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| Newsletter 15a April 08 - April 10, 2019
Quote of the Week
Many battles have been fought and won by soldiers nourished on beer.
Frederick the Great
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on April 10, 2019 |
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar on April 10, 2019 |
1 USD = 0.8874 EUR
1 USD = 0.7654 GBP
1 USD = 1.3312 CAD
1 USD = 1.4016 AUD
1 USD = 111.2300 JPY
1 USD = 3.8499 BRL
1 USD = 64.8190 RUB
1 USD = 6.7118 CNY
1 CAD = 0.7511 USD
1 CAD = 0.5748 GBP
1 CAD = 0.6665 EUR
1 CAD = 1.0527 AUD
1 CAD = 83.5400 JPY
1 CAD = 2.8916 BRL
1 CAD = 48.6838 RUB
1 CAD = 5.0410 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA, CT: Tox Brewing Company opens its doors in New London
...Click here
USA, CA: Burnin’ Daylight Brewing Company holds grand opening in Lomita
...Click here
Canada, AB: Red Hart Brewing already open in Red Deer County
...Click here
USA, RI: Lops Brewing to open in downtown Woonsocket by early July
...Click here
USA, KY: Maysville Brewing Company under construction in Maysville
...Click here
USA, NY: Lunkenheimer Craft Brewing moving to larger facility in Weedsport
...Click here
USA, OH: Fifty West Brewing Company planning new brewpub in Chillicothe
...Click here
Japan: Major brewers pouring resources into craft beers
...Click here
World: Barley trade forecast unchanged from last month
...Click here
Spain: Mahou San Miguel reports EUR170 mln of annual profits last year
...Click here
Argentina: Barley harvest forecast at up to 5 mln tonnes
...Click here
China & Australia: China warns anti-dumping investigation into Australian barley exports could take up to 18 months
...Click here
World: Diageo launches €600 mln euro, £500 mln sterling denominated bonds
...Click here
EU: Diageo caught in a row between the EU and the UK
...Click here
Myanmar: Burbrit Craft Brewery quenching Myanmar’s thirst for craft beer
...Click here
Malaysia: Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia has no plans of further price hikes this year
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
World Hop Crop and Alpha Acid Production
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices

Scientific Digest
Come on, let's dip hop!
Japanese researchers introduced this hopping
technology already 2013 at the EBC. Dip hopping means
the addition of hop after wort cooling before start of
fermentation. With this hopping technology they found the following results: hop enzymes do not contribute
to main fermentation, myrcene levels in finished beers
are very low, which was found favourable in this case.
Also, the production of 2M3MB an onion type of flavour
(derived from iso-alpha acid) is supressed due to a lower
H2S content in the beer.
Tsuchiy, Y: Effect of hops addition to the fermentation tank to beer fermentation, poster
presentation at the Brewing Summit 2018, A 127
Read more
Source: Barth Innovations
These Days in Business History
08 April
1862 - John D. Lynde patents aerosol dispenser
1904 - John R Hicks is born, British economist (Nobel 1972)
1908 - Harvard University votes to establish the Harvard Business School
1946 - Electricite de France, the world's largest utility company, is formed as a result of the nationalisation of a number of electricity producers, transporters and distributors
09 April
1799 - Income Tax introduced in UK
1957 - The Suez Canal in Egypt is cleared and opens to shipping
2007 - Apple Computer unveils the revolutionary iPhone
10 April
1790 - U.S. Patent system forms
1816 - The Federal government of the United States approves the creation of the Second Bank of the United States
1930 - Synthetic rubber 1st produced
1956 - Philips broadcasts 1st Dutch color TV programs
April 2019:
08 - 11: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2019 (Denver, Colorado, USA)
10 - 12: Drink Technology India 2019 (Bengaluru, India)
26 - 28: Zythos Beer Festival 2019 (Leuven, Belgium)
May 2019:
07 - 09: International Beer Strategies Conference 2019 (Dublin, Ireland)
15 - 17: Craft Beer China 2019 (Shanghai, China)
17 - 19: Mondial de la Biere 2019 (Paris, France)
21 - 23: Africa Brewing Conference 2019 (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
21 - 24: Beer 2019 (Sochi, Russia)
21 - 26: Latvia Beer Fest 2019 (Riga, Latvia)
22 - 25: Mondial de la Biere 2019 (Montreal, Canada)
23 - 25: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2019 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
28 - 30: Brasil Brau 2019 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
