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| Newsletter 12b March 19 - March 22, 2015
Quote of the Week
"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible."
Tony Robbins
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on March 20, 2015 |
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar on March 20, 2015 |
1 USD = 0.9320 EUR
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1 USD = 1.2650 CAD
1 USD = 1.2994 AUD
1 USD = 120.5400 JPY
1 USD = 3.2482 BRL
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1 CAD = 1.0270 AUD
1 CAD = 95.2600 JPY
1 CAD = 2.5671 BRL
1 CAD = 47.3949 RUB
1 CAD = 4.8326 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA: Some of the maltsters may still be offering contracts for malting barley - expert
...Click here
USA, OH: Clintonville’s first brewery to open in early April
...Click here
USA, FL: Crooked Can Brewing Company to join Central Florida’s microbrew scene this weekend
...Click here
USA, MI: Pigeon Hill Brewing Company working on $1 mln expansion
...Click here
Canada: Molson Coors Canada to launch Mad Jack Premium Apple Lager across Canada next month
...Click here
Denmark & Russia: Depressed Russian beer market to further pressure Carlsberg’s credit rating – Moody’s
...Click here
UK: UK’s independent brewers produce 15.8% more beer last year
...Click here
The Czech Republic: Number of craft brewers coming close to 300 and their output rose by 30% last year
...Click here
World: Grain crops, consumption, ending stocks up sharply over the past years
...Click here
Côte d'Ivoire: Heineken may build a brewery in Côte d'Ivoire - report
...Click here
UK: BBPA Chief Executive comments on the penny cut in beer duty
...Click here
Ireland: Molson Coors invests £2 mln in new facility to expand craft beer production
...Click here
Mexico: Constellation Brands to invest more than US$1 bln in expanding production at Coahuila brewery
...Click here
New Zealand: Growth of craft beer consumption being driven by switching consumers’ preferences and retailers’ support
...Click here
EU: The Brewers of Europe welcomes British Chancellor’s announcement on cutting beer taxes for the third year running
...Click here
Japan: Sapporo Breweries Ltd. to launch craft beer called Craft Label
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
German Spring Malting Barley Production Forecast 2015
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Canadian Malting and Feed Barley Prices
US Malting and Feed Barley Prices
French Malting and Feed Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
Canadian Malt Prices
US Malt Prices
Theoretical EU Malt Prices

Scientific Digest
Never underestimate the roots
Our roots tell us who we are, why should it be different for hops? But actually what do we know about the roots of hops, the hidden half of the plant? These German researchers investigated the root development of different hop plants for a five year period producing a lot of valuable results. The root system of hop can be subdivided into three parts: A row section with adventitious roots, a disk surrounding the rootstock with horizontally growing roots and a block of vertical roots developing downwards. Both the horizontal and the vertical part are interspersed by two types of roots (perennial and fresh ones). The total amount of the rooted soil volume is about four cubic meters, which indicates a large potential capacity for available water. These findings may contribute to optimised hop cultivation with regard to irrigation, fertilisation and tillage. Read more
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
19 March 1775 - Poland and Prussia sign trade agreement
1831 - 1st U.S. bank robbery (City Bank, New York/$245,000)
1965 - Indonesia nationalizes all foreign oil companies
20 March 1886 - 1st AC power plant in U.S. begins commercial operation, Massachusetts
1991 - U.S. forgives $2 billion in loans to Poland
2000 - Shares in MicroStrategy Inc., a hot software consulting firm, fall from $246.75 to $86.75 in a single day as chairman Michael Saylor announces that the company will have to slash its reported revenues and earnings for the past two years
21 March 1868 - In London, the prospectus for the earliest known mutual fund is published as the Foreign and Colonial Government Trust offers its shares to the public for 85 pounds sterling
1906 - John D Rockefeller III is born, billionaire philanthropist (oil)
1986 - 199.22 million shares traded in New York Stock Exchange
1986 - Pittsburgh Associates buy Pittsburgh Pirates for $218 million
22 March 1895 - Auguste and Louis Lumière show their 1st movie to an invited audience
1933 - Franklin D. Roosevelt makes wine and beer with up to 3.2% alcohol legal
1960 - 1st patent for lasers, granted to Arthur Schawlow and Charles Townes
March 2015:
01-06: 15th IBD Africa Section Convention 2015 (Maputo, Mozambique)
11-14: Brazilian Beer Festival - Festival Brasileiro da Cerveja 2015 (Blumenau, Brazil)
13-15: Barcelona Beer Festival 2015 (Barcelona, Spain)
20-21: BeerX 2015 2015 (Sheffield, UK)
31 March - 02 April: ProPak Vietnam 2015 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
April 2015:
14-17: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2015 (Portland, USA)
