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E-Malt.com Flash 27b July 07 - July 10, 2016
Quote of the Week
Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.
Jules Renard
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro on July 08, 2016 |
Base Currency: US Dollar on July 08, 2016 |
1 EUR = 1.1080 USD
1 EUR = 0.8509 GBP
1 EUR = 1.4328 CAD
1 EUR = 1.4737 AUD
1 EUR = 111.9000 JPY
1 EUR = 3.6894 BRL
1 EUR = 70.9482 RUB
1 EUR = 7.4044 CNY
1 USD = 0.9024 EUR
1 USD = 0.7721 GBP
1 USD = 1.2958 CAD
1 USD = 1.3321 AUD
1 USD = 100.9400 JPY
1 USD = 3.3319 BRL
1 USD = 64.0500 RUB
1 USD = 6.6830 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
Average Market Prices Change Trend
July 08, 2016 |
Type |
Crop 2016 |
% |
2rs Barley |
180.50-182.50 | 0.55% |
6rw Barley |
161.00-163.00 | 1.25% |
2rs Malt |
376.00-378.00 | 0.33% |
6rw Malt |
352.50-354.50 | 0.70% |
Feed Barley |
134.00-136.00 | 0.75% |
Note: Just click
and you will be led to our Market Price History. These are average French barley market prices estimated on FOB Creil basis. The theoretical average malt prices are based FOB Antwerp being estimated on French malting barley. The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices. Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
Vietnam: Foreign investors may flatten Vietnam beer market - report
...Click here
Portugal: Beer consumption drops to 46 litres per capita in 2015
...Click here
Singapore & Thailand: Thai Beverage named the biggest gainer among Singapore’s stock
...Click here
UK: Craft brewers may benefit from the Brexit decision as weak pound makes their exports more attractive - report
...Click here
World: Falling pound creating $3.2 bln windfall for two of SABMiller’s biggest shareholders
...Click here
USA & Mexico: Mexican craft brewers visit the US to learn about US malting barley production
...Click here
Japan: Asahi launches new regional beer under the Clear Asahi brand
...Click here
Ghana: Ghana’s first microbrewery represents what could become a new industry in West Africa
...Click here
Graph of the week
Table of the week
Russia Barley Supply & Demand
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices

Scientific Digest
CO2 is a very potent in extracting basically anything you need
from hops. This UK research team worked with different conditions
including liquid and supercritical CO2, as well as the addition of
other solvents, e.g. ethanol, to extract the many important aroma
fractions from hops. Each hop variety yields distinct oil fractions
and a combination of different varieties and fractions can of course
contribute to a wide portfolio of products. Also, the processing
of aged hops is feasible and possible undesirable flavours may be
eliminated in the process.
Marriott, R.: Fractionation of hop oils using CO2, oral presentation at the Trends in Brewing Conference, April 2016, Ghent.
Read more
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
07 July
1550 - Chocolate introduced
1802 - 1st comic book "The Wasp," is published
1814 - The world's first authentic historical novel, 'Waverley' by Sir Walter Scott, is published
1891 - Travelers cheque patented
1929 - In Italy, the Vatican in the centre of Rome becomes a sovereign state
1954 - Elvis Presley makes his radio debut
08 July
1497 - Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama sets sail from Lisbon in search of a sea route to India
1796 - U.S. State Department issues 1st American passport
1870 - Congress authorizes registration of trademarks
09 July
1815 - 1st natural gas well in U.S. is discovered
1875 - The Bombay Stock Exchange is founded in Bombay (now Mumbai), India
1953 - 1st helicopter passenger service, New York City
1957 - Announcement of discovery of atomic element 102 - nobelium
10 July
1933 - 1st police radio system operated, Eastchester Township, New York
1949 - 1st practical rectangular TV tube announced-Toledo, OH
1958 - 1st parking meter installed in England (625 installed)
2000 - EADS, the world's second-largest aerospace group is formed by the merger of Aerospatiale-Matra, DASA, and CASA

July 2016:
02: Beer Boot Camp 2016 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
07-10: Artbeerfest 2016 (Caminha, Portugal)
09: Beer Boot Camp 2016 (Cape Town, South Africa)
13-15: ProPack China 2016 (Shanghai, China)
August 2016:
05-07: The 20th International Berlin Beer Festival (Berlin, Germany)
09-13: The Great British Beer Festival 2016 (London, UK)
10-13: Vietfood & Beverage - ProPack 2016 (Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam)
13-17: World Brewing Congress 2016 (Denver, USA)
September 2016:
08-10: Irish Craft Beer Festival 2016 (Dublin, Ireland)
14-15: Food and Drink Technology Africa 2016 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
19-03 October: Oktoberfest 2016 (Munich, Germany)
24-25: Whisky Live Paris 2016 (Paris, France)
26-28: VLB Ibero-American VLB Symposium 2016 (Santiago de Chile, Chile)
28-30: Beer and Soft Drinks Industry - 2016 (Kyiv, Ukraine)
29-01 October: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2016:
06-08: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden)
06-08: Great American Beer Festival 2016 (Denver, USA)
08-10: Brouwplus 2016 (Antwerp, Belgium)
11-14: China Brew, China Beverage 2016 (Shanghai, China)
21-23: The Finest Spirits & Beer Convention 2016 (Bochum, Germany)
November 2016:
08-10: Brau Beviale 2016 (Nuremberg, Germany)
09-12: Vietfood & Beverage - ProPack 2016 (Hanoi, Vietnam)
December 2016:
15-17: drink technology India 2016 (Mumbai, India)
More events are available on site e-malt.com
Brewery News
Vietnam: Foreign investors may flatten Vietnam beer market - report
A recently released study by the Vietnam Industry Research and Consultant (VIRAC) shows that beer production and consumption in Vietnam for 2014 reached an all-time record high of 3.1 billion litres with revenue of US$4.56 billion, VietNamNet Bridge reported on July 3.
