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| Newsletter 24a June 13 - June 15, 2016
Quote of the Week
Never give in - never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Winston Churchill
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on June 15, 2016 |
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1 USD = 0.8889 EUR
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Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA: Molson Coors in prime position to stay ahead of booming craft beer market - CEO
...Click here
USA, VA: Steam Bell Beer Works launches as Chesterfield's first production brewery
...Click here
Canada, BC: The Parkside Brewery opens its doors in Port Moody
...Click here
Canada, ON: Brasserie Tuque de Broue opens own production facility in Embrun
...Click here
USA, WA: Melvin Brewing Company opening new facility in Washington State
...Click here
Canada, ON: Stone House Brewing already brewing in Varna, Ontario
...Click here
Canada, NL: Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to provide funding for new Western Newfoundland Brewing Company
...Click here
USA, TN: Geezer Brewing approved to join Knoxville’s beer scene
...Click here
Canada, NS: 2 Crows Brewing getting set to open in Halifax later this year
...Click here
World: Africa consumers, consolidation, new flavours, low-alcohol beer named as most important trends to impact beer market outlook
...Click here
Latin America: Molson Coors poised to show strength in numbers due to integration of the Miller brand - analysts
...Click here
World: New world barley crop may prove to be larger than forecast - analysts
...Click here
Australia: July-March barley exports total 3.3 mln tonnes
...Click here
New Zealand: Heineken’s DB Breweries sees sales decline in 2015
...Click here
Spain: Study ranks supermarket own beer brand above Mahou San Miguel and Heineken
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
North America Barley Import, Production, Consumption, and Ending Stocks
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Canadian Malting and Feed Barley Prices
US Malting and Feed Barley Prices
French Malting and Feed Barley Prices
German Malting Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
Canadian Malt Prices
US Malt Prices
Theoretical EU Malt Prices

Scientific Digest
CO2 is a very potent in extracting basically anything you need
from hops. This UK research team worked with different conditions
including liquid and supercritical CO2, as well as the addition of
other solvents, e.g. ethanol, to extract the many important aroma
fractions from hops. Each hop variety yields distinct oil fractions
and a combination of different varieties and fractions can of course
contribute to a wide portfolio of products. Also, the processing
of aged hops is feasible and possible undesirable flavours may be
eliminated in the process.
Marriott, R.: Fractionation of hop oils using CO2, oral presentation at the Trends in Brewing Conference, April 2016, Ghent.
Read more
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
13 June
1933 - Financial and Economy World conference opens, 66 countries
1934 - Black-McKeller Bill passes causes Bill Boeing empire to break up into Boeing United Aircraft
[Technologies] and United Air Lines
1975 - 1st oil pumped from North Sea oilfield
14 June
1755 - 1e edition of Dr. Johnsons "Dictionary"
1789 - Whiskey distilled from maize is first produced by American clergyman the Rev Elijah Craig. It is named Bourbon because Rev Craig lived in Bourbon County, Kentucky
1846 - Belgian Liberal Party forms
1946 - Canadian Library Association established
1951 - 1st commercial computer, UNIVAC 1, enters service at Census Bureau
15 June
1762 - Austria uses 1st paper currency
1909 - 1st U.S. airplane sold commercially, by Glenn Curtiss for $5,000
1949 - Gas turbine-electric locomotive demonstrated, Erie Pa
1954 - UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) is formed in Basel, Switzerland

June 2016:
08-12: Mondial de la Biere 2016 (Montreal, Canada)
09-11: South Beer Cup 2016 (Curitiba, Brazil)
14-16: Shanghai International Brew & Beverage Manufacturing Technology and Equipment 2016 (Shanghai, China)
July 2016:
02: Beer Boot Camp 2016 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
07-10: Artbeerfest 2016 (Caminha, Portugal)
09: Beer Boot Camp 2016 (Cape Town, South Africa)
13-15: ProPack China 2016 (Shanghai, China)
August 2016:
05-07: The 20th International Berlin Beer Festival (Berlin, Germany)
09-13: The Great British Beer Festival 2016 (London, UK)
10-13: Vietfood & Beverage - ProPack 2016 (Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam)
13-17: World Brewing Congress 2016 (Denver, USA)
September 2016:
08-10: Irish Craft Beer Festival 2016 (Dublin, Ireland)
14-15: Food and Drink Technology Africa 2016 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
19-03 October: Oktoberfest 2016 (Munich, Germany)
24-25: Whisky Live Paris 2016 (Paris, France)
26-28: VLB Ibero-American VLB Symposium 2016 (Santiago de Chile, Chile)
28-30: Beer and Soft Drinks Industry - 2016 (Kyiv, Ukraine)
29-01 October: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2016:
06-08: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden)
06-08: Great American Beer Festival 2016 (Denver, USA)
08-10: Brouwplus 2016 (Antwerp, Belgium)
11-14: China Brew, China Beverage 2016 (Shanghai, China)
21-23: The Finest Spirits & Beer Convention 2016 (Bochum, Germany)
November 2016:
08-10: Brau Beviale 2016 (Nuremberg, Germany)
09-12: Vietfood & Beverage - ProPack 2016 (Hanoi, Vietnam)
December 2016:
15-17: drink technology India 2016 (Mumbai, India)
More events are available on site
News Articles
USA: Molson Coors in prime position to stay ahead of booming craft beer market - CEO
With a $12 billion deal set to close this year, Molson Coors CEO Mark Hunter told Real Money on June 10 that the brewing giant is in a prime position to stay ahead of the booming market for craft beers.