21-23: Brewer (Pivovar) 2015 (Moscow, Russia)
23-25: Shanghai International Brew & Beverage Manufacturing Technology and Equipment 2015 (Shanghai, China)
25-26: Zythos 2015 (Leuven, Belgium)
May 2015:
06-08: bevtec Asia 2015 (Bangkok, Thailand)
07-23: The Czech Beer Festival 2015 (Prague, the Czech Republic)
18-20: Beer (Pivo) 2015 (Sochi, Russia)
24-28: EBC 2015 (Porto, Portugal)
26-28: Alimentaria Mexico 2015 (Mexico City, Mexico)
28-30: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2015 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
28-31: Latvia Beer Fest 2015 (Riga, Latvia)
June 2015:
10-14: Mondial de la Biere 2015 (Montreal, Canada)
July 2015:
01-04: Ollesummer 2015 (Tallinn, Estonia)
15-17: Brasil Brau 2015 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
August 2015:
11-15: The Great British Beer Festival 2015 (London, UK)
September 2015:
19 September - 14 October: Oktoberfest 2015 (Munich, Germany)
24-26: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2015:
01-03: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)
November 2015:
10-12: Brau Beviale 2015 (Nuremberg, Germany)
More events are available on site
News Articles
USA: Some of the maltsters may still be offering contracts for malting barley - expert
For growers still wanting to seed barley this year, there is a chance that some of the maltsters may be offering a small number of contracts yet for the 2015 growing season, according to Randy Brag, of Valley Grain Milling in Casselton and Beulah, both in North Dakota.
“I heard last week there were some e-bids out there for Busch again, so it’s one of these things that if you are looking for contracts, it’s best to call the maltster and let them know you are interested so they can contact you,” Brag was quoted as saying by Farm & Ranch Guide on March 19.
Brag noted there are many growers who haven’t grown barley for several years who are taking a good look at it right now as they are trying to make the different crops pencil out.
“I’m expecting quite an increase in barley acres here,” he said. “You talk to the guys who are selling seed and there is a big demand for barley seed. I think many are going to seed barley, even if they don’t have a contract.
“And that might not be the worst idea in the world if they go with a good malting variety,” he continued.
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USA, OH: Clintonville’s first brewery to open in early April
Clintonville’s first brewery, Lineage Brewing, is getting ready to open at 2971 N. High St. in early April, Columbus Alive reported on March 17.
Co-owner and brewer Mike Byrne announced the brewery’s received its license and has begun brewing. His goal is to open with six house brews on tap, with possible room for guest taps. Thus far he’s brewed a cream ale, a Berliner weisse and has a porter aging on coconut. He’s working on a seven-barrel system, built in part from old dairy equipment from Plain City and pieces previously owned by Four String Brewing.
The brewery is owned by a four-person partnership: Byrne and his wife Jessica, Carey Hall and Jessica Page. Mike Byrne previously served as the brewer for Buckeye Lake Brewery for three years.
Byrne said the brewery takes its name from multiple sources, including the two couples’ backgrounds living in Clintonville, the history of their equipment and the classic styles they’ll brew.
Lineage is planning a soft opening in the coming weeks, and is aiming for a grand opening the first weekend in April.
USA, FL: Crooked Can Brewing Company to join Central Florida’s microbrew scene this weekend
The exploding Central Florida microbrew scene gets a new player this weekend, when Crooked Can Brewing Company opens its taproom at the Plant Street Market in downtown Winter Garden, Orlando Sentinel reported on March 17.
The brewery will be one of the first tenants to open in the Plant Street Market, with the full roster expected within “a month or so,” according to Crooked Can manager Jared Czachorowski.
In the meantime, you can taste High Stepper American IPA and other offerings from brewmaster Kent Waugh at their taproom, which will be open from 11 a.m.-2 a.m. Friday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Sunday-Thursday starting this Saturday, March 21.
USA, MI: Pigeon Hill Brewing Company working on $1 mln expansion
A downtown Muskegon brewery preparing to celebrate one year in business is already growing, VZZM reported on March 18.
The owners of Pigeon Hill Brewing Company are working on a $1 million expansion of the brewery, taking over the space previously occupied by Club Envy. They say they need the extra space to keep up with distribution needs.
Pigeon Hill Brewing Company will celebrate its one year anniversary with events this weekend. The anniversary party will include tastings of new beers and a heated beer tent with live music. Western Avenue in front of the brewery will close to accommodate the festivities.
Canada: Molson Coors Canada to launch Mad Jack Premium Apple Lager across Canada next month
Molson Coors Canada will introduce its Mad Jack Premium Apple Lager across Canada at select beer retailers and stores in April, Drinks Business Review reported on March 18.
The lager was introduced in Ontario and Quebec in 2014.
