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| Newsletter 28b July 14 - July 17, 2016
Quote of the Week
The mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
Ancient Egyptian wisdom
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on July 15, 2016 |
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar on July 15, 2016 |
1 USD = 0.8999 EUR
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1 USD = 1.2931 CAD
1 USD = 1.3112 AUD
1 USD = 105.1100 JPY
1 USD = 3.2516 BRL
1 USD = 63.5773 RUB
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1 CAD = 1.0138 AUD
1 CAD = 81.2700 JPY
1 CAD = 2.5141 BRL
1 CAD = 2.5141 RUB
1 CAD = 5.1684 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
Canada, NS: Wayfarers’ Ales now open in Port Williams
...Click here
Canada, ON: Split Rail Brewery in the midst of major expansion
...Click here
Canada, AB: Dog Island Brewing aiming at late summer opening
...Click here
Canada, ON: Cowbell Brewing provides update on construction of its facility in Blyth
...Click here
USA, NY: The St. Lawrence Brewing Company ceasing beer-making operations due to financial problems
...Click here
World: AB InBev keen on dipping into non-alcoholic beer
...Click here
Japan: Sapporo Holdings likely generated operating profit of around 2 bln yen this half-year
...Click here
Vietnam: State may reduce ownership to less than 50% or withdraw all capital from Sabeco and Habeco
...Click here
World: Barley trade forecast to reach 28.355 mln tonnes in 2015/16 and decline to 27.785 mln in 2016/17
...Click here
EU: Barley yields 7% above the past five-year average this year
...Click here
Australia: Australian barley growers see opening opportunities for export to China
...Click here
UK: Spring barley area up 6%, winter down 2% - AHDB
...Click here
Russia: Barley export declines in May, annual volume may not reach expected 4.3 mln tonnes
...Click here
China: Tibetan craft brewery makes ambitious plans inspired by China’s growing thirst for local craft beer
...Click here
Kenya: SABMiller’s subsidiary fined for engaging in restrictive trade practices
...Click here
Myanmar: Carlsberg to send petition to government in protest against crackdown on serving draught beer in bars and restaurants without the right papers
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
World Hop Area 2015 - 2016(s)
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Canadian Malting and Feed Barley Prices
US Malting and Feed Barley Prices
French Malting and Feed Barley Prices
German Malting Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
Canadian Malt Prices
US Malt Prices
Theoretical EU Malt Prices

Scientific Digest
This is currently a very big question for brewers - what
is the influence of the temperature during dry hopping?
Typically, brewers will utilize temperatures between
0-25 degrees C for dry hopping. A German research team
did a comprehensive trial with Cascade hops and
found that effects of temperature and hop dosage on
concentration of hop aroma compounds were different
for each compound that was investigated. Temperature
had an influence on dissolution of geraniol in beer,
while the transfer rate of myrcene exhibited a strong
dose-response as hop dosage mass increased with no
temperature influence.
Read more
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
14 July
1850 - 1st public demonstration of ice made by refrigeration
1853 - of the first major US world's fair, the Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations in New York City
1857 - Maytag invented the washing machine
1959 - 1st atomic powered cruiser, Long Beach, Quincy Massachusetts
1969 - The United States $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 bills are officially withdrawn from circulation
15 July
1783 - 1st steamboat, Pyroscaphe, 1st run in France
1869 - Margarine is patented in France by Hippolyte Mege Mouries of Paris
1954 - The first commercial jet transport airplane built in US is tested (Boeing 707)
2003 - AOL Time Warner disbands Netscape. The Mozilla Foundation is established on the same day
2006 - Twitter is launched, becoming one of the largest social media platforms in the world
16 July
1661 - 1st banknotes in Europe were issued by Bank of Stockholm
1935 - 1st automatic parking meter in US installed, Oklahoma City
17 July
1850 - Harvard Observatory takes 1st photograph of a star (Vega)
1899 - NEC Corporation is organized as the first Japanese joint venture with foreign capital
1931 - 1st air-conditioned ship (Mariposa) launched
1955 - Disneyland, Walt Disney's metropolis of nostalgia, fantasy, and futurism, opens

July 2016:
02: Beer Boot Camp 2016 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
07-10: Artbeerfest 2016 (Caminha, Portugal)
09: Beer Boot Camp 2016 (Cape Town, South Africa)
13-15: ProPack China 2016 (Shanghai, China)
August 2016:
05-07: The 20th International Berlin Beer Festival (Berlin, Germany)
