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| Newsletter 02a January 08 - January 10, 2024
Quote of the Week
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
Helen Keller

Currency Rates
Base Currency: US Dollar on January 10, 2024 |
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar on January 10, 2024 |
1 USD = 0.9139 EUR
1 USD = 0.7857 GBP
1 USD = 1.3372 CAD
1 USD = 1.4924 AUD
1 USD = 144.0650 JPY
1 USD = 4.8829 BRL
1 USD = 90.5020 RUB
1 USD = 7.0966 CNY
1 CAD = 0.7477 USD
1 CAD = 0.5875 GBP
1 CAD = 0.6833 EUR
1 CAD = 1.1159 AUD
1 CAD = 107.7220 JPY
1 CAD = 3.6511 BRL
1 CAD = 67.6714 RUB
1 CAD = 5.3064 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries
USA: American Malting Barley Association releases 2024 Recommended Variety List with three additions
...Click here
USA, OR: Von Ebert Brewing buys Ecliptic Brewing’s North Portland production facility and taproom
...Click here
Canada, BC: Beva Brewing and Blending opens for business in North Vancouver
...Click here
USA, TX: Deadbeach Brewery's Regional Craft Brewery celebrates grand opening in El Paso
...Click here
USA, MN: Intuition Brewing officially opens its doors in Willmar
...Click here
USA, WI: Pals Brewing Company plans to open a location in Wisconsin
...Click here
USA, MA: Arcpoint Brewing one step closer to opening in Belchertown
...Click here
USA, MA: Whitinsville's Murder Hill brewery and taproom slated to open in early 2024
...Click here
China: Budweiser may have its first carbon-neutral malting plant in Jiangsu province by year-end
...Click here
UK: Simpsons Malt to build a new peating plant in Berwick to double production capacity for peated malt
...Click here
France: 250 breweries could close down this year, study finds
...Click here
Japan: Japan’s craft beer sector remains resilient amid market slowdown
...Click here
Malaysia: Carlsberg to brew Japan’s Sapporo beer in Malaysia
...Click here
Ukraine: Barley exports in marketing year 2023/24 total 1.106 mln tonnes to-date
...Click here
Graph of the Week
Table of the Week
World Hop Alpha Supply and Demand
Prices Evolution
Barley Prices
Theoretical Malt Prices
These Days in Business History
08 January
1675 - 1st American commercial corporation chartered (New York Fishing Co)
1889 - Dr Herman Hollerith receives 1st US patent for a tabulating machine (1st Computer)
1964 - European Parliament accept Mansholt Plan
09 January
1799 - Income Tax introduced in UK
1843 - P Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, French economist is born
1848 - 1st commercial bank in San Francisco established
2007 - Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveils the first iPhone
10 January
1863 - First underground railway opens in London
1870 - John D. Rockefeller, Sr. founds The Standard Oil Co. (Ohio) with $1 million in capital and control of a tenth of the nation's oil refining
1946 - UN General Assembly convenes for 1st time (London)
February 2024:
01 - 02: Glug Swiss 2024 (Alte Reithalle, Aarau, Switzerland)
09 - 12: HoReCa 2024 (Athens, Greece)
18 - 21: Beer & Food Attraction 2024 (Rimini, Italy)
23 - 25: Finest Spirits 2024 (Munich, Germany)
March 2024:
12 - 14: ExpoAntad 2024 (Guadalajara, Mexico)
13 - 15: 108 International Brewing & Engineering Congress 2024 (Groningen, the Netherlands)
13 - 14: BeerX 2024 (Liverpool, UK)
21 - 23: Warsaw Beer Festival 2024 (Warsaw, Poland)
22 - 24: Barcelona Beer Festival 2024 (Barcelona, Spain)
22 - 23: InnBrew 2024 (Barcelona, Spain)
22 - 24: St Malo Craft Beer Expo 2024 (St Malo, France)
April 2024:
11 - 13: KIBEX 2024 (Seoul, South Korea)
21 - 24: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2024 (Las Vegas, USA)
24 - 24: World Beer Cup 2024 (Las Vegas, USA)
27 - 28: Zythos Beer Festival 2024 (Kortrijk, Belgium)
May 2024:
14 - 16: International Beer Strategies Conference 2024 (Porto, Portugal)
20 - 26: Budapest Beer Week 2024 (Budapest, Hungary)
24 - 26: Cerveza Mexico Expo 2024 (Guadalajara, Mexico)
24 - 26: Mondial de la Biere 2024 (Montreal, Canada)
26 - 30: The Brewers of Europe Forum 2024 (Lille, France)
30 - 01 June: Craft Beer China 2024 (Shanghai, China)
June 2024:
06 - 09: Wiener Bierfest 2024 (Vienna, Austria)
11 - 13: Brasil Brau 2024 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
14 - 15: Tallinn Craft Beer Weekend 2024 (Tallinn, Estonia)
August 2024:
08 - 10: VIETFOOD & BEVERAGE - VIETNAM 2024 (Saigon Exhibitions and Conventions Center, 799 Nguyen Van Linh Street, District 7, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam)
23 - 24: Beervana 2024 (Wellington, New Zealand)
September 2024:
14 - 15: Bruges Beer Festival 2024 (Bruges, Belgium)
