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RombBullet Theoretical malt prices
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E-Malt.com Flash 20a
May 11 - May 13, 2015

Quote of the Week

"History flows forward on rivers of beer."

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: Euro
on May 13, 2015
Base Currency: US Dollar
on May 13, 2015
      1 EUR = 1.1239 USD
1 EUR = 0.7164 GBP
1 EUR = 1.3532 CAD
1 EUR = 1.4070 AUD
1 EUR = 134.8500 JPY
1 EUR = 3.4514 BRL
1 EUR = 57.1102 RUB
1 EUR = 6.9822 CNY
      1 USD = 0.8925 EUR
1 USD = 0.6399 GBP
1 USD = 1.2055 CAD
1 USD = 1.2584 AUD
1 USD = 120.0300 JPY
1 USD = 3.0456 BRL
1 USD = 50.5156 RUB
1 USD = 6.0818 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Breweries Equities

Average Market Prices Change Trend

May 13, 2015
Type Crop 2014 Crop 2015
2rs Barley 171.00-173.00 - 191.00-193.00 up0.52%
6rw Barley 167.00-169.00 - 175.00-177.00 -
2rs Malt 363.50-365.50 - 384.50-386.50 up0.32%
6rw Malt 359.00-361.00 - 364.50-366.50 -
Feed Barley 163.00-165.00- nq 

Note: Just click here and you will be led to our Market Price History. These are average French barley market prices estimated on FOB Creil basis. The theoretical average malt prices are based FOB Antwerp being estimated on French malting barley. The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.

Top Industry News

Malt news World: Malt markets reported as inactive in April ...Click here
Malt news UK: Barley usage for brewing, malting, distilling up 1% in July-March 2014/15 ...Click here

Brewery news World: SABMiller’s earnings beat analysts’ estimates ...Click here
Brewery news World: Carlsberg reports 90 mln Danish kroner loss for the first quarter ...Click here
Brewery news Turkey & CIS: Anadolu Efes’ net loss widens to TRL212 mln in January-March 2015 ...Click here
Brewery news The Philippines: San Miguel Brewery’s first-quarter net profit up by a fifth ...Click here
Brewery news Vietnam: AB InBev’s first Southeast Asia brewery to open on May 21 ...Click here

Barley news World: World barley production expected to drop slightly in 2015/16 ...Click here
Barley news World: Barley S&D balance may be tight next season ...Click here
Barley news EU: Unsold stocks of old crop malting barley reduced mainly due to large exports to China ...Click here

More Industry News

Brewery news The Philippines: San Miguel Corp. may consider selling its stake in beer unit to Japan’s Kirin Holdings ...Click here
Brewery news South Africa: Craft beer market forecast to grow by 30% this year ...Click here
Brewery news China: Imported products could fill the gap in the Chinese alcoholic beverage market ...Click here
Brewery news Italy: Italian beer receives authorization to use the "Authentic Trappist Product" logo ...Click here
Brewery news Colombia: Private equity fund manager Tribeca toasts successful sale of Bogota Beer Company to Ambev ...Click here

Graph of the week

Table of the week

German Beer Market Overview

Table of the week.
Prices Evolution

Prices evolution

Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

Scientific Digest

My dear hop variety, how can I smell who you are?

If aroma-relevant sulfur thiols are involved, this group or researchers is too. When we talk about the following varieties: Amarillo, Citra, Hallertau Blanc, Mosaic, and Sorachi Ace, all of us who ever worked with them, know how distinct each one is in flavor and aroma. These researchers have looked into the composition of volatiles of these varieties to identify compounds and concentrations on which this distinctiveness can be based. They found that Sorachi Ace contains higher amounts of farnesene (2101 mg/kg) than Saaz. All hops investigated showed an exceptional citrus-like potential exhibited by monoterpenic alcohols and polyfunctional thiols. Among the monoterpenic alcohols, B-citronellol at concentrations above 7 mg/kg distinguished Amarillo, Citra, Hallertau Blanc, Mosaic, and Sorachi Ace from Nelson Sauvin and Tomahawk, while linalool (312 mg/kg) and geraniol (211 mg/kg) remained good discriminating compounds for Nelson Sauvin and Tomahawk respectively. Regarding polyfunctional thiols, higher amounts of 3-mercapto-hexyl acetate (27 M/kg) characterized the Citra variety. Free 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-one proved discriminant for Sorachi Ace, while the bound form is predominant in Nelson Sauvin. On the other hand, an S-conjugate of 3-mercapto-hexan-1-ol was found in Sorachi Ace at levels not far from those previously reported for Cascade, although the free form was undetected here. Both free and bound grapefruit-like 3-mercapto-4-methylpentan-1-ol emerged as discriminating compounds for the Hallertau Blanc variety. In conclusion, although much diversity was found - all proved to contain an exceptional citrus-like potential. In Sorachi Ace, B-citronellol is probably the main compound responsible for such notes, while in others, polyfunctional thiols such as 3MHA (Citra) or 3M4MPol (Hallertau Blanc, Mosaic) could play a key role. Does this mean in conclusion (which leads also to the next article): Hop aroma - is it all about the ratio ?