Molson Coors is set to expand the availability of Mad Jack lager to select on-premise beer and liquor stores in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland.
Molson Coors insights and portfolio strategy innovation vice president Kristi Knowles said: "With a crisp apple taste that's light in body with a smooth, clean finish, Mad Jack has a taste that's refreshingly different.
"Beer drinkers and non-beer drinkers have quickly taken a liking to Mad Jack and we can't wait for the rest of Canada to get the opportunity to taste one of our best-received products in years."
Claimed to be free from preservatives, Mad Jack Premium Apple Lager includes malt, natural flavours and contains 5% ABV (alcohol by volume).
Brewed in Canada, the lager is available in 473ml cans in single, four-pack and six-pack formats, as well as 355ml cans in 12-pack format and 341ml bottles in six-pack format.
Molson Coors Canada owns brands such as Molson Canadian, Coors Light, Molson Export, Rickard's and
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Denmark & Russia: Depressed Russian beer market to further pressure Carlsberg’s credit rating – Moody’s
A depressed Russian beer market will pressure Carlsberg's already weakened Baa2 credit rating, Moody's said on March 18, but the ratings agency noted that
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UK: UK’s independent brewers produce 15.8% more beer last year
UK’s independent brewers produced an estimated 526 mln pints of beer last year, with production up 15.8% year-on-year, according to the annual SIBA Beer
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The Czech Republic: Number of craft brewers coming close to 300 and their output rose by 30% last year
The craft beer market, which is a fairly recent phenomenon in the Czech Republic, is experiencing a major boom. The number of small breweries is coming close to 300 and last year their overall production rose by 30 percent, Radio Prague reported on March 19.
Opening a brewery in the shadow of Pilsner, Budvar or Radegast was not easy for the pioneers of craft beer in the Czech Republic and at first they struggled to sell their brews to a highly conservative public. However a decade or so ago craft beer finally caught on and Czechs are increasingly learning to appreciate specialty beers.
Last year the number of small breweries jumped by 50 and despite the higher cost of their brews they have found their clientele and are holding their own on the crowded Czech beer market. Many have revived centuries old recipes and have opened their own restaurant alongside the brewery. They sell to regular pubs in the vicinity and a growing number of craft beer pubs for connoisseurs. Owning a small brewery has become something of a fashion and often successful businessmen from a different field of enterprise fulfil their dream by investing some of their profit into a small
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EU: Barley exports may reach 8 mln tons this year
The EU barley crop is 60 mln tons, consumption 48.5 mln, final stocks 10.6 mln tons, H. M. Gauger GmbH reported on March 2.
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World: Grain crops, consumption, ending stocks up sharply over the past years
World crops, consumption, and ending stocks have increased sharply over the past years. Markets crashed, the IGC Grains & Oilseeds Price Index dropped by 20% from a year ago, H. M. Gauger GmbH analysts reported earlier in March.
Markets were heavily influenced by currency fluctuations. The U.S. lost market shares, especially to the EU and Black Sea countries. It would take major crop failures to change the weak market trends, but at present it rather looks like another good crop year, experts point out.
Argentina and Brazil are harvesting very good corn and soybeans crops right now, and winter in the northern hemisphere did only limited damage to grain crops, mainly in the USA, Russia and Ukraine.
Côte d'Ivoire: Heineken may build a brewery in Côte d'Ivoire - report
Heineken may soon launch a brewery in Côte d'Ivoire. The information was published by the website Ivorian Connection, which evokes “knowledgeable” sources.
According to Ivorian Connection, Heineken, currently in association with the CFAO Group, will install in coming months a brewery close to Abidjan, the country’s economic capital.
The brewery will compete with LBI and SOLIBRA. The cost of the project is not specified, but the website indicated that the initiative has already been brought to the attention of the Ivorian authorities.
UK: BBPA Chief Executive comments on the penny cut in beer duty
Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive of the British Beer & Pub Association, comments on the penny cut in beer duty just announced in the Budget:
“The Chancellor really is a ‘Hat Trick Hero’. His third, successive beer tax cut shows he has listened to consumers, publicans and brewers.
“Beer tax is now ten pence lower than it would have been under the beer duty escalator, which he abolished.
“It will boost employment by 3,800 this year alone and attract new capital investment. It will put 180 million pounds in the pockets of beer drinkers and pubgoers. That is a huge difference.
“Cutting beer duty supports a great British Industry which contributes £22 billion to GDP and supports almost 900,000 jobs. It’s also a boost for pubs, as beer accounts for seven out every ten alcohol drinks sold in our pubs.
“The renewed confidence in our sector is reflected in rising beer sales in 2014, for the first time in a decade.
“There is of course more work to de done, and we look forward to persuading MPs in the next Parliament that further action is needed to encourage consumers towards our lower-strength, British-made national drink."