30 - 01 June: Expo Wine + Beer 2019 (Santiago de Chile, Chile)
June 2019:
02 - 06: The 37th Congress of the European Brewery Convention (Antwerp, Belgium)
03 - 04: The Brewers of Europe Forum 2019 (Antwerp, Belgium)
09 - 11: Brewing Conference 2019 (Bangkok, Thailand)
24 - 26: 2019 ASBC Meeting (New Orleans, USA)
25 - 26: BevExpo 2019 (Ricoh Arena, Judds Lane, Coventry, United Kingdom)
July 2019:
03 - 04: Craft Drinks India 2019 (Bengaluru, India)
09 - 11: Fdt Africa 2019 (Midrand, South Africa)
August 2019:
02 - 04: The 23rd International Berlin Beer Festival (Berlin, Germany)
06 - 10: The Great British Beer Festival 2019 (London, UK)
07 - 10: VIETFOOD & BEVERAGE - PROPACK 2019 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
09 - 10: Beervana 2019 (Wellington, New Zealand)
26 - 31: Copa Cervezas de America 2019 (Valparaiso, Chile)
September 2019:
04 - 08: Mondial de la Biere 2019 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
17 - 19: 10th Iberoamerican VLB Symposium Brewing & Filling Technology 2019 (Guadalajara, Mexico)
21 - 06 October: Oktoberfest 2019 (Munich, Germany)
26 - 27: Sea Brew 2019 (Bangkok, Thailand)
26 - 28: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2019 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2019:
03 - 05: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2019 (Stockholm, Sweden)
03 - 05: The Great American Beer Festival 2019 (Denver, USA)
November 2019:
12 - 14: Brau Beviale 2019 (Nuremberg, Germany)
27 - 29: Drink Japan 2019 (Makuhari Messe, Japan)
December 2019:
05 - 07: Drink Technology India 2019 (New Delhi, India)
More events are available on site
News Articles
USA, CT: Tox Brewing Company opens its doors in New London
Tox Brewing Company at 635 Broad St. in New London opened this past weekend. Started by Dayne Laskey and Mike Zaccaro, the brewery and taproom will be open noon to 8 p.m. on Saturdays and noon to 6 p.m. on Sundays, reported on April 8.
They expect to add Friday hours starting this week, according to their website.
Zaccaro and Laskey raised $29,000 from 269 supporters in a Kickstarter campaign to fund the enterprise, The New London Day reported. The beer list includes stouts, a cream ale, IPAs, a double IPA, and what they call a Connecticut Table Beer.
Zaccaro and Laskey are from New London County and have been friends since preschool.
"The idea of Tox Brewing started as a daydream between the three of us a few days before Thanksgiving in 2015," their website reads. "This endeavor came from a passion and desire to create better and more creative beer, and to continually push our own limits."
USA, CA: Burnin’ Daylight Brewing Company holds grand opening in Lomita
Burnin’ Daylight Brewing Company in Lomita held its grand opening on April 5, drawing locals and suds aficionados to the area’s first craft brewery, the Easy Reader News reports.
Located near the intersection at Lomita Boulevard and Narbonne Avenue near Lomita City Hall, Burnin’ Daylight is the latest entry in Southern California’s well regarded craft beer market. City officials greeted its arrival with a ribbon cutting ceremony highlighting what they hope will be a transformative effect on the area.
The brewery had a soft opening in late January. Bartender Brandan Ortega said that since then, a stream of locals have stopped by to express their gratitude about the decision to open in the neighborhood.
“The theme that I constantly get when I’m bartending is that people are thrilled to have a spot in town. Some people feel the city has been overlooked, and people are just super excited to have a spot they can walk to,” Ortega said.
Head brewer Brendan Lake, who began homebrewing with his dad Bob after college, brewed at San Diego’s vaunted Stone Brewing, then at El Segundo Brewing Co. and Hop Saint in Redondo Beach. Lake, his mother Shannon, and Bob serve as co-owners.
Along with a rotating selection of
...More info on site
Canada, AB: Red Hart Brewing already open in Red Deer County
A new community-minded brewery with the motto “Drink Good Beer, Do Good Things” has opened near Red Deer in central Alberta, the Canadian Beer News reported on April 4.
Red Hart Brewing has been founded by Curtis Lawrence-Ross, Jarod Griesbach, and Andrew Wiebe, and opened its doors on St. Patrick’s Day weekend.
Beers available on draught for glasses and growler fills include Pale Ale (6% abv, 35 IBU), English Mild Ale (3.5% abv, 21 IBU), Berliner Weisse (5.3% abv, 2 IBU), and NEPASH Series #1: Cascade (6.5% abv, 13 IBU), the latter being the first in a series of New England Pale Ale Single Hop ales.
