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E-Malt.com Flash 36b September 07 - September 10, 2017
Quote of the Week
Everyone has his own lifetime dream. Mine is that someday, in a tavern somewhere, I'll hold up a pitcher of beer like this and I'll say, Bartender? Could I have a glass? And he'll look back at me and say, Friend, this is the glass!
Joe Martin (Mister Boffo comic strip)
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: Euro on September 08, 2017 |
Base Currency: US Dollar on September 08, 2017 |
1 EUR = 1.1971 USD
1 EUR = 0.9140 GBP
1 EUR = 1.4587 CAD
1 EUR = 1.4926 AUD
1 EUR = 130.3400 JPY
1 EUR = 3.7098 BRL
1 EUR = 68.2436 RUB
1 EUR = 7.7698 CNY
1 USD = 0.8349 EUR
1 USD = 0.7649 GBP
1 USD = 1.2178 CAD
1 USD = 1.2469 AUD
1 USD = 108.7600 JPY
1 USD = 3.0976 BRL
1 USD = 57.1411 RUB
1 USD = 6.5008 CNY
Currency Rates Chart
Equities of the Largest Breweries
Average Market Prices Change Trend
September 08, 2017 |
French Barley/Malt Crop 2017 Bulk |
% |
2RS Malting Barley (FOB Creil) |
186.50-188.50 | 1.06% |
6RW Malting Barley (FOB Creil) |
158.00-160.00 | 0.63% |
2RS Malt (FOB Antwerp) |
383.00-385.00 | 0.64% |
6RW Malt (FOB Antwerp) |
348.00-350.00 | 0.35% |
Feed Barley (FOB Creil) |
138.00-140.00 | 0.72% |
German Malting Barley Crop 2017 Bulk Ex Farm |
% |
Average Malting Barley Price |
183.00-185.00 | 0.21% |
Danish Malting Barley Crop 2017 Free on truck Ex Farm |
% |
Malting Barley (East) |
1,254.00-1,256.00 | |
Malting Barley (West) |
1,254.00-1,256.00 | |
Danish Malting Barley Crop 2018 Free on truck Ex Farm |
% |
Malting Barley (East) |
1,224.00-1,226.00 | 1.61% |
Malting Barley (West) |
1,224.00-1,226.00 | 1.61% |
Canadian Barley/Malt Crop 2017 |
% |
2-Row Malting Barley, bulk, truck/railcar, Winnipeg |
nq |
2-Row Malting Barley, bulk in store, Vancouver |
367.00-369.00 |
6-Row Malting Barley, bulk, truck/railcar, Winnipeg |
nq |
2-Row Malt, bulk, truck/railcar, Winnipeg |
609.00-611.00 |
2-Row Malt, bulk in store, Vancouver |
629.00-631.00 |
6-Row Malt, bulk, truck/railcar, Winnipeg |
nq |
Feed Barley, basis Lethbridge |
199.00-201.00 |
Feed Barley, basis Winnipeg |
199.00-201.00 |
Feed Barley, bulk in store, Vancouver |
261.00-263.00 |
US Barley Crop 2017 |
% |
2-Row Malting Barley, bulk, railcar Great Falls, Montana |
159.00-161.00 |
6-Row Malting Barley, bulk, railcar Minneapolis, Minnesota |
nq |
Feed Barley, basis Great Falls, Montana |
109.00-111.00 |
Feed Barley, basis Minneapolis, Minnesota |
95.00-97.00 |
No change;
Price increase;
Price decrease versus last publication.
Click here to see our Market Prices History.
Germany: Malt output increases for the second year in a row
...Click here
Denmark & Vietnam: Carlsberg keen on at least 51% share in Habeco - report
...Click here
Germany & Japan & USA: First half beer production declines versus H1 2016
...Click here
Myanmar: Investment Commission approves joint venture between Kirin Holdings and Mandalay Brewery
...Click here
Ukraine: January-August beer output down 2%, malt production increases 9,3%
...Click here
USA: AB InBev to lay off 380 employees of its High End division
...Click here
USA: MillerCoors trying new Two Hats light beer to lure young adult drinkers
...Click here
Japan: Leading craft brewer Yo-ho Brewing revamps its mainstay ale for the first time in 20 years
...Click here
Graph of the week
Source: Deutscher Maelzerbund e. V.
