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RombBullet Brewers equities
RombBullet Market prices change trend
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RombBullet Graph of the week
RombBullet Table of the week
RombBullet Prices evolution
RombBullet Barley prices
RombBullet Theoretical malt prices
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RombBullet Agenda
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E-Malt.com Flash 18a
April 27 - April 29, 2015

Quote of the Week

"There is more to life than beer alone, but beer makes those other things even better."
Stephen Morris

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: Euro
on April 30, 2015
Base Currency: US Dollar
on April 30, 2015
      1 EUR = 1.1002 USD
1 EUR = 0.7161 GBP
1 EUR = 1.3262 CAD
1 EUR = 1.3762 AUD
1 EUR = 131.2000 JPY
1 EUR = 3.2467 BRL
1 EUR = 56.8060 RUB
1 EUR = 6.8211 CNY
      1 USD = nq EUR
1 USD = nq GBP
1 USD = nq CAD
1 USD = nq AUD
1 USD = nq JPY
1 USD = nq BRL
1 USD = 51.7029 RUB
1 USD = nq CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Breweries Equities

Average Market Prices Change Trend

April 30, 2015
Type Crop 2014 Crop 2015
2rs Barley nq   nq  
6rw Barley nq   nq  
2rs Malt nq   nq  
6rw Malt nq   nq  
Feed Barley nq  nq 

Note: Just click here and you will be led to our Market Price History. These are average French barley market prices estimated on FOB Creil basis. The theoretical average malt prices are based FOB Antwerp being estimated on French malting barley. The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.

Top Industry News

Malt news Australia: Coopers planning A$60 mln investment in malting plant and upgrading of its Adelaide brewery ...Click here

Brewery news India: Carlsberg India makes right decisions due to good insight about what drinkers actually want - CEO ...Click here
Brewery news Bulgaria: Kamenitza’s investments in Haskovo brewery total 30 mln euros since the beginning of last year ...Click here

Barley news World: Global barley production forecast for 2015/16 revised up due to expectations of higher output in Russia ...Click here
Barley news UK: Malting barley supply & demand situation expected to be more balanced this year ...Click here

More Industry News

Brewery news Norway: Carlsberg and Brooklyn Brewery to open second joint brewery, this time in Norway ...Click here
Barley news Russia: Spring barley planted on 1.9 mln ha as of April 24 ...Click here
Brewery news India: Diageo set to make Vijay Mallya quit United Spirits board ...Click here
Brewery news Portugal: Portugal raises minimum age for alcohol sale to 18 ...Click here

Graph of the week

Table of the week

Czech Brewing Industry 2013 - 2014

Table of the week.
Prices Evolution

Prices evolution

Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

These Days in Business History

27 April
1914 - W. H. Carrier patents air conditioner
1925 - Netherlands and Great Britain return to gold standard
1981 - Xerox PARC introduces the computer mouse
2005 - Airbus A380 makes its first flight from Toulouse, France

28 April
1686 - 1st volume of Isaac Newton's "Principia" published
1989 - Argentina, hit by rocketing inflation, runs out of money
2001 - Dennis Tito becomes the first space tourist by paying $20 million to fly on a Soyuz mission to the International Space Station

29 April
1813 - Rubber is patented
1910 - The Parliament of the United Kingdom passes the People's Budget, the first budget in British history with the expressed intent of redistributing wealth among the British public
1913 - Swedish engineer Gideon Sundback of Hoboken patents all-purpose zipper
1953 - The first U.S. experimental 3D television broadcast showed an episode of Space Patrol on Los Angeles ABC affiliate KECA-TV
1977 - British Aerospace forms


April 2015:
14-17: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2015 (Portland, USA)
21-23: Brewer (Pivovar) 2015 (Moscow, Russia)
23-25: Shanghai International Brew & Beverage Manufacturing Technology and Equipment 2015 (Shanghai, China)
25-26: Zythos 2015 (Leuven, Belgium)

May 2015:
06-08: bevtec Asia 2015 (Bangkok, Thailand)
07-23: The Czech Beer Festival 2015 (Prague, the Czech Republic)
18-20: Beer (Pivo) 2015 (Sochi, Russia)
24-28: EBC 2015 (Porto, Portugal)
26-28: Alimentaria Mexico 2015 (Mexico City, Mexico)
28-30: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2015 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
28-31: Latvia Beer Fest 2015 (Riga, Latvia)

June 2015:
10-14: Mondial de la Biere 2015 (Montreal, Canada)

July 2015:
01-04: Ollesummer 2015 (Tallinn, Estonia)
09-12: Artbeerfest 2015 (Caminha, Portugal)
15-17: Brasil Brau 2015 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

August 2015:
11-15: The Great British Beer Festival 2015 (London, UK)

September 2015:
19 September - 14 October: Oktoberfest 2015 (Munich, Germany)
24-26: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)

October 2015:
01-03: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)

November 2015:
10-12: Brau Beviale 2015 (Nuremberg, Germany)

More events are available on site e-malt.com

MaltMalt News Malt

Malt news Australia: Coopers planning A$60 mln investment in malting plant and upgrading of its Adelaide brewery
Coopers is planning to spend A$60 million upgrading its Regency Park, Adelaide brewery, Herald Sun reported on April 29.

The work would include a malting plant, extra car parking and creating better truck access, according to plans lodged with the state’s Development Assessment Commission this month.

Coopers management and the commission would not comment on the project or say how many jobs it would create.