"We started as a craft company ourselves," Hunter said, noting Molson Coors got its start in 1786 through its Molson business in Canada, and in 1873 with Adolf Coors' operations in Colorado.
"Over the last couple of centuries we went from small-craft player to just a more popular international business," he said. "Brands like Blue Moon, which has grown for 81 quarters in a row, shows that we have an ability to set the agenda and compete in what's become a very intensely competitive craft segment."
Hunter added that "craft's good for beer," especially because consumers are refocused on a beer's provenance, style and flavor.
The Denver-based brewer, whose shares are up 11% so far on the year (making it one of the top performers in Real Money's "Vice Squad" watch list ), is on track to complete a $12 billion acquisition this year of the remaining stake of Chicago-based MillerCoors. A joint venture between Molson Coors and London's SABMiller
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USA, VA: Steam Bell Beer Works launches as Chesterfield's first production brewery
Steam Bell Beer Works is Chesterfield's first production brewery, and its owner hopes it will become the go-to-spot for locals to kick back, relax, and enjoy a cold one, WWBT NBC12 News reported.
According to the Brewers Association, there are 124 craft breweries in Virginia, but Brad Cooper thought the Commonwealth needed one more - especially in his hometown.
"Growing up here, I can tell you there are very few fun things to do in Chesterfield," said Cooper.
On Saturday, June 11 Cooper celebrated Steam Bell Beer Works grand opening. Right now, Cooper has 12 beers on tap, with a focus on Farm House ales.
The Manchester High School grad got his start brewing beers at home. His dream was to one day open a brewery, but between the costs and already having a full time job, Cooper thought it could never become a reality.
"You want to talk about sticker shock. I looked at those prices and thought, 'there is no way I could ever do this,'" said Cooper. "So I took all that information and put it in a box and shoved it underneath my desk and said, 'whatever, that's never going to happen.'"
That all changed in 2014, when Cooper got fired from
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Canada, BC: The Parkside Brewery opens its doors in Port Moody
A much-anticipated venture from two veterans of B.C.’s craft brewing scene opened its doors on June 8 along a stretch in Port Moody that has become known as Brewers’ Row, Canadian Beer News reported.
The Parkside Brewery was launched by Sam Payne (ex-Red Truck Beer) and brewmaster Vern Lambourne (ex-Granville Island Brewing) at 2731 Murray Street, a short walk west from Yellow Dog Brewing and Twin Sails Brewing, and east from Moody Ales.
USA, KS: Three Rings Brewery opens in McPherson
A Moundridge man able to trace his beer-making genes back some 12 generations to Germany has collaborated with his father to open a new microbrewery in McPherson, Hutchinson News reported on June 11.
Three Rings Brewery, 536 Old-81 Bypass, opened its doors on June 11, inside a former car detail shop.
The brewery will offer its craft beers in kegs, as well as in 32- and 64-ounce “growlers,” said owner Ian Smith. They are starting with five beer varieties.
“People can come in and buy a growler, we’ll fill it with beer, and they take it home and drink it,” Smith explained. “When it’s empty, they can bring it back and refill it.”
The brewery will be able to offer limited samples to visitors, but it cannot sell beer by the glass, Smith said.
Besides retailing to individual patrons, they plan to sell their products through distributors.
Ian Smith’s ancestor, Berend Brauer, was a master brewer at Einbecker Brewery, in the town of Einbeck in north central Germany, Smith said.
