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| Newsletter 26b June 30 - July 03, 2016
Quote of the Week
Anything becomes interesting if you look at it long enough.
Gustave Flaubert
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on July 01, 2016 |
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar on July 01, 2016 |
1 USD = 0.9005 EUR
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1 USD = 1.3436 AUD
1 USD = 102.8500 JPY
1 USD = 3.2273 BRL
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1 CAD = 1.0369 AUD
1 CAD = 79.3700 JPY
1 CAD = 2.4904 BRL
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Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA: Constellation Brands reports 33% rise in Q1 earnings
...Click here
USA, CA & SC & TX: Lagunitas Brewing Co. takes stakes in three other craft breweries
...Click here
USA, CA: Russian River Brewing Co. has big plans to expand
...Click here
Canada: Lethbridge feed wheat and barley prices drop after a muted spring rally
...Click here
Canada, ON: Sudbury’s Stack Brewing set on expansion
...Click here
USA, NJ: Hop growing very much a fledgling industry in New Jersey now
...Click here
USA, AZ: Pedal Haus Brewery closes for expansive remodel, reopening planned for October
...Click here
Canada, AB: Alberta’s tax system favours local brews, importers complain
...Click here
China: Chinese Brewers Association’s beer production estimate far below the official government figure
...Click here
South Africa: Competition Tribunal approves SABMiller’s takeover by AB InBev
...Click here
Belgium: EU antitrust regulators order investigation into AB InBev’s activity in Belgium
...Click here
EU: Torrential spring rains raise worries over barley quality this year
...Click here
Russia & Ukraine: Russia and Ukraine export slighly more than 4 mln tonnes of barley each in July/April
...Click here
South Africa: Freed Distell may eventually look to challenge SABMiller in premium beer segment
...Click here
The Philippines: San Miguel starts brewing draft beer
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
EU Barley Malt Export
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Canadian Malting and Feed Barley Prices
US Malting and Feed Barley Prices
French Malting and Feed Barley Prices
German Malting Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
Canadian Malt Prices
US Malt Prices
Theoretical EU Malt Prices

Scientific Digest
CO2 is a very potent in extracting basically anything you need
from hops. This UK research team worked with different conditions
including liquid and supercritical CO2, as well as the addition of
other solvents, e.g. ethanol, to extract the many important aroma
fractions from hops. Each hop variety yields distinct oil fractions
and a combination of different varieties and fractions can of course
contribute to a wide portfolio of products. Also, the processing
of aged hops is feasible and possible undesirable flavours may be
eliminated in the process.
Marriott, R.: Fractionation of hop oils using CO2, oral presentation at the Trends in Brewing Conference, April 2016, Ghent.
Read more
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
30 June
1893 - Harold/Joseph Laski is born, English economist/Labour leader
1896 - W. S. Hadaway patents electric stove
01 July
1875 - Universal Postal Union established
1916 - Coca-Cola brings current coke formula to the market
02 July
1889 - To regulate commercial trusts and monopolies, Congress passes the Sherman Antitrust Act, which outlaws any "combination or conspiracy in restraint of trade"
1921 - 1st million dollar gate ($1.7m) boxing match (Dempsey KOs Carpentier)
1957 - 1st submarine designed to fire guided missiles launched, Grayback
03 July
1790 - In Paris, the marquis of Condorcet proposed granting civil rights to women
1878 - John Wise flew the first dirigible in Lancaster, PA
1886 - 1st New York Tribune printing using 1st commercial linotype machine
1886 - In Germany, Karl Benz drives 1st automobile
1903 - The first cable across the Pacific Ocean was spliced between Honolulu, Midway, Guam and Manila
1928 - 1st color TV broadcast in London (John Logic Baird)

July 2016:
02: Beer Boot Camp 2016 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
07-10: Artbeerfest 2016 (Caminha, Portugal)
09: Beer Boot Camp 2016 (Cape Town, South Africa)
13-15: ProPack China 2016 (Shanghai, China)
August 2016:
05-07: The 20th International Berlin Beer Festival (Berlin, Germany)
09-13: The Great British Beer Festival 2016 (London, UK)
10-13: Vietfood & Beverage - ProPack 2016 (Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam)
13-17: World Brewing Congress 2016 (Denver, USA)
September 2016:
08-10: Irish Craft Beer Festival 2016 (Dublin, Ireland)
14-15: Food and Drink Technology Africa 2016 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
19-03 October: Oktoberfest 2016 (Munich, Germany)