09-13: The Great British Beer Festival 2016 (London, UK)
10-13: Vietfood & Beverage - ProPack 2016 (Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam)
13-17: World Brewing Congress 2016 (Denver, USA)
September 2016:
08-10: Irish Craft Beer Festival 2016 (Dublin, Ireland)
14-15: Food and Drink Technology Africa 2016 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
19-03 October: Oktoberfest 2016 (Munich, Germany)
24-25: Whisky Live Paris 2016 (Paris, France)
26-28: VLB Ibero-American VLB Symposium 2016 (Santiago de Chile, Chile)
28-30: Beer and Soft Drinks Industry - 2016 (Kyiv, Ukraine)
29-01 October: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2016:
06-08: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden)
06-08: Great American Beer Festival 2016 (Denver, USA)
08-10: Brouwplus 2016 (Antwerp, Belgium)
11-14: China Brew, China Beverage 2016 (Shanghai, China)
21-23: The Finest Spirits & Beer Convention 2016 (Bochum, Germany)
November 2016:
08-10: Brau Beviale 2016 (Nuremberg, Germany)
09-12: Vietfood & Beverage - ProPack 2016 (Hanoi, Vietnam)
December 2016:
15-17: drink technology India 2016 (Mumbai, India)
More events are available on site
News Articles
Canada, NS: Wayfarers’ Ales now open in Port Williams
A new brewery founded by a collective of craft beer enthusiasts in Nova Scotia is now open in Port Williams, Canadian Beer News reported.
Wayfarers’ Ales – taking its name from medieval travellers in England who would “stop at local churches, knock on the door, and be given a small horn of ale and a piece of bread to refresh and help them along their journey” – is currently in soft opening mode, and is selling growlers of debut beer Hellene Summer Blonde out of its retail store.
Additional brands including Ruby Red Ale, Scottish Ale, One-Eyed River Hog IPA and others will be added soon, it is reported.
Canada, ON: Split Rail Brewery in the midst of major expansion
The Manitoulin Expositor reports that Split Rail Brewery, the only active production brewery on Ontario’s Manitoulin Island, is in the midst of a major expansion.
The brewery has had trouble keeping up with demand for its beers since opening last July, and has recently installed a new and much larger brewhouse that should be operational later this summer.
Once the new system is up and running, the brewery will be re-launching bottle sales and adding several new brands to its line-up. In the meantime, core brands Hawberry Ale, Copper Lager, and Amber Ale are available exclusively in the brewery tasting room and patio.
Canada, AB: Dog Island Brewing aiming at late summer opening
Alberta beer news blog The Daily Beer reports that residents of the northern Alberta town of Slave Lake will soon have a local brewery to call their own.
Dog Island Brewing is being established by longtime homebrewers Ben Fiddler and Chad Paulson, who decided to switch from being hobbyists to professionals when the downturn in the oil industry led to a reduction in the work they were doing on the local patch.
The duo are setting up shop in spare space at Grizzly Electrical, a Slave Lake business owned by Fiddler’s father. Construction has started in anticipation of a late summer arrival of a 20HL brewhouse from BC’s Specific Mechanical, which will be installed along with a 50 gallon pilot system the pair has been using for homebrewing.
Once open, the brewery will offer four core brands – Pits Wit, 9 Mile Session Ale, Dibs Berry, and 1965 Old Town Porter – as well as a series of rotating seasonals and one-off beers. The beers will initially be available in growlers and kegs, with a “crowler” system for 1 litre hand-filled cans and visits from a portable canning service being considered as well.
Canada, ON: Cowbell Brewing provides update on construction of its facility in Blyth
Cowbell Brewing has announced expanded distribution for its debut flagship brand, and has provided an update on the construction of its bricks-and-mortar facility in the village of Blyth, Ontario, Canadian Beer News reported.
Absent Landlord Country Kolsch was launched in late May at select licensees and LCBO locations, and is now being ramped up to province-wide availability. Currently brewed under contract while the Cowbell brewery is being built, Absent Landlord is described as a Kölsch-style beer, designed to be both approachable and uniquely delicious.
The permanent home for Cowbell which will include a brewery, restaurant, retail shop and large events space is in the early stages of construction on a 59-acre property owned by brewery founders the Sparling family.
The building is being constructed from sustainable materials, such as timber and local, ethicallysourced reclaimed, natural materials. The heating and cooling system is brilliantly engineered to use the least amount of energy while maintaining temperatures year round, including automated windows and cupolas to use outside air to the building’s advantage.
