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E-Malt.com NewsLetter
Flash Summary

RombBullet Quote of the week
RombBullet Currency rates
RombBullet Brewers equities
RombBullet Market prices change trend
RombBullet Industry news
RombBullet Graph of the week
RombBullet Table of the week
RombBullet Prices evolution
RombBullet Barley prices
RombBullet Theoretical malt prices
RombBullet Scientific digest
RombBullet Business history
RombBullet Agenda
RombBullet News articles

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All e-malt.com tables are published in e-malt.com Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statistics section.

Last five prices evolution

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E-Malt.com Flash 50a
December 11 - December 13, 2017

Quote of the Week

Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.
Sigmund Freud

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: Euro
on December 13, 2017
Base Currency: US Dollar
on December 13, 2017
      1 EUR = 1.1766 USD
1 EUR = 0.8807 GBP
1 EUR = 1.5098 CAD
1 EUR = 1.5541 AUD
1 EUR = 133.5400 JPY
1 EUR = 3.9051 BRL
1 EUR = 69.2982 RUB
1 EUR = 7.7875 CNY
      1 USD = 0.8504 EUR
1 USD = 0.7498 GBP
1 USD = 1.2854 CAD
1 USD = 1.3242 AUD
1 USD = 113.5100 JPY
1 USD = 3.3097 BRL
1 USD = 58.8370 RUB
1 USD = 6.6190 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Breweries Equities

Average Market Prices Change Trend

December 13, 2017
French Barley/Malt
Crop 2017
2RS Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 189.50-191.50 up0.53%
6RW Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 155.00-157.00 -
2RS Malt (FOB Antwerp) 388.50-390.50 up0.32%
6RW Malt (FOB Antwerp) 346.00-348.00 -
Feed Barley (FOB Creil) 145.00-147.00-
French Barley/Malt
Crop 2018
2RS Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 187.50-189.50 down0.53%
6RW Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 156.00-158.00 down0.63%
2RS Malt (FOB Antwerp) 383.50-385.50 down0.32%
6RW Malt (FOB Antwerp) 345.00-347.00 down0.35%
Feed Barley (FOB Creil) nq 
German Malting Barley
Crop 2017
Ex Farm
Average Malting Barley Price nq  
Danish Malting Barley
Crop 2017
Free on truck
Ex Farm
Malting Barley (East) 1,294.00-1,296.00 down2.26%
Malting Barley (West) 1,294.00-1,296.00 down2.26%
Danish Malting Barley
Crop 2018
Free on truck
Ex Farm
Malting Barley (East) 1,224.00-1,226.00 -
Malting Barley (West) 1,224.00-1,226.00 -
Canadian Barley/Malt
Crop 2017
2-Row Malting Barley, bulk, truck/railcar, Winnipeg 330.00-332.00 -
2-Row Malting Barley, bulk in store, Vancouver 329.00-331.00 -
6-Row Malting Barley, bulk, truck/railcar, Winnipeg nq  
2-Row Malt, bulk, truck/railcar, Winnipeg nq  
2-Row Malt, bulk in store, Vancouver nq  
6-Row Malt, bulk, truck/railcar, Winnipeg nq  
Feed Barley, basis Lethbridge 219.00-221.00 -
Feed Barley, basis Winnipeg 219.00-221.00 -
Feed Barley, bulk in store, Vancouver 282.00-284.00 -
US Barley
Crop 2017
2-Row Malting Barley, bulk, railcar Great Falls, Montana 170.00-172.00 -
6-Row Malting Barley, bulk, railcar Minneapolis, Minnesota 218.00-220.00 -
Feed Barley, basis Great Falls, Montana 115.00-117.00 -
Feed Barley, basis Minneapolis, Minnesota 109.00-111.00 -
-No change; upPrice increase; downPrice decrease versus last publication.

Click here to see our Market Prices History.

