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RombBullet Currency rates
RombBullet Brewers equities
RombBullet Industry news
RombBullet Graph of the week
RombBullet Table of the week
RombBullet Prices evolution
RombBullet Barley prices
RombBullet Theoretical malt prices
RombBullet Scientific digest
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RombBullet Agenda
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E-Malt.com Newsletter 28b
July 12 - July 15, 2018

Quote of the Week

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
Albert Einstein

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: US Dollar
on July 13, 2018
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar
on July 13, 2018
      1 USD = 0.8565 EUR
1 USD = 0.7570 GBP
1 USD = 1.3183 CAD
1 USD = 1.3527 AUD
1 USD = 112.4000 JPY
1 USD = 3.8730 BRL
1 USD = 62.2062 RUB
1 USD = 6.6717 CNY
      1 CAD = 0.7585 USD
1 CAD = 0.5742 GBP
1 CAD = 0.6496 EUR
1 CAD = 1.0260 AUD
1 CAD = 85.2500 JPY
1 CAD = 2.9375 BRL
1 CAD = 47.1811 RUB
1 CAD = 5.0602 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Equities of the Largest Breweries

North America News
Barley news Canada: Canada’s barley exports to China expected to reach new heights this season ...Click here
Brewery news USA, OH: Lockport Brewery preparing second brewpub in Bolivar ...Click here
Brewery news Canada, BC: Vice & Virtue Brewing opens in Kelowna’s de facto brewery district ...Click here
Brewery news USA, CO: Goldspot Brewing sold to new owners ...Click here
Brewery news USA, SC: Rock Hill Brewing Company debuts in downtown Rock Hill ...Click here
Brewery news Canada, ON: Hometown Brew Co. to build its own brewery after contract brewing for nearly two years ...Click here
Brewery news USA, NM: Bosque Brewing Company preparing to open its fifth location in Bernalillo ...Click here
Brewery news USA, WI: Rebellion Brewing already open in Cedarburg ...Click here
Brewery news USA, TX: Fire Ant Brewing Co. to finally launch in Tomball in August ...Click here
Brewery news USA, NC: Cotton House Craft Brewers coming to downtown Cary soon ...Click here
World News
Barley news World: Barley trade forecast slightly down in USDA’s July report ...Click here
Brewery news Zimbabwe: Delta’s revenue up 40% in Q1 2018 ...Click here
Brewery news Zimbabwe: AB InBev yet to receive US$70 mln Delta dividends ...Click here
Brewery news Sri Lanka: Increased taxes on alcohol make leading glass bottle manufacturer turn to overseas markets ...Click here
Brewery news Japan: Brewers increasing production anticipating hot weather this summer ...Click here
Brewery news Australia: Carlton and United Breweries to add to Great Northern’s brewing capacity ...Click here
Graph of the Week

Table of the Week

Germany Hops Area 2017-2018f

Table of the week.

Prices Evolution

Prices evolution

Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

Scientific Digest


That is what German Engineers are currently doing (anybody surprised?). A very novel concept is called Omium, working without a lauter tun but four rotary discs that split wort in different fractions for different processes. This involves rethinking the isomerization process, as this system does not work with a conventional boil kettle. Initial results with isomerisation yields were presented in this work. This process has very a good chance to overcome the inherent isomerization inefficiencies of regular brewhouses.


Bastgen, N.: A Novel Brewhouse Concept - how to improve the brewing process and quality by treating wort fractions, P 7.18 at the 13th Trends in Brewing, April 2018, Ghent
Read more

Source: Barth Innovations

These Days in Business History

12 July
1793 - The world's first optical telecommunications network is launched
1854 - George Eastman is born, future founder of "Kodak"
1859 - Paper bag manufacturing machine patents by William Goodale, Massachusetts

13 July
1568 - Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral perfects a way to bottle beer
1852 - Wells, Fargo & Co. is founded by Henry Wells and William G. Fargo
1898 - Guglielmo Marconi patents radio

14 July
1850 - 1st public demonstration of ice made by refrigeration
1853 - of the first major US world's fair, the Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations in New York City
1857 - Maytag invented the washing machine
1959 - 1st atomic powered cruiser, Long Beach, Quincy Massachusetts
1969 - The United States $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 bills are officially withdrawn from circulation

