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RombBullet Quote of the week
RombBullet Currency rates
RombBullet Brewers equities
RombBullet Industry news
RombBullet Graph of the week
RombBullet Table of the week
RombBullet Barley prices
RombBullet Theoretical malt prices
RombBullet Scientific digest
RombBullet Business history
RombBullet Agenda
RombBullet News articles

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All e-malt.com tables are published in e-malt.com Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statistics section.

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E-Malt.com Newsletter 44b
November 02 - November 05, 2017

Quote of the Week

Where is all the knowledge we lost with information?
T. S. Eliot

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: US Dollar
on November 03, 2017
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar
on November 03, 2017
      1 USD = 0.8580 EUR
1 USD = 0.7592 GBP
1 USD = 1.2829 CAD
1 USD = 1.2967 AUD
1 USD = 114.0000 JPY
1 USD = 3.2661 BRL
1 USD = 58.0869 RUB
1 USD = 6.6050 CNY
      1 CAD = 0.7794 USD
1 CAD = 0.5917 GBP
1 CAD = 0.6687 EUR
1 CAD = 1.0106 AUD
1 CAD = 88.8500 JPY
1 CAD = 2.5455 BRL
1 CAD = 45.3564 RUB
1 CAD = 5.1477 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Equities of the Largest Breweries

North America News
Brewery news World: Your brewery is invited to enter the World Beer Cup competition ...Click here
Brewery news USA, IL: Wake Brewing opening its doors in Rock Island on November 4 ...Click here
Brewery news USA, TN: Elkmont Exchange Brewery and Eating House ready to open its doors on November 6 ...Click here
Brewery news USA, IN: Crasian Brewing Co. launched in Brookston by a husband and wife team ...Click here
Brewery news USA, NE: Steeple Brewing Company officially open for business in Hastings ...Click here
Brewery news Canada, BC: Beere Brewing now open in North Vancouver ...Click here
Brewery news USA, OH: Esoteric Brewing Company coming to Cincinnati next year ...Click here
Brewery news Canada, ON: Herald Haus Brewing planning to open in downtown Stratford ...Click here
Brewery news USA, OH: Bad Tom Smith Brewing owners hoping to be able to open in November ...Click here
Brewery news USA, MT: Flathead Lake Brewing Co. closing down its Woods Bay brewery ...Click here
Brewery news USA, CA: Red Bus Brewing Company to open in Folsom in early 2018 ...Click here
Barley news Mexico & USA: Cuauhtémoc-Moctezuma-Heineken sources 100% of its barley needs from Montana under NAFTA ...Click here
Brewery news USA, TX: Ingenious Brewing slated to open during the fourth quarter in Humble ...Click here
World News
Brewery news China: Beer industry showing signs of recovery ...Click here
Brewery news World: Carlsberg’s global sales down 1% in Q3 2017 ...Click here
Brewery news India: Carlsberg reports volume decline in India despite increased market share ...Click here
Barley news Australia: First barley harvest cuts look promising ...Click here
Barley news South America: Weather causing concerns about barley quality in Uruguay and Brazil ...Click here
Brewery news India: State of Maharashtra to hike beer excises by 17% ...Click here
Whisky news India: SAT asks Sebi to pass fresh order on additional payments by Diageo to minority shareholders of United Spirits ...Click here
Brewery news UK: AB InBev to streamline alcohol content of Budweiser in cans and bottles ...Click here
Graph of the Week

Table of the Week

Europe Hops Production and Yields 2016 - 2017

Table of the week.

Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

Scientific Digest


A lot of brewers are interested in enriched pellets in order to reduce the amount of vegetative material that goes into the beer. The Barth-Haas team brewed beer with Cascade hops in the forms of T90 pellets, purified T90 pellets, T70 pellets and T45 pellets. They produced dry-hopped and late-hopped ale beers and found that only in dry-hopped beers, thiols as 4MMP and 3MHA are present in detectable sensory levels. Interestingly, there was no correlation between the amount of terpenols in beer and the intensity of citrus or fruity flavour. The sum of esters correlated well with the fruity category, and the Barth-Haas team also found a good correlation of woody characteristics with analytical results.


