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| Newsletter 35a August 26 - August 28, 2019
Quote of the Week
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
Charles R. Swindoll
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Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on August 28, 2019 |
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1 USD = 0.9009 EUR
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1 USD = 1.4794 AUD
1 USD = 105.7800 JPY
1 USD = 4.1467 BRL
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1 CAD = 1.1159 AUD
1 CAD = 79.7900 JPY
1 CAD = 3.1279 BRL
1 CAD = 50.0263 RUB
1 CAD = 5.4005 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA, ME: Bateau Brewing opens its doors in Gardiner
...Click here
USA, VA: Adventure Brewing Company set to open Fredericksburg location in late fall
...Click here
USA, TN: Mill Creek Brewing Company expanding into Franklin with new brewery and taproom
...Click here
Canada, QB: Quebec Grain Growers are calling for immediate government action to support grain sector
...Click here
USA, OR: Thunder Island Brewing Co. breaks ground, offers virtual tour of its future location in Cascade Locks
...Click here
USA, AZ: Phoenix Ale Brewery closing, PHX Beer Co. opening instead
...Click here
USA, WA: Bremerton’s LoveCraft Brewing changes owners
...Click here
USA, NJ: Two Newark Local Beer founders eyeing next year opening
...Click here
USA, MN: Copper Trail Brewing to relocate to new facility in downtown Alexandria
...Click here
Australia: Japan’s Kirin and Asahi to battle for market leadership in Australia
...Click here
Vietnam: Sabeco to pay every shareholder VND1,500 per share for 2018 dividend plan
...Click here
Latvia: Craft beer accounts for 26.4% of total beer production in H1 2019
...Click here
World: Global supply of barley increasing at CAGR of 3.05% over four years
...Click here
South Korea: Diageo to stop production at Icheon plant due to waning demand
...Click here
UK: Sales of UK manufactured beer hit their lowest in 2018
...Click here
Australia: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission assessing Asahi’s purchase of Carlton & United Breweries
...Click here
India: United Breweries signs contract for 66 thousand tonnes of barley from Argentina – company source
...Click here
Australia & the Philippines: Philippine market could represent opportunities for Australia’s wheat, barley shipments
...Click here
Malaysia: Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Bhd managing director resigns after just four months in the position
...Click here
Portugal: Supermarket chain Mercadona adds two new blonde beer brands to its assortment
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
EU Hops and Alpha Acid Production 2017-2018
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
These Days in Business History
26 August
1541 - Turkish sultan Suleiman occupies Budapest and annexes Hungary
1843 - Charles Thurber patents a typewriter
1880 - Guillaume Apollinaire was born, poet/movie critic (Alcoola)
27 August
1910 - Mother Teresa was born (Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu), Yugoslavia, Nobel 1979
1950 - 1st transmission of a TV program from continental Europe shown on BBC
1965 - Le Corbusier, (Charles Jeanneret), Swiss/French architect, dies at 77
28 August
1565 - Oldest city in the US, St Augustine Fla, established
1828 - Lev Tolstoi was born, Russian writer (War & Peace, Anna Karenina) [OS]
1963 - Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream" speech held at Lincoln Memorial
August 2019:
26 - 31: Copa Cervezas de America 2019 (Valparaiso, Chile)
September 2019:
04 - 08: Mondial de la Biere 2019 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
17 - 19: 10th Iberoamerican VLB Symposium Brewing & Filling Technology 2019 (Guadalajara, Mexico)
21 - 06 October: Oktoberfest 2019 (Munich, Germany)
26 - 27: Sea Brew 2019 (Bangkok, Thailand)
26 - 28: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2019 (Stockholm, Sweden)
October 2019:
03 - 05: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2019 (Stockholm, Sweden)
03 - 05: The Great American Beer Festival 2019 (Denver, USA)
29 - 13 November: World Beer Cup 2020 (USA)
November 2019:
12 - 14: Brau Beviale 2019 (Nuremberg, Germany)
27 - 29: Drink Japan 2019 (Makuhari Messe, Japan)
December 2019:
05 - 07: Drink Technology India 2019 (New Delhi, India)
News Articles
USA, ME: Bateau Brewing opens its doors in Gardiner
The partners behind Bateau Brewing were punchy on August 22 and were more than ready to open their doors, the Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel reported on August 25.
