Newsletter Summary
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Equities of largest breweries
Market prices change trend
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Brewery news
Malt news
Barley news
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Malting barley prices
Table of the week
Graph of the week
Do you know
Average market prices Change trend
Note: Just click on the price link and you will be led to our Market Price History.
Average barley market prices are French and are estimated on FOB Creil basis.
Average malt market prices are estimated on FOB Antwerp basis.
The changes are compared to last Newsletter's prices.
Arrows indicate the direction of the change.
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Updated figures related to USA barley and malt trade with Mexico and Canada could be seen in NAFTA section of menu. To this purpose please enter!
You may find updated malt, barley and beer statistics on Statistics section. Just enter! Here you will find all tables issued with newsletters. Agenda gives the possibility to keep you informed about the Events planned to be held in the whole world related to the brewing and malting industries. To this purpose you just have to login and click on Agenda link in the menu. Reading our Event Agenda you will find out about the future symposia, conferences and festivals related to malting and beer world. You may also submit your own events to the address has Trading Online system. The system is to be used for malt/barley trading. One can register a malt/barley offer or a malt/barley request. The registering person could be as a seller/buyer or as an agent for seller/buyer.
The User can see information about all active malt/barley offers & requests. If needed the system allows user to buy/sell malt/barley due to reasonable offers/requests. The way to do this is to confirm reasonable transaction.
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To visit the E-malt Trading Online first go to the site, then click Trading Online link in the left menu of the home page. For more details please contact
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Last five E-malt Flashes

Flash 33b, 2005

Flash 33a, 2005

Flash 32b, 2005

Flash 32a, 2005

Flash 31b, 2005

Flash 31a, 2005
Market price evolutions
The evolution of market prices for barley and malt, which are periodicaly issued with newsletters are published on site in Market Prices section. Just click here!
Available market price evolutions

Canada Average Barley Prices 1983-2005

Canadian Malting Barley Prices vs. Danish 2Row

Australia Malting Barley Export Prices 2000-2005

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2005

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2005

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2004

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2004

Malt Market Price Evolution. Crop 2003

French Malting Barley Price Evolution. Crop 2003 graphs
All graphs issued with newsletters are published in "Graph" section of site.
Last five graphs

Canada Barley Production and Export 2001-2006f

Belgium Beer in hl (1960/70/80/90/95/99, 2000/01/02/03/04)

Australia Malt Exports 1996-2006f

Africa Beer Production 1995-2004

World's Balrey Production. 2004/2005, 2005/2006

Vietnam Beer Production 1991-2005f
The graphs are updated from time to time. Just see the updates online on site! Tables
We have the pleasure to let you know that all tables are published in Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statisctis section.
Last five tables
search in statistics

The Top 10 Beers in the US in 2004

EU malt export licence fixations until June 28, 2005

The 40 Beer Giants of the World for 2004

EU Malting Barley Supply and Demand Estimate 2005/2006

Kazakhstan Beer Market 2004
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| Flash 34a August 22 - August 24, 2005
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro, EUR
on 24-August-2005
1 EUR = 1.2236 USD
1 EUR = 0.6791 GBP
1 EUR = 1.4651 CAD
1 EUR = 1.62 AUD
1 EUR = 134.38 JPY
1 EUR = 2.9496 BRL
1 EUR = 34.9546 RUB
1 EUR =9.9249 CNY
Base Currency: US Dollar
on 24-August-2005
1 USD = 0.8176 EUR
1 USD = 0.5551 GBP
1 USD = 1.1974 CAD
1 USD = 1.3240 AUD
1 USD = 109.87 JPY
1 USD = 2.4106 BRL
1 USD = 28.567 RUB
1 USD = 8.1112 CNY
Equities of the Largest Breweries
Top Industry News
UK: Greene King purchases its Scottish rival Belhaven...
Click here
China: Tsingtao will build a brewery in the Northwest of China...
Click here
UK: Beer concedes bit by bit its place to wine...
Click here
Finland: Finnish Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry asks for beer tax lowering...
Click here
Russia: Results for H1 of 2005-the lowest industry status for last five years...
Click here
Ukraine: 95% of projected area harvested...
Click here
Scotland: Professionals’ views on barley crops and prices...
Click here
More News
China : Tsingtao Brewery announces increase in net profit for the first half of 2005
...more info
Malaysia: Carlsberg signs 5-year sponsorship contract for Malaysian Open golf tournament
...more info
South Africa: SABMiller doesn’t officially confirm the acquisition of Krasny Vostok brewer
...more info
China: Kingway builds advanced brewery in Tianjin
...more info
Romania: Data on barley harvest
...more info
Canada: Big Rock Brewery Income Trust announces monthly distribution
...more info
Cameroon: Competition battle leads to transformation of beer bottle caps into currency
...more info
USA: Miller’s celebration of its 150th birthday
...more info
USA: National Football League instigates bidding war to find "official beer sponsor"
...more info
World: Report results on global beer consumption
...more info
Russia: Marketing research results on alcohol consumption
...more info
USA: Workers’ feedback to the Cargil’s closing of Jefferson Junction malting plant
...more info
Germany: Balrley certified seed production
...more info
Russia: Advertising not decisive in buying beer
...more info
USA: Granite City Food & Brewery appoints chief financial officer
...more info
USA: 81% of barley cropped in North Dakota
...more info
Canada: The Service Employees International Union will further support Brewery workers
...more info
USA: Anheuser-Busch kicks off 2005 football season with custom packaging for NFL teams
...more info
Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone Brewery Limited launches National Consumer Promotion raffle
...more info
USA: Researchers try to develop new barley varieties
...more info
USA: Harvesting before schedule, yields down& vomixiton desease up, in North Dakota,
...more info
Brewery News
Barley News
Malting barley prices. French barley prices.
Nominal prices.
Table of the week
EU Barley Production, in thousand tonnes, forecast
Graph of the week
World's beer production by regions, in 1000 hl
August 2005:
35th BCCA Canvention 2005
September 2005:
International Brewery and Soft Drinks Industry Exhibition
Great Canadian Beer Festival
4th World Beer & Drinks Forum 2005
Brew Cruise to New England/Canada
Drinktec 2005
St. Feuillien Dinner at Monk's.
The Berghoff OKtoberfest
Birmingham Beer Festival
40th Annual Mt. Angel Oktoberfest
Fremont Oktoberfest
Munich Oktoberfest 2005
10th Annual Madison County Hop Fest
3rd Annual Big Lake Brewfest
Great Lakes Brew Festv
Ludwig's Oktoberfest 2005
New South Wales Brewing Championships 2005
Great American Beer Festival
Keighley Beer
Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival
Harpoon Octoberfest
October 2005:
7th Annual Charlotte Oktoberfest
Custom Brewcrafters Autumn Festival Of Ales
MBAA Brewing & Malting Science Course, Univ
BJ's Beer Appreciation Night Woodland Hills - Oktoberfest - Bavaria's Best
International Beer Summit / Kokusai Beer Matsuri
5th 2005 Technical Symposium, "The US Brewing Industry Considered"
10th Annual World Beer Festival
5th Annual Autumn Brew Review
Anuga 2005, is a biennial show and is known as the world’s
Maryland Brewer's Oktoberfest
Great Decatur Beer Tasting Festival 2005
Nottingham Beer Festival
Falmouth Beer Festival Cornwall CAMRA
28th Norwich Beer Festival
New England Beer Fest
More events are available on site