“Legend states that Martin Luther had a cask of his favorite Einbecker beer at his wedding and that he owned a grand stein that had three rings,” according to the brewery’s website. “The vision of Martin Luther
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Canada, ON: Brasserie Tuque de Broue opens own production facility in Embrun
Just over a year after it was launched as a contract brewery, Brasserie Tuque de Broue has opened its own bricks and mortar operation in Eastern Ontario, Canadian Beer News reported.
Located at 189 Bay Street in Embrun, a primarily francophone community southeast of Ottawa, Tuque de Broue was founded by Nicolas and Margo Malboeuf.
The brewery officially opened to the public on June 3rd, and is offering a selection of brands in its retail store and tasting room including the flagship Tuque Dorée pale ale, Simcoe Bay IPA, and Gougounes red ale.
Retail hours at the brewery are Wednesday to Saturday starting at 11:00 AM, running until 6:00 PM Wednesday to Friday, and 5:00 PM on Saturday.
USA, WA: Melvin Brewing Company opening new facility in Washington State
Melvin Brewing Company — an award-winning Jackson, Wyo. producer making a big splash in Seattle recently with its hoppy hoard — is opening a new facility in Washington State "within the year," according to Washington Beer Blog.
Owner Jeremy Tofte is a native of Mount Vernon and wants to reestablish roots in the area, as well as help meet the growing demand for his beers. Tofte grew up working in his family's beer distribution company, which helped inspire his later career choice.
Jackson Hole News and Guide reports that the company's Bellingham presence will be a brewpub, but few details are available beyond that.
Canada, ON: Stone House Brewing already brewing in Varna, Ontario
Ontario Beverage Network reports that a new brewery has recently opened in Varna, a community in the amalgamated town of Bluewater in Ontario’s Huron County.
Stone House Brewing has been founded by Mike and Debra Corrie, with Mike having previous experience with a brew-on-premises operation in London.
Located at 76050 Parr Line, the brewery is focused producing classic beers styles including “Pilsners, Lagers, and India Pale Ales,” all brewed using water from a on-site 250 foot deep well.
USA, OH: Paradise Brewing expands operation
Paradise Brewing might be one of Cincinnati’s best kept secrets, reported on June 9.
Even before it was an accepted use in Anderson Township’s retail district, the husband and wife team of Jeff and Tammy Graff were operating a taproom out of their business at Paradise Brewing, 7766 Beechmont Ave. They had no idea their taproom was in conflict with the township’s zoning resolution until earlier this year when they went to apply for a building permit.
The permit was needed because the Graffs were ready to expand their business. In 2015 they decided that their small brewery system was not big enough to “cleanse the pallet” of their patrons, Graff said.
“At that point we went to forming a new company and having investors come in and help out with that transitional costs,” he said. They transitioned to a larger 155-gallon brewing system. They were also ready to make building improvements which required building permits.
When Graff learned about the zoning conflict, he said that he initiated with the township a text amendment which would clear the way for microbreweries, like his, and for small distilleries. About that same time, Mio’s Anderson Pizzeria and Tavern also expressed to township leadership its desire
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Canada, NL: Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to provide funding for new Western Newfoundland Brewing Company
The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has announced that it will be providing funding for a new craft brewery in the town of Pasadena on the western side of Newfoundland, Canadian Beer News reported.
The suitably named Western Newfoundland Brewing Company will receive almost C$75,000 as part of a C$123,000 investment package to support tourism-related businesses in the province.
Jennifer Galliott, Director of Marketing and Sales, tells the Atlantic Canada Beer Blog that “people can look forward later this summer to seeing Killdevil Pale Ale and Wild Cove Cream Ale on tap at Galliott Studios in Woody Point, The Cat Stop in Norris Point, and other select venues throughout the Gros Morne region.”
More details are expected to be announced closer to the opening of the brewery.
USA, TN: Geezer Brewing approved to join Knoxville’s beer scene
Another brewery may be joining Knoxville's beer scene, Knoxville News Sentinel reported on June 9.
The Metropolitan Planning Commission approved a use-on-review request on June 9 for a craft brewery in part of a building at 213 E. Fifth Ave., near Central Street.
The brewery is identified as Geezer Brewing on documents filed with MPC and plans show the brewery to be operated in a building adjoining Carmichael Auto Repair.
Geezer will join a growing number of breweries in Knoxville. According to its Facebook page, Schulz Brau Brewing Co., 126 Bernard Ave., joined the list on June 9 with a grand opening at 6 p.m. Schulz Brau features authentic German beers like those head brewer Nico Schulz enjoyed in his native Germany.
No one with Geezer Brewing could be reached for comment on June 9, but a website for Geezer Brewing identifies it as an effort by a group of people involved in home brewing beer and riding motorcycles.
