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RombBullet Brewers equities
RombBullet Market prices change trend
RombBullet Industry news
RombBullet Graph of the week
RombBullet Table of the week
RombBullet Prices evolution
RombBullet Barley prices
RombBullet Theoretical malt prices
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RombBullet Agenda
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All e-malt.com tables are published in e-malt.com Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statistics section.

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E-Malt.com Flash 25b
June 18 - June 21, 2015

Quote of the Week

I am thankful for all of those who said "No" to me. It's because of them I'm doing it myself.
Albert Einstein

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: Euro
on June 19, 2015
Base Currency: US Dollar
on June 19, 2015
      1 EUR = 1.1404 USD
1 EUR = 0.7167 GBP
1 EUR = 1.3867 CAD
1 EUR = 1.4570 AUD
1 EUR = 139.9400 JPY
1 EUR = 3.4778 BRL
1 EUR = 60.6417 RUB
1 EUR = 7.0786 CNY
      1 USD = 0.8791 EUR
1 USD = 0.6302 GBP
1 USD = 1.2206 CAD
1 USD = 1.2854 AUD
1 USD = 123.0100 JPY
1 USD = 3.0510 BRL
1 USD = 53.3476 RUB
1 USD = 6.0857 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Breweries Equities

Average Market Prices Change Trend

June 19, 2015
Type Crop 2014 Crop 2015
2rs Barley 174.00-176.00 up1.16% 193.00-195.00 up0.52%
6rw Barley 167.00-169.00 up0.60% 175.00-177.00 up0.57%
2rs Malt 368.00-370.00 up0.67% 387.00-389.00 up0.32%
6rw Malt 359.50-361.50 up0.34% 364.50-366.50 up0.34%
Feed Barley 166.00-168.00up0.60% nq 

Note: Just click here and you will be led to our Market Price History. These are average French barley market prices estimated on FOB Creil basis. The theoretical average malt prices are based FOB Antwerp being estimated on French malting barley. The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.

Top Industry News

Malt news Brazil: Cooperativa Agrária to increase capacity at its Guarapuava malting plant, modernize facilities in Pinhão ...Click here

Brewery news World: AB InBev to ‘keep moving’ with acquisitions ...Click here
Brewery news Belgium: Beer sales last year remain unchanged from 2013 - report ...Click here

Barley news France: FranceAgriMer revises wheat, barley, corn ending stocks downwards ...Click here
Barley news Germany: Barley production forecast lower this month, export declines in July-April 2014/15 ...Click here
Barley news Canada: Barley exports to decline in 2014/15, imports seen significantly above normal ...Click here
Barley news UK & China: UK may win access to the important Chinese barley import market soon ...Click here

More Industry News

Brewery news South Korea: Oriental Brewery launches premium wheat beer ...Click here
Barley news Russia: Deputy Prime Minister hopes wheat export tax will be temporary ...Click here
Brewery news UK: Carlsberg to divest former Tetley Brewery site in Leeds ...Click here

Graph of the week

Table of the week

World Hop Acreage & Percentage Share

Table of the week.
Prices Evolution

Prices evolution

Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

These Days in Business History

18 June
1840 - Samuel Morse patents his telegraph
1943 - Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) founded
1948 - .N. Commission on Human Rights adopts International Declaration of Human Rights
2009 - The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), a NASA robotic spacecraft is launched

19 June
1464 - French King Louis XI forms postal service
1764 - John Barrow is born, founder of Royal Geographical Society
1963 - 1st woman in space returns to Earth

20 June
1793 - Eli Whitney patents his cotton gin
1863 - 1st bank chartered in U.S., National Bank of Davenport, Iowa
1867 - President Andrew Johnson announces purchase of Alaska
2003 - The Wikimedia Foundation is founded in St. Petersburg, Florida

21 June
1948 - One of the world's earliest modern computers, the Small-Scale Experimental Machine runs its first program successfully, proving that it can store data and user programs and process them at electronic speed
1990 - After decades of closure, the Budapest Stock Exchange reopens for trading


June 2015:
10-14: Mondial de la Biere 2015 (Montreal, Canada)

July 2015:
01-04: Ollesummer 2015 (Tallinn, Estonia)
09-12: Artbeerfest 2015 (Caminha, Portugal)
15-17: Brasil Brau 2015 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

August 2015:
11-15: The Great British Beer Festival 2015 (London, UK)

September 2015:
19 September - 14 October: Oktoberfest 2015 (Munich, Germany)
24-26: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)

October 2015:
01-03: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)

November 2015:
10-12: Brau Beviale 2015 (Nuremberg, Germany)

More events are available on site e-malt.com

MaltMalt News Malt

Malt newsBrazil: Cooperativa Agrária to increase capacity at its Guarapuava malting plant, modernize facilities in Pinhão
Brazil’s largest maltster, Cooperativa Agrária Agroindustrial, will invest R$62.2 mln (around US$20.3 mln) in expanding the production capacity at its Guarapuava malting plant and ...More info on site

