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| Newsletter 16a April 15 - April 17, 2019
Quote of the Week
They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.
Andy Warhol
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on April 17, 2019 |
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Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA: Heineken hoping for its zero alcohol beer to win Americans over
...Click here
Canada: Barley production estimated 6% higher than last season
...Click here
USA, VA: Twin Creeks Brewing Company announces plans for second location
...Click here
Canada, ON: Counterpart Brewing now open in Niagara Falls
...Click here
USA, IL: Plans for Pollyanna Brewing Company in St. Charles to be reviewed on April 15
...Click here
USA, CA: Ballast Point scraps plans for San Francisco brewery
...Click here
USA, PA: Saint Benjamin Brewing Co. closing for good on May 4
...Click here
Asia: AB InBev enlists Citigroup and Bank of America Merrill Lynch to work on IPO of its Asia Pacific business
...Click here
Vietnam: Sabeco shareholders decide to raise dividend payment despite drop in net profit last year
...Click here
Germany: Winter barley, wheat harvests expected to jump this year
...Click here
EU: Dry conditions in Spain, southeast Europe hurt yields prospects
...Click here
China & South Korea: China Resources Beer debuts new brand on South Korea’s market
...Click here
Ireland: Diageo to move to 100% recyclable packaging
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
Australia Barley Malt Exports
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
These Days in Business History
15 April
1892 - General Electric Company, forms and is incorporated in New York
1952 - Franklin National Bank issues 1st bank credit card
1973 - Walt Disney Store opens
16 April
1948 - Organization for European Economic Cooperation (EEC) forms in Paris
1986 - IBM produces 1st megabit-chip
17 April
1704 - 1st successful U.S. newspaper published in Boston by John Campbell
1933 - Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt announces that he will issue an executive order embargoing exports of gold and free the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar to float against foreign currencies
1964 - Ford Mustang is introduced to the North American market
1989 - An all-financial-news TV service premieres, as CNBC airs its first market broadcast
April 2019:
26 - 28: Zythos Beer Festival 2019 (Leuven, Belgium)
May 2019:
07 - 09: International Beer Strategies Conference 2019 (Dublin, Ireland)
15 - 17: Craft Beer China 2019 (Shanghai, China)
17 - 19: Mondial de la Biere 2019 (Paris, France)
21 - 23: Africa Brewing Conference 2019 (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
21 - 24: Beer 2019 (Sochi, Russia)
21 - 26: Latvia Beer Fest 2019 (Riga, Latvia)
22 - 25: Mondial de la Biere 2019 (Montreal, Canada)
23 - 25: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2019 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
28 - 30: Brasil Brau 2019 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
30 - 01 June: Expo Wine + Beer 2019 (Santiago de Chile, Chile)
June 2019:
02 - 06: The 37th Congress of the European Brewery Convention (Antwerp, Belgium)
03 - 04: The Brewers of Europe Forum 2019 (Antwerp, Belgium)
09 - 11: Brewing Conference 2019 (Bangkok, Thailand)
24 - 26: 2019 ASBC Meeting (New Orleans, USA)
25 - 26: BevExpo 2019 (Ricoh Arena, Judds Lane, Coventry, United Kingdom)
July 2019:
03 - 04: Craft Drinks India 2019 (Bengaluru, India)
09 - 11: Fdt Africa 2019 (Midrand, South Africa)
August 2019:
02 - 04: The 23rd International Berlin Beer Festival (Berlin, Germany)
06 - 10: The Great British Beer Festival 2019 (London, UK)
07 - 10: VIETFOOD & BEVERAGE - PROPACK 2019 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
09 - 10: Beervana 2019 (Wellington, New Zealand)
26 - 31: Copa Cervezas de America 2019 (Valparaiso, Chile)
September 2019:
04 - 08: Mondial de la Biere 2019 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
17 - 19: 10th Iberoamerican VLB Symposium Brewing & Filling Technology 2019 (Guadalajara, Mexico)
21 - 06 October: Oktoberfest 2019 (Munich, Germany)
26 - 27: Sea Brew 2019 (Bangkok, Thailand)
26 - 28: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2019 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2019:
03 - 05: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2019 (Stockholm, Sweden)
03 - 05: The Great American Beer Festival 2019 (Denver, USA)
November 2019:
12 - 14: Brau Beviale 2019 (Nuremberg, Germany)
27 - 29: Drink Japan 2019 (Makuhari Messe, Japan)
December 2019:
05 - 07: Drink Technology India 2019 (New Delhi, India)
More events are available on site
News Articles
USA: Heineken hoping for its zero alcohol beer to win Americans over
Americans are drinking less beer. Heineken has a plan to fix that, CNN reported on April 15.
Over the past four years, American beer consumption slid 5%, according to research firm Mintel. A quarter of US beer drinkers said in August that they consume less beer now than they did a year ago, Mintel added.