The group bills itself as BikesNBeers and since 2010 has been brewing beer for events it sponsors, its website says.
Documents filed with MPC show an operation that will occupy 7,500 square feet on two levels of the building. It will include a brewing area and a
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Canada, NS: 2 Crows Brewing getting set to open in Halifax later this year
The Atlantic Canada Beer Blog reports that a new brewery is getting set to open in downtown Halifax later this year.
2 Crows Brewing is being opened by Jeremy Taylor, a graduate of the Brewing and Distilling program at Edinburgh’s Heriot-Watt University who has spent the last several years working at head brewer at Bridge Brewing in Vancouver. He is planning to offer a line-up of four core brands, along with a selection of rotating seasonals and one-offs.
2 Crows Brewing is currently under construction at 1932 Brunswick Street, and is expected to open in the autumn.
World: Africa consumers, consolidation, new flavours, low-alcohol beer named as most important trends to impact beer market outlook
Technavio’s latest report on the global beer market provides an analysis on the most important trends expected to impact the market outlook from 2016-2020.
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Latin America: Molson Coors poised to show strength in numbers due to integration of the Miller brand - analysts
Late last year, Molson Coors confirmed its intention to buy out SABMiller from their MillerCoors US joint venture for US$12 bln. As part of the deal, Molson Coors will take control of the Miller brand portfolio globally.
At the time, Molson Coors CEO Mark Hunter said the buyout would help accelerate Molson Coors' growth strategy "by strengthening our international beer portfolio ... as well as expand our presence in high-growth markets". Last month, Hunter even described the Miller Lite brand as providing a "great backbone" - along with its already-owned Coors Light and Staropramen brands - in international terms.
Last week, analysts agreed that the integration of the Miller brand would prove "transformative" - particularly in Latin America. In a note following a management meeting, Cowen & Co's Vivien Azer said the company is poised to show strength in numbers.
"Post the MillerCoors deal," Azer writes, "integration of the Miller brands should prove transformative to the segment, especially in Latin America as the brand will complement Molson Coors' footprint across the region and facilitate broader global expansion into additional markets such as Africa and Asia."
Delving further into Latin America, Stifel analyst Mark Swartzberg said that, once completed, the transaction will see Mexico provide
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World: New world barley crop may prove to be larger than forecast - analysts
USDA and IGC forecast a decline of the world barley crop in 2016. However, all recent crop inspections and latest estimates promise larger crops,
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EU: Old crop barley campaign ends on friendly note
The old crop barley campaign ended on a friendly note for the EU, H. M. Gauger GmbH said in their June report.
Sizeable feed
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Australia: July-March barley exports total 3.3 mln tonnes
Australia shipped 3.3 mln tonnes of barley in July/March 2015/16, of which 2.3 mln tonnes to unspecified destinations as per the country's discretion regulations,
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New Zealand: Heineken’s DB Breweries sees sales decline in 2015
DB Breweries owner Heineken cut the dividend it took from the New Zealand brewer by more than a third in 2015, despite a rise in profits, The National Business Review reported on June 13.
The brewer, which owns bars and brands including Tui, Monteiths and Redwood Cider, saw sales fall 3.4 percent to NZ$487 million in 2015, down from NZ$504 million in 2014. Profit rose to NZ$25.1 million from NZ$22.3 million, an increase of 11 percent that was driven by falling excise duty, raw materials and packaging costs.
The dividend to its parent, Dutch brewing giant Heineken, fell 37.3 percent to NZ$20.1 million from NZ$32.1 million a year earlier. A loan of NZ$136.2 million to a related party, Belgian company Mouterj Albert, is due to be repaid in May 2016 and is currently attracting an interest rate of 3.87 percent. DB's finance expenses rose 1.8 percent to NZ$6 million from NZ$5.9 million.
DB imported a third less beer than the year earlier, with the cost falling to NZ$13.7 million in 2015, down from NZ$20.9 million in 2014. This may reflect the increased demand in New Zealand for boutique or craft beers. An ANZ Bank report on the sector, published last year, said off-premise
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Spain: Study ranks supermarket own beer brand above Mahou San Miguel and Heineken
A surprising ranking of Spain’s 30-plus beers has put a supermarket own-brand on top, Olive Press reported on June 11.
In the study by the Organisation of Consumers (OCU), Hipercor’s white-label Cerveja came above household names, including San Miguel and Cruzcampo.
In total, 31 beers were ranked according to taste, price and composition, with Mahou and Heineken coming in second and third.