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RombBullet Currency rates
RombBullet Brewers equities
RombBullet Industry news
RombBullet Graph of the week
RombBullet Table of the week
RombBullet Prices evolution
RombBullet Barley prices
RombBullet Theoretical malt prices
RombBullet Business history
RombBullet Agenda
RombBullet News articles

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Last five tables

All e-malt.com tables are published in e-malt.com Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statistics section.

Last five prices evolutions

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E-Malt.com Newsletter 26b
June 25 - June 28, 2015

Quote of the Week

I love the smell of hops in the morning. It smells like victory.
Nick Floyd - Three Floyds Brewing

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: US Dollar
on June 26, 2015
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar
on June 26, 2015
      1 USD = 0.8926 EUR
1 USD = 0.6363 GBP
1 USD = 1.2369 CAD
1 USD = 1.2930 AUD
1 USD = 123.6800 JPY
1 USD = 3.0996 BRL
1 USD = 54.5330 RUB
1 USD = 6.0866 CNY
      1 CAD = 0.8084 USD
1 CAD = 0.5144 GBP
1 CAD = 0.7216 EUR
1 CAD = 1.0452 AUD
1 CAD = 99.9700 JPY
1 CAD = 2.5056 BRL
1 CAD = 44.0820 RUB
1 CAD = 4.9201 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Equities of the Largest Breweries

North America News
Brewery news USA: AB InBev may have to refund consumers for making them believe US-brewed Beck’s was authentic German pilsner ...Click here
Barley news USA: International barley situation affects US barley prices indirectly - expert ...Click here
Brewery news USA: Congress could strip Samuel Adams of its craft beer crown ...Click here
Brewery news USA, CA: Lagunitas Brewing Company to build one of the biggest breweries in the country in Azusa ...Click here
Brewery news USA, WA: Dreadnought Brewing celebrated the grand opening in Monroe on June 25 ...Click here
Brewery news USA, WA: Propolis Brewing to expand operations in Port Townsend ...Click here
Brewery news USA, FL: The Barley Mow Brewing Company to expand production in Largo ...Click here
Brewery news Canada, ON: The 3 Brewers expands production by opening a new brewery in Richmond Hill ...Click here
Brewery news USA, TX: San Antonio Brewing Co. to open in Hemisfair Park in San Antonio in December ...Click here
Brewery news USA, NY: Long Beard Brewing Co. to open in Riverhead ...Click here
Brewery news USA, CO: Dad & Dudes Breweria to expand in the neighbourhoods of Colorado ...Click here
World News
Malt news World: Malt demand for present calendar year virtually covered ...Click here
Brewery news World: Latest beer sales statistics negative in largest markets ...Click here
Barley news World: Barley production estimate for 201/15 reduced following revisions for Ukraine and Australia ...Click here
Barley news EU: Barley crop estimated at up to 59.5 mln tonnes this year ...Click here
Barley news Russia & Ukraine: Barley acreage and production smaller than last year in both countries ...Click here
Hops news World: Hop acreage estimated to have increased 6.6% this year ...Click here
Brewery news Zimbabwe: Delta Beverages to reopen two sorghum beer breweries ...Click here
Graph of the Week

Table of the Week

Africa Beer Production by Country

Table of the week.

Prices Evolution

Prices evolution

Barley Prices

Canadian Malting and Feed Barley Prices

US Malting and Feed Barley Prices

French Malting and Feed Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

Canadian Malt Prices

US Malt Prices

Theoretical EU Malt Prices

These Days in Business History

25 June
1919 - 1st advanced monoplane airliner flight (Junkers F13)
1920 - League of Nations places International head of Justice in Hague

26 June
1498 - Toothbrush invented
1919 - N.Y. Daily News begins publishing

27 June
1820 - 1st edition of newspaper "Courrier de la Meuse" published"
1922 - Alan Peacock is born, economist
2013 - NASA launches the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, a space probe to observe the Sun

28 June
1801 - Frederic Bastiat is born, French Economist
1894 - London Tower Bridge opens


June 2015:
10-14: Mondial de la Biere 2015 (Montreal, Canada)

July 2015:
01-04: Ollesummer 2015 (Tallinn, Estonia)
09-12: Artbeerfest 2015 (Caminha, Portugal)
15-17: Brasil Brau 2015 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

August 2015:
11-15: The Great British Beer Festival 2015 (London, UK)

September 2015:
19 September - 14 October: Oktoberfest 2015 (Munich, Germany)
24-26: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)

October 2015:
01-03: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2015 (Stockholm, Sweden)

November 2015:
10-12: Brau Beviale 2015 (Nuremberg, Germany)

More events are available on site www.e-malt.com

News Articles

Brewery news USA: AB InBev may have to refund consumers for making them believe US-brewed Beck’s was authentic German pilsner
Many beers that US consumers think are imports may have been actually brewed in St. Louis, or Latrobe, Pa., or Fort Worth, Texas, The Wall Street Journal reported on June 24.