21 - 06 October: Oktoberfest 2024 (Munich, Germany)
October 2024:
03 - 04: Brew Asia 2024 (Suntec Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore)
News Articles
USA: American Malting Barley Association releases 2024 Recommended Variety List with three additions
The American Malting Barley Association (AMBA) Board of Directors annually develops a list of recommended malting barley varieties for U.S. growers for the upcoming crop year. AMBA is a nonprofit trade organization, which represents the interests of end-users of malting barley, including maltsters, brewers, distillers and food processors. Their work seeks to maintain a stable and high quality supply of malting barley for their nearly 60 members throughout the United States, the Craft Brewing Business reported on January 9.
The AMBA Recommended List is intended to provide U.S. growers with guidance as to what varieties the industry may be contracting or purchasing in the coming year. It is not intended as a list of approved or certified malting varieties for the use by brewers, distillers, food companies, or maltsters. There may be many suitable malting barley varieties grown domestically or internationally that are not on the list, yet have quality characteristics desired by the industry. Some varieties will be used in large quantities and many others are only utilized in niche markets, so producers are encouraged to contact their local elevator, grain handler, or processor to gauge market demand for any variety grown in their region prior to seeding.
Additions to the
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USA, OR: Von Ebert Brewing buys Ecliptic Brewing’s North Portland production facility and taproom
Embarking on a major expansion, Von Ebert Brewing has purchased Ecliptic Brewing’s North Portland production facility and taproom, aiming to grow from producing 4,000 barrels annually to potentially 20,000, with a significant boost in distribution, Oregon Live reported on January 9.
Even amid a downturn in the beer industry, the award-winning brewery is betting on the cachet attached to the Von Ebert name, having won numerous prestigious awards since its founding in 2018, including five Great American Beer Festival medals. Its beers have grown in popularity and demand, but capacity at its two brewhouses has been maxed out for years.
“Our mood right now is humbly excited,” said Sam Pecoraro, Von Ebert’s brewmaster. “Obviously during COVID things have been a little bit more difficult, but we’ve had a plan for a number of years to increase production.”
Von Ebert plans to open a taproom at the new location, 825 N. Cook St., but it likely won’t fire up what was Ecliptic’s kitchen. Instead, Pecoraro said the Von Ebert team is looking to reimagine the exterior area into a “really creative outdoor space,” with food carts, a small dog park and a permanent structure all being considered.
Ecliptic’s astronomical theme will give way to Von
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Canada, BC: Beva Brewing and Blending opens for business in North Vancouver
A new brewery is bringing clean classics and something for the beer-nerds to an untapped neighborhood in North Vancouver, North Shore News reported on January 9.
Beva Brewing and Blending opened its doors for business in December at 1405 Pemberton Ave. in the Norgate area.
Years in the making by a cast of owners with decades of combined experience in the beer-making and hospitality industries, Beva is getting started with a menu of brews that include a hazy pale ale, a saison, two lagers, a session pale ale and a mixed-culture farmhouse sour.
With an undercurrent of Italian (“beva” means “drink”) flowing through the business, they will also be serving up fresh Italian-style sandwiches, which will be on offer starting at a grand opening party on Saturday, Jan 13.
Picking a location away from Lower Lonsdale – home to North Vancouver’s brewery district – allowed them to host a larger tasting room, seating 50 people inside and 20 on the patio, says Morgan Miller, co-owner and taproom manager. She’s also a certified cicerone, which is like the beer equivalent to a wine sommelier.
Since opening last month, nice people from the surrounding Norgate neighbourhood have been pouring into the brewery, Miller said.
“They’ve been living here
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USA, TX: Deadbeach Brewery's Regional Craft Brewery celebrates grand opening in El Paso
Craft beer fans in El Paso now have a new spot: Deadbeach Brewery's Regional Craft Brewery celebrated its grand opening Tuesday, January 2nd, KVIA reported.