Read more
Source: Barth Innovations

These Days in Business History

11 May
1861 - In a move of symbolic support for the Union, the New York Stock Exchange bans all trading in Confederate stocks and bonds. (However, members are still free to short-sell any Union securities they choose)
1907 - Bank of San Francisco incorporated
1928 - General Electric opens 1st TV-station (Schenectady, New York)
2010 - David Cameron becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom following talks between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats to form the UK's first coalition government since World War II after elections produced a hung parliament

12 May
1916 - Einstein's Theory of General Relativity presented
1949 - 1st Polaroid camera sold $89.95 in New York City
1949 - The Soviet Union lifts its blockade of Berlin
1975 - Israel signs an agreement with European Economic Market

13 May
1842 - 1st edition of London Illustrated News
1862 - Adolphe Nicole of Switzerland patents chronograph
1884 - Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) forms


May 2015:
06-08: bevtec Asia 2015 (Bangkok, Thailand)
07-23: The Czech Beer Festival 2015 (Prague, the Czech Republic)
18-20: Beer (Pivo) 2015 (Sochi, Russia)
24-28: EBC 2015 (Porto, Portugal)
26-28: Alimentaria Mexico 2015 (Mexico City, Mexico)
28-30: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2015 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
28-31: Latvia Beer Fest 2015 (Riga, Latvia)

June 2015:
10-14: Mondial de la Biere 2015 (Montreal, Canada)

July 2015:
01-04: Ollesummer 2015 (Tallinn, Estonia)
09-12: Artbeerfest 2015 (Caminha, Portugal)
15-17: Brasil Brau 2015 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

August 2015:
11-15: The Great British Beer Festival 2015 (London, UK)

September 2015:
19 September - 14 October: Oktoberfest 2015 (Munich, Germany)
24-26: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)

October 2015:
01-03: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)

November 2015:
10-12: Brau Beviale 2015 (Nuremberg, Germany)

More events are available on site e-malt.com

MaltMalt News Malt

Malt newsWorld: Malt markets reported as inactive in April
Malt markets were reported to be inactive during the month of April. However, these markets are complicated for assembling and reporting correct information, H. ...More info on site

Malt newsUK: Barley usage for brewing, malting, distilling up 1% in July-March 2014/15
United Kingdom’s brewers, maltsters and distillers total barley usage was 163 thousand tonnes in March 2015, down 3% vs the same month last year, ...More info on site

BreweryBrewery News Brewery

Brewery newsWorld: SABMiller’s earnings beat analysts’ estimates
SABMiller Plc, the world’s second-biggest brewer, reported on May 13 full-year earnings that beat analysts’ estimates on a rebound in China yet said it ...More info on site

Brewery newsWorld: Carlsberg reports 90 mln Danish kroner loss for the first quarter
Danish brewer Carlsberg A/S on May 12 reported a loss for the first quarter, pressured by increased uncertainty and volatility in the Russian beer ...More info on site

Brewery newsTurkey & CIS: Anadolu Efes’ net loss widens to TRL212 mln in January-March 2015
Turkey’s Anadolu Efes said on May 6 its consolidated sales volume was 17.1 mln hl in 1Q2015, down 4.0% y-o-y.

The company’s consolidated net sales ...More info on site

Brewery newsThe Philippines: San Miguel Brewery’s first-quarter net profit up by a fifth
San Miguel Brewery, Inc. (SMB) grew its net profit by a fifth in the first three months of 2015 as revenues picked up on ...More info on site

Brewery newsVietnam: AB InBev’s first Southeast Asia brewery to open on May 21
Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev), the largest brewer in the world, is strengthening its commitment to the Vietnamese beer industry through launching a new brewery ...More info on site

Brewery newsThe Philippines: San Miguel Corp. may consider selling its stake in beer unit to Japan’s Kirin Holdings
Conglomerate San Miguel Corp. said on May 8 it may consider selling its stake in beer unit to its joint venture partner Japan’s Kirin ...More info on site

Brewery news South Africa: Craft beer market forecast to grow by 30% this year
The super-premium beer market in South Africa (traditionally called craft beer) may still be in the fledgling stages of its development, but the market is estimated by Standard Bank to grow 30% this year and another 35% in 2016, Cape Business News reported on May 11.

