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| Newsletter 52a December 25 - December 31, 2023
Quote of the Week
I wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, with your pockets full of money, and your cellar full of beer.
Old English carol

Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on December 30, 2023 |
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar on December 30, 2023 |
1 USD = 0.9041 EUR
1 USD = 0.7849 GBP
1 USD = 1.3234 CAD
1 USD = 1.4659 AUD
1 USD = 141.3140 JPY
1 USD = 4.8505 BRL
1 USD = 89.2531 RUB
1 USD = 7.0627 CNY
1 CAD = 0.7555 USD
1 CAD = 0.5930 GBP
1 CAD = 0.6830 EUR
1 CAD = 1.1074 AUD
1 CAD = 106.7590 JPY
1 CAD = 3.6645 BRL
1 CAD = 67.4285 RUB
1 CAD = 5.3357 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA: Beer shipments expected to fall to their lowest in quarter-century
...Click here
USA, TX: Backyard Brewery Co. planning a new location in Dickinson
...Click here
USA, NC: North Carolina’s first Black-owned brewery Proximity Brewing already open for business
...Click here
USA, KS: Aggieville Brewing Company announces Grand Opening in Manhattan
...Click here
USA, TX: Ingenious Brewing Company closing the doors permanently in January
...Click here
USA, MI: Ellison Brewing Co. to permanently close its REO Town location
...Click here
Bolivia: Beer industry facing brewing concerns over new government measure
...Click here
Russia: January-November beer output increases by 1.6%
...Click here
Australia & China: Chinese appetite for Australian barley is back
...Click here
Brazil: Billionaire Marcel Telles hands stake in AB InBev to son as part of succession plannning
...Click here
Russia: Russia's Baltika asks Kremlin to protect its trademarks abroad
...Click here
Ukraine: Barley export in marketing year 2023/24 total 991,000 tonnes to-date
...Click here
South Korea: Major brewer Hite Jinro to target young whisky lovers in 2024
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
Barley and Wheat Usage by UK Maltsters, Brewers, and Distillers
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
These Days in Business History
25 December
1848 - New Haven Railroad opens
1947 - Taiwan passes Human Rights laws (Day of Earth Law)
1954 - WSFA TV channel 12 in Montgomery AL (NBC) begins broadcasting
1959 - Sony brings transistor TV 8-301 to the market
26 December
1854 - Wood-pulp paper 1st exhibited
1878 - 1st US store to install electric lights, Philadelphia
1950 - Gillette & Mutual buy All Star & World Series rights ($6 million for 6 years)
1975 - 1st supersonic transport service (Tupolev-144)
1991 - The Standard & Poor's 500-stock index closes above 400 for the first time, finishing the day at 404.84
2009 - China opens the world's longest high-speed rail route, which links Beijing and Guangzhou
27 December
1825 - 1st public railroad using steam locomotive completed in England
1928 - Portfolio manager Walter Morgan founds the nation's first 'balanced' mutual fund, the Industrial and Power Securities Co., which invests in both stocks and bonds
1945 - International Monetary Fund established - World Bank founded
2001 - China is granted permanent normal trade relations with the United States
28 December
1869 - William Finley Semple of Mount Vernon OH, patents chewing gum
1895 - Auguste and Louis Lumiere are born (1st commercial cinema)
1967 - After 175 years, the New York Stock Exchange finally admits its first woman member, Muriel Siebert of Muriel Siebert & Co
2000 - U.S. retail giant Montgomery Ward announces it is going out of business after 128 years
29 December
1862 - Bowling ball invented
1867 - 1st telegraph ticker used by a brokerage house, Groesbeck & Co, NY
1891 - Edison patents "transmission of signals electrically" (radio)
1997 - Russia signs agreement to build a $3B nuclear power plant in China
30 December
1851 - Asa Griggs Candler is born (developed Coca-Cola)
1854 - Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company, 1st in US, incorporated in New York NY
1861 - US banks stops payments in gold
1958 - French franc devalued
1988 - Mercedes-Benz pays $20.2-M fine failed to meet '86 government fuel standard
1990 - 11th United Negro College Fund raises $10,000,000
31 December
1776 - Rhode Island establishes wage & price controls to curb inflation: Limit is 70 cents a day for carpenters, 42 cents for tailors
1781 - Bank of North America, 1st US bank opens
1981 - CNN Headline News debuts
1997 - Microsoft buys Hotmail E-mail service
1998 - The European Exchange Rate Mechanism freezes the values of the legacy currencies in the Eurozone, and establishes the value of the euro currency