The lucrative potential for profits explains the avid interest and arrival of international brands in the Vietnamese marketplace over the six years running up to 2014, the study concludes.
At the end of 2014, Thai Beverage (ThaiBev) first tendered an offer to acquire a 40% minority stake of Sabeco, the largest beer brewer and distributor in Vietnam.
According to the ‘Vietnam Beverage Report 2015’ published by VIRAC, Sabeco was the largest brewer in Vietnam commanding a 34% market share by volume and 46% by revenue.
For 2015 Sabeco reported a year-on-year increase of 28% in its net profit to US$159.5 million (VND3.6 trillion). Its revenue grew 10% for the year to US$1.2 billion (VND27.16 trillion), principally from beer sales.
Meanwhile, another Thai corporation, Singha, has also signalled its interest in acquiring a controlling stake in government owned brewer Sabeco, best known for its iconic Saigon beer brand.
The Vietnam government now holds a roughly 89% stake in Sabeco, with Dutch brewer Heineken the second
...More info on site
Portugal: Beer consumption drops to 46 litres per capita in 2015
Portugal’s per capita beer consumption has been falling steadily for the last several years and last year fell to 46 litres - the lowest level in the last twelve years, Portuguese Brewers Association reported.
As compared to 2006, when per capita beer consumption was 63 litres, last year saw a decline of 27%.
According to the Association, the decline is to be blamed on increased VAT and a rise in special consumption tax (IEC).
Singapore & Thailand: Thai Beverage named the biggest gainer among Singapore’s stock
The biggest gainer among Singapore’s stocks this year is a foreigner, Macau Daily Times reported.
Thai Beverage Pcl has jumped 36 percent to a record in 2016, benefiting from rising consumption in Thailand, where stimulus and low interest rates have driven the benchmark index to the highest level in almost a year. Singapore’s equities market, by contrast, is a laggard in Southeast Asia, suffering from lackluster growth at banks, developers and oil-rig builders. Thai Beverage’s return this year is almost triple that for the second-best stock in the Straits Times Index.
Malaysia’s Affin Hwang Asset Management Bhd. and London’s J O Hambro Capital Management Ltd. are buying Thai Beverage shares, convinced the stock has further to climb despite record valuations, as it offers a haven from market turmoil around the world and may benefit from any restructuring plans.
“With slowing global growth, whatever shows potential or sustainable growth attracts a premium,” Kar Tzen Chow, Kuala Lumpur-based fund manager at Affin Hwang Asset, which oversees about USD7.6 billion, said by phone. “ThaiBev’s spirits business continues to be stable and the beer business has shown a recovery.”
Thailand is betting on more than $18 billion in stimulus measures to help boost local demand and offset an
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UK: Craft brewers may benefit from the Brexit decision as weak pound makes their exports more attractive - report
Craft beer brewers and English winemakers may have reason to raise their glasses to celebrate the Brexit decision as the weak pound makes their exports more attractive and foreign imports more expensive, according to research released by Rabobank on July 8.
Sterling reached its lowest level since 1985 this week and analysts expect it to remain low as the UK’s economic future within Europe remains uncertain.
The decision will have “critical implications for the beverage sector, given the UK’s role as both a major importer (e.g. wine) and a major supplier (e.g. scotch),” Francois Sonneville, food and agribusiness analyst at Rabobank, said.
The UK wine-making industry has grown strongly over the last decade and is now worth £100 million according to the Wine and Spirit Trade Association.