Red Hart Brewing is located at 112-488 McCoy Drive in Red Deer County, and is open 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Wednesday and Thursday, 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM on Friday and Saturday, and 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM on Sunday.
USA, RI: Lops Brewing to open in downtown Woonsocket by early July
Downtown Woonsocket is filled with empty storefronts, but Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt is hopeful strong revitalization efforts will change that, Turn to 10 reported on April 6.
“The ‘main street’ of Main Street really struggled. A lot of the buildings were in difficult condition, but people are taking a look at those now,” Baldelli-Hunt said.
Most notably, a brewery is opening at 122 North Main St., which is just down the road from the Stadium Theater. Lops Brewing will include a taproom, trivia and live music. The building was on the verge of being condemned until local businessman John Messier saw potential and began extreme rehab efforts, Baldelli-Hunt said.
The brewery is the namesake of Sean Lopolito, a home brewer from Plainville who looked at a handful of Rhode Island and Massachusetts locations before deciding on Woonsocket.
Legislation sponsored by Sen. Melissa Murray, a Democrat who represents District 24, and Rep. Michael Morin, another Democrat who represents District 49), to help pave the way for the brewery is now headed to the governor.
“We’re trying to get Rhode Island to compete with other states as far as beer tourism. Every time I say, ‘Beer tourism’ it sounds funny, but it’s a real thing,” Morin said in
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USA, KY: Maysville Brewing Company under construction in Maysville
A new brewery will be setting up shop in Maysville soon, the Ledger Independent reported on April 5.
The Maysville Brewing Company is currently under construction in the Limestone Square Building on West Second Street in downtown.
The brewery will be opened by Tiffany and Brandon Fields.
The couple said the brewery had been a dream for many years.
“My husband has wanted to do this for probably 12 years now,” she said. “It’s been a dream of his for a long time. The timing was never right and location was never right. When William started on this building, I found out about it and told my husband about it. We thought it was perfect for what we wanted to do. This was just the perfect space.”
Brandon Fields said it all started with brewing at home.
“I used to brew at home and people really liked,” he said. “They told me I should sell it. I started with the kits and decided I wanted to make my own recipes. I tried it and they were really good.”
The beer brewed in-house will be served at the bar, though the couple does not want the brewery to be mistaken for a bar.
According to Tiffany Fields, the couple
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USA, NY: Lunkenheimer Craft Brewing moving to larger facility in Weedsport
A small Cayuga County brewery that recently won a stack of medals for its beers has some big expansion plans this spring and summer, reported on April 5.
Lunkenheimer Craft Brewing is moving from its home at 8920 N. Seneca St. (Route 24) in Weedsport to a new and larger spot just down the street. The new location, at 8931 N. Seneca, will have double the space, to accomodate a larger brewhouse area and tasting room, and the addition of a wood-fired pizza oven.
Derric Slocum, who co-owns the brewery with his wife, Kristin Lunkenheimer Slocum, said he hopes to have the new space open in June. The brewery may be able to expand its hours and add a canning line for its beers, Slocum said.
It will continue to operate a relatively small 5-barrel brewhouse, but will add fermentation tanks to expand its production. It’s also planning to expand distribution in Onondaga County, through the Party Source Beverage Center in Syracuse, Slocum said. (Beers including a Blood Orange Kolsch shoukld be showing up in the Syracuse market next week, Slocum said.)
The Slocums have been working on the expansion for some time. It was important for them to find space in Weedsport,
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USA, OH: Fifty West Brewing Company planning new brewpub in Chillicothe
Fifty West Brewing Company, recently named one of the fastest growing craft brewers in the nation, is proving their ranking right by announcing the opening of a new brewpub location on Route 50 in Chillicothe, Ohio. The pub is slated to open in late 2019 or early 2020, the Cincinnati CityBeat reported on April 5.
“Route 50 spans across the heart of the country from Ocean City, Maryland to Sacramento. Our travels on this road gave us a sense of how America evolved and was built from coast to coast,” says Bobby Slattery, managing partner of Fifty West, in a release. “We had a dream that one day we could expand the Fifty West experience. This brewpub is the next step in bringing that vision to life.”
The new addition to the Fifty West portfolio will be located at 1 N. Paint St. in downtown Chillicothe; the renovation of the space will cost around $2 million and provide 30 new jobs to the area.
“Route 50 took us to an amazing town in Chillicothe, Ohio and we fell in love. Chillicothe is a city rich in people and history, with many parallels to our core values including access to trails, rivers, and parks.