February 2024:
01 - 02: Glug Swiss 2024 (Alte Reithalle, Aarau, Switzerland)
09 - 12: HoReCa 2024 (Athens, Greece)
18 - 21: Beer & Food Attraction 2024 (Rimini, Italy)
23 - 25: Finest Spirits 2024 (Munich, Germany)
March 2024:
12 - 14: ExpoAntad 2024 (Guadalajara, Mexico)
13 - 15: 108 International Brewing & Engineering Congress 2024 (Groningen, the Netherlands)
13 - 14: BeerX 2024 (Liverpool, UK)
21 - 23: Warsaw Beer Festival 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)
22 - 24: Barcelona Beer Festival 2024 (Barcelona, Spain)
22 - 23: InnBrew 2024 (Barcelona, Spain)
22 - 24: St Malo Craft Beer Expo 2024 (St Malo, France)
April 2024:
11 - 13: KIBEX 2024 (Seoul, South Korea)
21 - 24: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2024 (Las Vegas, USA)
24 - 24: World Beer Cup 2024 (Las Vegas, USA)
27 - 28: Zythos Beer Festival 2024 (Kortrijk, Belgium)
May 2024:
14 - 16: International Beer Strategies Conference 2024 (Porto, Portugal)
20 - 26: Budapest Beer Week 2024 (Budapest, Hungary)
24 - 26: Cerveza Mexico Expo 2024 (Guadalajara, Mexico)
24 - 26: Mondial de la Biere 2024 (Montreal, Canada)
26 - 30: The Brewers of Europe Forum 2024 (Lille, France)
30 - 01 June: Craft Beer China 2024 (Shanghai, China)
June 2024:
06 - 09: Wiener Bierfest 2024 (Vienna, Austria)
11 - 13: Brasil Brau 2024 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
14 - 15: Tallinn Craft Beer Weekend 2024 (Tallinn, Estonia)
August 2024:
08 - 10: VIETFOOD & BEVERAGE - VIETNAM 2024 (Saigon Exhibitions and Conventions Center, 799 Nguyen Van Linh Street, District 7, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam)
23 - 24: Beervana 2024 (Wellington, New Zealand)
September 2024:
14 - 15: Bruges Beer Festival 2024 (Bruges, Belgium)
21 - 06 October: Oktoberfest 2024 (Munich, Germany)
October 2024:
03 - 04: Brew Asia 2024 (Suntec Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore)
News Articles
USA: Beer shipments expected to fall to their lowest in quarter-century
The beer industry is undergoing what appears to be a significant transformation. Current trends suggest that the industry’s U.S. shipments will fall to their
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USA, TX: Backyard Brewery Co. planning a new location in Dickinson
Backyard Brewery Co. is planning to occupy a new 4,900-square-foot building that will house a microbrewery and new restaurant by the end of 2024, the Houston Chronicle reported on December 28.
Currently located about 200 to 300 feet outside Dickinson city limits, the brewery at 1675 Dickinson Avenue is a little off the beaten path.
The new location would place the business across the street from city hall — the ideal spot for the kind of community watering hole vice president and head brewer Mike Starr has in mind.
“The idea is to move our brewing operations and the restaurant right near the heart of Dickinson,” Starr said.
The 36-year-old said he hopes to recreate what has made the brewing company a staple for craft beer enthusiasts in the Dickinson community and beyond since it opened in 2019.
With its Astro turf flooring and bamboo fencing, the Backyard experience is what its name advertises.
“We want it to feel like you’re drinking beer in your backyard,” Starr said. “I want to keep that same vibe.”
The bar and brewery will take up the first floor. The restaurant — which will include a terrace with 21-years-and-over seating — will be on the second floor, serving American-style comfort
...More info on site
USA, NC: North Carolina’s first Black-owned brewery Proximity Brewing already open for business
Proximity Brewing, the North Carolina’s first Black-owned brewery, is open for business in Durham, WRAL TechWire reported on December 22.
Entrepreneur Mike Potter debuted Proximity in early December, Axios reported.
The brewery includes an indoor bar, lounge and outdoor patio.
Potter partnered with Charlotte’s Resident Culture, Winston-Salem’s Incendiary, Cary’s Bond Brothers and Durham’s Fullsteam to craft the Proximity beverages.
USA, KS: Aggieville Brewing Company announces Grand Opening in Manhattan
The Aggieville Brewing Company has officially announced their Grand Opening in Manhattan, News Radio KMAN reported on December 27.
Owner-operators, and Manhattan natives, Ryan and Amber Emley invite the community to celebrate with them next week. Their team is working diligently to craft the perfect beer and food menu using quality ingredients. They’re excited to finally be able to share their new space and family-friendly atmosphere with everyone.