American drinkers are more focused on health and wellness, but they also want quality beer, wine and liquor that tastes good. Some are swapping out beer for pricey liquor: Spirits stole market share from beer and wine for the ninth straight year in 2018, with the more expensive liquors leading the way. Those who are still drinking beer are reaching for premium options.
Heineken thinks its zero alcohol product, Heineken 0.0, will appeal to people who value health and flavor. The company hopes the new brew, which took about five years to develop, will win people over.
"Making a brilliant non-alcoholic beer is really hard," Jonnie Cahill, Heineken USA's chief marketing officer, told CNN Business. When you remove alcohol from beer, you tend to remove flavor and aroma with it. But with 0.0 "we've cracked the technology."
The company wants to stop people from ditching beer and keep Heineken top
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Canada: Barley production estimated 6% higher than last season
For 2018-19, Canada’s barley production is estimated to have increased by 6% from 2017-18 to 8.4 million tonnes on higher area harvested, despite a lower yield, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada said in its April report.
The quality of the barley crop depended on when it was harvested. The early harvested crop was very good. There was significant quality degradation in unharvested crops in the northern grain belt. Overall, the quality of barley selected for malting was good. Total supply is lower than last year due to low carry-in stocks.
Canada is expected to export 2.7 mln tonnes of barley for 2018-19, which is 11% of the world trade. The exports include 2.0 mln tonnes for grain exports and 0.7 mln tonnes for products. The major export destinations are China, the US, Japan. According to Statistics Canada (STC), barley grain exports for the first six months in 2018-19 were 1.2 mln tonnes versus 1.0 mln for the same period last year but the export pace is expected to slow-down for the remainder of the crop year. Exports of malting barley for the six months reached 258 thousand tonnes, compared with 294 thousand tonnes for the same period last year.
Total domestic barley
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USA, VA: Twin Creeks Brewing Company announces plans for second location
Twin Creeks Brewing Company is pleased to announce plans for their second location, Twin Creeks Brewing at Explore Park, opening in the fall of 2019. They will be partnering with Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism to bring the historic Brugh Tavern back to life through local beer, food and entertainment, Brewbound reported on April 16.
Upon adoption of the lease agreement by Roanoke County’s board of supervisors later this month, Twin Creeks Brewing at Explore Park will occupy all three levels of The Brugh Tavern, (3900 Rutrough Road, Roanoke VA 24014), which was built in between 1792-1800 and originally located near the Great Wagon Road in Botetourt County. Brugh Tavern was relocated to Explore Park and dedicated on April 28, 1998, as an upscale, historic-ambiance restaurant. The main body of the building facing the central lawn is original construction, while the back portion of the building and industrial kitchen were added when the building was relocated. One of the main highlights of this beautiful building is a cozy basement area with stone walls and floors, which Twin Creeks Brewing at Explore Park plans to transform into a rustic wine and cider cellar.
While final details are in the works, visitors can
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Canada, ON: Counterpart Brewing now open in Niagara Falls
A brewery and restaurant with a mission of “building community through great craft beer and food” is now open in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canadian Beer News reported.
Counterpart Brewing was founded by Joe Sartor and Greg Gnys, two Niagara Region natives who met when both were working in Vancouver and were encouraged by family members in Niagara to move back and partner on a food and drink project.
The resulting establishment opened last month, and features a full-service bar and kitchen with a food program overseen by Gnys – a veteran chef with experience at several top tier restaurants in Niagara, England, and British Columbia – and beer developed by head brewer Jon McMillan.
Some of the beers available by the glass and in growlers at Counterpart since opening have included Hindsight Stout (6.2% abv), In Bloom Saison (5.5% abv), Here Goes Nothing Kolsch (5.2% abv), and Dreamwork Hazy IPA (7.1% abv).
Counterpart Brewing is located at 3659 Stanley Ave. in Niagara Falls, and is open from 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM on Monday to Thursday, and 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM on Friday and Saturday.
USA, IL: Plans for Pollyanna Brewing Company in St. Charles to be reviewed on April 15
A brewery is proposed for the space that previously housed Chord on Blues and River Rockhouse in St. Charles, the Kane County Chronicle reported on April 12.
Aldermen on April 15 are set to review plans of Pollyanna Brewing Company to locate in part of a building on South Riverside Avenue that had previously housed several businesses, including River Rockhouse and Chord on Blues.
The St. Charles City Council's Liquor Control Commission and Government Operations Committee are set to review the plans on April 15. The full City Council is set to vote on Pollyana's liquor license application at its May 6 meeting.
As proposed, Pollyanna would located in the southern half of the building at 106 S. Riverside Ave. in downtown St. Charles. A high end sports bar called Flagship on the Fox plans to open by mid-May in the building's northern half.