Duty on a typical pint of 4% abv beer following a one penny
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Ireland: Molson Coors invests £2 mln in new facility to expand craft beer production
Brewer Molson Coors has invested £2 mln in a new facility to expand production for the Franciscan Well craft brewery in Cork, Ireland, reported on March 20.
A former warehouse at Cork docks is being converted into the plant, which will produce lagers, ales, stouts and wheat beer, by FMA Process Engineering.
The project will increase the craft brewer’s production from seven hectolitres (HL) daily to 50HL brews and up to six brews a day, six days a week.
Franciscan Well has seen demand for its brands, including Friar Weisse, Blarney Blonde, Rebel Red and Shandon Stout, increase, meaning it had to add to capacity at its existing North Mall Cork brewpub.
FMA said its scope of works included design and installation of all mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and automation aspects of the new microbrewery.
It would also handle the sourcing, delivery and installation of all process equipment as well as the start-up and commissioning of the plant and staff training.
It added the design would be centred upon a three-vessel brewhouse system, a beer cellar with 10-off, 100HL unitanks and an automated keg washer/filler plant, which could fill 90 30-litre kegs an hour. As a result, total capacity would be 2,700 litres and hour.
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Mexico: Constellation Brands to invest more than US$1 bln in expanding production at Coahuila brewery
Constellation Brands, the company that distributes Corona, Modelo Negra, and Modelo Especial in the U.S., announced plans to invest more than one billion dollars
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New Zealand: Growth of craft beer consumption being driven by switching consumers’ preferences and retailers’ support
Craft beer sales are continuing to rise in New Zealand despite falling volumes in the wider sector, Moa chief executive Geoff Ross was quoted as saying by New Zealand Herald on March 17.
He said the decline in beer sales volumes was largely through mainstream products not selling as well and preferences shifting towards more premium and craft beers.
"It's the classic quality versus quantity thing that has already happened with other beverages," Ross said.
"So rather than paying NZ$20 for a 12 pack, people might pay NZ$24 for three bottles of a special reserve range or other ranges, so volume is down overall but spend, particularly in our sector, is up and continuing to be up.
"It's being driven by two things - by the consumer who wants more interesting taste profiles but the other thing driving craft is the retailers who want more margin," he said. "They're not making anything out of a NZ$20 pack of beers, they're making more money out of one bottle of Moa Reserve."
He said increasing numbers of free houses - bars that were not associated exclusively with either Lion or its main competitor DB Breweries - was also a factor, with such bars wanting to offer a
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EU: The Brewers of Europe welcomes British Chancellor’s announcement on cutting beer taxes for the third year running
The Brewers of Europe welcomed the announcement by British Chancellor George Osborne that beer taxes will be cut for the third year running.
Commenting on the impact the latest tax cut is set to have on the UK economy, Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive of the British Beer & Pub Association stated: “It will boost employment by 3,800 this year alone and attract new capital investment. It will put 180 million pounds in the pockets of beer drinkers and pubgoers. That is a huge difference.”
The abolition of the so-called “beer duty escalator” (a previous system whereby beer tax was increased above inflation year on year) and a beer tax cut in 2013 and 2014 had already secured 16,000 jobs. What this latest announcement shows to other EU governments is that a water-tight case can be made for beer tax cuts as a means of stimulating investment, growth, jobs and ultimately new tax revenues for the government too.
Beer generates over 2 million jobs across the EU and there are now well over 5000 breweries across the continent. The sector went through tough times after 2008, with consumption in the EU dropping by 8% in just two years and the hospitality sector particularly suffering.
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Japan: Sapporo Breweries Ltd. to launch craft beer called Craft Label
Riding a recent craft beer trend, Sapporo Breweries Ltd. said on March 18 it is launching a new brand to attract more beer drinkers who consume in moderation. The Japan Times reported.
“The demand for beer has been decreasing each year, but we, as a beer-maker, hope to take advantage of this growing field to create a new beer culture,” Hiroshi Tokimatsu, director of Sapporo Breweries’ sales division, said ambitiously.
Sapporo Breweries has launched a new company called Japan Premium Brew Co. to market the new brand, called Craft Label.
In May, the new firm will release a pale ale-type beer with a fruity citrus flavor that will be priced at ¥288 per 350-milliliter offering.
Shipments of beer and beer-like drinks, such as low-malt products, have decreased for 10 years straight, but the market for craft beer is on the rise. Tokimatsu said craft beer doesn’t account for even 1 percent of Japan’s total beer shipments at present, but he expects it will represent between 1 and 2 percent by 2020.
Pilsner-type beer has been overwhelmingly popular in the Japanese market, but as the quality of craft beer turned out by small breweries has improved, such beverages are winning the hearts of more
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