24-25: Whisky Live Paris 2016 (Paris, France)
26-28: VLB Ibero-American VLB Symposium 2016 (Santiago de Chile, Chile)
28-30: Beer and Soft Drinks Industry - 2016 (Kyiv, Ukraine)
29-01 October: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2016:
06-08: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden)
06-08: Great American Beer Festival 2016 (Denver, USA)
08-10: Brouwplus 2016 (Antwerp, Belgium)
11-14: China Brew, China Beverage 2016 (Shanghai, China)
21-23: The Finest Spirits & Beer Convention 2016 (Bochum, Germany)
November 2016:
08-10: Brau Beviale 2016 (Nuremberg, Germany)
09-12: Vietfood & Beverage - ProPack 2016 (Hanoi, Vietnam)
December 2016:
15-17: drink technology India 2016 (Mumbai, India)
More events are available on site
News Articles
USA: Constellation Brands reports 33% rise in Q1 earnings
Constellation Brands Inc. (STZ) reported on June 30 fiscal first-quarter earnings that rose 33% from a year ago to $318 million, and earnings per
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USA, CA & SC & TX: Lagunitas Brewing Co. takes stakes in three other craft breweries
Less than a year after embarking on an unprecedented partnership with Heineken International to expand its global business, Lagunitas Brewing Co. is now turning its sights on local taprooms across the American craft beer landscape, Santa Rosa Press Democrat reported.
The Petaluma-based brewery announced on June 29 it is taking stakes in three beer businesses: Southend Brewery and Smokehouse in Charleston, S.C.; Independence Brewing Co. in Austin, Texas; and Moonlight Brewing Co., the Santa Rosa, CA brewery operated by one of the pioneers of the modern craft beer movement, Brian Hunt.
Hunt, 59, said the opportunity “to secure Moonlight’s future into the next generation” was the driving factor along with his friendship of Lagunitas founder Tony Magee, who he has known since 1993.
“I’m almost 60 now and I don’t know how long I’m going to keep doing this,” said Hunt, who like Magee has never shied away from giving an unvarnished opinion of the industry. “I got other things going on my life. I don’t want to run a brewery until the day I fall under.”
The moves by Magee go in the opposite direction of recent activity in the $22 billion craft beer market, where AB InBev, MillerCoors and Constellation Brands are
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USA, CA: Russian River Brewing Co. has big plans to expand
Russian River Brewing Co., the popular Santa Rosa brewery behind cult favorite beers Pliny the Younger and Pliny the Elder, has big plans to expand. Brewery owners Natalie and Vinnie Cilurzo have closed on a 15-acre of property in neighboring Windsor, where they plan to build a brewery, restaurant, tasting room, and gift shop on 90,000 square feet, complete with acres of parking, Eater reported on June 29.
It's a move that the Cilurzos hope will ease the traffic jams at their smaller Santa Rosa property, which attracts craft beer aficionados from all over and draws long lines for its limited release beers. The brewery produces about 12,000 barrels of beer per year, according to Inside Scoop, and attracts upwards of 300,000 visitors. The new facilities will increase that to around 30,000 to 35,000 barrels. And yes, that does mean that there will also be an increase in production of the much sought after Pliny the Younger, but "just slightly."
The production costs will reach upwards of $20 million, financed by Comerica bank from Dallas. It's a different plan of development than their original brewery, which was backed by almost 30 investors, all of whom the Cilurzos have since bought out; this
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Canada: Lethbridge feed wheat and barley prices drop after a muted spring rally
Lethbridge feed wheat and barley prices have dropped after a muted spring rally — and they’re likely to stay low throughout the summer, market participants say.
“They have a weak tone to them. I think a lot of it is lacklustre demand domestically,” Allen Pirness, trader at Market Place Commodities in Lethbridge, was quoted as saying by Canadian Cattlemen on July 1.
A large stretch of Western Canada has seen average to above-average precipitation, mid-June data from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada show.
That rain allows ranchers to keep cattle out on grass, which cuts into demand for feed wheat and barley.
Cattle feeders have been hand-to-mouth buying this year, due to weak feeding margins, Pirness said.
“They’re not in a position where they’re putting on big tonnage. They’re just not building inventory,” he added.
Feed barley in Lethbridge is around C$200-C$202 per tonne, while feed wheat is slightly higher at around C$205.
Canada’s winter wheat crop is expected to come early this year, Pirness said, which will add to an already supplied market.