The location is home to a brewing production facility and taproom, featuring 18 taps of in-house beer. Czech Pilsner, Hazy IPA, Imperial Stout, and a Raspberry Wheat are a sampling of the in-house brews they’ll have on tap. There’s also a full bar-menu of cocktails and wine. Guests at the celebration will enjoy high-quality beer, thoughtfully prepared traditional BBQ, and new-age pub-fare.
Join the Emleys for their Grand Opening Celebration January 4th from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Aggieville Brewing Company, located at 612 Pillsbury Drive.
USA, TX: Ingenious Brewing Company closing the doors permanently in January
The owners of Humble's Ingenious Brewing Company said on December 26 they are closing the doors permanently during the first week of 2024, marking an end of the six-year-old business, the Houston Chronicle reported.
"It is with a heavy heart that today we have to announce the upcoming closure of our dear brewery." the company said in a Facebook post. "As many of you are aware, COVID-19 and the consequential economic/sociologic changes have been brutal to craft beer industry; we were no exception."
Founded in 2017 by Justin Gyorfi, a urologist, and Mike Broderick, a home brewer originally from Pennsylvania, Ingenious has billed itself as a brewpub that specialized in small-batch beers, particularly stouts and IPAs.
The company was issued its first license from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission in 2017, and most recently renewed it in August, according to state records. The brewpub opened to the public in 2018.
The company said the financial blows caused by the COVID-19 pandemic had finally taken its toll.
"We strapped down and pivoted every way possible to try and lessen the loss," the post said. "Unfortunately it’s now nearly 3 years later and despite multiple rounds of loans and the employee retention credits keeping us floating, the
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USA, NJ: Flying Fish Brewing files for bankruptcy
Flying Fish Brewing Co., one of the oldest breweries in South Jersey, has filed for bankruptcy, the Press of Atlantic City reported on December 30.
The Somerdale, Camden County, company's filing comes on the heels of it failing to sell its assets earlier this year to Cape May Brewing Company.
Flying Fish listed liabilities of roughly $8 million in a Chapter 11 filing Thursday. It reported assets of about $1.3 million, which included its brewing equipment worth about $500,000.
In the filing, Flying Fish cited a decline in gross revenue, falling from about $4 million in each of the previous two years to $3.1 million for this year through Wednesday. It will continue operations as a debtor in possession.
Flying Fish opened in 1996 in Cherry Hill and moved to nearby Somerdale in 2012. It distributes beer to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland.
In the spring, Cape May Brewing announced it would acquire Flying Fish's production facility and other assets, including the Flying Fish name. That deal fell through in June.
“After extensive analysis during the diligence phase, Cape May Brewing Company determined it will not complete the planned acquisition of Flying Fish,” brewery President Frank Stempin told The Press of Atlantic City in October.
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USA, MI: Ellison Brewing Co. to permanently close its REO Town location
Ellison Brewing Co. announced plans on December 29 to permanently close its South Washington Avenue location in REO Town, the Lansing Estate Journal reported.
The brewery, restaurant and private event space's last day of operation will be Saturday, according to a post on the business's Facebook page. It's one of two locations operated by owner Aaron Hanson who opened Ellison Brewing in 2015. Ellison Brewery + Spirits, located on Dawn Avenue in East Lansing, will continue to operate, according to the social media post.
"After an extensive analysis of 2023 sales, expenses, lease renewal and 2024 economic trends, we are making the decision to permanently close the REO Town location as we couldn't make the numbers work to make that location profitable," it read. "We cannot accept keeping it open and operating at a net loss. All our employees have been offered jobs in production or at the East Lansing taproom as we feel we have a great team and we want to retain them."
Hanson could not be reached for comment at either brewery location Friday afternoon.
The business extended its lease at 1314 S. Washington Ave. in REO Town into December "while we figured out what the future looks like," according to
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Bolivia: Beer industry facing brewing concerns over new government measure
A recent government measure has sparked alarm and discontent among producers and entrepreneurs in Bolivia’s beer industry. Although the specifics of this measure are not detailed in the provided content, the implication suggests a significant negative impact on the sector, potentially affecting beer production, marketing, or regulation in the country, reported on December 22.
This development has prompted those involved in the industry to express concern, indicating that there could be adverse consequences for businesses, employees, and beer consumers. The industry’s reaction suggests that the measure might have been unexpected or its effects not fully evaluated before implementation.
The unrest in the sector underscores the importance of beer in the local economy and the role it plays in employment and leisure. The news highlights the need for a dialogue between the government and representatives of the beer industry to address concerns and seek solutions benefiting both sides and consumers.
In a related context, tax evasion due to illegal alcoholic beverages in Bolivia reaches $380 million per year, equating to 20% of the country’s total alcohol market. This situation directly affects the national industry, as 75% of this market consists of smuggled merchandise. According to a study, the money lost by the state
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Russia: January-November beer output increases by 1.6%
Russia’s January-November beer production is reported to have increased by 1.6% year-on-year, Rosstat said on December 29.