Top Industry News

Brewery news Vietnam: Sabeco stake sale drawing tepid response with ThaiBev emerging as sole bidder for at least a 25% stake ...Click here
Brewery news Latin America: Craft beer industry expanding in Latin America’s countries ...Click here
Brewery news Japan & Myanmar: Kirin officially takes stake in Myanmar’s Mandalay Brewery ...Click here
Brewery news USA: The Brewers Association looks back on defining craft beer moments of 2017 ...Click here
Brewery news Denmark & Vietnam: Carlsberg edges closer to reaching agreement on Habeco stake ...Click here

Barley news World: Barley trade, production forecasts increased in USDA’s December report ...Click here
Barley news China & Australia: Australian barley prospects boosted by revised China protocol and zero tariff on export ...Click here

More Industry News

Brewery news New Zealand: Lion’s beer sales up nearly 20% and brewer struggles to keep up with demand ...Click here
Brewery news UK & Ireland: Diageo says Irish border control could cost it £1.3 mln a year ...Click here
Brewery news Mexico: Grupo Modelo increases number of beer vending centers by 67% this year ...Click here
Brewery news UK: Molson Coors bringing China’s Snow beer to the UK market ...Click here
Brewery news Nigeria: Nigerian Breweries appoints new MD/CEO ...Click here

Graph of the week

Source: Deutscher Maelzerbund e. V.

Table of the week

The Number of Breweries in Europe in 2012 - 2016

Table of the week.
Prices Evolution

Prices evolution

Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

Scientific Digest


Two very well known authors, Patrick Ting and David Ryder, guide us through a history of hop chemistry. They reveal the "bitter, twisted truth of the hop", detailing the discovery of hop acids and their transformation to the many innovations that led to the development of advanced hop products essential to the success of many new and novel beer brands of consistent quality. Miller Brewing has played an important role in these achievements, and although today's zeitgeist goes in the direction of using minimally processed foods and spices, it is clear that, thanks to advanced technologies the brewing production process, we are in the position to create more possibilities for consistency, efficiency, and flexibility in terms of bittering and foam quality.


Ting, P.: The Bitter, Twisted Truth of the Hop: 50 Years of Hop Chemistry, J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. 75(3):161-180, 2017.

Source: Barth Innovations

These Days in Business History

11 December
1901 - 1st newspaper on Curacao (Curacao Gazette & Commercial Advertiser)
1901 - Marconi sends 1st transatlantic radio signal, Cornwall to Newfoundland
1930 - Bank of the United States opens in New York NY
1967 - SST prototype "Concorde" 1st shown (France)
1985 - General Electric acquires RCA Corp & its subsidiary
1985 - Dow Jones closes above 1,500 for 1st time (1,511.70)
1997 - The Kyoto Protocol opens for signature

12 December
1858 - Bank of the US opens
1858 - Washington DC established as capital of US
1878 - Joseph Pulitzer begins publishing "St Louis Dispatch"
1901 - Marconi receives 1st transatlantic radio signal, England to US
1991 - Maastricht Treaty signed to create a European Community

13 December
1789 - England & Russia sign trade agreement
1789 - 1st loan to U.S. Government (from New York City banks)
1898 - Hannibal Goodwin patents celluloid photographic film
1983 - British Airways incorporates


January 2018:
26-28: Finest Spirits 2018 (Munich, Germany)

February 2018:
02-04: Brau Kunst Live 2018 (Munich, Germany)
09-12: HoReCa 2018 (Athens, Greece)
17-20: Beer Attraction 2018 (Rimini, Italy)
20-24: Great British Beer Festival Winter 2018 (Norwich, UK)
27-01 March: Beviale Moscow 2018 (Moscow, Russia)

March 2018:
05-07: 105th Brewing and Engineering Conference (Munich, Germany)
06-08: Expo Antad & Alimentaria Mexico 2018 (Mexico City, Mexico)
07-10: Festival Brasileiro de Cerveja 2018 (Blumenau, Brazil)
08-10: Alltech Craft Brews & Food Fair 2018 (Dublin, Ireland)
14-15: BeerX 2018 (Sheffield, UK)
19-22: IBD Asia Pacific Convention 2018 (Wellington, New Zealand)

April 2018:
08-12: International Malting and Brewing Symposium "13th Trends in Brewing" (Ghent, Belgium)
13-14: Helsinki Beer Festival 2018 (Helsinki, Finland)
28-29: Zythos Beer Festival 2018 (Leuven, Belgium)
30-03 May: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2018 (Nashville, USA)

May 2018:
22-24: Beer 2018 (Sochi, Russia)

June 2018:
06-09: Mondial de la Biere 2018 (Montreal, Canada)
29-01 July: Mondial de la Biere 2018 (Paris, France)

August 2018:
03-05: The 22nd International Berlin Beer Festival (Berlin, Germany)
08-11: Vietfood & Beverage 2018 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
10-11: Beervana 2018 (Wellington, New Zealand)
12-15: Brewing Summit 2018 (San Diego, USA)

