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| Newsletter 24b June 16 - June 19, 2016
Quote of the Week
Never give in - never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Winston Churchill
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on June 17, 2016 |
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1 USD = 0.8900 EUR
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1 CAD = 50.7064 RUB
1 CAD = 5.0797 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
Canada & USA: Canada’s barley production forecast to increase, US to decline next season
...Click here
Canada: Consistent demand from craft brewers means solid malting barley contract prices and increased barley acreage
...Click here
USA, MN: Urban Moose Brewing Co. preparing to launch in Sauk Rapids
...Click here
USA, MI: Big Lake Brewing to start brewing at new facility in October
...Click here
USA, OH: Four Strings Brewing Co. launching distribution in Cincinnati and surrounding area
...Click here
USA: MillerCoors wins dismissal of lawsuit claiming brewer tricked consumers into paying premium prices for Blue Moon as “craft beer”
...Click here
USA, CA: Stone Brewing brewmaster leaving to start his own brewery
...Click here
USA, AZ: Scottsdale's Fate Brewing Company becomes McFate Brewing Company
...Click here
World: Barley shipments in July/March total 23 mln tonnes vs full crop year forecasts of around 28 mln tonnes
...Click here
World: Premium spirits market shows growth while global beer consumption declines last year
...Click here
India: United Breweries shares fall amid speculation Vijay Mallya may step down and sell his stock
...Click here
Australia: Barley output forecast to increase by 5% next crop year
...Click here
Russia: Russian barley export declines in April 2016
...Click here
Botswana: Sechaba Brewery Holdings records 7.8% increase in profit for FY to March 31
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
North America Barley Import, Production, Consumption, and Ending Stocks
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Canadian Malting and Feed Barley Prices
US Malting and Feed Barley Prices
French Malting and Feed Barley Prices
German Malting Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
Canadian Malt Prices
US Malt Prices
Theoretical EU Malt Prices

Scientific Digest
CO2 is a very potent in extracting basically anything you need
from hops. This UK research team worked with different conditions
including liquid and supercritical CO2, as well as the addition of
other solvents, e.g. ethanol, to extract the many important aroma
fractions from hops. Each hop variety yields distinct oil fractions
and a combination of different varieties and fractions can of course
contribute to a wide portfolio of products. Also, the processing
of aged hops is feasible and possible undesirable flavours may be
eliminated in the process.
Marriott, R.: Fractionation of hop oils using CO2, oral presentation at the Trends in Brewing Conference, April 2016, Ghent.
Read more
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
16 June
1903 - Pepsi Cola Company forms
1903 - Ford Motors incorporates
1911 - IBM founded as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company in Endicott, New York
1963 - 1st woman in space, aboard Vostok 6
1983 - European Space Agency launches European Comm Satellite 1, Oscar 10
17 June
1885 - Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City
1970 - Edwin Land patents Polaroid camera
1988 - Microsoft releases MS DOS 4.0
18 June
1840 - Samuel Morse patents his telegraph
1943 - Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) founded
1948 - .N. Commission on Human Rights adopts International Declaration of Human Rights
2009 - The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), a NASA robotic spacecraft is launched
19 June
1464 - French King Louis XI forms postal service
1764 - John Barrow is born, founder of Royal Geographical Society
1963 - 1st woman in space returns to Earth

June 2016:
08-12: Mondial de la Biere 2016 (Montreal, Canada)
09-11: South Beer Cup 2016 (Curitiba, Brazil)
14-16: Shanghai International Brew & Beverage Manufacturing Technology and Equipment 2016 (Shanghai, China)
July 2016:
02: Beer Boot Camp 2016 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
07-10: Artbeerfest 2016 (Caminha, Portugal)
09: Beer Boot Camp 2016 (Cape Town, South Africa)