Because that would not come for another day, Steve Casey, Matthew Kendall and Jim Swain were still busy putting tables and benches in place, fiercely and stubbornly debating the merits of the outside seating. They gathered behind the bar while their plumber explained what was going on with the dishwasher and tested the carbonation in the stout that will be one of their first offerings.
While the partners started talking about their plans last December, work started in earnest about five months ago.
The brewery opened to the public on Saturday, August 24.
“We’ve been working, the three of us, here six days a week since April,” Kendall said.
Since then, the three, assisted by local contractors and suppliers, have been laboring to transform the space they are leasing from a 19th century mercantile building on Water Street into a 21st century craft brewery and tasting room.
The changes include building a glass-encased brewing space, installing a grain silo on the side of the building and assembling a bar from which to dispense their brews. While they
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USA, VA: Adventure Brewing Company set to open Fredericksburg location in late fall
The University of Mary Washington Foundation says that the Eagle Village space that formerly housed Blackstone Coffee will become home to a different type of brew. Adventure Brewing Company, based in Stafford, will open a second location in the section of Eagle Village that fronts Route 1, the Fredericksburg Today reported on August 23.
Adventure Brewing’s owners, Tim Bornholtz, Stan Johnson and Russ Patishnock, said the move has been part of the company’s strategic plan to have a facility within the City of Fredericksburg.
“This location is one more way we can expand the adventurous spirit that has long been part of our core business plan,” Patishnock said. “We are thrilled to be able to provide our amazing line of craft beer and hard seltzers that we are recognized for.”
The Eagle Village location will expand the tasting room experience of the 33 Perchwood Drive headquarters, which will continue as the main production area.
“We are excited to have the most popular, locally-born brewer join our portfolio of restaurant offerings at Eagle Village,” said Foundation CEO Jeff Rountree. “As the craft beer industry has exploded in Virginia over the past decade, Adventure Brewing has repeatedly been recognized as an innovator in the business
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USA, TN: Mill Creek Brewing Company expanding into Franklin with new brewery and taproom
Mill Creek Brewing Company will be expanding into Franklin with a brewery facility and taproom, reported on August 25 citing an announcement by the company.
The Franklin taproom would be the Nolensville brewery's third and will likely focus on specialty beers.
"It does give us extra brewing capacity, which is awesome news," Liz Hadaway said. "But it also gives us a chance to add taproom space."
Space the three-year-old brewery can use, Hadaway said.
"In three years there has been a lot of growth, but last year we saw about 100 percent growth from what we produced," Hadaway said.
And Mill Creek isn't the only beer-maker making a move. Last month, Yazoo Brewing Company opened a new facility in Madison.
"There's been a lot of movement in the industry in the last few years," Hadaway said. "The beer industry is hot right now."
Hadaway said that "heat" is caused by a growing mid-state population and a bevy of beer drinking tourists.
"Nashville is the 'it' spot right now, and even being on the outskirts a little bit here in Nolensville, we definitely see it," she said.
Still, it has brewers wondering when the 'it city' will be tapped out.
"It's growing and I think the question is, how many
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Canada, QB: Quebec Grain Growers are calling for immediate government action to support grain sector
The Quebec Grain Growers are calling for immediate government action to support the Quebec grain sector in the face of the crisis caused by the ongoing trade war, CTV News reported on August 27.
They point out that the United States government is providing significant financial assistance to its affected producers.
The Grain Growers of Quebec argue that the last 14 months of discussions and exchanges with the governments of Canada and Quebec have not brought any significant results.
"The federal government is showing great indifference to grain producers affected by the unstable business climate created by political decisions beyond the control of agricultural producers," said Grain Growers President Christian Overbeek. "The trade war between the United States and China and the tense relations between Canada and China have an impact on the ability of Quebec producers to market their crops or obtain an adequate price."
He adds that the American government subsidies for its producers substantially reduce the competitiveness of companies in Quebec.
Provincial producers have observed that grain prices, particularly for soybeans and canola, have declined significantly for several months and that risk management programs are ineffective.
Quebec grain producers say they represent some 10,500 producers in Quebec. They produce and market grains including
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USA, OR: Thunder Island Brewing Co. breaks ground, offers virtual tour of its future location in Cascade Locks
More than 100 people got to tour a new brewery building coming to the main drag in Cascade Locks in 2020 — at least virtually, the Pamplin Media Group reported on August 23.