Zunkel, M,; Impact of hop pellet processing in regard to the flavor contribution in beers late and dry hopped with US Cascade hops

Source: Barth Innovations

These Days in Business History

02 November
1927 - John Sainsbury was born, Chairman of J Sainsbury plc (the parent company of Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd) since 1969; English billionaire
1928 - Dupont introduces synthetic rubber
1992 - 1st test flight of Airbus A330

03 November
1898 - 1st US automobile show opens at Madison Square Garden (NYC)
1929 - 1st commercially produced synthetic rubber manufactured
1971 - The microprocessor is officially born as Intel introduces its new 4004 chip, invented by Ted Hoff and Federico Faggin
2014 - One World Trade Center officially opens

04 November
1846 - Benjamin Palmer patents artificial leg
1939 - 1st air conditioned automobile (Packard) exhibited, Chicago, Ill
1996 - Vimpel Communications becomes the first Russian company to list its shares on the New York Stock Exchange
2008 - Barack Obama becomes the first person of African-American descent to be elected President of the United States

05 November
1492 - Christopher Columbus learns of maize (corn) from Indians of Cuba
1895 - George Selden patents 1st gasoline-driven car
2007 - Android mobile operating system is unveiled by Google


November 2017:
11: International MicroBrew Symposium 2017 (Munich, Germany)
22-23: Craft Beer Italy 2017 (Milan, Italy)

January 2018:
26-28: Finest Spirits 2018 (Munich, Germany)

February 2018:
02-04: Brau Kunst Live 2018 (Munich, Germany)
09-12: HoReCa 2018 (Athens, Greece)
17-20: Beer Attraction 2018 (Rimini, Italy)
20-24: Great British Beer Festival Winter 2018 (Norwich, UK)
27-01 March: Beviale Moscow 2018 (Moscow, Russia)

March 2018:
05-07: 105th Brewing and Engineering Conference (Munich, Germany)
06-08: Expo Antad & Alimentaria Mexico 2018 (Mexico City, Mexico)
07-10: Festival Brasileiro de Cerveja 2018 (Blumenau, Brazil)
08-10: Alltech Craft Brews & Food Fair 2018 (Dublin, Ireland)
14-15: BeerX 2018 (Sheffield, UK)
19-22: IBD Asia Pacific Convention 2018 (Wellington, New Zealand)

April 2018:
08-12: International Malting and Brewing Symposium "13th Trends in Brewing" (Ghent, Belgium)
13-14: Helsinki Beer Festival 2018 (Helsinki, Finland)
28-29: Zythos Beer Festival 2018 (Leuven, Belgium)
30-03 May: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2018 (Nashville, USA)

May 2018:
22-24: Beer 2018 (Sochi, Russia)

June 2018:
06-09: Mondial de la Biere 2018 (Montreal, Canada)
29-01 July: Mondial de la Biere 2018 (Paris, France)

August 2018:
03-05: The 22nd International Berlin Beer Festival (Berlin, Germany)
08-11: Vietfood & Beverage 2018 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
10-11: Beervana 2018 (Wellington, New Zealand)
12-15: Brewing Summit 2018 (San Diego, USA)

September 2018:
04-06: food & drink technology Africa (fdt Africa) (Johannesburg, South Africa)
12-14: 6th International Symposium for Young Scientists and Technologists in Malting, Brewing and Distilling (Bittburg/Trier, Germany)

October 2018:
23-26: China Brew China Beverage 2018 (Shanghai, China)
24-26: drink technology India 2018 (Mumbai, India)

November 2018:
13-15: Brau Beviale 2018 (Nuremberg, Germany)

More events are available on site e-malt.com

News Articles

Brewery news World: Your brewery is invited to enter the World Beer Cup competition
Your brewery is invited to enter the World Beer Cup which will be held in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Winners will be announced at the gala award dinner on May 3, 2018 in Nashville. An additional award ceremony will be hosted by partner sponsors Barth-Haas Group and SAHM glassware on June 13, 2018 in Berlin, Germany.

Please take time to review the Guidelines for entering the World Beer Cup prior to the brewery application period: October 31 - November 14, 2017.

The competition’s organizers World Beer Cup and Brewers Association are pleased to announce consolidation points in Sydney, Australia; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Toronto and Vancouver, Canada; Tokyo, Japan; Amsterdam, Netherlands to make it easier and more affordable to submit your competition samples. Visit the website www.worldbeercup.org to find your nearest consolidation point.