The proposed malting plant would be a first for the South Rd site, which opened in 1998.

About 80 B-double trucks access the site daily to deliver beer around South Australia and interstate.

The company has already invested A$20 million since 2013 on a second bottling line, four new fermenters and improved truck access.

Port Adelaide Enfield Mayor Gary Johanson said the project would boost the state’s economy.

He said it would help ease the blow from pending job losses at Kilburn’s Bradken foundry and Holden’s Elizabeth plant.

“They (Coopers) are in a strong financial position and they are a proven brand,” Mr Johanson said.

“There would be no reason why the investment should not proceed.

“It would create some highly-skilled jobs and some of these (beer) processes are a real art form to produce the right outcome and flavours.

“It has a potential for many ...More info on site

BreweryBrewery News Brewery

Brewery newsIndia: Carlsberg India makes right decisions due to good insight about what drinkers actually want - CEO
Every month, Michael N Jensen, CEO of Carlsberg India, randomly picks up an outlet anywhere across 140 cities, to spend a full day there ...More info on site

Brewery newsBulgaria: Kamenitza’s investments in Haskovo brewery total 30 mln euros since the beginning of last year
On April 28, Bulgaria’s Kamenitza AD said it invested 30 million euros in its Astika brewery in the town of Haskovo since the beginning ...More info on site

Brewery news Norway: Carlsberg and Brooklyn Brewery to open second joint brewery, this time in Norway
Danish beer giant Carlsberg said earlier this week it is to open a second joint brewery with Brooklyn Brewery, this time in Trondheim, Norway.

The EC Dahls Brewery follows a similar project in Sweden, launched last year, and strengthens the collaboration between the Danish and New York brewers, the companies said on April 27. The latest project will see a new brewery with pub, restaurant, conference facilities and visitor centre opened at the existing Ringnes EC Dahls brewery site in Trondheim.

It is due to open in late summer next year and will produce local Dahls beer as well as new craft brands. Financial details of the tie-up have not been disclosed.

A spokesperson for Carlsberg said the new craft brands will be available in Norwegian on- and off-trade. "The ultimate ambition would be to sell internationally too, but immediate focus is limited to Norwegian market," the spokesperson added.

In April last year, Brooklyn Brewery and Carlsberg unveiled an 8,000-barrel capacity site in Stockholm, called Nya Carnegiebryggeriet (the New Carnegie Brewery). The brewery initially brewed five new beers.

Brewery news India: Diageo set to make Vijay Mallya quit United Spirits board
London-headquartered Diageo Plc, the world's largest liquor producer by revenues, is set to swing into action to ring-fence its $3 billion investment in India, VCCircle reported on April 27.

The firm is looking at options to push out Vijay Mallya out of United Spirits board after the former promoter of United Spirits Ltd (USL) appeared defiant over calls to make him step down as chairman of India's top liquor maker. Diageo's moves - to be initiated soon - would also seek to get pending dues owed by UB Group firms to USL, sources said.

Diageo owns 54.78 per cent stake in USL, while Mallya owns 4.09 per cent stake, partly through public listed holding firm United Breweries (Holdings) Ltd. Over half of UB Group's stake is pledged with financial institutions. However, UB Group is still counted as a co-promoter of the firm.

The development is related to an investigation probing irregularities over financial transactions involving USL and other UB Group firms, controlled by Mallya.

The probe covered the company's financial dealings with various UB Group companies including a loan of Rs 1,300 crore to United Breweries Holdings, which may have been further lent to Kingfisher Airlines, a defunct aviation venture of UB Group.

USL was ...More info on site

Brewery news Portugal: Portugal raises minimum age for alcohol sale to 18
The Portuguese Government approved amendments to legislation on alcohol, establishing a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors, ESM reported on April 27.

Currently, beer and wine sales were allowed to those older than 16 years.

A statement issued after the meeting of the Council of Ministers says that it is now forbidden to provide or sell alcoholic beverages to minors and put them at their disposal for commercial purposes, in public places and in places open to the public.

It also adds that this measure “is not intended to punish or penalise the consumer, but put barriers to access to alcohol by adolescents, adopting the recommendations of national and international specialized agencies such as the World Health Organization".

The National Spirits Association has welcomed the raising to 18 the minimum age for the consumption of all types of alcohol in the country.

For its part, the Portuguese Beer Producers Association believes that the new changes are “premature” as the existing law has been in force only for two years, after four years of discussions between the Ministry of Health and the civil society.

BarleyBarley News Barley

Barley newsWorld: Global barley production forecast for 2015/16 revised up due to expectations of higher output in Russia
The IGC in its April report revised up its forecasts for global 2015/16 barley production to 135.6 (previous forecast 134.2; previous year 141.1) mln ...More info on site

Barley newsUK: Malting barley supply & demand situation expected to be more balanced this year
Weather patterns, planting data and crop development at present indicate a return to a more balanced supply & demand situation for malting barley on ...More info on site

Barley news Russia: Spring barley planted on 1.9 mln ha as of April 24
UkrAgroConsult reports that as of April 24, 2015, Russian farmers have planted spring crops on an area of 5.5 mln ha or 10.7% of the intended 51.4 mln ha. This compares to 6.7 mln ha at the same time of the previous year.

Spring wheat planting stands at 296,000 (359,000) ha or at 2% of the intended area, that of spring barley at 1.9 (2.3) mln ha or 23% and of corn at 522,000 (628,000) ha or 19%.

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