Barley supplies are also high, said Brandon Motz, trade manager at CorNine Commodities at Lacombe, Alta.
Motz expects a short-lived demand boost during the summer, as farmers have held off on selling due to unappealing pricing,
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Canada, ON: Sudbury’s Stack Brewing set on expansion
Sudbury’s Stack Brewing has had a lot of growth since it was founded three years ago, but it continues to face the same challenges it had when there were only a few employees at its Kelly Lake Road location, reported on June 26.
“We can really overextend ourselves really quickly if we wanted to,” said Shawn Mailloux, Stack Brewing’s founder and owner.
The company celebrated its third anniversary with a taco festival. The day’s scorching weather helped set the mood, along with taco stands from local restaurants Tucos Tacos and Taco Sol.
The day also featured musical performances from Don Kunto, Spencer Jose, and Murder Murder, along with plenty of Stack beer on tap.
But the main theme for the third anniversary, said Mailloux, was expansion.
Stack beer is now available throughout Northern Ontario – as far west as Thunder Bay – and has taken up shelf space everywhere beer is sold in the Sudbury region. That includes the LCBO, the Beer Store, and Sudbury’s two Walmarts, which now carry beer.
But Mailloux said with expansion comes a difficult balancing act of meeting demand, which is challenging when a small brewery produces so many different types of beer.
One of Stack’s newer beers, a Belgian blonde
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USA, NJ: Hop growing very much a fledgling industry in New Jersey now
New Jersey, the Garden State, is known for certain crops – tomatoes, corn, squash, blueberries, cranberries.
One that doesn’t come immediately to mind: hops, News from Rutgers reported on June 27.
But hop farmer Beau Byrtus thinks a Rutgers study on how to cultivate the aromatic plant that plays a prominent role in beer production could help change that.
“I think it is very much a fledgling industry now. There are only a handful of us,” said Byrtus, who co-founded Oast House Hop Farm in Wrightstown four years ago. “It’s hugely beneficial anytime Rutgers puts it name on something. It lends credibility to what we’re doing.”
Now in its second year, the two-year Rutgers study – funded by a grant from the USDA Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education – focuses on identifying the best practices for growing and analyzing hops. The project, which includes creating and maintaining a quarter-acre trial hops plot at the Snyder Research Farm in Pittstown, is run by two Rutgers doctoral candidates in plant biology, Megan Muehlbauer and Robert Pyne, under the direction Jim Simon, a professor of biology who directs the Rutgers new‐use agriculture and natural products program.
“We were getting calls about hops: Is it economical?
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USA, AZ: Pedal Haus Brewery closes for expansive remodel, reopening planned for October
Pedal Haus Brewery in downtown Tempe will close its doors this summer for an expansive remodel, which the brewery and restaurant will unveil in the fall, Phoenix New Times reported on June 27.
The locally owned brew pub will undergo a transformation to increase brewing capacity, add a private dining room, enhance the patio and beer garden area, and expand its beer selection.
Pedal Haus was closed on June 27. A grand reopening is set for early October.
With the newly designed brewery, Pedal Haus brewmaster Derek “Doc” Osborne will be able to produce 2,300 gallons of beer on a weekly basis, including a Belgian-style witbier, pilsner, IPA, and English ESB.
Following the grand reopening, Pedal Haus will be open 11 a.m. to midnight Sunday through Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. on Thursdays, and 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.
Canada, AB: Alberta’s tax system favours local brews, importers complain
There are tears in the beers of local importers of suds who claim Alberta’s tax system heavily favours local brews, Calgary Sun reported on June 27.
Bo Vitanov and her husband Michael Tessier, owners of Artisan Ales, say last fall’s changes to liquor taxation is hurting importers, with some closing up shop altogether.
“Several of our friends are losing their businesses over this,” said Tessier.
“They put up protectionist barriers for Alberta brewers and ... in my opinion, destroyed a lot of Alberta businesses.”
Artisan Ales represents small, high-end mirobreweries in Quebec, France and Belgium. And it’s those products crafted outside of the western provinces that are taking a hit.
In October, Alberta raised taxes on imported beer by 5% (21 cents for a case of beer), but its changes to the graduated tax system that is crippling importers, says Vitanov.
The incremental tax rates that go up as production rises, are now only for small craft brewers in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan — as part of a New West Partnership.