In November alone, the nation’s brewers produced 6.76
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Australia & China: Chinese appetite for Australian barley is back
Three years after steep Chinese tariffs halted imports of Australian barley as tensions between the two countries ratcheted higher, the grain is once again
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Brazil: Billionaire Marcel Telles hands stake in AB InBev to son as part of succession plannning
Marcel Telles, the billionaire Brazilian investor who cofounded buyout firm 3G Capital Inc., donated his stake in brewer Anheuser-Busch InBev SA to his son Max in a major step toward succession planning, Bloomberg reported on December 26.
Telles’ stake in AB InBev, which he helped build through a series of deals with his partners Jorge Paulo Lemann and Carlos Sicupira, is worth about $6.1 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
He’ll transfer the entirety of the stake to Max, who will also replace him at the entity that controls the investment, according to a filing on December 26 with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Telles, 73, is the youngest of the billionaire trio and the one who spent the most time working at brewers during their partnership that stretches back to the 1970s. He ran Brazil’s Brahma after it was acquired by their former investment bank Garantia in the late 1980s and then helped create Ambev in 1999. AB InBev, maker of Budweiser, Stella Artois and Michelob Ultra, was formed in 2008 after mergers with Belgium’s Interbrew and Anheuser-Busch.
Telles’ net worth has gained 9% this year to $10.7 billion, according to Bloomberg’s wealth index.
He has already transferred some of
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Russia: Russia's Baltika asks Kremlin to protect its trademarks abroad
Russia’s leading brewer Baltika has asked Russia to help protect its brands in what Moscow calls "friendly" countries, the Vedomosti daily reported on December 29, amid a battle with Danish brewer Carlsberg over the right to use a number of trademarks.
A Russian court found in December that Baltika, Russia's second-largest brewer, could continue to use Carlsberg brands even though the Danish brewer has been stripped of control of the firm and revoked Baltika's licences.
Baltika's first vice president, Alexander Dedegkaev, told Kremlin chief of staff, Anton Vaino, in a letter that the right to use a series of major brands had been transferred to Carlsberg improperly in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Vedomosti reported, citing the letter.
Dedegkaev therefore requested that Vaino, one of the most powerful men in the Kremlin, ask the patent offices of CIS countries and Turkmenistan and Mongolia to suspend the registration of license agreements for the use of the brands, Vedomosti reported.
Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the temporary seizure of Carlsberg's stake in Baltika in July, along with French yoghurt maker Danone's Russian subsidiary.
Ukraine: Barley export in marketing year 2023/24 total 991,000 tonnes to-date
In the 2023/2024 marketing year (MY) (from July 1 to December 27, 2023), Ukraine exported 17.484 million tons of grains and legumes. According to Ukrinform, this was reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.
In the current MY Ukraine has already exported 7.255 million tons of wheat, 991,000 tons of barley, 1,000 tons of rye, and 9.097 million tons of corn.
For comparison, from July 1 to December 30, 2022/2023, Ukraine exported 22.613 million tons of grains and pulses, including 8.382 million tons of wheat, 1.632 million tons of barley, 12,500 tons of rye, and 12.523 million tons of corn.
For 27 days of December 2023, Ukraine exported 4.387 million tons of grains and pulses (for 30 days of December last year, 4.731 million tons), incl. 1.346 million tons of wheat (1.612 million tons in December last year), 117,000 tons of barley (156,000 tons in December last year), 100 tons of rye (1,000 tons in December last year), and 2.917 million tons of corn (2.95 million tons in December last year).
South Korea: Major brewer Hite Jinro to target young whisky lovers in 2024
Major brewer Hite Jinro targets young South Korean consumers in their 20s and 30s with lineups such as whisky and spirits. The beverage company has recently become the importer and distributor of Cutty Sark, a popular brand of blended Scotch whisky, to maintain its position as the top player in South Korea's alcoholic beverage market estimated to exceed one billion trillion won ($7.7 billion) in 2023, Aju Korea Daily reported on December 29.
According to the state customs office, a total of 26,937 tons of whisky liquor was imported between January and October 2023. The customs office predicted that the total annual whisky import volume for this year will exceed 30,000 tons for the first time. The number of spirit enthusiasts has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic when people grounded by the government's social distancing regulations chose to spend more money to drink spirits and liquors at home than to drink cheap beer and Soju, traditional Korean liquor.
Whisky, which is more expensive compared to beer and Soju, was regarded as luxury goods in South Korea. The foreign spirit was normally served to important guests or was mainly consumed by people in their 40s and 50s who visit luxury bars
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