13-15: ProPack China 2016 (Shanghai, China)
August 2016:
05-07: The 20th International Berlin Beer Festival (Berlin, Germany)
09-13: The Great British Beer Festival 2016 (London, UK)
10-13: Vietfood & Beverage - ProPack 2016 (Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam)
13-17: World Brewing Congress 2016 (Denver, USA)
September 2016:
08-10: Irish Craft Beer Festival 2016 (Dublin, Ireland)
14-15: Food and Drink Technology Africa 2016 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
19-03 October: Oktoberfest 2016 (Munich, Germany)
24-25: Whisky Live Paris 2016 (Paris, France)
26-28: VLB Ibero-American VLB Symposium 2016 (Santiago de Chile, Chile)
28-30: Beer and Soft Drinks Industry - 2016 (Kyiv, Ukraine)
29-01 October: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2016:
06-08: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden)
06-08: Great American Beer Festival 2016 (Denver, USA)
08-10: Brouwplus 2016 (Antwerp, Belgium)
11-14: China Brew, China Beverage 2016 (Shanghai, China)
21-23: The Finest Spirits & Beer Convention 2016 (Bochum, Germany)
November 2016:
08-10: Brau Beviale 2016 (Nuremberg, Germany)
09-12: Vietfood & Beverage - ProPack 2016 (Hanoi, Vietnam)
December 2016:
15-17: drink technology India 2016 (Mumbai, India)
More events are available on site
News Articles
Canada & USA: Canada’s barley production forecast to increase, US to decline next season
Statistics Canada's barley S/D report of May 18 puts the nation’s barley harvested acreage at 2.475 mln ha (2.354 mln last year), production at 8.5 mln tonnes (8.226), domestic use at 6.25 mln (6.143), exports at 2.050 mln (2.050), final stocks at 1.650 (1.4).
H. M. Gauger GmbH analysts reported an interesting comparison: in the 1990/2000 decade, the average acreage was still 4.620 mln ha.
This year's strong increase of lentil and pea production is remarkable. Recent rains have improved conditions in Alberta and Saskatchewan, barley crops will most likely turn out larger.
A large malting barley carry-over from crop 2015 and consequently smaller growing contracts with the industry have reduced the U.S. crop forecast to 4.2 mln tonnes vs. 4.7 a year ago. Soil moisture and therefore growing conditions are considered good.
Canada: Consistent demand from craft brewers means solid malting barley contract prices and increased barley acreage
Consistent demand from the craft brewing industry means solid malt barley contract prices for Canadian farmers, which in turn has driven up acres this
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USA: US hop growers to harvest largest-ever crop
U.S. farmers plan to harvest their largest-ever hops crop, giving craft brewers who are struggling to match surging demand for beers with more aroma and bitterness reason to cheer, Reuters reported on June 15.
Farmers expect to harvest 51,115 acres of hops in 2016, up 17 percent, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) said on June 10.
"That is certainly good news for us," said Benjamin Li Yu, chief executive of British Columbia-based Russell Breweries Inc. "I hope the increase is giving everyone room to breathe."
The United States and Germany are the world's top growers of hops.
In 2015, sales volume of U.S. craft beer rose 12.8 percent domestically and 16.3 percent for exports, while overall U.S. beer sales eased 0.2 percent, according to Brewers Association in Boulder, Colorado.
Small brewers have feared a hops shortage after adverse weather blighted last summer's European harvest. Lager producers such as Anheuser-Busch InBev also use hops, but in smaller amounts.
Craft beer premiums cover rising hops prices, but Li Yu said finding enough supplies has been the biggest challenge.
MillerCoors, owned by SABMiller and Molson Coors Brewing Co, has absorbed higher hops costs for some beers, like Blue Moon, said Warren Quilliam, senior director of brewing, malting and materials.
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USA, MN: Urban Moose Brewing Co. preparing to launch in Sauk Rapids
The latest venture from Flying Pig Pizza Co. owner Roy Dodds is nearing an opening date, SCTimes reported on June 13.
Beer lovers and pizza fanatics can hope to see Urban Moose's doors open as soon as mid to late July.
"We'd like the opening to be as soft as possible, so I can't give a concrete opening date right now," says Dodds. "But the word is out there."