“We were hit with a 525% increase in tax. We deal with extremely small breweries that are outside of the New West Partnership. We went from 20 cents a litre to 1.25 a litre,” said
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China: Chinese Brewers Association’s beer production estimate far below the official government figure
The Chinese Brewers Association estimate of last year's beer production is 471.5 mln hl, far below the official government figure, H. M. Gauger GmbH
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South Africa: Competition Tribunal approves SABMiller’s takeover by AB InBev
South Africa's Competition Tribunal approved on June 30 the blockbuster buyout of SABMiller by the world's top brewer AB InBev, subject to conditions, paving
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Belgium: EU antitrust regulators order investigation into AB InBev’s activity in Belgium
EU antitrust regulators have ordered an investigation into whether Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world’s largest brewer, has “abused its dominant position” in Belgium, its home
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EU: Torrential spring rains raise worries over barley quality this year
Torrential spring rains in Western Europe have flattened some barley crops, raising concern about grain quality and yields, but it was too early to
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Spain: Craft beer category booming in Spain
The craft beer category in Spain has experienced strong development in the last few years. In 2015, the nation’s craft beer production grew by 70 per cent by volume compared to the year before and almost tripled compared to 2013, ESM reported on June 30.
This is according to figures from the Observatorio Sectorial DBK (Grupo Cesce), which also indicate that sales increased proportionately, with 73 per cent more in 2015 than in 2014, reaching a total of €73 million, according to
Regarding the amount of brewers, numbers have also multiplied: from 50 registered craft beer companies in 2010, to 445 in May of 2016. The report points out that most of this companies are micro-enterprises with one, two or three workers.
The companies' capital is mostly sourced from the Spanish private sector. However, a spokesperson from the real estate group stated that "in the last few years there is a growing interest in participating in the sector, from the large beer brands as well as from other companies in the food and drinks industry and investment societies."
The report suggests that "given the recent creation of most companies, a big part of them is developing investment plans with the goal of
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Russia & Ukraine: Russia and Ukraine export slighly more than 4 mln tonnes of barley each in July/April
Russia’s barley exports in July/April 2015/16 amounted to 4.1 mln tonnes, Ukraine’s to 4.2 mln tonnes, H. M. Gauger GmbH reported on May 31.
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South Africa: Freed Distell may eventually look to challenge SABMiller in premium beer segment
As The Ł74 bln Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) merger with SABMiller moves closer to completion, analysts are looking to Distell — which will soon be free of SAB shareholding — to become a more aggressive player in the drinks industry, BDLive reported on July 1.
One of the conditions competition authorities attached to the approval of the merger was that SABMiller dispose of its 27% stake in Distell. Pre-emptive agreements with Remgro, which controls 54% of Distell, are expected to be exercised in whole or in part.
Distell, which has been hamstrung by a control structure for almost 40 years, is about to be set free and that could mean the first serious competitive challenge to SAB’s local dominance.
Analysts believe Distell might even look to challenge SAB in the premium segment of the beer market. However, with SAB’s cider offering boosted postmerger by Stella Artois’ Cidre, Distell may have to focus on protecting its own cider brand Savanna and grow its spirits and wine brands.
Anthony Clark of Vunani Securities says the disposal by SABMiller will remove a lot of uncertainty from the Distell control structure.
"From here on, control will be firmly with Remgro, which means Distell will be able to issue shares
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The Philippines: San Miguel starts brewing draft beer
There is nothing quite like the taste and flavor of freshly brewed beer at any given time of the day. Draft beer has created a revolution among discerning beer drinkers on the lookout for more distinct flavors and a unique drinking experience; thus San Miguel Lifestyle Brews, a selection of beers crafted to appeal to the evolving crowd of beer lovers and sophisticated palates, Philippine Star reported on June 30.
“The San Miguel Lifestyle Brews is the premium line of artfully crafted beers that we brew locally to retain freshness,” said brewmaster Emil Macapugay in a statement.
“Beer drinkers have enjoyed these variants for years, and as people’s tastes evolve, we bring them fresher ways to enjoy the flavors they love and exactly as our ‘brewmasters’ intended them to be,” he added.
San Miguel Brewery has partnered with select bars and pubs in Metro Manila to provide the San Miguel Lifestyle Brews in draft format: San Miguel Super Dry, known for its crisp and clean finish with aromatic hop notes; San Miguel Premium All-Malt, comes with a distinct flavor and notes of sweetness counterbalanced with a pleasant bitterness; and the full-bodied Cerveza Negra with the flavor of roasted malt as the backbone
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