A stateofthe-art, Canadian-built, four-vessel brewhouse and cellar from Newlands Systems in Abbotsford, British Columbia will be installed with water and energy-saving technologies and auxiliary components. Cowbell Brewing Co.’s target water-to-beer consumption ratio is
...More info on site
USA, NY: The St. Lawrence Brewing Company ceasing beer-making operations due to financial problems
The St. Lawrence Brewing Company is in the process of ceasing beer-making operations due to financial problems, North Country Now reported on July 14.
The monetary struggles can be attributed to a competitive industry, according to Patrick J. Kelly, executive director of the St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency.
“The industry has gotten competitive recently and it’s hard to make headway,” Kelly said. “It is a quickly changing marketplace.”
Kelly says the business did not fail because of a “lack of effort or product quality.”
The beer-making company opened at 19 Commerce Lane in Canton in August 2013 and was owned by Ken Hebb. He also owned the Blackbird Café in Canton, which closed earlier this spring.
The Taproom at St. Lawrence Brewing Company has already closed and production of beer will end soon.
“We are working with Ken on the process of handling inventory,” he said.
The SLC IDA, Adirondack Economic Development Corp. and North County Alliance helped finance The St. Lawrence Brewing Company.
A total around $400,000 was borrowed over time for the business; $350,000 remains on the loans, Kelly said.
The IDA is working through the process of securing collateral, which includes machines and equipment, Kelly said.
Some of the owed money is from lease and equipment
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World: AB InBev keen on dipping into non-alcoholic beer
Anheuser-Busch InBev, who will soon make a third of the world’s beer, is said to be keen on dipping into the low and non-alcohol brew market in a bid to tap into drinkers looking to live a healthier lifestyle, The Drinks Business reported on July 13.
The Belgian company is set to merge with its largest rival SABMiller in the near future and has already forecast that lower and zero strength beer will grow to make up 20% its sales by the end of 2025, Reuters reports.
Brewers only introduced non-alcoholic beers in the 1980s and 1990s to limited success, only what let it down then has been built on and now there is both a sustainable consumer demand as well as the simple fact that it actually tastes like beer now.
AB InBev have already committed $1 billion to reducing alcohol abuse, with projects set to start in six US cities later in the year, and the company is now willing to spend more of their time and money on developing low and non-alcoholic beer.
Now faced with new challenges from the craft beer market, big brewers are hoping that low alcohol beers will be the way to go as a new sector
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Japan: Sapporo Holdings likely generated operating profit of around 2 bln yen this half-year
Sapporo Holdings likely generated an operating profit of some 2 billion yen ($19.1 million) in the six months through June, turning around from a
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Vietnam: State may reduce ownership to less than 50% or withdraw all capital from Sabeco and Habeco
Officials of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) have said that the State will either own less than 50% of charter capital or
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World: Barley trade forecast to reach 28.355 mln tonnes in 2015/16 and decline to 27.785 mln in 2016/17
USDA’s July report boosted Australian barley export forecast for 2016/17 by 200,000 tonnes to 6.0 million with a larger projected crop.
Algerian barley import forecast
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EU: Barley yields 7% above the past five-year average this year
The upcoming European cereal harvest could be the third bumper crop in a row, according to the European Commission’s short-term outlook.
It says that despite
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Australia: Australian barley growers see opening opportunities for export to China
A growing thirst for beer in China is opening opportunities for Australian barley growers to increase their exports, ABC Online reported on July 13.
But some hope it may also open the door for increased exports of lower quality feed grade barley.
China is the world's largest consumer of food and beverages and is one of the fastest growing food and beverage markets in Asia.
According to global market research group Euromonitor International, Chinese expenditure on food and beverage products in 2016 is expected to reach US$976 billion.
Sales of mid-range and premium beers are growing, which groups like the Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre (AEGIC) hope will translate to more exports of Australian barley to China.
Australia is a dominant player in world barley export markets, representing more than 40 per cent of the world's malting barley trade and 20 per cent of the feed barley trade.
AEGIC chief executive officer Richard Simonaitis recently returned from conducting workshops in China with Chinese brewing and malting companies.
He said the workshops were intended to help Chinese brewers and malt processors understand the technical potential and value of the varieties, which included La Trobe, Flinders and Spartacus.
"Providing this type of in-market support is crucial to ensure Australian grain
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UK: Spring barley area up 6%, winter down 2% - AHDB
A new AHDB planting and variety survey shows an increase in the forecast area for harvest of oats and spring barley in Great Britain – but a 9% drop in oilseed rape.