"We have been in discussions with the applicants for the better part of the last six months and they have completely vetted their concept and operations with other local breweries, the State of Illinois Liquor Control Commission and our Community Economic Development Department," St. Charles Police Chief James Keegan said in a memo.
Pollyanna also has locations in Lemont and Roselle.
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USA, VA: BadWolf Brewing sold to new owner
Jeremy and Sarah Meyers sold BadWolf Brewing after founding the company more than six years ago, reported on April 13.
The Manassas couple posted this announcement to the brewery’s blog.
“After almost six years in business, Sarah and Jeremy Meyers have made the decision to step down as owners and take on other roles in their lives. Doug Webb, a career firefighter for over 30 years has purchased the business. He wants to assure current customers that we will continue to operate and serve customers as we have in the past.
We are truly thankful for your business and friendship over the years. We hope that you will continue to support BadWolf Brewing Company and the new owner and staff. Whether you are stopping by for a pint or grabbing a growler to go, you can be assured to see the same smiling faces, receive the same great customer service and quality beers. On occasion, you may see Jeremy stopping by to brew a few guest batches.
Our current regular events will continue such as Books on Tap, Wicks & Sips and the Stein Club will remain in place.”
The Manassas brewery was one of the first in the region after Virginia legislators changed
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USA, CA: Ballast Point scraps plans for San Francisco brewery
Plans for a huge restaurant and brewery complex near the Golden State Warriors’ Chase Center in Mission Bay have been scrapped, the San Francisco Chronicle reported on April 17.
The project, backed by San Diego’s Ballast Point, had been slated to showcase a three-barrel research and development brewery.
But Ballast Point has recently been retrenching in California. Company representatives confirmed the closures of its 80,000-square-foot sour beer and barrel-aging facility in San Diego, which opened in 2017, as well as a brewpub in Temecula (Riverside County), which opened in 2016.
Warriors fans need not despair: Other new beer operations are still headed to Mission Bay, however. Little Creatures, an Australian brewing company, plans to open a restaurant and brewery in a 6,300-square-foot space in the neighborhood. San Francisco’s Seven Stills has an 18,000-square-foot bar and distillery in the works as well.
Ballast Point’s parent company, Constellation Brands, did not comment on whether the jettisoned venture would take shape elsewhere in the Bay Area.
“Consumers can continue to access Ballast Point products in on and off-premise establishments throughout Northern California and across the country,” Stephanie McGuane, a spokeswoman for Constellation Brands, said via email.
Constellation Brands also owns Corona and Modelo. Ballast Point came under its umbrella
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USA, PA: Saint Benjamin Brewing Co. closing for good on May 4
Saint Benjamin Brewing Co. in Kensington, Philadelphia will close for good month on May 4. The popular brewery, started by Tim Patton and Christina Burris, announced it will be shutting down via Instagram on April 15.
The brewery noted in its post, “If you haven’t already heard, we’re closing up shop May 4th. The building was sold and the buyers just aren’t that into us, so we’re getting kicked to the curb. S*** happens, we’ve all been dumped before.”
Saint Benjamin's brewery opened in 2014 and the restaurant and taproom opened in 2016.
Fox Brown, general manager for the taproom, confirmed the news with PhillyVoice. “It’s just a bummer,” she said. “We all live in the neighborhood. I watched everything kind of change around us in the last three years. We just kept getting better and better.”
Brown also confirmed that Saint Benjamin's owner has decided to go in another direction.
While both the business and building were up for sale, Patton sold the building but not the brand. The building will convert the space into residential units. While there may be space for a restaurant in those plans, Brown said, “definitely won’t be room for another brewery.
Saint Benjamin Brewing Co.'s last week will be
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Asia: AB InBev enlists Citigroup and Bank of America Merrill Lynch to work on IPO of its Asia Pacific business
Anheuser-Busch InBev has enlisted Citigroup and Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) to the team of banks working on the sale of its Asia-Pacific
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Vietnam: Sabeco shareholders decide to raise dividend payment despite drop in net profit last year
Shareholders in Saigon Beer-Alcohol-Beverage Corporation (Sabeco) have approved a plan to raise its dividend payment for 2018 from 35 to 50 percent, VNS/VNA reported on April 15.
The decision, announced at the annual shareholders’ meeting on April 12, caught investor attention due to the fact net profit declined 11 percent in 2018, its first drop since 2013.
Sabeco reported net revenue of 35.95 trillion VND (1.54 billion USD) in 2018, up 5 percent over 2018 and surpassing the yearly target by more than 2 percent. However, its profit after tax dropped 11 percent on-year to 4.4 trillion VND (roughly 189 million USD).
Sabeco witnessed big changes to its management board last year, with a representative of Vietnam Beverage, an indirect subsidiary of Thai Beverage (ThaiBev) controlled by tycoon Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi, joining its executive board in the second quarter.