And, if that beer is Beck’s, consumers might soon be eligible for a refund.

The refund—of as much as $50 for Beck’s drinkers who can produce valid receipts—is part of the settlement of a class-action lawsuit claiming that the beer’s maker, Anheuser-Busch InBev NV, tricked American consumers into believing that the beer was an authentic German pilsner, when it is really brewed in St. Louis.

Even consumers who don’t have receipts may be entitled to as much as a $12 refund. And that’s true even for beer drinkers who have known all along that Beck’s is no longer made in Germany.

The agreement between plaintiffs and the world’s largest brewer won preliminary approval on June 23 from a federal magistrate in Miami. A final approval hearing is scheduled for October.

The deal is a costly one for AB InBev. In addition to the refunds, the company agreed to pay as much as $3.5 million in attorneys’ fees and costs to Kozyak Tropin & Throckmorton LLP of Florida and three other law firms, lawyers said.

Beck’s ...More info on site

Barley news USA: International barley situation affects US barley prices indirectly - expert
With a vast majority of the U.S. barley production grown under contract to the maltsters, growers sometimes overlook the fact that the international barley situation also plays a role in prices, especially in the area of feed barley prices, Farm & Ranch Guide reported on June 24.

“There is an indirect influence on local prices based on what happens internationally,” said Frayne Olson, NDSU Extension grain marketing specialist. “And all of these markets are kind of inter-related.”

In an effort to outline the current price situation, Olson summarized the production potential of the major barley producing regions of the world and then touched on the estimated demand in some of the major importing countries.

In terms of production – in Canada, the major malting barley regions, which includes the provinces immediately north of the tri-state region of Minnesota, North Dakota and eastern Montana, are experiencing good growing conditions, with about a 10 percent increase in planted acreage. However, the main feed barley production areas in western Saskatchewan and Alberta, are currently under moisture stress, putting the barley crop under pressure.

Crop conditions in Ukraine are looking good right now, after rains lessened a concern over dry conditions at planting time, and the European Union’s ...More info on site

Brewery news USA: Congress could strip Samuel Adams of its craft beer crown
Congress is ready to get into the craft beer business, which could mean bad news for big batch craft brewers like Sam Adams, Time reported on June 25.

Senator Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, proposed the new Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act that would give the U.S. government the right to define who is and isn’t a craft brewer.

The law essentially redefines the tax structure for small to mid-size brewers and would, accordingly, group them into three categories based on new excise taxes.

The craft brewers, those producing under 2 million barrels per year would get the deepest tax cuts.

The mid-size brewers, those producing 6 million barrels or less, get a slight tax break.

The macro brewers don’t get a tax break beyond their first 6 million barrels of production.

It’s a technicality, essentially a quirk of the law that would group companies for tax purposes. But, it would leave a number of big-name craft brewers out of the first category and in a higher tax bracket. That includes Boston Beer Co., which produces 4.1 million barrels as well as Yuengling (2.7 million barrels) and North American Breweries (about 2.6 million barrels).

Until now, to be labelled a craft beer, breweries had ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, CA: Lagunitas Brewing Company to build one of the biggest breweries in the country in Azusa
One of Northern California's largest and most important craft breweries is setting down major roots in Los Angeles. Lagunitas Brewing Company, from Petaluma, Calif. announced via its owner's Twitter account this week that its third production brewery is currently being built in Azusa, Petaluma, LA Weekly reported on June 24.

Not only that, but the size and capacity of the new Lagunitas Brewery will rival some of the largest craft breweries in the country. According to owner Tony Magee, the Azusa facility is 178,000 square-feet of new construction and the brewery will open with an initial capacity of around 420,000 barrels per year, making it seven times larger than Golden Road Brewing, which is currently the largest production brewery in Los Angeles County.

The built-out capacity for the space is 1 million barrels, which would make the one-time beer desert of L.A. home to a craft brewery the same size as Sierra Nevada Brewing Company in Chico.