September 2018:
04-06: food & drink technology Africa (fdt Africa) (Johannesburg, South Africa)
12-14: 6th International Symposium for Young Scientists and Technologists in Malting, Brewing and Distilling (Bittburg/Trier, Germany)

October 2018:
23-26: China Brew China Beverage 2018 (Shanghai, China)
24-26: drink technology India 2018 (Mumbai, India)

November 2018:
13-15: Brau Beviale 2018 (Nuremberg, Germany)

More events are available on site e-malt.com

BreweryBrewery News Brewery

Brewery newsVietnam: Sabeco stake sale drawing tepid response with ThaiBev emerging as sole bidder for at least a 25% stake
Vietnam’s largest stake sale is drawing tepid response as Thai Beverage Pcl emerges as the sole bidder willing to fork out more than $2 ...More info on site

Brewery newsLatin America: Craft beer industry expanding in Latin America’s countries
Latin America's emerging craft beer industry is growing in the hands of entrepreneurs who bring passion to the business. In Brazil there are 650 ...More info on site

Brewery newsJapan & Myanmar: Kirin officially takes stake in Myanmar’s Mandalay Brewery
Kirin Holdings has officially taken a stake in Mandalay Brewery, the brewer of Mandalay Lager Beer, Mandalay Strong Beer and Mandalay Spirulina Beer, The ...More info on site

Brewery news USA: The Brewers Association looks back on defining craft beer moments of 2017
Strong brewery growth, increased beer tourism and the launch of the independent craft brewer seal—with more than 2,700 craft brewers signed on—were all part of a watershed year for craft beer in 2017. The Brewers Association (BA)—the not-for-profit trade association dedicated to small and independent American brewers—looks back on the defining beer moments of the year. “Craft brewers continue to thrive, if at a slower pace, fueled by a passionate community dedicated to bringing innovation, jobs and beer across America—on Main Street and beyond,” said Bart Watson, chief economist, Brewers Association. “Today, 83 percent of the population lives within 10 miles of a local brewery, meaning that the positive impact of breweries is being felt in communities all over the country.” Of note in 2017: 6,000 breweries were in operation during 2017—with 98 percent of them small and independent craft brewers. The BA’s Economic Impact Report, a biennial analysis featuring economic data of craft brewing for all 50 states and the District of Columbia, showed that craft brewers contributed $67.8 billion to the U.S. economy in 2016, a 21.7 percent increase from 2014. Craft brewers were responsible for more than 456,373 full-time equivalent jobs, a 7.5 percent increase from 2014, ...More info on site

Brewery newsDenmark & Vietnam: Carlsberg edges closer to reaching agreement on Habeco stake
Danish brewer Carlsberg has edged closer to reaching an agreement with the Vietnamese government to increase its stake in Habeco, one of Vietnam's biggest ...More info on site

Brewery news New Zealand: Lion’s beer sales up nearly 20% and brewer struggles to keep up with demand
They are drinking so much beer this summer in New Zealand that brewing giant Lion is unable to keep up with demand, Stuff.co.nz reported on December 13.

Lion New Zealand spokeswoman Genevieve O'Halloran said sales were up nearly 20 per cent compared to a year ago, which was creating supply issues for North Island customers.

O'Halloran said the problem was "widespread" and affected the company's soft drink deliveries as well.

"This is not a beer shortage - it is a logistical delivery issue ... products across the Lion portfolio are affected," she said.

O'Halloran said demand for craft beer was especially strong.

Lion's sale of Emerson's beer was up 140 per cent, and Panhead brews were up 60 per cent, compared to the same week last year, she said.

"Corona, one of Kiwi's favourite summer drops, was up 50 per cent."

Auckland's Bays Club has told its members club was experiencing a "beer shortage" and "may see some run outs" due in part to late deliveries from Lion.

"I [ordered] kegs of Lion Red on the 7th of December and still have not received them.

"My other two big suppliers do not have Lion either at this point. Hopefully it might arrive tonight."

O'Halloran said Lion had ...More info on site

Brewery news UK & Ireland: Diageo says Irish border control could cost it £1.3 mln a year
At last, one company has been bold enough to put a figure on the potential cost were border controls to be set up between northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, the Financial Times reported on December 13.

Diageo, the world’s biggest Scotch producer and Guinness brewer, said on December 13 that if trucks had to wait 15 minutes to clear the border, it estimated this would cost the company £1.3 mln a year.

Dan Mobley, Diageo’s corporate relations director, said the company treated the island of Ireland as one business. Guinness is brewed in Dublin, then crosses the border to be packaged, before crossing back into Ireland to be exported, he said.