According to Standard Bank, the market could make up as much as 18 mln litres by 2017 to give it a 2.1% share of the total premium and lite market - from just 0.3% in 2011.

Brendan Grundlingh, an Executive from Standard Bank’s Global Consumer Sector team, says the reason the market is growing so quickly is due to the increased demand driven by trends around authenticity and originality in the food and beverage space. The growth is being hindered by a lack of supply and funding, consistency and quality issues as well as poor marketing practices.

“Consumers in this segment want locally made products with a story behind them rather than a mainstream produced product. We are in the early stages of growth, but super-premium is a beer category with potential,” he says.

Growth in South Africa could also be matched in the rest of Africa. The US market is often used as a benchmark and ...More info on site

Brewery news China: Imported products could fill the gap in the Chinese alcoholic beverage market
China’s beer industry is entering a new era, and it finds itself needing to satisfy a new set of cravings. Millennials make up a third of the country’s population and they are switching to imported premium brands, flavoured alcoholic beverages and ciders, Rabobank said in a report this month.

China’s millennials are fast emerging as decision-makers with increasing purchasing power. Traditional narrow product offerings domestically have left a gap in the Chinese alcoholic beverage market which could be filled with imported products.

“Chinese consumers see imported premium beers as part of a modern lifestyle and an adventurous experience, in which they can try new flavours and brands. The continuous growth of imported beer is reflective of the rising demand by consumers for trading up,” says Rabobank Food & Agribusiness Analyst Katherine Song.

The leading beer exporter to China is Germany, followed by the Netherlands then Belgium, and France ranked fourth, says the Rabobank report. Imported beer sells at a relatively high price compared to local beer, and as a result, it offers more profit to distributors and retailers.

Flavoured alcoholic beverages have taken off among younger consumers. Brands producing flavoured alcoholic beverages (FAB, also known as RTDs) are targeting millennials since they tend ...More info on site

Brewery news Italy: Italian beer receives authorization to use the "Authentic Trappist Product" logo
In early May, two Trappist monasteries received authorization to use the "Authentic Trappist Product" logo for a new product. Tre Fontane Abbey in Rome was granted the right to use the label on its beer, and Koningshoeven Abbey in Tilburg, The Netherlands, was granted the right to use the label on its cheeses, the International Trappist Association reports.

Tre Fontane beer thus becomes the 11th Trappist beer in the world, while Italy becomes the fifth nation in the world housing authentic Trappist brewery.

Today, besides Italy, there are six Trappist breweries in Belgium (Achel, Chimay, Orval, Rochefort, Westmalle, and Westvleteren), two in the Netherlands, one in Austria, and one in the US.

Brewery news Colombia: Private equity fund manager Tribeca toasts successful sale of Bogota Beer Company to Ambev
Colombian private equity fund manager Tribeca successfully led the recent sale of Bogota Beer Company (BBC), Colombia’s leading craft brewer and pub operator, to Ambev, a leading brewer in Latin America, PE Hub reported on May 8.

Tribeca originally took a 40% stake in Bogota Beer Company in 2013, providing financing for an aggressive growth strategy that included increasing the number of pubs from 13 to 27 in the first two years, as well as the construction of a 280,000-hectoliters-per-annum state-of-the-art production facility near Bogota (up 14 fold versus previous production facility).

During the same period, Bogota Beer Company expanded its geographical presence to Medellin, Cartagena, Barranquilla and Santa Marta, making BBC the first craft brewer with national coverage. The company also expanded its numeric distribution, increasing the volume sold through third-party channels by three times between 2012 and 2014.

Tribeca’s special focus on marketing and product quality helped strengthen BBC’s awareness. Today, Bogota Beer Company is widely recognized as Colombia’s largest micro-brewery and, with its British pub format and its award winning beers, is considered a front-runner in brand awareness within its segment and perceived as a leader in promoting beer culture in the country.

As a result of the various initiatives, company ...More info on site

BarleyBarley News Barley

Barley newsWorld: World barley production expected to drop slightly in 2015/16
In 2015/16, world barley production is expected to drop slightly, despite larger crops in several key countries and North Africa, as Russian and Ukrainian ...More info on site

Barley newsWorld: Barley S&D balance may be tight next season
Early forecasts for the 2015/16 global barley crop suggest that the supply and demand balance could be tighter next season. With barley demand growing ...More info on site

Barley newsEU: Unsold stocks of old crop malting barley reduced mainly due to large exports to China
The unsold stocks of old crop malting barley in the EU have become smaller than expected, mainly due to large exports of six-row winter ...More info on site

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