In 2016, the World Beer Cup again proved it is the world's most diverse international beer competition for commercial breweries, with a record-breaking 6,596 entries from 1,907 breweries in 55 countries. The Brewers Association, host of the World Beer Cup, is excited to make 2018 another record-breaking year.

All breweries around the world are invited to participate in this special biennial competition!

Brewery news USA, IL: Wake Brewing opening its doors in Rock Island on November 4
Rock Island’s craft-beer scene is hopping, with another home-grown producer, Wake Brewing, opening Saturday, November 4 at 2529 5th Ave., in the former Stecker Graphics building, Quad-Cities Online reported on November 1.

"Portland, Oregon, has 138 breweries, and they're all doing just fine. We've had three breweries for 20 years. We could easily have 10 more," Wake co-owner Jason Parris said. "I think it's going to replace your average bar."

Mr. Parris, 42, has worked at Rock Island Brewing Company for 10 years, booking acts and organizing beer events, like the three-year River's Edge Homebrew Festiv-Ale.

Justen Parris, 40, is an engineer at the Exelon nuclear power plant in Cordova, Illinois. They played in the band Driver of the Year together, Justen on drums and Jason keyboards/vocals.

The brothers have been making their own brews for about 10 years.

"There's no reason why your taste buds won't gravitate to a better beer," Jason said. "Why do you want a Bud Light when you could have a Guinness? Why do you want a Guinness when you could have a Surly IPA?

"Coming from a music background, being into art and film, we try to push our limits to what we like. When we tried our first craft ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, TN: Elkmont Exchange Brewery and Eating House ready to open its doors on November 6
A new North Knoxville restaurant and brewery is set to open on November 6, WBIR-TV reports.

Brewmaster and Knoxville native Alex Violette partnered with life-long friend and executive Chef Ryan Davenport to open Elkmont Exchange Brewery and Eating House at 745 North Broadway.

The Brewery and Eating House will open to the public Monday, Nov. 6, 2017.

Elkmont Exchange used the 10,000-square-foot building that Rentals Rentals used to occupy, according to a release from the new business.

Brewmaster Violette and Head Brewer Chris Meadows will have twenty-four rotating draft lines at their disposal. They expect to have an initial six styles available for opening day.

Some styles to look for at opening are Light Lager, IPA, Pale Ale and Brown Ale.

In addition to brews, Elkmont Exchange will serve a full cocktail and wine list. The food menu includes both unique and familiar dishes with a culinary flair, according to a release from Elkmont Exchange.

The brewery and eating house has a dining room, bar and lounge area, patio, brewery, and barrel aging room that doubles as a private event space.

Growlers will be available to "pack out". Cans will be available in the near future.

The group said as of now, there are no plans to distribute to ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, IN: Crasian Brewing Co. launched in Brookston by a husband and wife team
In Brookston, just up the road from Greater Lafayette, a husband and wife team recently opened a new brewery and tasting room, the Journal & Courier reported on October 31.

Crasian Brewing Co. started out as a fantasy that quickly became a reality, Michele Bulington, who owns the brewery with her husband Tom Bulington, said.

"The ball just got rolling so fast. It went from, 'Hey, we should be doing this' to 'Well, I guess we're doing this now,' " Michele Bulington said.

The couple fell in love with craft beer during a vacation in Colorado, which sparked an interest in home brewing.

The Bulingtons, who live near Monticello, were also compelled to start brewing at home because of their location, which is not near any breweries.

"There just isn't much around here," Tom Bulington said. "We enjoy People's and Lafayette Brewing Company,but we wanted to experiment with some different things so we just started brewing at home."

The pair said Brookston is an ideal location for their brewery because they want to give beer and entertainment options to more rural Indiana populations.

"In Carroll and White counties craft beer is still fairly new, so we thought it would ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, NE: Steeple Brewing Company officially open for business in Hastings
It has been a couple years in the making but now, a new Hastings brewery is officially open for business, NTV reported on November 1.

Steeple Brewing Company is a small batch brewery with a unique theme, historic touches and its heart rooted in small–town relationships.