The predicted English OSR area has dropped by 8% to the lowest level since 2009. Winter barley and wheat areas have also declined (winter barley – by 2% to 426 thousand ha).
In terms of the total cereals and oilseeds area, the fall in planted OSR more than outweighs a 6% increase in the forecasted spring barley harvest 2016 (to 682 thousand ha), and a 4% increase in the GB oat area.
Isobel Robinson, AHDB market analyst said: “Spring barley looks to have benefitted from a common trend across the country towards spring cropping, likely influenced by economic factors and efforts to control black-grass and broader agronomic issues.
“The prospect of historically poor market returns at planting was likely a key factor behind the lower oilseed rape area.”
The survey draws on data from almost 3,000 farms. Growers were asked to submit intended harvest areas and the area harvested last year. Percentage changes are based on comparison to the Defra 2015 June Survey of Agriculture.
Russia: Barley export declines in May, annual volume may not reach expected 4.3 mln tonnes
In May 2016, Russia exported 123 thousand tonnes of barley compared with 297.2 thousand tonnes in May 2015, UkrAgroConsult reported.
Saudi Arabia and Iran were the main importers of Russian barley in May.
Since the beginning of the current season barley exports from Russia have decreased by 18% to 4230.7 thousand tonnes. Thus, until the end of the current season barley export shipments from Russia may not reach 4.3 mln tonnes. As a reminder, Russian barley exports were record high last season – 5.27 mln tonnes.
China: Tibetan craft brewery makes ambitious plans inspired by China’s growing thirst for local craft beer
In the thin air of the Tibetan plateau, the grains are known as qingke. Traditionally, they are made into zanba, a dough made with yak butter.
But when Swiss-Tibetan entrepreneur Songtsen Gyalzur looked at the fields of local barley, he saw a new way to fill pint glasses, using ingredients from one of China’s storied places to propel sales in a country taking its first swigs of more complex microbrewed suds, The Globe and Mail reported on July 13.
“Our slogan is, ‘Your Shangri-La in a bottle,’” Mr. Gyalzur said. “This is the biggest beer market in the world. And we are entering a supercycle for craft beer.”
The craft beer revolution that has upended alcohol consumption in the United States, Canada, Europe and Japan began to touch China in the late 2000s. But in the past 24 months, it has suddenly swelled.
In Beijing, Nanjing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Guangzhou, craft brewers are pumping out IPAs, stouts, wheats and reds. Two years ago, a regional centre such as Wuhan had no craft breweries. Today it has four. A dozen or so brewers have started peddling their wares in Tianjin over the past year, some of them tiny street-side vendors hawking beer in
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Kenya: SABMiller’s subsidiary fined for engaging in restrictive trade practices
The competition watchdog has fined the Kenyan subsidiary of British multinational SABMiller $23.7 thousand for engaging in restrictive trade practices by setting minimum prices for its products, TVC News reported on July 13.
The Competition Authority of Kenya has penalised the Ruiru-based Crown Beverages for setting price floors for distributors who supply its products.
Crown Beverages, which is 85 per cent owned by UK-based SABMiller, markets alcohol products as well as Keringet mineral water.
The Competition Authority disclosed the penalty in a Kenya Gazette notice, noting that the beverage maker had committed to stop the practice.
Setting of minimum prices is a form of retail price maintenance (RPM) where by a manufacturer prescribes the maximum or minimum prices that distributors can set on their products.
Myanmar: Carlsberg to send petition to government in protest against crackdown on serving draught beer in bars and restaurants without the right papers
Representing around 4500 bars and restaurants, Carlsberg Myanmar plans to send a petition to the government by the end of August, in protest against a recent crackdown on serving draught beer without the right papers, a company spokesperson was quoted as saying by Myanmar Times.
Beer stations across the country have received letters from the General Administration Department warning that the FL17 licence – the standard alcohol retail licence – does not cover draught beer sales.
Of around 7000 beer stations serving draught beer only 2500 hold the right licence – FL9 or FL10 – while the home affairs ministry, which is responsible for issuing these licences, said it will not issue any more “for now”.
This has caused alarm among beer station owners, who have been allowed to sell draught beer under their FL17 licence for years, and believe their customers will go elsewhere if they stop selling beer on tap.
Anthony Clark, managing director of Myanmar Carlsberg Company said he would support his customers by petitioning on their behalf.
“One of our ambitions at Myanmar Carlsberg is to be the most professional brewer in Myanmar,” he said. “This includes providing the best customer service of all the brewers and also being ready to
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