"This brewery will serve L.A. and the whole Southland, of course, but it is a nice place from which to get fresher beer to the whole Southwest and even the Gulf Coast," Magee told the L.A. Weekly. Someday, he says, they might begin distribution ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, WA: Dreadnought Brewing celebrated the grand opening in Monroe on June 25
For Steve Huskey, it's been a long road to opening Dreadnought Brewing, HeraldNet reported on June 24.

After 18 months of planning, Huskey hosted the grand opening of Dreadnought Brewing on June 25 in Monroe. Monroe mayor Geoffrey Thomas was on hand for a ribbon cutting to welcome the new business to town.

Huskey, 43, has been brewing beer since 1991. He rekindled his love for brewing about a decade ago. Since then he's been perfecting his recipes and has gotten such good feedback from friends in the business that he felt it was time to start his own brewery.

With the help of five other investors, Huskey purchased the retail space in the Fryelands area of Monroe that will house the brewery.

Brewery news USA, WA: Propolis Brewing to expand operations in Port Townsend
Propolis Brewing has secured a retail and production location in the vicinity of the new Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, Port Townsend, and hope to open as soon as August, Port Townsend Leader reported on June 24.

Co-owners Robert Horner and Piper Corbett are looking for "community-sourced capital" in the form of micro loans to finance the remodel of the new location.

"We are a for-profit business and we don't just want to take people's money," Horner said.

If the campaign is successful, Propolis Brewing is set to move existing production equipment to the new location during the summer and remodel the existing building to receive new production equipment in September. Horner said they plan to produce 10 times as many cases of beer with the acquisition of the additional equipment.

Propolis Brewing started in June 2012 and is one of Washington's smallest breweries, working on a one-barrel system that allows it to produce about 1,300 cases per year.

"It's about having a different worldview of business in a small town," Corbett said. "What sets our beer apart [is that] we're focusing on beers that are representative of our local place and a traditional style."

Co-owners Horner and Corbett intend to keep Propolis Brewing ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, FL: The Barley Mow Brewing Company to expand production in Largo
The Barley Mow Brewing Company recently finished the first phase of a new production facility in Largo, allowing it to make 3,000 barrels of beer a year shipped to 150 breweries across the state – from Jacksonville to the Keys, Tampa Bay Newspapers reported on June 24.

By the end of August, owner Jay Dingham hopes to start canning its beer.

“We have tons of room to grow,” he said.

Dingham stood on the platform above the new 1,000-gallon brewing system, featuring giant boil kettles and two pairs of fermentation tanks that hold 38 and 60 barrels of beer, respectively. The system takes up only one corner of the large warehouse, which Dingham bought from Piper Fire Protection, Large, in February 2014. The facility has been brewing large batches of beer for about six months.

“Right now, we’re doing about half of what we need to be doing, where I want to be, by the end of this year. We’re expecting cans to be a big part of that,” Dingham said.

The new facility off Missouri Avenue in Largo is in line with the business plan Dingham and his wife Colleen envisioned at the onset. The couple couldn’t have anticipated the explosion in popularity ...More info on site

Brewery news Canada, ON: The 3 Brewers expands production by opening a new brewery in Richmond Hill
Brewpub chain The 3 Brewers has announced the opening of its newest location in Richmond Hill, a town in York Region just north of Toronto, Canadian Beer News reported on June 25.

Located at 125 York Blvd., The 3 Brewers Richmond Hill is the fifth of the chain to open in the Greater Toronto Area, and the 18th overall in Ontario and Quebec.

Brewery news USA, TX: San Antonio Brewing Co. to open in Hemisfair Park in San Antonio in December
After a two-year search for a permanent residence, it looks like the San Antonio Brewing Company found just the right place. Though a post on their Facebook page this past March indicated the nanobrewery had signed a lease, it was revealed only on June 24 that San Antonio Brewing will be one of the four restaurants selected to move into Yanaguana Gardens, the first phase of Hemisfair Park’s revival as San Antonio’s urbanist paradise. San Antonio Brewing will be located at the northeast corner of South Alamo and East Cesar Chavez, which they intend to christen “The OK,” San Antonio Current reported on June 24.

Originally used as part of the Tower Food Patio during the 1968 World Fair, the structure was transported to its current location in the 1990s. Brewmistress Vera Deckard told the San Antonio Current that SABC hopes to begin construction at “The OK” by August to accommodate their three-barrel brewing system.

San Antonio Brewing Company’s doors should be open by December.