The company paid total 35-percent cash dividend last year worth more than 2.2 trillion VND, of which ThaiBev received 1.2 trillion VND. With the higher dividend rate, expected to pay this year, Sabeco will pay an additional 960 billion VND and ThaiBev will collect an extra 515 billion VND.
Sabeco’s undistributed profit was estimated at 6.7 trillion VND after the dividend payment, but the company still faced
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Germany: Winter barley, wheat harvests expected to jump this year
Germany’s 2019 wheat harvest will jump 20.6 percent on the year to 24.44 million tonnes with rising expectations of a recovery after the drought-reduced
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EU: Dry conditions in Spain, southeast Europe hurt yields prospects
Dry conditions in Spain and southeast Europe have hurt yield prospects there for this year's grain harvest, the European Union's crop monitoring service said on April 15.
After flagging dryness in southern Europe as a risk last month, the MARS said a persistent lack of moisture had led it to lower its yield projections for crops in Spain, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece.
The stress to crops in these parts of southern Europe contrasted with generally decent crop conditions in the EU due to mild weather that has boosted plant growth, MARS said in its April report.
At EU level, the crop monitor slightly lowered its forecast of the average soft wheat yield in 2019 to 6.01 tonnes per hectare (t/ha) from an initial estimate of 6.04 t/ha last month.
That would be up 6.8 percent from a drought-hit 2018 level and 1.2 percent above the average of the past five years.
The EU's 2019 barley yield was projected at 4.95 t/ha, up 7.4 percent from last year.
That included an expected winter barley yield of 6.00 t/ha, revised down slightly from 6.02 t/ha last month, and a first spring barley yield forecast at 4.16 t/ha.
MARS kept unchanged its forecast of the 2019 EU rapeseed
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China & South Korea: China Resources Beer debuts new brand on South Korea’s market
The China Resources Beer Corp. (CRB), China's top brewer, debuted a new beer brand in South Korea to cater to rising demand for diversified flavors and high quality, its local distributor said on April 17.
The Beijing-based brewer showcased a new lager called Super X with a 3.8 percent alcohol content in South Korea to target young people, following its launch in China in March 2018.
Hyunwon Korea, its local distribution channel, will start selling the beer at local discount chains and convenience stores next month, with plans to target local restaurants later this year.
China's No. 1 brewer made a foray into the Korean market as Chinese alcohol has enjoyed growing popularity in Chinese restaurants here. Tsingtao is the most famous Chinese beer brand in South Korea, as it is considered a good pairing for lamb skewers.
"Although some say the Korean imported beer market is already saturated, we will make efforts to satisfy local consumers with deep flavors," Kim Jung-young, CEO of Hyunwon Korea, said in a press briefing.
CRB's flagship Snow Beer is the world's top brand with a 6.1 percent market share by volume, but it is mostly sold in mainland China with a 26 percent share in the nation as
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Cyprus: Beer production down 15.1% in March
Beer production in Cyprus fell by 15.1% in March, despite a significant increase in exports, according to data released by the Cyprus Statistical Service.
Total beer deliveries from breweries reached 1,552,134 litres this March compared to 3,015,485 litres in March last year, recording a drop of 15.1% or 456,351 litres.
Deliveries for local consumption reached 2,327,761 litres, down from 2,930,447 litres last year, recording a drop of 10.56% (602,686 litres)
On the contrary, beer exports came to 231,373 litres compared to just 85,038 litres in March last year, recording an impressive rise of 172%.
In March there was an increase of 34.5% in beer deliveries compared to February. Deliveries for local consumption recorded an increase of 30.3%. Imports recorded an increase of 98.6%.
Ireland: Diageo to move to 100% recyclable packaging
The company behind drinks brands Guinness and Rockshore has announced plans to move to 100% recyclable packaging, ditching the plastic rings and shrinkwraps from its products, reported on April 15.
Diageo – which supplies Guinness, Harp, Rockshore and Smithwicks – said it would replace plastic rings around cans of beer with biodegradable cardboard.
The company also said it will be investing €9.25 million in its bottling and packaging plant in Belfast and will see the new biodegradable packaging hit shelves in Ireland by August this year.
Plastic pollution has become a growing concern globally in recent years as large amounts of plastic is being found ingested by marine creatures and washing up on shores.
In January, Agriculture Minister Michael Creed called on fishing trawler operators to help remove some of the plastic from shores around Ireland.
“A coordinated action is required,” he said at the time, “to address the serious issue of pollution of the oceans with plastics.”
The move by the beer supplier will reduce plastic on a scale equivalent to removing 40 million 50cl plastic bottles, which if laid out in a row, could stretch from London to Beijing, it said.
It currently exports beer to more than 100 countries including
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