"We always wanted to make it and serve it to people here," said so-founder, Anthony May. "Just to bring a place to downtown Hastings where people can gather and they can laugh and share and drink together."

The man in charge of brewing those drinks prefers to keep busy behind the scenes.

"We make five barrel batches so that's a little over 150 gallons of beer at a time," said brewer Damen Heitmann. "We use a variety of malt, a variety of different hops to create some more unique flavor profiles."

This Hastings College chaplain is the inspiration behind the church theme in this historic building on 1st Street.

"Historically, this building was the Pioneer Market so it was a meat market, butcher shop here in Hastings," said May.

During the renovation, the brewery's owners kept some of the building's original features.

"One of the first things people notice when they come in is we have black and white marble tile floors ...More info on site

Brewery news Canada, BC: Beere Brewing now open in North Vancouver
A new brewery with a slightly confusing name is now open in the Lower Lonsdale area of North Vancouver, Canadian Beer News reported on October 31.

Beere Brewing has been founded by Matt Beere and his father Craig Beere, which explains the extra “e” in the brewery name.

Located in a space that was previously used as a warehouse for the elder Beere’s timber company, the brewery and taproom officially opened on October 20th, and is offering a variety of beers from the brewing team of Matt, Nick Murphy, and Kevin Elliott, including Go Easy Pale Ale (5.5% abv), Mental Floss IPA (7.9% abv), Cold Brew Coffee Stout (5.3% abv), and Pushing Daylight Saison (6.9% abv).

Beere Brewing is located at 312 Esplanade E. in North Vancouver.

Brewery news USA, OH: Esoteric Brewing Company coming to Cincinnati next year
The Cincinnati craft beer scene continues to get even bigger.

On November 1, Esoteric Brewing Company announced plans to open up in Walnut Hills next year, taking over the well -known Paramount building at 900 E. McMillan Street, the Cincy Weekend reported.

The owners are hosting an informational event on November 2 at the Video Archive nearby, saying quote, “We want to revitalize Walnut Hills and get the community engaged in our plans to crowdfund this effort together. Come Experience the Enlightenment!”

So far no exact opening date has been set, and there are few details about what beers they’ll be brewing.

Brewery news Canada, ON: Herald Haus Brewing planning to open in downtown Stratford
The Stratford Beacon Herald reports an historic building that was once home to one of its precursor publications may soon to be the location of a new brewery.

Herald Haus Brewing is being founded by a local company that owns two other establishments – The Hub and Bard’s Steakhouse – that are co-located at 27 Marketplace in downtown Stratford.

The brewery and taproom is proposed to be located in the Herald Building at 19 Marketpace, a building that was the original home of the Stratford Herald newspaper which merged with the Stratford Beacon in 1923.

Managing partner Dan Graver and architect Robert Ritz presented the plans for the project to a city council meeting on October 23, along with an application for a zoning amendment to allow the building to be used as a brewery. Graver noted that the brewing equipment will be purchased from DME in Prince Edward Island, and gave some details on expected production volumes:

In its first year, Graver said Herald Haus will brew approximately 1,600 hectolitres of product, followed by 2,000 hectolitres in year two, and 2,400 hectolitres in year three and beyond. With a plan to purchase four large fermenters, Graver plans to brew four distinct kinds ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, OH: Bad Tom Smith Brewing owners hoping to be able to open in November
A pair of break-ins have delayed the launch of Bad Tom Smith Brewing in Cleveland's Ohio City neighborhood, but the owners are optimistic they can open in November, Cleveland.com reported on October 31.

Owners John Vojtush and Sheryl Gittins own the Ohio City brewery, which is catty-corner from Nano Brew on West 25th Street. The planned outpost of the Cincinnati-based brewery aims to focus on the home-brew market in Northeast Ohio. Brewers can apply to work in the Home Brewers Shoot Out for several weeks at a time under the tutelage of lead brewers Garth Moore and Scott Weaver.

This has been a challenging year for Vojtush and Gittins. They had planned to open around Memorial Day, but red tape between city inspectors and owners delayed that until September. Now, two break-ins have pushed back the opening yet again.

