completed the latest phase of expansion with a $119 mln bottling line, the parent company reported on March 3.
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UK: Area seeded to barley variety Propino expected to rise nearly 10% this year
The variety Propino is set to be the big winner as the UK’s spring barley drilling area is expected to rise nearly 10% at
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Russia: Heineken’s Siberia plant starts brewing rice beer
Dutch brewing giant Heineken's Irkutsk plant has commenced shipping of a new beer brand Feilong, the company's first beverage in the Asian rice beer segment, according to
The beer is to be produced and distributed in Eastern Siberia, a region with close connections to Asian traditions owing to its proximity to China.
Brewed using a traditional recipe, Feilong beer is made with rice, which gives the brew a very mild flavor and golden color. It is an ideal accompaniment to hot and spicy Chinese dishes.
This light pasteurized beer (4.3 percent alcohol content) will be produced in 480-ml cans and 1.4-liter plastic bottles. It will be delivered to markets and local retail networks.
"We are pleased to introduce you to the new member of the Heineken family, Feilong rice beer - an exciting addition to our portfolio of brands," said director of marketing for Heineken Russia John Cahill to
"The rice beer segment is quite new to the Russian market. Now it is growing steadily, especially in Siberia and the Far East, where the cultural influence of China and Japan are traditionally strong. The launch of Feilong is an opportunity to compete for leadership in this promising niche for us,"
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