Using virtual reality glasses, visitors to the Thunder Island Brewing Co.'s groundbreaking ceremony, held at the future location at 601 WaNaPa St. in Cascade Locks, were able to explore the nooks and crannies of the future space. They walked into the expansive dining area, saw the improved brewing system that will offer even more adult beverages, and made their way up to the second floor balcony for an unparalleled view of the Columbia River and Cascade Mountain Range. Eventually, the roof will be open to visitors as well.
"It's finally happening — I'm really excited about the new building," said Dave Lipps, founder and co-owner of Thunder Island alongside his wife Caroline. "It's been a long, long road to get to this point. This is going to be great for not only business and staff, but also for our community of Cascade Locks."
The festivities took place Tuesday evening, Aug. 20, as neighbors and friends were invited to visit the future space of the brewery while enjoying food and beer
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USA, AZ: Phoenix Ale Brewery closing, PHX Beer Co. opening instead
Later this fall, Phoenix will gain a new brewery but the Valley will also lose one as well. Phoenix Ale Brewery is closing, and new brewery called PHX Beer Co. will open in the brewery and restaurant spaces the company currently owns and operates, reported on August 23.
A group of local real estate developers purchased Phoenix Ale Brewery's locations and equipment. The new owners include Carl Perrone, Buzz Gosnell, Niels Kreipke and Chris Rose.
Though the exact timeline for the change is unclear, PHX Beer Co. will take over Phoenix Ale Brewery's production space at 3002 E. Washington St. and the Central Kitchen restaurant at 5813 N. 7th St.
The new owners also plan to open a third location in north Scottsdale.
Adam Wojcik, an Arizona native and 17-year veteran of the beer industry, will lead the new PHX Beer Co. team as brewery director.
"There were a lot of positives to Phoenix Ale Brewery so we wanted to grow on that," Wojcik says. "It's a great brew house with equipment that we wanted to take advantage of."
Under Wojcik's direction, the brewery will release all new beers including a flagship IPA. Other beers to come include Arizona Gold and Orange Grove
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USA, WA: Bremerton’s LoveCraft Brewing changes owners
LoveCraft Brewing in Bremerton has new owners, the Kitsap Sun reported on August 25.
The popular downtown brewery, which opened in 2015 across from the Norm Dicks Government Center on Fifth Street, has been sold to an investment group that includes Kitsap native Ed Fassio.
Former owners Tasha and Jesse Wilson explored selling the brewery about a year ago, during the final year of their lease. They were hoping to find someone who would continue and expand the LoveCraft brand, Tasha Wilson said.
"I think we got sort of the ideal outcome out of it, which is cool," Wilson said.
Fassio, who grew up in Kitsap and graduated from Olympic High School, is returning to the peninsula after working in Seattle for several years. After spending a lot of time "drinking a lot of beer in taprooms in Seattle," Fassio said he and his investment partners began looking to buy a brewery.
"I happened to say, I'd love to own one in Kitsap if I could find it," Fassio said.
LoveCraft opened in 2015 after the Wilsons raised $30,000 on Kickstarter to open a brewery with beers and imagery inspired by the works of horror author H.P. Lovecraft. During the last four
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USA, NJ: Two Newark Local Beer founders eyeing next year opening
Newark once boasted of several large breweries like Ballantine and Krueger Brewing Co.
Now, two entrepreneurs are trying to revive that culture and get beer flowing back to the city, reported on August 24.
Newark Local Beer, a micro-brewery, will open inside the renovated Walker House next year, providing unique and local flavors right in the city’s downtown.
“Newark has this incredible rich beer history that sort of faded as the city itself suffered,” said Miller Hughes, 43, who is opening the brewery with her husband, Steve Hughes. “We thought what an amazing time to start to bring that beer culture back.”
Newark Local Beer will open inside a 6,300 square-foot space on the ground floor sometime in early 2020. The tap room will fit about 190 people and also offer a private space for parties or events. About 1,000 barrels will be brewed a year.