Table of the week
World Hops Production 2016-2017s
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
Scientific Digest
The latest issue of the Barth Innovation Newsletter is dedicated to a very
specific compound that receives a lot of attention both
scientifically, and by brewers: 4MMP (4-mercapto-4-
methyl-2-pentanone). Depending on concentration
and matrix, 4MMP can exhibit different flavours but
is typically described as ribes, black currant, box
tree, muscat grape, fuel and catty (cat urine). Black
currant was the flavour described by Steinhaus when
it was found as one of the most odor active volatiles in
Cascade hops in 2006. In this work and the work of
Kishimoto it became clear that this compound is present
in much higher concentrations in U.S. bred varieties
than European varieties. 4MMP is probably a factor in
the complicated start of Cascade. Originally desired by
big U.S. breweries as an aroma hop to replace European
varieties, its "strange" flavour was not at first well
appreciated – but that view has certainly changed!
Threshold values published for 4MMP are between
0.0015 and 1.5 ppb. Noticeable concentrations are
reported by Steinhaus with 0.0017 ppb and reported
transfer rates from hops into beer are reported with
about 60% in a late-hopped beer. Gros et al reported
on 4MMP in 2012, but using the different name of
4-sulfanyl-4-methylpentan-2-one (4S4MP). Beers latehopped
with Tomahawk and Nelson Sauvin (from New
Zealand) had concentrations of 0.023 ppb 0.127ppb
respectively, much higher than in previous brewing trials.
Also mentioned was 4MMP's presence as S-cystein
conjugates in hops. The same team showed that 0.2 ppb
of 4 MMP can be reached by bottle refermentation.
It is also clear that some fruity thiols such as 3MH and
3MHA (described as rhubarb and grapefruit) are also
present in malt, often in conjugated forms. Though the
concentration of free 4MMP and its precursors is higher
in U.S. hop varieties like Citra, Cascade, Chinook, as well as some New Zealand and Australian varieties, the
precursor form of 4MMP was also found to be present
in Saaz, Strisselspalt and Mandarina Bavaria!
It has been shown that 4MMP degrades during beer
storage. These fruity thiols are know to vanish rather
quickly and it will be important to understand the
exact mechanism behind this degradation behaviour.
Another compound delivering a grapefruit like flavour
is 3-mercapto-4-methylpentan-1-ol (3M4MP). Here
the amount of the precursors are also much higher
than the free form. So to get more of these fruity
thiols, brewers might utilize yeasts that have the right
enzymes to release these compounds, keeping in
mind that the compounds' flavours may change (from
pleasant fruity to unpleasant catty/fuel/burnt rubber)
at certain concentrations... beer drinkers have very
individual perceptions!
Though the term "catty" is used by many U.S. brewers
and beer drinkers in a positive way... it is unappealing
for Europeans, who are hesitant to use it and prefer an
alternative such as black currant. The Barth experts admit that catty is a
well established descriptor for many, but in establishing
a universal language of hops, perhaps we should
look for term that is equally understood and can be
interpreted positively by everyone.
1. Kishimoto, T., Wanikawa, A., Kono, K., and Shibata, K. Comparison of the odor-active
compounds in unhopped beer and beers hopped with different hop varieties. J. Agric. Food
Chem. 54:8855-8861, 2006.
2. Kishimoto, T., Wanikawa, A., Kono, K., and Aoki, K. Odorants comprising hop aroma of beer:
Hop-derived odorants increased in the beer hopped with aged hops. Proc. Congr. Eur. Brew.
Conv. 31:226- 235, 2007.