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The Czech Republic: Beer output up 4.7% last year
Czech beer production and consumption is rising again. Czech breweries produced a record 21.3 million hectolitres of beer last year, an increase of 4.7
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Japan: Major brewers pouring resources into craft beers
Major brewing companies in Japan are pouring resources into increasing sales of unique tasting "craft beers", SFGate reported on April 8.
While domestic beer shipments
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World: Barley trade forecast unchanged from last month
World barley trade forecast for 2018/19 is almost unchanged from last month, at 26.555 mln tonnes, USDA said in its April report (the March
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Spain: Mahou San Miguel reports EUR170 mln of annual profits last year
Spanish beverage giant San Miguel raked in more than €170 million (£147 million) in pre-tax profits last year, according to the firm’s annual results,
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Argentina: Barley harvest forecast at up to 5 mln tonnes
The Buenos Aires Bolsa de Cereales reports that Argentina harvested 4.1 mln tonnes of barley, private estimates range from 4.5 to 5.0 mln tonnes,
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China & Australia: China warns anti-dumping investigation into Australian barley exports could take up to 18 months
China has warned its anti-dumping investigation into Australian barley exports could take up to 18 months, leaving the multi-billion industry in limbo after a
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World: Diageo launches €600 mln euro, £500 mln sterling denominated bonds
Guinness beer owner Diageo launched and priced €600 mln of fixed rate Euro and £500 mln of fixed rate Sterling denominated bonds under its
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EU: Diageo caught in a row between the EU and the UK
Diageo, the world’s largest premium alcoholic beverage group, is caught in the crossfire in a row between the European Union and the UK Treasury which could cost it £278 million in back tax, The Drinks Business reported on April 8.
The dispute centres on a tax scheme introduced in 2012 by the then Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne. It involves complex “controlled foreign company rules” covering how tax is levied on interest payments on inter-company loans made by offshore subsidiaries.
After an 18-month investigation, the European Commission has ruled that Osborne’s tax scheme gave an unfair advantage to multinational companies based in the UK and has ordered the Treasury to reclaim more than £1 billion from about 50 companies including Diageo.
The EU says the scheme falls foul of its rules designed to stop big companies avoiding tax by moving profits into countries where taxes are low. It says the measures introduced by Osborne were tantamount to state aid.
Tax experts say the position is a muddle and expect either HM Treasury, the companies involved or both to make legal challenges to the Commission’s ruling.
The EU’s Competition Commissioner, Margrethe Vestager is quoted by The Sunday Times as saying: “Anti-tax avoidance rules are important
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Myanmar: Burbrit Craft Brewery quenching Myanmar’s thirst for craft beer
On a hot summer morning at a riverside plot in Yangon’s North Dagon, a small team of brewers carry sacks of grain imported from Germany on their shoulders to a small mill. There’s a brewer using a wooden paddle to stir the grain in the mashing tank. It’s steamy and smelly and there are pressure and temperature gauges everywhere. The hot, gloopy mixture will go through sparging, boiling and fermentation, and malt, yeast and hops will be added in the perfect ratios to create the most deliciously smooth and refreshing craft beer in Myanmar, The Irrawaddy News Magazine reported on April 9.
This is Burbrit Craft Brewery, which was set up by a small group of enthusiasts in 2016, making history in Myanmar and delighting craft beer-lovers around Yangon. Initially, it took time to convince the local drinking community to pay up to five times more for a fresh, premium beer and outlets in the city and beyond were challenged by the necessity to keep it chilled at all times. But the brewery has defied the odds and gone from strength to strength, opening a flagship taproom close to downtown Yangon in 2017 and producing canned beer to supply 45 outlets
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Malaysia: Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia has no plans of further price hikes this year
Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Bhd does not plan to increase the price of its products for the rest of 2019, outgoing managing director Lars Lehmann was quoted as saying by The Sun Daily on April 10.
The group has hedged its needs for malt and barley, its two main components, as well as aluminium cans for the rest of 2019 to lock in the costs.
Chairman Datuk Toh Ah Wah said there will be “no major surprises” in prices, barring new regulatory changes.
Carlsberg has hiked price of certain products to distributors and retailers between 3% to 6% effective this month on rising costs.
“The price increase is preserving our margins. If we don’t do that, our margins will go down but we are able to keep our margins more or less unchanged,” Lehmann told a press conference after its AGM on April 10.
The rising costs of raw materials were attributed to escalating production costs with malt prices increasing by 15% to 20% due to bad barley harvests in Europe and Australia; the increase in prices of glass bottles by 4% in 2019 versus 2018’s prices; as well as utilities costs that were up 6.6% in July 2018.
Meanwhile, Lehmann pointed out the existing regulatory developments,
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