15 July
1783 - 1st steamboat, Pyroscaphe, 1st run in France
1869 - Margarine is patented in France by Hippolyte Mege Mouries of Paris
1954 - The first commercial jet transport airplane built in US is tested (Boeing 707)
2003 - AOL Time Warner disbands Netscape. The Mozilla Foundation is established on the same day
2006 - Twitter is launched, becoming one of the largest social media platforms in the world


August 2018:
03-05: The 22nd International Berlin Beer Festival (Berlin, Germany)
07-11: The Great British Beer Festival 2018 (London, UK)
08-11: Vietfood & Beverage 2018 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
10-11: Beervana 2018 (Wellington, New Zealand)
12-15: Brewing Summit 2018 (San Diego, USA)

September 2018:
04-06: food & drink technology Africa (fdt Africa) (Johannesburg, South Africa)
12-14: 6th International Symposium for Young Scientists and Technologists in Malting, Brewing and Distilling (Bittburg/Trier, Germany)
20-22: The Great American Beer Festival 2018 (Denver, USA)
22-07 October: Oktoberfest 2018 (Munich, Germany)
24-26: 9th Iberoamerican VLB Symposium 2018 (Recife, Brazil)

October 2018:
23-26: China Brew China Beverage 2018 (Shanghai, China)
24-26: drink technology India 2018 (Mumbai, India)

November 2018:
13-15: Brau Beviale 2018 (Nuremberg, Germany)

More events are available on site e-malt.com

News Articles

Barley news Canada: Canada’s barley exports to China expected to reach new heights this season
Canada is a relatively small but growing exporter of barley. Historically shipped to the United States and Japan as an alternative livestock feed ingredient to corn or for malting purposes, exports to the United States were steady on consistent demand and logistical advantages, USDA said in their July report.

Just in five years, Canada's export pattern has been shifted significantly. Once the largest destination, the United States is now seeing less of Canada's barley coming across the border. Over the last several years, border-adjacent states such as Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota have seen the largest drop in barley shipments. Canada’s exports to Japan have fallen precipitously as well.

In the place of the United States and Japan, China has emerged as the top destination. China's total imports of barley have risen dramatically over the last half-decade, as there are no import quotas or biotech related restrictions. While China’s strong appetite for feed barley will be met primarily by Australian supplies, demand for the price-competitive Canadian barley is likely to continue as well. Canada’s exports for the Oct-May period to China have already exceeded the total volume shipped in the entire 2016/17. A larger expected Canadian barley crop in 2018/19, coupled with ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, OH: Lockport Brewery preparing second brewpub in Bolivar
Lockport Brewery is expanding, the Akron Business Journal reported on July 10.

The nanobrewery, located in Bolivar, has purchased the former Georgio’s Grille, 10748 Wilkshire Blvd., a mere two-tenths of a mile away from its current site.

Owners Andrew and Lauren Marburger are renovating the 5,500-square-foot space into a brewpub that also will feature a new seven-barrel brewing system.

The second location — yes, second, they aren’t abandoning the original site — will allow Lockport to double its brewing capacity, distribute its draft beer more and offer limited runs of cans or bottles in the future.

The new site, which overlooks the Wilkshire Golf Course, is about double the size of the current taproom. Lockport employs a 3.5-barrel brewing system now, limiting its ability to produce beer.

“We have known since day one that we were going to be operating at capacity with no real ability to grow the business,” Andrew said about the need for a larger system.

Lockport plans to add some 15-barrel fermenters, too.

The brewery, which opened in November 2016, produced 375 barrels last year and is on pace for about 450 this year. It will have the capacity for 1,500 barrels a year moving forward.

But that doesn’t mean the brewery will ...More info on site

Brewery news Canada, BC: Vice & Virtue Brewing opens in Kelowna’s de facto brewery district
A new brewery and taproom has opened in what is becoming a de facto brewery district in Kelowna, the Canadian Beer News reported.

Vice & Virtue Brewing has been founded by a group of six partners in a space close to Kettle Valley Brewing, Red Bird Brewery, and Tree Brewing.

The brewery had a soft launch late last week with four beers – White Lie Pilsner, Love Potion Raspberry Berliner Vice, Giver Pale Ale, and Homewrecker NEIPA – created by head brewer James Windsor. The taproom also offers several local cider and wine options, and a light food menu by chef Nelson Daniels.