3. Gros, J., Nizet, S., and Collin, S. Occurrence of odorant polyfunctional thiols in the Super Alpha
Tomahawk hop cultivar. Comparison with the thiol-rich Nelson Sauvin bitter variety. J. Agric.
Food Chem. 59:8853-8865, 2011.
4. Steinhaus, M. and Schieberle, P.: Transfer of the potent hop odorantslinalool, geraniol and
4-methyl-4-sulfanyl-2-pentanone from hops into beer. Proc. 31st EBC Congr., (2007), pp.
5. Dagan, L.: oral presentation at the World Brewing Congress in Denver, 2016
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
07 September
1822 - Brazil declares independence from Portugal (National Day)
1912 - David Packard, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard Co., is born in Pueblo, Colo
1923 - Interpol forms in Vienna
08 September
1923 - Alexandra Kollontai of Russia becomes 1st woman ambassador
1990 - Real-estate developer Minoru Isutani buys the Pebble Beach golf resort for $841 million. By March, 1992, Isutani sold Pebble Beach for $500 million-a $341 million loss in less than a year-and-a-half, "probably the most disastrous real-estate deal known to man"
09 September
1776 - Continental Congress renames "United Colonies" as "United States"
1839 - John Herschel takes the first glass plate photograph
1940 - George Stibitz pioneers the first remote operation of a computer
1947 - First case of a computer bug being found: A moth lodges in a relay of a Harvard Mark II computer at Harvard University
10 September
1845 - King Willem II opens Amsterdam Stock Exchange
1846 - Elias Howe is granted a patent for the sewing machine
1894 - London taxi driver George Smith is 1st fined for drunk driving
1997 - Discovery buys Travel Channel for $20 million
2008 - The Large Hadron Collider at CERN, described as the biggest scientific experiment in history, is powered up in Geneva, Switzerland
September 2017:
03-06: 18th Australian Barley Technical Symposium (Hobart, Tasmania)
07-09: Irish Craft Beer Festival 2017 (Dublin, Ireland)
11: International MicroBrew Symposium 2017 (Munich, Germany)
11-15: drinktec 2017 (Munich, Germany)
16-03 October: Oktoberfest (Munich, Germany)
23-24: Whisky Live Paris 2017 (Paris, France)
28-30: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2017 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2017:
05-07: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2017 (Stockholm, Sweden)
16-17: 104 VLB October Convention 2017 (Berlin, Germany)
23-25: 8th Ibero-American VLB Symposium 2017 in Guatemala (Guatemala City)
26-28: drink technology India 2017 (New Delhi, India)
November 2017:
22-23: Craft Beer Italy 2017 (Milan, Italy)
More events are available on site e-malt.com
Malt News
Germany: Malt output increases for the second year in a row
According to the German Maltsters Association, the country’s barley malt output amounted to 1.892 mln tonnes last year and wheat output to 167 thousand
...More info on site
Brewery News
Denmark & Vietnam: Carlsberg keen on at least 51% share in Habeco - report
Danish brewer Carlsberg is keen on increasing its stake in Habeco, one of Vietnam’s biggest brewers, to at least 51 percent, a local news
...More info on site
Germany & Japan & USA: First half beer production declines versus H1 2016
According to the August report by H. M. Gauger GmbH, Germany’s June beer production dropped 1.0%, whereas January-June output declined by 2.1%. Beer exports
...More info on site
Myanmar: Investment Commission approves joint venture between Kirin Holdings and Mandalay Brewery
The Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) has approved a proposal by Mandalay Brewery, which is a subsidiary of Myanma Economic Holding Limited (MEHL), to operate
...More info on site
Ukraine: January-August beer output down 2%, malt production increases 9,3%
In January-August 2017, the volume of beer production in Ukraine amounted to 12.91 million hl, or 98% against the same period in 2016, according
...More info on site
UK: Diageo buying back its GBP1.5 bln shares
Diageo PLC said it will commence its GBP1.5 billion share buy-back programme, first detailed in July, on Friday, September 8, Alliance News reported.