Thieves pilfered about $30,000 worth of equipment on Oct. 2 and Oct. 25, Vojtush said. Electronics, a commercial air-conditioning condenser, bar equipment, uninstalled security system and "a significant amount" of construction tools were stolen, he said.

"The most challenging thing is we had just delivered the electronics, and they were going to be installed," said Vojtush, who said police told him other job sites have ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, MT: Flathead Lake Brewing Co. closing down its Woods Bay brewery
Flathead Lake Brewing Co. is closing down its Woods Bay taproom and brewing facility at the end of this year, the Daily Inter Lake reported on November 2.

David Brendgard, director of brewery operations, said the decision was a difficult one for the company, but one they made so the brewery could invest more into the Bigfork location and ultimately serve clientele more effectively.

“We understand that our Woods Bay location has been a staple of the Bigfork community, and we are regretful to shut that down,” Brendgard said. “We are planning on operating through the end of the year, so our tentative closing date is Dec. 30.”

The Woods Bay location is on Montana 35 across the highway from The Raven brewpub and the waters of Flathead Lake. It opened in 2004.

Brewing capacity at the site is about 1,200 barrels. Each barrel holds 31 gallons of beer.

A big determining factor in the decision to close down the facility was a Montana law mandating that beer for distribution is canned at the same facility it is brewed, Brendgard said. The retail side of the brewery’s business has been growing and the company now distributes across Montana.

To meet that demand and future goals to ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, CA: Red Bus Brewing Company to open in Folsom in early 2018
There hasn’t been a production brewery located in Folsom for a number of decades, but projected for early 2018, Red Bus Brewing Company is riding into town and opening up their doors to the community, the Folsom Telegraph reported on November 1.

Owner Erik Schmid is also the owner of the Brewmeister, a homebrew shop located at 802 Reading Street, but his dream has always been of owning a brewery, he said.

Schmid originally was looking for a creative way to transport people from the parking garage and Sutter Street up a couple blocks to the brewery. He said he looked around until he came across an old red VW bus and thought, ‘What could be cooler than that?’ When he consulted with his insurance agent, he was shut down.

The long-time Folsom resident said he looked at different historical Folsom-type names for the brewery, but he loved the van so much that he decided to name it after that.

Red Bus Brewing Company will be a seven-barrel production brewery and tasting room. Schmid said he will be keeping the homebrew shop for those who also want to grab a beer while they shop.

The beer Schmid and his co-brewer Nik Stevens plan to brew ...More info on site

Barley news Mexico & USA: Cuauhtémoc-Moctezuma-Heineken sources 100% of its barley needs from Montana under NAFTA
Cuauhtémoc-Moctezuma-Heineken (CCM/Heineken) cannot brew beer favorites like Dos Equis without high-quality barley. And thanks to the favorable trading terms under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), CCM/Heineken sourced 100 percent of their barley needs from Montana in 2017, KTIC reported on November 2. Decision makers from the company traveled north to Montana in October on a U.S. Grains Council team arranged so they could see first-hand how this top ingredient is grown and malted. “These meetings help both our members and our teams to interact and talk about common ground that unites them – barley, in this case,” said Javier Chávez, USGC Mexico marketing specialist who traveled with the team. “All farmers sent the message they needed more buyers for U.S. barley, and CCM/Heineken sent the message they are happy procuring their needs from U.S. farmers.” The team witnessed how barley is grown and processed specifically for their company by visiting the University of Montana’s barley research program, the Northern Seed research center, the Malteurop malting facility, and with local barley farmers. Montana Secretary of Agriculture Ben Thomas also met with the group to thank CCM/Heinken representatives for their business and discuss concerns related to NAFTA. CCM/Heineken is closely ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, TX: Ingenious Brewing slated to open during the fourth quarter in Humble
Ingenious Brewing is slated to open during the fourth quarter of 2017 at 1986 S. Houston Ave., Humble, the Community Impact Newspaper reported on October 31.

The new brewpub will brew small batches of beer in traditional and nontraditional styles with a continually rotating lineup.

Ingenious plans to have 24 taps of its own beer on draft in its taproom, which will have TVs and board games.