Vice & Virtue Brewing is located at 1033 Richter Street in Kelowna, and was officially opened on July 11th.

Brewery news USA, CO: Goldspot Brewing sold to new owners
Goldspot Brewing, which was founded three and a half years ago by Matt Hughes and Alex Sward, has been sold to new owners, who will take over the taproom this weekend, the Westword reported on July 11.

The new group consists of Ryan and Winnie DuBois, who had been looking to start a brewery for some time, and Kelissa Hieber, who has been Goldspot's head brewer and day-to-day operations manager for the past couple of years.

The sale is part of a wave of changes over the past eighteen months in Colorado that has seen more than a dozen small breweries fold up shop or sell to new owners. These include DeSteeg Brewing, Beryl's Beer Company, Deep Draft Brewing, Wit's End Brewing, Elk Mountain, Pug Ryan's and J Wells Brewing.

The tiny but much-loved brewery at 4970 Lowell Boulevard was paying for itself, says Hughes, but since the two owners both maintained day jobs (Hughes in insurance and Sward in consulting), they had trouble taking Goldspot to the next level.

"The first year was our best year, probably because I took a sabbatical from my job" to do the brewing, to do sales and to interact with customers, Hughes explains. "Once I stepped ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, SC: Rock Hill Brewing Company debuts in downtown Rock Hill
A new microbrewery has debuted in downtown Rock Hill. Located at 121 Caldwell St., Suite 101, the fresh arrival is called Rock Hill Brewing Company, Hoodline reported on July 11.

Though this establishment does not serve food, it's located right next door to Millstone Pizza, and the two joints have a partnership program.

Rock Hill has five craft beers on tap as well as wines. The selection includes Belgian White, Southern Cerveza, Double-Pale Ale and Stout and more.

Rock Hill Brewing Company is open from 4–10 p.m. on weekdays and noon–10 p.m. on weekends.

Brewery news Canada, ON: Hometown Brew Co. to build its own brewery after contract brewing for nearly two years
After contract brewing their beer for nearly two years, the owners of Hometown Brew Co. have announced plans to build their own brewery to provide brands with unique Norfolk County tastes, the Simcoe Reformer reported on July 12.

Dusty Zamecnik and his cousins Matt and Tommy Devos will build a taproom, bottle shop and brewery in a partnership with Long Point Eco-Adventures near St. Williams, Zamecnik announced on July 12.

It will open in spring 2019.

“Our slogan is ‘We’re coming home,’ and we mean it literally,” he said.

“We grew up in Long Point and Port Rowan on the water. So that’s home for us.”

They left home for a while on other pursuits, but returned to Norfolk and plan to stay.

They contract brewed with Ramblin Road in LaSalette for a while, but now they’re ready to go bigger with their own facility while staying in Norfolk.

“We’ve always believed in community and we’re using our beers to reflect that,” Zamecnik said.

“We’re looking to our partnership.”

He said working alongside Eco-Adventures is a natural fit with what’s happening in Norfolk and Long Point, where many brewers and vintners are working in partnership with eco-tourism interests to present an image of community culinary entrepreneurialism to visitors.

They already ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, NM: Bosque Brewing Company preparing to open its fifth location in Bernalillo
Business in Bernalillo appears to be booming.

Last week, a new hotel opened at Santa Ana Star Casino. And on July 30, Bosque Brewing Company will open its fifth location, KOB reported on July 11.

Manager Ezekiel Gomez says it's a vision the company had about two years ago.

"We have four locations currently. We have two in Las Cruces and two in Albuquerque. (We have) one in Nob Hill and one in Alameda because of Balloon Fiesta Park," Gomez said.

The newest location is a two-story building that will give Bosque Brewing a chance to try something new.

"We're excited to have two breweries. One that can focus on specialty beers; styles that we haven't done before that we're really excited to experiment with," Gomez said.

The new brewery is expected to produce 4,000 barrels of beer per year, adding to the 10,000 barrels produced by the other locations in the same amount of time.

The new location won't just have beer, it will serve food as well.

"We are gonna have a food counter that we believe we are going to be calling 'Bosque Bites'. It's gonna kind of work like a food truck but, you know, it's inside. That's new for us," Gomez said.

