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RombBullet Currency rates
RombBullet Brewers equities
RombBullet Market prices change trend
RombBullet Industry news
RombBullet Graph of the week
RombBullet Table of the week
RombBullet Prices evolution
RombBullet Barley prices
RombBullet Theoretical malt prices
RombBullet Business history
RombBullet Agenda
RombBullet News articles

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Note: All graphs issued with e-malt.com newsletters are published in "Graph" section of e-malt.com site.

Last five tables

All e-malt.com tables are published in e-malt.com Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statistics section.

Last five prices evolution

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E-Malt.com Flash 24a
June 10 - June 12, 2024

Quote of the Week

If given the truth, [the people] can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts - and beer.
Abraham Lincoln

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: Euro
on June 12, 2024
Base Currency: US Dollar
on June 12, 2024
      1 EUR = 1.0748 USD
1 EUR = 0.8441 GBP
1 EUR = 1.4793 CAD
1 EUR = 1.6281 AUD
1 EUR = 168.9360 JPY
1 EUR = 5.7554 BRL
1 EUR = 95.7147 RUB
1 EUR = 7.7875 CNY
      1 USD = 0.9303 EUR
1 USD = 0.7853 GBP
1 USD = 1.3764 CAD
1 USD = 1.5147 AUD
1 USD = 157.1770 JPY
1 USD = 5.3551 BRL
1 USD = 89.0576 RUB
1 USD = 7.2458 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Breweries Equities

Average Market Prices Change Trend

June 12, 2024
French Barley/Malt
Crop 2024
2RS Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 261.00-263.00 down4.73%
6RW Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 245.00-247.00 down2.38%
Feed Barley (FOB Creil) 194.00-196.00 down5.80%
2RS Malt (FOB Antwerp) 610.00-612.00 down2.55%
6RW Malt (FOB Antwerp) 590.50-592.50 down1.23%
French Barley/Malt
Crop 2025
2RS Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 264.00-266.00 down4.33%
6RW Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 245.00-247.00 down2.77%
Feed Barley (FOB Creil) nq  
2RS Malt (FOB Antwerp) 613.50-615.50 down2.35%
6RW Malt (FOB Antwerp) 590.50-592.50 down1.44%
German Malting Barley
Crop 2023
Ex Farm
Average Malting Barley Price nq  
-No change; upPrice increase; downPrice decrease versus last publication.

Click here to see our Market Prices History.

Top Industry News

Brewery news World: Total output volume by world’s 40 biggest brewers falls by 2.2% in 2023 ...Click here
Brewery news USA: Beer shipments decline by 4.3% in April ...Click here
Brewery news Nigeria: Diageo to sell majority shareholding in Guinness Nigeria ...Click here

Barley news World: Global barley crop looking better thanks to rain in Canada and parts of Australia ...Click here
Barley news North America: Barley crop forecast for Canada raised thanks to further beneficial rains ...Click here
Barley news Australia: Barley crop 2024 estimate remains unchanged ...Click here
Barley news EU & UK: Barley production projected slightly lower ...Click here
Barley news EU & UK: Malting barley prices mostly down driven by lower Paris wheat futures ...Click here

Hops news USA: Hop farmers adapting growing plans and contracts amid beer sector volatility ...Click here

More Industry News

Brewery news Cyprus: Beer sales increase by 9.4% in May ...Click here
Brewery news Australia: Lion to shut Malt Shovel Brewery in inner Sydney ...Click here
Brewery news Cuba: Bucanero S.A. Brewery launches new beer barrels production line ...Click here
Brewery news Germany: Oettinger taking on production and sale Karmeliter beer ...Click here

Graph of the week

Table of the week

Canada Barley Supply and Distribution

Table of the week.
Prices Evolution

Prices evolution

Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

These Days in Business History

10 June
1977 - Apple Computer ships its 1st Apple II
1994 - Biggest European clock ever (9100 kg/(237) 2.5 m) at Aarle-Rixtel
1996 - Intel releases 200 mhz pentium chip
2002 - The first direct electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans is carried out by Kevin Warwick in the United Kingdom

11 June
1644 - Florentine scientist describe invention of barometer
1742 - Benjamin Franklin invents his Franklin stove
1816 - Gas Light Co of Baltimore founded
1998 - Compaq Computer pays US$9 billion for Digital Equipment Corporation in the largest high-tech acquisition