The alcohol beverage firm will buy back GBP1.5 billion shares from September 8 in a programme expected to end no later than the end of March 2018, as part of an effort to reduce its share capital.
Diageo intends to cancel all shares purchased.
It enabled Morgan Stanley & Co International PLC to buy back the shares, pursuant to its existing general authority to repurchase a maximum of 251.8 million shares.
Shares in Diageo were up 0.2% at 2,585.50 pence on September 8.
USA: AB InBev to lay off 380 employees of its High End division
Anheuser-Busch InBev has laid off 380 employees from its High End division, which oversees craft brewery acquisitions and super-premium imports.
As first reported by BeerStreetJournal.com on September 7, the layoffs have wiped out at least 90% of The High End’s nationwide sales force but do not include employees who report directly to any of the 10 breweries within its portfolio.
A spokesperson for the company says that The High End still employs thousands and that the cuts affect only 2% of AB InBev’s 18,000 North American workers.
BeerStreetJournal.com owner Reid Ramsay writes, “Per Mike Seabaugh, High End Sales Rep, AB’s explanation centered around brewery acquisitions. ‘Basically, they’ve bought quite a few breweries and with those purchases came a bunch of employees. They don’t have room for us anymore.’”
The report states that in meetings and phone calls held with employees all morning and afternoon, Vice President of Sales for AB InBev North America Alex Medicis explained that the biggest beermaker in the world is “rethinking the business model surrounding the High End, centering more on efficiency.” The High End sales force essentially proved redundant.
High End president Felipe Szpigel said in an interview to Forbes on September 6 that the company would no
...More info on site
USA: MillerCoors trying new Two Hats light beer to lure young adult drinkers
Up against tough competition from liquor and craft brews, MillerCoors is trying yet another new brand in hopes of luring young adult drinkers. A new fruity light beer brand called Two Hats will hit the market early next year in 16-ounce cans, AdAge.com reported on September 7.
The brewer, which announced the launch on September 7 on its corporate blog, describes Two Hats as "line of clean-finishing light beers brewed with a hint of natural fruit flavor" that is aimed at 21-to 24-year olds. The first varieties will come in lime and pineapple. The brand contains 4.2% alcohol-by-volume, which matches the content found in most light beers.
While big brewers once could rely on a core lineup of regular light beers - like Miller Lite, Coors Light and Bud Light - to lure younger drinkers, the approach has become less effective in recent years. As a result, they have flooded the market with a variety of new brands with mixed results. Fruit-flavored beers and malt beverages are now commonplace.
MillerCoors, for instance, last year debuted Henry's Hard Soda in flavors such as ginger ale and orange. Four years earlier the brewer debuted its Redd's Apple Ale line of apple-flavored beer. AB InBev's fruity
...More info on site
Japan: Leading craft brewer Yo-ho Brewing revamps its mainstay ale for the first time in 20 years
With consumers across the world developing a taste for craft beers, Japan's leading player, Yo-ho Brewing, has revamped its mainstay ale for the first time in 20 years as it treads a delicate line between competing with the big brands that dominate the Japanese market and maintaining its distinct identity, Nikkei Asian Review reported on September 8.
"We were after the more classic flavor that is popular in the U.S.," President Naoyuki Ide said at a launch event on September 7. This is the first change in Yona Yona Ale since it hit the shelves in 1997.
Yo-ho spent a decade trying to replicate the stronger hoppy aroma and other flavors commonly found in American craft beers. The new Yona Yona Ale is priced at 248 yen ($2.28) plus tax, slightly above the big-brand products.
Many consumers are attracted to the variety of flavors and branding that often characterize craft beers. Even beverage titan Kirin Holdings is making serious inroads in the field.
Craft beers are said to account for only around 1% of the Japanese beer market now, but are expected to hit 3% in 2021. "The market share will definitely reach 10% over the medium to long term," Ide said.
Beer makers around
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