Gomez said ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, WI: Rebellion Brewing already open in Cedarburg
Dale Georgeff was out with friends when they asked, as friends do, if he wanted to buy their brewery.

Does "of course," work as a commitment?

Georgeff and home-brewing partner Rod Otto bought the former Silver Creek Brewing in Cedarburg in March. Rebellion Brewing, N57-W6172 Portland Road, opened for the July 4 holiday, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

"It's something we talked about for a few years," Georgeff said. Saying no didn't seem like an option.

Georgeff and Otto gutted the interior of the 150-year-old building "from the floor to the coolers." They added patriotic touches of red, white and blue, and old photos that nod back to pre-Prohibition days.

Patrons still take a bridge over water to get in the former grist mill. The two added lighting to the picturesque patio with a view of falling water and a rushing creek.

"You can see the dam is all lit up," Georgeff said. "It's been fantastic."

It's also been a fair amount of work. The boiler gave out, and Georgeff and Otto not only had to purchase a new one — they have to wait for it to be installed before they can serve some of their own beers.

For now, Rebellion is ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, TX: Fire Ant Brewing Co. to finally launch in Tomball in August
The highly anticipated Fire Ant Brewing Co. will finally be opening its doors in August once the final details of the brew pub in downtown Tomball are completed, Chron.com reported on July 12.

The brewery is adding the final touches to the brew pub at 308 Market St., including the installation of a new indoor bar, completing inspections and creating a food menu, said Bruce Kissinger, CEO and co-owner of Fire Ant Brewing Co.

“Our hold up right now is getting the restaurant done,” he said.

While the kitchen is completed and is awaiting inspections, Kissinger along with co-owners Kurt and Carl Hohnholt have been brewing and stocking up on beer.

In the commercial sized refrigerator near the kettles, about 75 kegs of ales, lagers, pilsners, porters and more are waiting to be tapped and served. Some of the kegs will be featured at the upcoming Tomball German Heritage Festival, as they’ve been served since 2014.

With their 15 different styles of beer and three seasonal brews, the pub is also developing a menu that feature German influenced food.

“We’re working with a chef right now. The menu is definitely a work in progress. We want to incorporate a lot of our beer into the food,” ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, NC: Cotton House Craft Brewers coming to downtown Cary soon
The house part of Cotton House Craft Brewers, a new brewery coming to downtown Cary, is no joke, the News & Observer reported on July 13.

If a house has a name, it’s likely an old one, and the Pasmore House at 307 S. Academy St. has been around for more than a century, first as a residence and later as a boarding home for students of Cary High School.

Soon the historic home next door to the Mayton Inn will house the flowing taplines of the Triangle’s newest brewery, plus barrels of aging beer.

Cotton House is the brewing project of Brent Webb and his family, named for the family’s history of cotton farmers that he shares with his wife, Caryl. The brewery itself will have a farming connection, working with a local hops farm and using four new hops varieties developed by N.C. State’s agriculture program.

“We hope they taste good; it’s rolling the dice,” Webb said. “We want to help promote hops as a viable agricultural product in this region.”

Cotton House’s brewer will be Jamie McMillan, who has worked at Aviator Brewing Co. in Fuquay-Varina and Raleigh Brewing Co.

Core beers will include a New England IPA, an American pale ale, a ...More info on site

Barley newsWorld: Barley trade forecast slightly down in USDA’s July report
World barley trade in 2018/19 is forecast slightly down this month, at 28.47 mln tonnes versus the June forecast, USDA reported on July 12.

Export ...More info on site

Brewery newsZimbabwe: Delta’s revenue up 40% in Q1 2018
Delta, Zimbabwe’s biggest company by market capitalisation, said on July 12 that revenue grew 40% in the first quarter, mainly on lager sales, the ...More info on site

Brewery news Zimbabwe: AB InBev yet to receive US$70 mln Delta dividends
Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) — the world’s largest brewer — is yet to receive a total US$70 million in dividends from its Delta Corporation investment owing to delays by the local central bank to settle international payments due to the prevailing chronic liquidity crunch and cash crisis, the Zimbabwe Independent reported on July 13.

Delta is 40% owned by Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world’s largest beer maker based in Leuven, Belgium.