12 June
1849 - Gas mask patented by Lewis Haslett, Louisville, Kentucky
1928 - After more than 130 years of trading, the New York Stock Exchange finally has its first day on which more than 5 million shares trade hands, as total daily volume hits 5,252,425 shares
1972 - The fast food restaurant chain Popeyes is founded in Arabi, Louisiana
1991 - Microsoft releases MS DOS 5.0
1994 - The Boeing 777, the world's largest twinjet, makes its first flight


June 2024:
11 - 13: Brasil Brau 2024 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
14 - 15: Tallinn Craft Beer Weekend 2024 (Tallinn, Estonia)

August 2024:
08 - 10: VIETFOOD & BEVERAGE - VIETNAM 2024 (Saigon Exhibitions and Conventions Center, 799 Nguyen Van Linh Street, District 7, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam)
17 - 20: World Brewing Congress 2024 (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
23 - 24: Beervana 2024 (Wellington, New Zealand)

September 2024:
02 - 04: 14th Iberoamerican VLB Symposium Brewing & Filling Technology (IBS) (Ciudad de Mexico (CDMX), Mexico)
12 - 14: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2024 (Stockholm, Sweden)
14 - 15: Bruges Beer Festival 2024 (Bruges, Belgium)
21 - 06 October: Oktoberfest 2024 (Munich, Germany)
28 - 30: Whisky Live Paris 2024 (Paris, France)

October 2024:
03 - 04: Brew Asia 2024 (Suntec Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore)
23 - 25: Drink Technology India 2024 (Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India)
28 - 31: China Brew 2024 China Beverage 2024 (Shanghai, China)

November 2024:
22 - 22: Drink Japan 2024 (Makuhari Messe, Japan)
26 - 28: Brau Beviale 2024 (Nuremberg, Germany)

February 2025:
06 - 07: Glug Swiss 2025 (Alte Reithalle, Aarau, Switzerland)
07 - 10: HoReCa 2025 (Athens, Greece)
16 - 18: BBTech Expo 2025 (Rimini, Italy)
21 - 23: Finest Spirits 2025 (Munich, Germany)

March 2025:
03 - 07: IBD Asia Pacific Convention 2025 (Hobart, Tasmania)
12 - 15: Festival Brasileiro da Cerveja 2025 (Blumenau, Brazil)
19 - 20: BeerX 2025 (Liverpool, UK)

April 2025:
06 - 09: 15th International Trends in Brewing 'Beer & Society' 2025 (Leuven, Belgium)
10 - 12: KIBEX 2025 (Seoul, South Korea)

More events are available on site e-malt.com

BreweryBrewery News Brewery

Brewery newsWorld: Total output volume by world’s 40 biggest brewers falls by 2.2% in 2023
The global beer market contracted slightly in 2023: The total output volume of the 40 biggest brewers worldwide fell by 2.2 percent to roughly ...More info on site

Brewery newsNigeria: Diageo to sell majority shareholding in Guinness Nigeria
Diageo is selling its majority shareholding in its subsidiary Guinness Nigeria, becoming the latest western company to scale down its presence in Africa’s most ...More info on site

Brewery news USA: Beer shipments decline by 4.3% in April
April domestic tax paid beer shipments declined an estimated -4.3% year-over-year (YoY), to 12.3 million barrels, according to Beer Institute (BI) chief economist Andrew Heritage, citing estimates from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB).

While still in decline, April shipments improved from the -13.6% YoY decline recorded in March, which followed two consecutive months of growth and the “strongest monthly growth in almost three years” in February.

The TTB also continues to update its estimates, and March’s double-digit decline could still change.

Brewery news Cyprus: Beer sales increase by 9.4% in May
Cyprus experienced an increase of 9.4 per cent in beer sales in May, compared to the same month of the previous year, reaching 4,682,575 litres in total, a result of a rise in domestic demand, according to the Cyprus Statistical Service (Cystat).

According to the Cystat report, which was released on June 10, beer sales intended for domestic consumption saw a substantial growth of 13.3 per cent, climbing to 4,475,044 litres in May 2024, up from 3,951,318 litres in the same month of the previous year.

This surge underscores the growing preference for beer among local consumers.

