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RombBullet Currency rates
RombBullet Brewers equities
RombBullet Market prices change trend
RombBullet Industry news
RombBullet Graph of the week
RombBullet Table of the week
RombBullet Prices evolution
RombBullet Barley prices
RombBullet Theoretical malt prices
RombBullet Business history
RombBullet Agenda
RombBullet News articles

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Note: All graphs issued with e-malt.com newsletters are published in "Graph" section of e-malt.com site.

Last five tables

All e-malt.com tables are published in e-malt.com Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statistics section.

Last five prices evolution

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E-Malt.com Flash 21a
May 20 - May 22, 2024

Quote of the Week

There is nothing in the world like the first taste of beer.
John Steinbeck

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: Euro
on May 22, 2024
Base Currency: US Dollar
on May 22, 2024
      1 EUR = 1.0858 USD
1 EUR = 0.8542 GBP
1 EUR = 1.4809 CAD
1 EUR = 1.6288 AUD
1 EUR = 169.6540 JPY
1 EUR = 5.5447 BRL
1 EUR = 98.0627 RUB
1 EUR = 7.7897 CNY
      1 USD = 0.9209 EUR
1 USD = 0.7867 GBP
1 USD = 1.3639 CAD
1 USD = 1.5000 AUD
1 USD = 156.2420 JPY
1 USD = 5.1066 BRL
1 USD = 90.3156 RUB
1 USD = 7.1743 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Breweries Equities

Average Market Prices Change Trend

May 22, 2024
French Barley/Malt
Crop 2023
2RS Malting Barley (FOB Creil) nq  
6RW Malting Barley (FOB Creil) nq  
2RS Malt (FOB Antwerp) nq  
6RW Malt (FOB Antwerp) nq  
French Barley/Malt
Crop 2024
2RS Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 287.00-289.00 up4.35%
6RW Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 258.00-260.00 up3.60%
Feed Barley (FOB Creil) 215.00-217.00 up2.79%
2RS Malt (FOB Antwerp) 642.00-644.00 up2.35%
6RW Malt (FOB Antwerp) 606.50-608.50 up1.86%
German Malting Barley
Crop 2023
Ex Farm
Average Malting Barley Price nq  
-No change; upPrice increase; downPrice decrease versus last publication.

Click here to see our Market Prices History.

Top Industry News

Malt news Brazil: Latin America's largest malt house ramps up production ...Click here

Brewery news Brazil: Number of breweries up 6.8% in 2023 ...Click here
Brewery news Australia: Coca-Cola sells Feral Brewing to joint venture ...Click here

Barley news Germany: Farmers plant less winter wheat, more spring barley this year ...Click here

More Industry News

Brewery news Nigeria: Nigerian brewers double on local inputs amid foreign exchange crunch ...Click here
Brewery news USA, CA: Sapporo-Stone Brewing unveils phase one of its $60 mln expansion ...Click here
Brewery news South Korea: New beer trends emerging in Korea as industry enters its peak summer season ...Click here
Brewery news UK: Draymen and warehouse staff strike could lead to beer shortage this summer ...Click here

Graph of the week

Table of the week

China Hops Area and Production 2016-2023s

Table of the week.
Prices Evolution

Prices evolution

Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

These Days in Business History

20 May
1806 - John Stuart Mill is born, UK, philosopher/political economist/Utilitarian
1875 - International Bureau of Weights and Measures forms by treaty
1892 - Charles Brady King invents pneumatic hammer
1983 - First publications of the discovery of the HIV virus that causes AIDS in the journal Science by Luc Montagnier

21 May
1570 - 1st atlas, with 70 maps, published
1761 - 1st life insurance policy in U.S., issued in Philadelphia
1929 - Automatic electric stock quotation board installed, New York City

22 May
1785 - Benjamin Franklin announces his invention of bifocals
1900 - Associated Press News Service forms in New York
1918 - King Oil/Shell refinery on Curacao officially opens


May 2024:
20 - 26: Budapest Beer Week 2024 (Budapest, Hungary)
24 - 26: Cerveza Mexico Expo 2024 (Guadalajara, Mexico)
24 - 26: Mondial de la Biere 2024 (Montreal, Canada)
26 - 30: The Brewers of Europe Forum 2024 (Lille, France)
30 - 01 June: Craft Beer China 2024 (Shanghai, China)