BreweryBrewery News Brewery

Brewery newsWorld: AB InBev to ‘keep moving’ with acquisitions
A pint of beer contains a lot of water — but even more money. The latter observation set Jorge Paulo Lemann on a path ...More info on site

Brewery newsBelgium: Beer sales last year remain unchanged from 2013 - report
In 2014, sales of beer on the Belgian market amounted to 8,095,251 hl, almost unchanged from 2013, when volumes dropped by 2.5% vs. the ...More info on site

Brewery news South Korea: Oriental Brewery launches premium wheat beer
Oriental Brewery (OB) on June 17 launched a new premium wheat beer produced through a traditional German brewing process, The Korea Times reported.

The brand new product named Premier OB Weizen is the first premium beer OB developed in coordination with brewmasters at its parent company Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev). Weizen means wheat beer in German.

The product was made only with wheat malts and hops harvested in Germany. It was brewed with high-quality yeasts selected jointly by brewmasters of the two companies, which resulted in creating German beer's typical smoky color and rich flavor, the company explained.

"Premier OB Weizen is the result of a lot of research, product development and analysis," OB CEO Frederico Freire said during the product's launching ceremony in downtown Seoul. "This will open a new chapter in Korea's beer history."

"Premier OB Weizen boasts traditional wheat flavors by following Germany's Bayern style wheat beers," he said. "World's famous brewmasters worked very hard with OB to create weizen beer that fits the taste of Korean consumers."

It has an alcohol content of 5 percent, slightly higher than 4.5 percent of OB's best-selling brand Cass. A 355-millimeter can of Premium OB Weizen is priced at 1,490 won ($1.33) and the ...More info on site

Brewery news UK: Carlsberg to divest former Tetley Brewery site in Leeds
Carlsberg Group is reportedly planning to divest the former Tetley Brewery site in Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK, for £35 mln, Drinks Business Review reported on June 18.

Closed and demolished in 2012, the Tetley Brewery old headquarters were spread over 22-acres in the city's South Bank. This site was later converted into an art gallery.

The decision to sell the site comes as the Leeds City Council intends to transform the South Bank area into a community.

Carlsberg UK spokesman told The Yorkshire Post: "Regardless of any future sale and redevelopment of the site, it is our intention to retain an existing operation in the local area.

"We hope to be able to announce the successful purchaser prior to the end of 2015."

The company, till date, has received interest from 11 potential buyers.

The bidders, which include Leeds City Council, Asda and Ikea as well as other property developers and investors, are expected to submit their bids by 21 July 2015.

A company spokesman said: "Five years on, we have commenced a process to select a purchaser for the site who will be able to take forward the site's redevelopment.

"We recognise the potential of the site and its important location within the Leeds South Bank area."

BarleyBarley News Barley

Barley newsFrance: FranceAgriMer revises wheat, barley, corn ending stocks downwards
FranceAgriMer said on June 16 it now estimates 2014/15 wheat ending stocks (excluding durum) in France at 3.0 mln tonnes compared to the previous ...More info on site

Barley newsGermany: Barley production forecast lower this month, export declines in July-April 2014/15
The association of German farm cooperatives (Deutscher Raiffeisenverband) revised down its forecast for 2015 grain production in Germany to 47.7 mln tonnes from the ...More info on site

Barley newsCanada: Barley exports to decline in 2014/15, imports seen significantly above normal
For 2014-15, Canada’s total domestic barley use is forecast to decrease by 14% to 5.849 mln tonnes due to lower feed use. Exports are ...More info on site

Barley newsUK & China: UK may win access to the important Chinese barley import market soon
The UK could this autumn, or "even sooner", win access to the important Chinese barley import market – although the smallprint of the agreement ...More info on site

Barley news Russia: Deputy Prime Minister hopes wheat export tax will be temporary
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said on June 19 he hoped a new Russian wheat export tax will be a short-term anti-crisis measure, Reuters reported.

The new tariff, to be launched from July 1, is intended to stop exports surging if the rouble drops steeply, the Russian government said when it signed the order in May.

Russia, a leading wheat exporter to North Africa and the Middle East, has battled with a volatile local currency since mid-2014, due to weak oil prices and Western sanctions over Moscow's role in the Ukraine crisis.

"(The wheat duty) is an anti-crisis measure and temporary. I hope it will be short term," Dvorkovich said at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

"In this difficult period, when the possible consequences of exchange rate fluctuations are still not clear, we have to agree on this measure to prevent a sharp rise in prices on the domestic grain market," he said.

The rouble weakened on June 19, correcting downwards after two days of strong performance driven by demand for roubles to pay local taxes.

Uncertainty over the currency's performance and how the floating tax formula will be calculated is slowing grain trade activity, traders say, and could threaten profits on advance contracts ...More info on site

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