Zimbabwe is currently facing crippling shortages of hard currency that has seen banks defer foreign payments by as much as six months. Ordinarily, the repatriation of foreign exchange for securities related transactions is given top preference on the central bank’s list for the allocation of foreign currency.

“The situation has not improved at all, we have over US$70 million due to foreign shareholders. We are focusing on funding imported raw materials,” Delta company secretary Alex Makamure told businessdigest this week. Delta has since declared another interim dividend of US0,02 cents per share, amounting to US$25,2 million.

As of February, the country had a backlog of US$164 million for transactions conducted on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE). The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe last year said it would establish a US$5 million revolving fund to facilitate ...More info on site

Brewery news Sri Lanka: Increased taxes on alcohol make leading glass bottle manufacturer turn to overseas markets
Sri Lankan glass bottle manufacturer, Piramal Glass Ceylon Plc, is turning to overseas markets as local sales fall due to increased taxes on alcohol, a company official said.

“The management has tried its best to channel the extra capacity towards the export market to bridge the gap due to the loss of domestic volumes,” Piramal Glass Ceylon (PGC) Chairman Vijay Shah said in the company's annual report.

While local sales of glass bottles fell, export revenue of PGC has increased 77 percent to 2.1 billion rupees in 2017/18, Shah said.

“The export to US has grown by over 150 percent, Australia by 72 percent and a six-fold increase in the Canadian markets,” he said.

The firm is also entering into Malaysia, Africa, Vietnam and Myanmar.

PGC last year completed a 3 billion rupee upgrade of its furnaces, which increased production capacity by 20 percent to 300 metric tonnes per day.

Shah said that the production capacity taken up by the local market has fallen below 70 percent in the last financial year, compared to the normal levels of over 75 percent.

The local market contributed 4.7 billion rupees to PGC’s revenue in 2017/18, which was a 16 percent fall compared to a year earlier.

“This was mainly contributed ...More info on site

Brewery news Japan: Brewers increasing production anticipating hot weather this summer
Air conditioner makers and breweries in Japan are increasing their production, anticipating extremely hot weather this summer, The Japan News reported on July 13.

The Japan Meteorological Agency expects the average temperature in the coming month to become higher than in the average year in the Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku regions.

Daikin Industries Ltd. raised this month’s production of air conditioners for sale in Japan by 10 percent from its initial plan.

Production at rival Mitsubishi Electric Corp. continues at full capacity in line with its plan to increase shipments by 10 percent in the fiscal first half ending in September from a year before.

A Daikin official said that demand temporarily slowed due to the recent heavy rain that hit western Japan but will grow if the sky clears up.

“The weather is likely to be extremely hot in the three-day weekend from Saturday, so we expect sales to rise,” said a Mitsubishi Electric official.

Kirin Brewery Co., a unit of Kirin Holdings Co., intends to increase the output of low-priced “third segment” quasi-beer products in July and August by 40 percent from a year earlier and that of overall beer products including “happoshu” low-malt beer-like beverages by 10 percent.

Asahi Breweries Ltd., a unit of ...More info on site

Brewery news Australia: Carlton and United Breweries to add to Great Northern’s brewing capacity
A continuing increase in sales for Great Northern beer has seen Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) make the decision to add to the beer’s brewing capacity, The Shout reported on July 13.

Originally brewed in Queensland for Queenslanders, the ‘Beer from up Here’ will now also be brewed at CUB’s Abbotsford brewery in Victoria as the brewer looks to meet demand, especially after the decision to make Great Northern Original available nationwide.

“Eight years after the first Great Northern rolled out of our Queensland brewery, and with Great Northern Original now available outside Queensland, we’ve seen massive growth in Great Northern all across Australia,” said Sales Manager, Mick McKeown.

“From 16 July we’ll be brewing Original and Super Crisp at CUB’s Abbotsford brewery in Victoria as well as up here, so we can deliver the freshest possible beer to Australian beer lovers wherever they are.

“All of the Original and Super Crisp for Queensland and the NT will continue to be brewed up here in Queensland, the home of Great Northern.

“But because demand for Great Northern down south is so strong, it makes sense to also brew Great Northern closer to these expanding markets.”

McKeown added that the success of Great Northern was proof positive ...More info on site

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