“We’re going to focus on unique flavors,” said Steve Hughes, 44, who has home brewed for more than two decades. “Recipes will be constantly changing ... we’ll be flexible and small enough in scale so we can change at the tip of a hat. We’ll be able to shift very quickly with demand and interest.”
The Hughes live in
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USA, MN: Copper Trail Brewing to relocate to new facility in downtown Alexandria
Copper Trail Brewing will be relocating from its current 60-seat taproom in the Willow Creek Complex to a new 150-seat taproom and 15-barrel brewhouse at 205 Broadway Street in downtown Alexandria, the Alexandria Echo Press reported on August 23.
The new location will also feature outdoor seating on Broadway.
The brewing company is throwing a celebration on Friday, Aug. 30, at noon, with games, entertainment and food trucks planned.
Australia: Japan’s Kirin and Asahi to battle for market leadership in Australia
With the acquisition of a leading Australian beer brewer, Asahi Group Holdings Ltd. will battle with Kirin Holdings Co., a Japanese industry peer and
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Vietnam: Sabeco to pay every shareholder VND1,500 per share for 2018 dividend plan
The Saigon Beer-Alcohol-Beverage Corporation (Sabeco) will pay every shareholder VNĐ1,500 (US$0.06) per share, or a 15 per cent cash dividend rate, to complete its
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Latvia: Craft beer accounts for 26.4% of total beer production in H1 2019
Latvia’s small craft brewers produced 11 mln litres of beer in the first half of this year, or 26.4% of the nation’s total beer output over the reporting period, reported on August 22 citing data by the State Revenue Service.
As of the end of June, 55 companies had the status of ‘small brewery’ in Latvia.
The nation’s total beer production in January – June amounted to 41.73 mln litres, which is 4.1% more than over H1 2018.
A recent poll by retail chain Maxima showed 94% of Latvians preferred domestic beers.
World: Global supply of barley increasing at CAGR of 3.05% over four years
The global supply of barley has risen at a CAGR of 3.05 percent over a period of four years, according to Beroe Inc, a
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South Korea: Diageo to stop production at Icheon plant due to waning demand
Diageo Korea, a top whisky manufacturer in Korea, said on August 28 it will plug off its local plant in Icheon, Gyeonggi Province by
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UK: Sales of UK manufactured beer hit their lowest in 2018
The manufacture of fruit and vegetable juice was the fastest growing sub sector in the UK food industry, growing 17% from £654 million in 2017 to £768 million in 2018, Business Matters reported on August 27.
Research shows that more than half of people aged 16 to 24 consume juice drinks at least once a day. Consumption of smoothies has seen the biggest increase among all fruit juice drinks with Brits spending £112 million alone on these last year alone.
Sales of UK manufactured beer have meanwhile hit their lowest level in a decade at £3.1 billion – down from £3.7 billion the year before – as young people increasingly turn to alcohol free alternatives. Beer sales reached their peak in 2009, when Brits consumed £4.8 billion in beer.
Food and drink remained the largest UK manufacturing sector in 2018, reporting sales of £71.8 billion – a 3% increase on 2017. Overall UK manufacturing sales hit a record high of £390.1 billion in 2018 – an increase of £9.4 billion (2.5%) from the previous year.
Andrew Williams, Head of Food & Drink Sector, Santander UK, said: “Food and drink manufacturing is vital to the health of the economy and the UK is widely seen
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Australia: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission assessing Asahi’s purchase of Carlton & United Breweries
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is assessing Asahi’s proposed purchase (A$16 billion) of Carlton & United Breweries (CUB) which, if the deal closes, would affect more than half of Australia’s beer market, the Trailer Magazine reported on August 26.
The proposed acquisition was announced 19 July 2019 and involves Asahi acquiring CUB by way of a share acquisition.
The ACCC said in a request for submissions dated 23 August 2019 that its investigation is focused on the impact on competition, specifically: whether Asahi and CUB compete closely for the supply of beer, cider and spirits products; the likely impact on prices; and the extent to which large customers, such as supermarket chains, hotel groups or distributors, could sponsor entry or expansion by a rival supplier if the proposed acquisition were to result in a price increase.
Submissions are open until 6 September 2019. The provisional date for the announcement of the ACCC’s findings is expected to be 31 October 2019.
The ACCC is testing section 50 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 which prohibits acquisitions that are likely to have the effect of substantially lessening competition in a market.