The new location, which is now in south central El Paso, has been "in the works for many, many years" according to Deadbeach's marketing director, Veronica Hernandez.
“We went through a lot of construction during COVID," said Hernandez.
"We did so much, so what we’ve been trying to do is be very very patient and get everything together so that way the community can have a Deadbeach they can enjoy once again," she added.
The reasoning for moving to a new location from downtown stemmed from Deadbeach's need to manufacture more beer, as well as adding a restaurant and kitchen space.
The tavern and restaurant, called "Deadbeach Craft Kitchen," features a full menu with "original favorites and many brand-new offerings."
The new brewery and tavern is located at 3200 Durazno Ave.
USA, MN: Intuition Brewing officially opens its doors in Willmar
A full tap list containing all eight sponsored beers was finally made fully available to the public as local start-up brewery Intuition Brewing officially opened its doors during its "Official, Official" Grand Opening Party in downtown Willmar on Saturday, January 6, the West Central Tribune reported.
The brewery sits in the former location of Foxhole Brewhouse, which moved its business to a new location on Highway 71 late last year. Intuition Brewing is operated by co-owners Micah Larson and Liz Heimer. Larson, who first found a love for brewing with a home-brew kit seven years ago, is still processing the fact that he co-owns a brewery selling beer and seltzers he crafted himself.
"It's very surreal," Larson said. "I've talked about having my very own brewery for a very long time."
Despite Saturday serving as the grand opening, the brewery has been operating for a couple of weeks following a successful soft launch on Dec. 23. Larson said they wanted to wait until all eight sponsored brews and seltzer were available for people to check out before having an official opening.
The brewery is now open Wednesday through Friday from 3 to 10 p.m., and Saturday from noon until 10 p.m.
USA, WI: Pals Brewing Company plans to open a location in Wisconsin
A Nebraska-based brewery plans to open a location in Wisconsin at the end of 2024 as part of a joint venture, the Lincoln Journal Star reported on January 7.
Pals Brewing Company, which is located in North Platte, is opening an indoor-outdoor facility on the west side of Wisconsin Dells in a partnership with the Kaminski family, which owns Chula Vista Resort. The future brewpub and family restaurant, which will also be called Pals Brewing Company, is set to have seating for more than 500 people between its indoor and outdoor facilities, and will serve a wide array of foods, deliver pizza and feature a large assortment of beers and related drinks, nearly all of which are company brews
“It literally is like your friend,” said Pete Oettinger, a co-owner of Pals. “The tagline is ‘Come as strangers, leave as pals.’”
Mike Kaminski and his family, along with the Oettinger family, which owns Pals, teamed up to begin the venture roughly three years ago. The Wisconsin Dells Common Council approved plans for the family restaurant, which is slated to open in December 2024, and will feature three bar areas, roughly 20 beer taps, a dog-friendly outdoor area, and a live entertainment stage. A
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USA, MA: Arcpoint Brewing one step closer to opening in Belchertown
Chris Peterson, CJ Eldridge and Dave Pare from Arcpoint Brewing are one step closer to opening the first brewery and taproom in Belchertown after the Select Board approved their all alcoholic beverages license at its Jan. 2 meeting, the Reminder Publications reported on January 9.
Arcpoint brewing signed a 10-year lease at 30 Front St. in July and architects have been designing and constructing the space ever since.
Peterson said, “The price was right, the place was great, the location was great, it was like winning the lottery to the point where we locked down the lease last January and have been paying on the lease before we even got the loan squared away because we were that excited.
Pare and Peterson were at the Select Board meeting to discuss the timeline for the new brewery and taproom.
Pare added, “We have been working at this for some time here with the town and some things kind of derailed us along the way, but we are back on track, and we’ve signed a long term lease. Our goal is to get our brewery up and running within the next couple of months.”
Arcpoint brewing plans to have different food trucks at the brewery as a
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USA, MA: Whitinsville's Murder Hill brewery and taproom slated to open in early 2024
Murder Hill LLC, a newly established brewery in Whitinsville, recently announced the forthcoming opening of its brewery and taproom in early 2024. The brewery and taproom will offer a wide range of original brews and collaborations, as well as food and occasional entertainment, the Craft Brewing Business reported on January 9.
Nestled within the historic Linwood Mill complex at 670 Linwood Ave, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, the standalone building offers a picturesque setting situated just feet from the Mumford River at the Linwood Pond Dam Waterfall. The 2,400-sq-ft space was originally refurbished and occupied by Purgatory Beer Co.