This trend may be given a boost as vineyards in particular stand to gain from the Brexit vote, according the analysis.
Britain is the largest wine importer in the world and the EU the largest wine-producing region. France, Italy and Spain supplied 60 per cent of the UK’s wine in 2015, all of which will become more expensive after the decline in the pound, making locally produced wine more attractive to consumers.
UK-based craft brewers and spirits distillers could
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World: Falling pound creating $3.2 bln windfall for two of SABMiller’s biggest shareholders
The falling value of the pound following Britain's decision to leave the European Union is creating a $3.2 billion windfall for two of SABMiller's biggest shareholders, St. Louis Business Journal reported.
As part of Anheuser-Busch InBev's pending $107 billion buyout of SABMiller, AB InBev offered SABMiller shareholders 44 pounds per share in cash or a partial-share alternative that was valued at around 39 pounds per share when the deal was announced in October. Investors who choose to take the partial-share option must keep their shares for at least five years.
The alternative was designed to help SABMiller's two largest shareholders — Altria Group Inc. and BevCo, the Santo Domingo family's investment company — with taxation and possible accounting issues.
However, the pound's recent drop as compared to the euro has pushed the value of the partial-share alternative to about 51.50 pounds per share, which is 17 percent higher than the cash offer, Bloomberg reports.
“Whether or not there’s a threat to the deal in terms of fairness is a fascinating question and for AB InBev to have left that risk open is a surprise,” Tom Russo, who manages $10 billion for Gardner Russo & Gardner, told the news service.
AB InBev said last week that
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Japan: Asahi launches new regional beer under the Clear Asahi brand
Japan’s largest beer producer, Asahi Breweries, has added a new taste to their popular Clear Asahi brand, with a release designed especially for the country’s Kansai region. Called “Kansai Shitate” or “Kansai Tailored”, the beverage has been created to suit regional dining flavors, with a focus on two of the area’s most famous saucy dishes: okonomiyaki (savory pancakes) and takoyaki (fried octopus balls), Japan Today reported.
The new beer can features an image of the two local delicacies on the front of the can, along with the tagline “Kansai no shokutaku wo motto oishiku“, or “Making the Kansai dining table even more delicious”.
The limited-edition beer is produced at the company’s Suita beer plant, located in the Kansai region, and marks 125 years of operation for the factory. Plant tours reached a record 150,000 visitors last year so, as a gesture of thanks, the company worked hard to produce a beer especially suited to local tastes.
The back of the can reveals the new brew goes well with sauce-based dishes, producing a round taste that’s full of flavor when paired with local foods.
In a first for the beer group, this is a regional release, available for purchase only in the Kansai region, which
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Ghana: Ghana’s first microbrewery represents what could become a new industry in West Africa
At 62 years old, Clement Djameh drinks at least a beer a day. Since 2003, his glass has been filled with drafts he brewed himself, exclusively using a local African grain called sorghum. The only imported ingredients are the hops, Munchies reported on July 7.
Djameh and his colleague Fash Sawyerr are the founders of Ghana’s first-ever microbrewery, Inland Microbrewery. It’s located inside a crumbling, honey-colored mansion complete with Greek-style columns in Kwabenya, a neighborhood on the outskirts of Ghana’s capital, Accra. At first glance, the place looks abandoned. On the front porch rests a rusted car.
Inside the house is a startling surprise: a fully functioning brewery, complete with custom-made and imported machinery, although some of it is decades old.
One of Djameh and Sawyerr’s most prized pieces of equipment is the “Kegerator,” a refrigerator they installed a beer tap on top of, connected to a keg stored below. It’s used to keep kegs cool at Inland-catered events. Including delivery, a keg costs about $45.
The brewery produces several different varieties of beer, all without the use of imported malted barley, upon which Ghana’s two major commercial breweries almost exclusively rely.
Inland, which now caters mostly to private orders, represents what could become a
...More info on site
Barley News
USA & Mexico: Mexican craft brewers visit the US to learn about US malting barley production
A U.S. Grains Council (USGC) trade team of Mexican craft brewers visited the United States recently to familiarize themselves with U.S. malting barley production and learn about new barley variety development and U.S. quality standards, Grains.org reported on July 7.
The brewing industry in Mexico is growing stronger and becoming more aggressive with many players making substantial investments in new brewing, malting and bottle manufacturing plants. These investments represent additional demand for malting barley as well as for barley malt.
This program focused on building connections with U.S. farmers and barley malt suppliers and developing concepts for new long-term purchasing strategies.
Craft brewery growth is currently hindered because breweries find difficulty in obtaining barley malt (and other inputs) for the beer. Craft breweries also face challenges importing ingredients from Europe under the tariff rate quota (TRQ) because the large breweries control this quota.