Urban Moose Brewing Co. is a new craft brewery in Sauk Rapids, which will incorporate Flying Pig Pizza with an expanded menu.
"It will be a few weeks before we have a solid date, but [mid to late July] is what we're shooting for," says Dodds.
Urban Moose is in the former American Legion building on Benton Drive. The project broke ground in March, with tanks installed in April and construction continuing through June.
A post on the Urban Moose Facebook page says that the brewery is currently hiring for all positions.
USA, MI: Big Lake Brewing to start brewing at new facility in October
Holland’s Big Lake Brewing will celebrate its third anniversary with a parking lot party and quadrupling its production capacity, Holland Sentinel reported.
The brewery operates a seven-barrel brewhouse, which has the capacity to produce 1,000 barrels per year. The addition of an off-site facility, 164 and 166 E. 19th St. in Holland, and a 15-barrel brewhouse will increase capacity to 4,000 barrels per year, according to a release.
Production at the new facility should begin in October, said Nic Winsemius, co-founder.
“By adding the additional brewhouse, it will allow us to expand our distribution footprint in Michigan,” Winsemius said. “With the added capacity, we’ll be able to provide more beers to more bars and stores throughout the state.”
The brewers also plan to use the new space to expand barrel-aging and sour beer programs.
Big Lake beer is available on draft in its taproom, 977 Butternut Drive in Holland Township, and can be found at more than 150 bars and stores throughout Michigan.
Big Lake’s Ryecoe, Citra Session and Leroy Brown are distributed statewide.
“Right now, we have statewide distribution of three of our mainstay beers, plus our seasonal release of Darkstar, and the demand continues to increase,” said Greg MacKeller, co-founder. “This will actually be the
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USA, OH: Four Strings Brewing Co. launching distribution in Cincinnati and surrounding area
Four String Brewing Co., one of the fastest growing craft breweries in Ohio, is launching distribution in Cincinnati and the surrounding area with Ohio Valley Wine & Beer this week. reported.
“Four String has been available primarily to craft beer lovers in Columbus and Cleveland, and thanks to our new production facility and partnership with Ohio Valley, we now have the capacity to share our killer beer with Cincinnati,” says Four String founder Dan Cochran.
Four String tripled capacity in 2015 with its expansion into a state-of-the-art 25,000-square-foot production facility on Columbus’ west side that includes a 30-barrel brewhouse, a canning line, a sensory analysis laboratory and a second taproom.
“Ohio Valley is thrilled to partner with Four String, Ohio’s Killer Beer, in Cincinnati,” says Ryan Horan of Ohio Valley. “Dan Cochran and his team put out phenomenal beers that are well positioned to grow in this market.”
Four String will distribute its core brands in Cincinnati including Switchblade IPA, Brass Knuckle Pale Ale and Payback Pilsner as well as seasonal beers produced throughout the year. Four String beers will be available in cans and on draft in restaurants, bars, grocery stores and carryout’s throughout the Cincinnati area.
“The opportunity to pair with a
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USA: MillerCoors wins dismissal of lawsuit claiming brewer tricked consumers into paying premium prices for Blue Moon as “craft beer”
MillerCoors LLC won the dismissal of a proposed class action lawsuit by a self-described beer aficionado who said the brewing giant tricked consumers into paying premium prices for Blue Moon by falsely portraying it as "craft beer", Reuters reported on June 17
U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel in San Diego said the plaintiff, Evan Parent, did not show MillerCoors affirmatively misrepresented the origins of Blue Moon, a Belgian-style wheat beer, such as by suggesting it is brewed in small tanks and produced in a small brick building run by "The SandLot Guys."
"At best, these advertisements contain generalized, vague and unspecified assertions that amount to mere puffery upon which a reasonable consumer could not rely," Curiel wrote in a decision on June 16.
The judge also found no showing that MillerCoors pressured retailers to put Blue Moon in craft beer displays, and said it was not liable if concert venues, sports venues and restaurant chains such as Applebee's and TGI Friday's decided on their own to call it a craft beer.
Parent is from San Diego, court records show. His lawyers did not immediately respond to requests for comment on June 17.