Co-founders, wife and husband, Adrienne and Ben Roesch are gearing up to deliver an authentically unique taproom experience. Adrienne, managing the taproom and customer experience, emphasizes the prime location in South Central Worcester County. The building sits in the Blackstone National Heritage Corridor — the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution — surrounded by nature and recreational gems like Purgatory Chasm and the Blackstone River Bikeway.
Adrienne says “ We are excited to be a part of the mill’s long and industrious history.”
Ben, a 23 year veteran of the Massachusetts craft beer industry, cofounder of Wormtown Brewery, and creator of “Be Hoppy,” will oversee brewing operations with
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China: Budweiser may have its first carbon-neutral malting plant in Jiangsu province by year-end
Budweiser Brewing Co APAC Ltd, the largest beer company in the Asia-Pacific in terms of sales revenue, may have its first carbon-neutral malt house
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China: Beer stocks fall on poor year-end sales
Chinese and Hong Kong beer companies were among the worst performers on Hong Kong and Chinese stock markets which saw substantial falls on the
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UK: Simpsons Malt to build a new peating plant in Berwick to double production capacity for peated malt
Simpsons Malt Limited has been granted planning permission by Northumberland County Council to build a new peating plant on land at its Tweed Valley
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France: 250 breweries could close down this year, study finds
Abound 10% of France’s breweries face potential closure in 2024, a poll by the National Syndicate of Independent Breweries (Syndicat National des Brasseries Independentes
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Japan: Japan’s craft beer sector remains resilient amid market slowdown
Japan’s craft beer sector remains resilient amid a slowdown in its beer market. Demand for craft beer in Japan is forecast to have a
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UK: Malting barley premiums remain elevated
UK’s malting barley premiums reached record highs throughout the first few months of the season. In November, on average the gap between feed and
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Malaysia: Carlsberg to brew Japan’s Sapporo beer in Malaysia
Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad has entered a strategic agreement with Japan’s Sapporo Group across Malaysia and Singapore, The Drinks Business reported on January 9.
The Danish multinational brewer’s Malaysian arm has entered a Licence Agreement and Distributorship Agreement with Sapporo Breweries Limited, a renowned Japanese company listed in the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
In Malaysia, Carlsberg has secured the license agreement to brew and manufacture Sapporo Premium Beer. Effective from 1 January 2024, the Group will produce, sell, market, and distribute the beer across all channels in the country, including duty-free zones. The agreement has been made under a five-year contract with an automatic renewal of three years, unless either party provides written notice of non-renewal.
In Singapore, Carlsberg Singapore Pte. Ltd. and its subsidiary, Maybev Pte. Ltd., have gained rights to the distribution for two of the Japanese brewer’s beers — Sapporo Premium Beer and Yebisu Beer. Carlsberg Malaysia’s distributor agreement in Singapore will also be effective for five years starting from 1 January 2024, with an automatic renewal for one year, unless either party provides written notice of non-renewal.
Stefano Clini, managing director of Carlsberg Malaysia, said the two companies were “embarking on a beneficial journey” which would help
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Ukraine: Barley exports in marketing year 2023/24 total 1.106 mln tonnes to-date
In the 2023/2024 marketing year (MY) (from July 1 to January 5, 2024), Ukraine exported 18.999 million tonnes of grains and legumes.
According to Ukrinform, this was reported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.
In the current MY Ukraine has already exported 7.781 million tonnes of wheat, 1.106 million tonnes of barley, 1,000 tonnes of rye, and 9.968 million tonnes of corn.
For comparison, from July 1 to January 6, 2022/2023, Ukraine exported 23.432 million tonnes of grains and pulses, including: 8.541 million tonnes of wheat, 1.651 million tonnes of barley, 12,500 tonnes of rye, and 13.154 million tonnes of corn.
In the first four days of January 2024, Ukraine exported 607,000 tonnes of grains and pulses (686,000 tonnes in the first six days of January last year), including: 185,000 tonnes of wheat (130,000 tonnes in January last year), 32,000 tonnes of barley (25,000 tonnes in January last year), and 389,000 tonnes of corn (530,000 tonnes in January last year). In January 2024 and in January last year, Ukraine did not export rye.
In 2023/2024 MY, Ukraine exported 59,800 tonnes of flour (from July 1 to January 6, 2022/2023 MY, 70,500 tonnes were exported).
As reported by Ukrinform, Ukraine exported almost 49
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