Brewery newsChina: Beer industry showing signs of recovery
After a prolonged sales slump, China's beer industry is showing signs of recovery, with three big brewers posting growth in sales and profits for ...More info on site

Brewery newsWorld: Carlsberg’s global sales down 1% in Q3 2017
Carlsberg has posted a net sales decline of 1% in the third quarter of the year to DKK 16.7 billion ($2.61 billion) as it ...More info on site

Brewery newsIndia: Carlsberg reports volume decline in India despite increased market share
Danish brewer Carlsberg blamed the new goods and services tax, highway ban and monsoon to a volume decline in India, the Economic Times reported ...More info on site

Barley newsAustralia: First barley harvest cuts look promising
Australia’s barley harvest is getting slowly into full swing, first cuts are promising, and crop size is growing again, GrainCom reported on November 3. ...More info on site

Barley newsSouth America: Weather causing concerns about barley quality in Uruguay and Brazil
Weather in Argentina has been a bit cold and wet, but in the view of the GrainCom analysts, there is no reason for concern ...More info on site

Brewery news India: State of Maharashtra to hike beer excises by 17%
Beer sales in Maharashtra will be significantly hit by the state government’s decision to increase excise duty on the beverage by 17%. Given that Maharashtra is among the top alcohol consuming states, the increase is expected to dent the business of beer makers, Livemint reported on November 2.

Maharashtra’s excise duty increase, announced on 23 October, should result in a price hike of at least Rs20 per 330 ml bottle for the end consumer, according to industry estimates. That increase will likely kick in over the next few days as retail outlets, bars and restaurants replenish stocks.

It would then worsen the already depressed demand for beer which, along with that for other alcoholic beverages like spirits, has been hurt over the last two quarters by a Supreme Court decision to ban alcohol sales near highways.

“Clearly it will have a negative impact on the business, without a doubt. If at one shot the price of a bottle of beer goes up by 15-20%, consumers are going to reduce the amount of beer they drink and shift to hard liquor. It’s unfortunate for the beer industry and it is going to be a big setback,” said Shekhar Ramamurthy, managing director of India’s ...More info on site

Whisky news India: SAT asks Sebi to pass fresh order on additional payments by Diageo to minority shareholders of United Spirits
The Securities Appellate Tribunal has asked Sebi to expeditiously pass a fresh order in the matter relating to Diageo Plc requiring to make additional payments to the minority shareholders of United Spirits Ltd, the Economic Times reported on November 2.

Diageo became a controlling shareholder of USL - whose erstwhile promoter was now fugitive liquor baron Vijay Mallya - in May 2013 with 25.02 per cent stake after completion of a Rs 3,134.56 crore open offer.

Later in June 2016, markets regulator Sebi through a notice told Diageo that the company might have to make additional payments to the minority shareholders of USL on the basis of Diageo's Watson backstop guarantee agreements for Watson Ltd, a company affiliated to Mallya.

Sebi's decision was challenged before the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) with Diageo contesting that the notice was misconceived and wrong in law.

"... we direct that the impugned communication dated June 16, 2016 be treated as a supplementary show cause notice issued to the appellant and direct Sebi to pass a fresh order after giving an opportunity of hearing to the appellant," the tribunal said in an order dated November 1.

While stating that Diageo can file any additional reply ...More info on site

Brewery news UK: AB InBev to streamline alcohol content of Budweiser in cans and bottles
Anheuser-Busch InBev is to make all of its UK Budweiser beer 4.5% abv, as it straightens out a difference in alcohol content between packaged formats and draught, local media reported.

Starting from December, Budweiser in the UK will be brewed to have the same alcohol content. Currently, cans and bottles are 4.8% while draught Budweiser is 4.3%.

A spokesperson for AB InBev said that the abv gap exists only in the UK. It is unclear why there is a difference in the country.

In a press release on November 3, the brewer said the change will streamline the brewery production process and allow consumers to "experience a consistent Budweiser brew".

About 95% of Budweiser's UK volumes are in packaged format, meaning that, overall, alcohol units will be taken out of the market. AB InBev said this was "in line with the Government's public health objectives, as well as consumer tastes for moderation and AB InBev's commitment to smart drinking".

Earlier this year, Molson Coors admitted in a UK tax tribunal that it was brewing its Carling lager at a lower abv than stated on the packaging. The move by Molson Coors did not broach legal requirements for labelling as, under UK regulations, beer is ...More info on site

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