Marty Maloney, a MillerCoors spokesman, said the Chicago-based company is pleased with the
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USA, CA: Stone Brewing brewmaster leaving to start his own brewery
Mitch Steele, the brewmaster of Stone Brewing for the past decade, announced on June 14 that he will leave the Escondido, California-based brewery effective June 30.
Steele is leaving to start his own brewery, Stone announced. “The [Stone] breweries are going to be fine,” Steele said in a video posted on Stone’s YouTube channel. “They’re going to be up and running. … I have no doubt that the beers are going to be excellent coming from these spots. I’m here to help for as long as I can.”
Steele, a respected brewer among his peers, graduated from the University of California, Davis in 1984 with a Fermentation Science degree. Prior to working at Stone, he worked for Anheuser-Busch, managing brewhouse and fermenting operations in three breweries, and he developed new beers as part of the Anheuser-Busch Specialty Brewing Group in the mid-1990s. Steele is also the author of IPA: Brewing Techniques, Recipes and the Evolution of India Pale Ale.
Steele said more information on his new venture would be announced in the coming weeks.
USA, AZ: Scottsdale's Fate Brewing Company becomes McFate Brewing Company
A lawsuit accusing Scottsdale's Fate Brewing Company of trademark infringement has caused Steve McFate, the brewery's owner, to change the name of his business to McFate Brewing Company, Phoenix New Times reported on June 15.
Moving forward, the Fate Brewing Company located at 1312 North Scottsdale Road — frequently referred to as Fate South — will be called McFate Brewing Company. The brewery's original north Scottsdale location at 7337 East Shea Boulevard will be called McFate’s Tap + Barrel.
"We could have defended the lawsuit in federal court, which would have cost us an enormous amount of time, resources, and energy, but we'd rather put those resources into our beer," McFate says in a press release.
The lawsuit was filed by a Colorado business also called Fate Brewery. It accused the Arizona brewery of trademark infringement and claims Scottsdale's Fate Brewery began using the name after the Colorado brewery, which has held the trademark for the Fate Brewing Company name since the summer of 2012.
The lawsuit claims "multiple instances of public confusion" in the past few years, with the most troubling instances occurring at The Great American Beer Festival in Denver. At the event, there was confusion among patrons as to which
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World: Barley shipments in July/March total 23 mln tonnes vs full crop year forecasts of around 28 mln tonnes
Barley shipments in July/March 2015/16 stand at 23 mln tonnes vs. forecasts of 27.5 to 28 mln tonnes for the whole crop year, H.
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World: Premium spirits market shows growth while global beer consumption declines last year
Growth in the premium spirits market indicates a rise in preference for quality over quantity, according to the IWSR 2016 database.
Total spirits grew 0.5% globally in 2015 versus 2014, which equated to an additional 14.1 mln cases. However, excluding growth from national spirits, dominated by baijiu and soju, the market shrank by 8.2 mln cases overall (-0.5%), with significant declines from vodka (-8.6 mln, -1.8%), brandy (-7.3 mln, -3.7%) and flavoured spirits (-4.3 mln, -2.7%).
Premium sprits grew by 6.7 mln nine-litre cases in 2015 versus 2014, a 5% uplift, with the largest-growth categories in the premium segment being whisky, gin, vodka, rum and tequila.
For whisky, the premium-and-above category added 3.9 mln cases between 2014 and 2015 (+7.3%). In comparison, standard whisky grew by 2.5 mln cases (+3.1%). Premium whiskies grew strongest in the US (+2.5 mln, +14.6%), but also saw good growth in France (+169 thousand, +11.0%), the UK (+136 thousand, +7.6%), Canada (+130 thousand, +8.5%) and Mexico (+126 thousand, +10.0%).