June 2024:
06 - 09: Wiener Bierfest 2024 (Vienna, Austria)
09 - 11: Bangkok Brewing Conference 2024 (Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) Bangkok, Thailand)
11 - 13: Brasil Brau 2024 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
14 - 15: Tallinn Craft Beer Weekend 2024 (Tallinn, Estonia)

August 2024:
08 - 10: VIETFOOD & BEVERAGE - VIETNAM 2024 (Saigon Exhibitions and Conventions Center, 799 Nguyen Van Linh Street, District 7, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam)
17 - 20: World Brewing Congress 2024 (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
23 - 24: Beervana 2024 (Wellington, New Zealand)

September 2024:
02 - 04: 14th Iberoamerican VLB Symposium Brewing & Filling Technology (IBS) (Ciudad de Mexico (CDMX), Mexico)
12 - 14: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2024 (Stockholm, Sweden)
14 - 15: Bruges Beer Festival 2024 (Bruges, Belgium)
21 - 06 October: Oktoberfest 2024 (Munich, Germany)
28 - 30: Whisky Live Paris 2024 (Paris, France)

October 2024:
03 - 04: Brew Asia 2024 (Suntec Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore)
23 - 25: Drink Technology India 2024 (Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India)
28 - 31: China Brew 2024 China Beverage 2024 (Shanghai, China)

November 2024:
22 - 22: Drink Japan 2024 (Makuhari Messe, Japan)
26 - 28: Brau Beviale 2024 (Nuremberg, Germany)

February 2025:
07 - 10: HoReCa 2025 (Athens, Greece)
16 - 18: BBTech Expo 2025 (Rimini, Italy)
21 - 23: Finest Spirits 2025 (Munich, Germany)

March 2025:
03 - 07: IBD Asia Pacific Convention 2025 (Hobart, Tasmania)

More events are available on site e-malt.com

MaltMalt News Malt

Malt newsBrazil: Latin America's largest malt house ramps up production
Production at the Maltaria Campos Gerais, Latin America's largest malt house in Ponta Grossa, Paraná, in southern Brazil ramped up in May 2024. PENETRON ...More info on site

BreweryBrewery News Brewery

Brewery newsBrazil: Number of breweries up 6.8% in 2023
The number of breweries in Brazil saw a 6.8% increase in 2023 to 1,847, Vitoria News reported, citing the latest Anuario da Cerveja published ...More info on site

Brewery news Australia: Coca-Cola sells Feral Brewing to joint venture
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Australia (CCEP Australia) has sold Feral Brewing to a joint venture comprising Nail Brewing and a consortium of investors, including fellow independent Western Australia brewery Beerfarm, Inside FMCG reported on May 21.

CCEP Australia MD Orlando Rodriguez said the sale of Feral Brewing will allow the company to focus on its core NARTD (non-alcoholic ready-to-drink) portfolio.

“The purchasers possess the attributes to deliver the necessary scale to achieve long-term sustainable growth for the Feral business and, just as importantly, to continue to invest in the development and growth of the Feral team,” added Rodriguez.

With a strong footprint in the WA brewing industry, Beerfarm and Nail Brewing said they will continue to support and grow the Feral brand and its production volumes while maximising beer production at their Bassendean site.

Feral Brewing’s production facilities will be used to produce Beerfarm’s products, enabling Beerfarm to triple its volume, expand its presence in the craft beer industry, and meet the supply demands of larger liquor distributors in the country.

Meanwhile, Beerfarm’s Metricup brewing facilities will continue to produce a core range of products and enable further innovation to pioneer new craft beer and other products.

In response to the acquisition, Ian Atkins, founder and ...More info on site

Brewery news Nigeria: Nigerian brewers double on local inputs amid foreign exchange crunch
Nigerian brewers are turning to sorghum in place of barley for brewing beer and malt drinks to reduce their foreign exchange exposure following the FX crisis plaguing Africa’s most populous nation, BusinessDay NG reported on May 17.

Aside from mopping up a larger percentage of available sorghum in the country, the brewers are also directly investing in sorghum cultivation, with some billed for harvest in two to three years. The move is seen helping the beer makers to save millions of dollars they would have spent on the importation of barley malt and concentrate as well as drive down their cost of production.

Joshua Adedeji, chairman of the Sorghum Farmers Association of Nigeria, South-West, said there has been an increase in the demand for sorghum from the brewery industry, especially since the beginning of the year when the FX crisis worsened.