Brewery news USA, NY: Long Beard Brewing Co. to open in Riverhead
USA, NY: Long Beard Brewing Co. to open in Riverhead

Inspired by the success of other small Riverhead beer companies like Moustache Brewing Co., start-up brewery Long Beard Brewing Co. signed a lease to rent space at an old fire station in Riverhead. The brewery will be located at the former second street firehouse in downtown Riverhead, Riverhead News Review reported on June 25.

Co-owner Paul Carlin said no opening date has been set, though he and business partner Craig Waltz are looking at March 2016.

“It’s kind of hard to say. It’s impossible to predict. The licensing process itself could take up to nine months,” Carlin said. “But we’re very, very excited.”

Brewery news USA, CO: Dad & Dudes Breweria to expand in the neighbourhoods of Colorado
The father-son duo behind Dad & Dudes Breweria is raising a couple million dollars to build more restaurants and push beer distribution into neighbouring states, BusinessDen reported on June 25.

Thomas Hembree and his son, Mason, are working to raise $2 million.

“We feel we’ve got a niche within the brewpub concept,” Thomas Hembree said. “We think we can [put] this throughout neighbourhoods in Colorado.”

Dad & Dudes Breweria is a 4-year-old brewpub that makes some of its beer on-site and partners with two brewing companies – Rockyard in Castle Rock and Sleeping Giant in Denver – to make beer for distribution. This year, it will produce nearly 2,500 barrels.

Matt Osterman, the owner of Sleeping Giant, said Dad & Dudes Breweria’s has created a strong customer base at its 6730 S. Cornerstar Way location in Aurora.

“They do have aggressive expansion plans, and in my mind, given that I see a lot of different approaches, that’s what it takes right now to separate yourself from the rest,” Osterman said.

Dad & Dudes Breweria hopes to increase annual production to about 5,000 barrels during the next several years, Hembree said.

“Beer sales are going to continue to go up,” he said. “We’re going to continue to market ...More info on site

Malt newsWorld: Malt demand for present calendar year virtually covered
The malt demand for the present calendar year is virtually covered, maltsters in all competitive parts of world are sold out, H. M. Gauger’s ...More info on site

Brewery newsWorld: Latest beer sales statistics negative in largest markets
Latest beer sales statistics of selected countries look as follows:

China reported for the January - March period total sales of 105.2 mln hl, ...More info on site

Barley newsWorld: Barley production estimate for 201/15 reduced following revisions for Ukraine and Australia
The world barley production estimate for 2014/15 is cut by 0.3 mln tonnes, to 140.8 mln tonnes (144.5 mln tonnes in 2013/14), following revisions ...More info on site

Barley newsEU: Barley crop estimated at up to 59.5 mln tonnes this year
The most recent estimates of the new EU barley crop are between 57.7 and 59.5 mln tons. One major change from earlier predictions is ...More info on site

Barley newsRussia & Ukraine: Barley acreage and production smaller than last year in both countries
After a bad start in winter crop prospects improved much in spring, however, there are complaints about rain delaying spring planting in Russia, dryness ...More info on site

Hops newsWorld: Hop acreage estimated to have increased 6.6% this year
Worldwide hop acreage is estimated to have increased from 47,766 ha to 50,911 ha this year (+6.6%) to surpass 50,000 ha again for the ...More info on site

Brewery news Zimbabwe: Delta Beverages to reopen two sorghum beer breweries
Delta Beverages, Zimbabwe's largest brewer, plans to re-open two sorghum beer breweries which were closed last year, the Financial Gazette's Companies & Markets reports.

The beverages group, which also makes an assortment of carbonated soft drinks, would resume operations at its Chinhoyi and Chiredzi breweries before the end of the year.

The development was confirmed by Delta's company secretary, Alex Makamure, who told the newspaper that the two plants would operate intermittently to cover traditional peak demand periods.

"The plan is to run Chinhoyi and Chiredzi breweries intermittently to cover traditional peak demand periods such as forthcoming agricultural harvest and the Christmas season," said Makamure.

"This will ensure that we close all supply gaps and optimise on distribution performance. This is part of the rationalisation of production capacity taking into account the advent of Chibuku Super and the trends in the Chibuku volume."

Currently, sorghum beer, also known as opaque beer, is being brewed at the Chibuku super plant in Chitungwiza and next month a new plant will be commissioned at Fairbridge near Bulawayo.

Delta, an associate of global brewing giant SABMiller, also operates 'scud' beer facilities in Harare, Rusape, Masvingo, Kwekwe, and Kadoma.

The company is expected to ramp up sorghum beer output to 350 million ...More info on site

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