The US market is driving growth of premium vodka, rum and tequila, while the UK is the key growth market for premium gin, where a revival of the gin and tonic trend and a growing range of craft gins continues
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Germany: Hop acreage up 4% this year
According to official data, total 2016 hop acreage in Germany has been expanded by approx. 750 ha (+4%), totalling approx. 18,600 ha, HVG reported
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India: United Breweries shares fall amid speculation Vijay Mallya may step down and sell his stock
Shares of United Breweries Ltd fell by over 2 per cent on June 16 amid intense speculation that its Chairman Vijay Mallya may have to step down soon and sell his shares due to tightening of noose by markets regulator Sebi, reported.
Mallya-led UB Group is already being probed by Sebi for suspected violation of various securities markets regulations including about disclosure and related party transactions, while a 'wilful defaulter' tag has made it difficult for the beleaguered businessman to continue on boards of listed firms.
The shares of United Breweries Ltd, where the UB Group no more has majority stake but remains a co-promoter along with global giant Heineken group, slumped 2.11 per cent to settle at Rs 745.35 on BSE.
Intra-day, it slipped as much as 2.67 per cent to Rs 741, as market was rife with speculation that a board meeting could be held soon where Mallya would be asked to leave.
On NSE, it fell by 2.44 per cent to close at Rs 743.45.
Mallya, who is said to be in London while arrest warrants have been issued for him back home, is said to have attended the last board meeting of the company through video-conferencing after which some directors
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Australia: Barley output forecast to increase by 5% next crop year
Australia’s barley production is forecast to increase by 5 per cent to 9.0 million tonnes in 2016-17, ABARES said in their June report.
The area
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Russia: Russian barley export declines in April 2016
In April 2016, Russia exported 206.9 thousand tonnes of barley, which is only about half its export in April 2015 (410.5 thousand) and almost the same volume as in April 2014 (206 thousand), UkrAgroConsult reported.
Since the beginning of the current season barley exports from Russia decreased by 16% to 4107.7 thousand tonnes. Arab countries decreased purchases, but remain key buyers in the Russian barley export structure, as well as in Ukrainian. Turkey lowered imports considerably – to 68 thousand tonnes against 149 thousand in 2014/15. EU countries lowered imports by 34% compared to the previous season (to 101.8 thousand tonnes against 154.2 thousand).
According to UkrAgroConsult’s estimates barley exports from Russia in 2015/16 will decrease to 4.3-4.5 mln tonnes against 5.27 mln tonnes exported in 2014/15.
Latvia: January-April beer output down 17.8%
In the first four months of 2016, beer production in Latvia dropped by 17.8% year-on-year to 0.22 mln hl, the Excise Goods Administration of the Latvian State Revenue Service (VID) said.
Beer imports in the first four months of this year were down 2.68% from the respective period in 2015 to 0.26 mln hl.
In the first four months of 2016, Latvia exported 31.1 thousand hl of beer, which was an 18.23% decline from January-April 2015.
A total of 0.86 mln hl of beer was produced in Latvia in 2015, which is a 12% reduction from 2014.
Botswana: Sechaba Brewery Holdings records 7.8% increase in profit for FY to March 31
Sechaba Brewery Holdings has recorded a P202 million profit for the year, which is a 7.8 percent increase from the P187 million registered in the prior year, according to the group’s financial results for the year ended March 31, 2016.
The group attributed the increase to a combination of volume growth from clear beer, alcoholic fruit beverages, sparkling soft drinks categories, selective pricing, improved brand, pack mix and focus on production and distribution efficiencies.
According to KBL managing director, Johan de Kok, clear beer, alcoholic fruit beverages and sparkling soft drinks showed growth while traditional beer and non-alcoholic beverages category declined.
BSE-listed Sechaba owns 60% of KBL with the remainder is held by global brewing giants, SABMiller.
“Traditional beer and alcoholic beverages declined due to water and power shortages and the continuing impact of the traditional beer regulations,” said the group MD.
According to KBL, the opaque beer portfolio has suffered sustained challenges in its trading environment as a result of the traditional beer regulations that were implemented in July 2012, which effectively banned the sale of traditional beer in residential areas.
Previously these presented approximately 80% of the trading channels for KBL opaque beer division’s traditional heritage product, Chibuku.
In a period of seven months, the
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