According to Adedeji, Nigeria is presently unable to meet the demand of brewers, noting that some, including the Nigerian Breweries, are heavily investing in backward integration to ensure a sustained supply of the grain.

“Presently, only seven major northern states produce sorghum in large quantities and that has not been able to meet the needs of manufacturing companies that use the crop.”

Data from ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, CA: Sapporo-Stone Brewing unveils phase one of its $60 mln expansion
Two years following the announcement of its acquisition by Sapporo U.S.A., San Diego-based Sapporo-Stone Brewing, unveils the near completion of phase one of its expansion project at its Escondido brewery, ABC27 reported on May 21.

The $20 million investment in the Escondido, CA facility is one of two significant investments for growth with $40 million invested in the company's Richmond, VA operation. These investments will result in the doubling of the company's capacity to about 700,000 barrels a year across its bi-coastal breweries. The brewing of Sapporo beers in Escondido, CA and Richmond, VA is now underway.

Stone Brewing, Southern California's largest craft brewery was acquired by Sapporo U.S.A. in 2022. The goal was to transition from an importer to a U.S. brewer, ultimately brewing, selling, and marketing all of Sapporo's beers for the U.S. market locally. Richmond's expansion will be unveiled this fall. By late summer, all production of Sapporo beers will have moved from Canada and Asia to the U.S.

Sapporo-Stone Brewing is now a combined team of nearly 850 employees, about 600 of whom are based in San Diego County. In support of its expansion project, the company added 125 jobs locally and another 75 outside of San Diego ...More info on site

Brewery news South Korea: New beer trends emerging in Korea as industry enters its peak summer season
As South Korea’s beer industry enters its peak summer season, a new trend is emerging: low-sugar, low-alcohol, and low-calorie beers, Pulse News Korea reported on May 21.

This shift aligns with the “healthy pleasure” trend gaining traction among the young consumers who are increasingly favoring lighter beers over the traditional 4.5 percent alcohol content brews.

CU convenience store announced on Sunday that the newly launched 1.5 Degree Beer, introduced on May 8, sold over 8,000 units by May 16.

This beer has quickly risen to the fifth spot in sales among 15 domestic beers, particularly resonating with younger consumers.

Sales data showed that 20-somethings accounted for 50.7 percent of its sales, followed by those in their 30s at 38.4 percent. This contrasts with the overall domestic beer sales where the 30s demographic leads.

The trend towards no and low alcohol products is rapidly growing, especially among those who enjoy drinking at home. This has led beer companies to roll out a variety of related products. These include zero-alcohol beers, which boast no calories or sugar, and low-calorie beers with reduced sugar and carbohydrate content compared to regular beers.

Oriental Brewery recently launched Michelob ULTRA, a premium low-calorie beer originally introduced in the U.S. in 2002.

With just ...More info on site

Brewery news UK: Draymen and warehouse staff strike could lead to beer shortage this summer
Pub-goers face beer taps running dry this summer as draymen and warehouse staff strike for more than three weeks, union bosses warned, the Daily Star reports .

More than 100 workers at GXO Logistics, which supplies Whitbread pubs, will down tools from May 28 in a row over pay.

The pub giant operates more than 800 taverns across the UK, including Beefeater and Brewers Fayre venues, plus over 800 Premier Inns.

Unite said the action could affect deliveries of lagers, ales, wines, spirits and favourite meals and snacks - just as revellers look to descend upon beer gardens.

The industrial action may also impact GXO customer Costa, which operates around 14,000 sites in the UK.

Unite said in a statement: “The GXO Logistics workers transport goods for popular brands such as Costa Coffee and Whitbread, which owns Premier Inn.

“Unite believes that provisions, such as food and drink, will be in short supply while workers are taking industrial action.”

Union chiefs said some workers at the depot in Feltham, west London, suffered “alarmingly low pay” of just over £12 an hour.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “It’s disgraceful that a multi-billion-pound company is paying its workers below the London Living Wage.”

The London Living Wage is currently set ...More info on site

BarleyBarley News Barley

Barley newsGermany: Farmers plant less winter wheat, more spring barley this year
Germany's winter wheat area for the 2024 harvest has been reduced by 8.3% year on year to about 2.6 million hectares, Germany’s national statistics ...More info on site

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