He was giving evidence about the impact of Brexit on food and drink producers to MPs on the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee.

Bailey’s, Diageo’s cream-based whisky brand, is manufactured on both sides of the border and the company, which buys 11 per cent of Ireland’s cream output for Bailey’s, sources its cream from both the north and south.

“We are moving about 18,000 trucks a year over that border, so even small hold-ups to process those truck movements would be really unwelcome, but the big problem would be for our ...More info on site

Brewery news Mexico: Grupo Modelo increases number of beer vending centers by 67% this year
Grupo Modelo says they have seen huge growth this year and will close with a total of 8,000 beer vending centers, an increase of 67 percent over 2016, the Riviera Maya News reported on December 13.

The company says the business of beer brewing has grown rapidly, when at the end of 2015, they had 5,600 points of sale.

“A year and a half ago we accelerated the rate of openings of our retail segment in Mexico, with which we managed to close this year (2017) with more than 8 ,000 stores and we aim to open at least 1,000 more stores in the next year,” said Daniel Haskell, business unit head of Modelorama.

The new locations will be supplied with the production of the manufacturing and bottling plant from Modelo in Hidalgo, which will be ready in the first quarter of 2019.

Grupo Modelo invested 14 billion peso for the construction of the new factory, which will have an annual capacity of 12 million hectoliters, which it plans to increase progressively to double production.

Next year, Haskell said they will be cautious with the opening of the new Modeloramas to operate throughout the country.

“The number of openings will be one that makes sense with ...More info on site

Brewery news UK: Molson Coors bringing China’s Snow beer to the UK market
US beer giant Molson Coors is bringing the world’s best-selling beer — a lager brewed in China — to the UK market, The Drinks Business reported on December 11.

Molson Coors will get the exclusive rights to the sales, distribution and customer marketing of Snow in the UK for both on and off-trade operations in a bid to build the firm’s presence in the ethnic restaurant sector.

The 5% ABV lager is known for its low price, retailing for around $1 per litre in China, and will compete against brands such as Cobra and Singh in the UK’s international restaurant sector.

The move comes as Molson Coors attempts to strengthen its position in the world beer market in off-trade and build a more robust presence in the UK’s international restaurant sector.

Snow, which is brewed by China Resources Enterprise, is the best-selling beer in the world, a title it has held onto for six consecutive years.

Its total volume sales for 2016 are well over double those of its closest competitor, Bud Light.

While the UK’s world beer market has grown by almost 12% in the past year, with a value of around £3.2 bln, beer consumption in China is slowing down. Back in February a ...More info on site

Brewery news Nigeria: Nigerian Breweries appoints new MD/CEO
Nigerian Breweries Plc on December 12 notified the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) of the appointment of the new managing director/chief executive officer, Mr. Jordi Borrut Bel. The appointment takes effect on January 22, 2018 and he will succeed Mr. Johan Doyer, who has served as MD/CEO on an interim basis since June 16, 2017, THISDAY Newspapers reported.

Mr. Borrut Bel is currently the MD of Heineken’s subsidiary in Burundi, Brarudi S.A., and a Board member of Bralirwa Limited, Rwanda, also a Heineken’s subsidiary in Rwanda.

The company explained that Borrut Bel joined Heineken Spain in 1997 as Sales Representative and subsequently held increasingly senior management positions in different countries, first as Distribution Project Manager in Slovakia, Brand Manager in France and Trade Marketing Manager at the Head Office in the Netherlands. In 2006, he returned to Heineken Spain where he evolved in the organisation and eventually became the On-Premise and Distribution Director and a member of the Management Team.

“Mr. Borrut Bel was appointed the MD of Brarudi S.A. in 2015 and has successfully led the company through a very turbulent period, strengthening the company’s route-to-market and launching successful innovations. The Board is confident that Bel’s track record and broad experience stand him ...More info on site

BarleyBarley News Barley

Barley newsWorld: Barley trade, production forecasts increased in USDA’s December report
The forecast for world’s barley trade in 2017/18 is slightly up in USDA’s December report – at 25.84 mln tonnes versus 25.71 mln tonnes ...More info on site

Barley newsChina & Australia: Australian barley prospects boosted by revised China protocol and zero tariff on export
Last month’s rewrite of Australia’s Import Management Protocol (IMP) with China, coupled with a unique zero tariff under the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA), ...More info on site

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