The Australian Financial Review claims that a combined Asahi-CUB would likely comprise more
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India: United Breweries signs contract for 66 thousand tonnes of barley from Argentina – company source
Bengaluru-based United Breweries Ltd has signed a contract to import around 66,000 tonnes of barley from Argentina at $205-$207 per tonne, cost and freight, Cogencis reported on August 23 citing a company source.
The imports are scheduled to reach Adani Port in Gujarat in the first week of September, the official said.
Malt makers in the country had imported around 45,000 tonnes of barley in August, according to industry estimates.
Currently, the barley market is seeing a supply crunch as arrivals are negligible, while demand from domestic stockists is on the rise. Due to this, malt makers have turned to imports to meet their requirements, said the owner of a malt company based in Jaipur.
Supplies in the market are negligible as stocks with farmers have dried up, said Umesh Khandelwal, owner of the jaipur-based Krishna Broker Agency.
According to the agriculture ministry's fourth advance estimate, India's barley output in 2018-19 is seen at 1.75 mln tonnes, compared with the final estimate of 1.78 mln tonnes for the previous year.
Australia & the Philippines: Philippine market could represent opportunities for Australia’s wheat, barley shipments
Providing grains education and technical services in the Philippines could stimulate and support demand for Australian wheat and barley in that country, according to a new AEGIC report, the Grain Central reported on August 27.
Report co-author Dr Peter White said while there were other more compelling prospects for Australian grain in South East Asia, strong population and consumption growth in the Philippines could represent opportunities for Australia.
Dr White said the median age of Filipinos was 23 years which — coupled with the estimated $US25 billion sent home by the 10 million Filipinos living in other countries — meant people were consuming more wheat-based products.
“Consumers that are relatively wealthy and young tend to eat more convenience foods, including instant noodles and baked products,” he said.
“There is significant demand for wheat in the Philippines, in fact it is already one of Australia’s biggest wheat markets. In 2018 it was Australia’s second biggest wheat market by volume (1.4 mln tonnes) and value (A$437 mln).
“However almost all of this is for animal feed, a market which is more at risk from lower-cost producers and other commodities.
“The wheat for food market is dominated by the United States, which has very strong historical ties with the
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Malaysia: Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Bhd managing director resigns after just four months in the position
Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Bhd managing director (MD) Theodoros (Ted) Akiskalos has resigned from the company after just four months in the position, citing family reasons, The Edge Markets MY reported on August 26.
In May, 40-year-old Akiskalos had replaced Lars Lehmann, who was appointed as executive vice president for Eastern Europe of Carlsberg A/S.
In a bourse filing on August 26, Carlsberg Malaysia said Akiskalos will leave his post and the Carlsberg Group on Oct 25, and will relocate to Europe.
"The search for Ted's successor is underway and will be announced in due course," it added.
Akiskalos currently oversees Carlsberg's operations in Malaysia and Singapore, as well as its investment in Sri Lanka.
In a separate statement, Carlsberg Malaysia said Akiskalos will be pursuing a career opportunity outside the Carlsberg Group and will join a private equity investment firm based in London.
During the transition period, it added that Akiskalos will continue to manage the business affairs of the company to ensure its SAIL'22 strategic initiatives are executed effectively.
Prior to his current role, Akiskalos was the MD of Carlsberg Sweden for three years since June 2016, MD of Carlsberg Hong Kong for two years since January 2014 and vice president of group strategy of the
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Portugal: Supermarket chain Mercadona adds two new blonde beer brands to its assortment
Spanish supermarket chain Mercadona has added two new blonde beer brands to its drinks assortment in Portugal, ESM reported on August 27.
It includes A Minha (Mine), a lager beer with intense flavour, and A Tua (Yours), a mild blonde beer with a more subtle and a bitter taste.
Both beers are 100% natural and do not contain any additives such as dyes or preservatives.
The new products were developed specifically for Portuguese consumers by Mercadona's co-innovation centre in Matosinhos.
The retailer analysed the tastes and consumption habits of Portuguese consumers for three years before developing the new beverages.
The two beers are being produced by Mercadona’s cider supplier, Totaler Font Salem.
Mercadona opened its first four supermarkets in Portugal in July, with an assortment that caters to the tastes of Portuguese consumers.