In contrast, beer exports experienced a decline. The volume of beer exported fell to 207,531 litres, a 37.1 per cent decrease from May 2023.

Comparing month-to-month figures, total beer sales in May rose sharply by 26.8 per cent from April of this year, demonstrating a strong upward trend as the warmer months approach and local demand increases.

Brewery news Australia: Lion to shut Malt Shovel Brewery in inner Sydney
Lion, one of the largest drinks groups in the world, intends shutting a craft brewery in inner Sydney that has been operating for 36 years as rising costs, a shrinking beer market and consumer spending cutbacks take their toll, the Financial Review reported on June 10.

Lion, which makes XXXX Gold and Tooheys, said it would shut the Malt Shovel Brewery in Camperdown by the end of August and transfer brewing of products to other plants in northern NSW and Geelong in Victoria. The move follows a decision three weeks ago by Asahi, its largest rival, to close one of its own craft beer operations in Victoria.

Asahi, Australia’s biggest beer company after the acquisition of Carlton & United Breweries for $16 billion in 2020, shut down the Matilda Bay Brewpub in Healesville in Victoria’s Yarra Valley on May 19 after five years of operation, citing high costs.

A string of small craft brewers around Australia have already collapsed in the past few months as rising costs and consumer spending cutbacks mean they are no longer viable.

Lion and Asahi, which have much stronger balance sheets, are feeling the same pinch in an overall beer market that has shrunk by 6 per cent in ...More info on site

Brewery news Germany: Oettinger taking on production and sale Karmeliter beer
German beer and soft-drinks producer Oettinger is taking on the production and sale of domestic beer brand Karmeliter, the company announced on June 10.

Karmeliter – which traces its roots back to a monastery in the Middle Ages – had announced it would cease operations at the end of June as it had not found a “successor”.

“Karmeliter is a cult. It would have been an enormous loss for German brewing culture and beer diversity to lose this strong brand and its original recipes,” Oettinger CEO Stefan Blaschak said.

“With its solid quality and impressive history, Karmeliter fits our family business, which is also rich in tradition with a history spanning almost 300 years”.

The Karmeliter brewery in Salz, Germany, has been privately owned since 1923.

“The German beer market has been shrinking for decades but is still significant and generates strong sales,” Blaschak said.

Brewery news Cuba: Bucanero S.A. Brewery launches new beer barrels production line
Bucanero S.A. Brewery in Holguín has launched a new production line for beer barrels, aiming to boost the brand's output and distribution in the tourism, gastronomic, and non-state sectors, Cuba Headlines reported on June 8.

The new line, alongside an existing one, will enable the brewery to produce up to 470,000 hectolitres annually (approximately five million cases of beer) in the upcoming year. This investment, the largest in the factory in the past two decades, focuses on 30-liter barrels.

Erick Williams Abreu, the General Director of Bucanero S.A., told ACN that this development will enhance the consumer experience by allowing multiple brands like Cristal, Cristal Extra, and Bucanero to be offered simultaneously in restaurants, bars, and hotels, utilizing dual-draft and tabletop dispensers.

Additionally, investments are being made in glassware, refrigeration equipment, trays, and dispensers, with plans to install 1,800 such units by 2025, 863 of which will be allocated to the tourism sector.

The director did not mention whether these improvements would lead to lower prices, as domestic beer remains scarce in the country and is currently more expensive than imported options.

Bucanero S.A.'s portfolio includes beers such as Cacique, Mayabe, Cristal, Bucanero, and Bucanero Malt, along with premium products like Bucanero Max, Cristal Extra, ...More info on site

BarleyBarley News Barley

Barley newsWorld: Global barley crop looking better thanks to rain in Canada and parts of Australia
Generally, the global 2024 barley crop is looking better now than it was one month ago, with rain falling in Canada and parts of ...More info on site

Barley newsNorth America: Barley crop forecast for Canada raised thanks to further beneficial rains
Further beneficial rains have arrived across much of the key barley areas in Canada and USA. Barley crop 2024 forecast for Canada is raised ...More info on site

Barley newsAustralia: Barley crop 2024 estimate remains unchanged
Much needed rain has arrived across most of the driest areas of concern in Australia, and this moisture is providing immediate relief to developing ...More info on site

Barley newsEU & UK: Barley production projected slightly lower
In its latest forecast for the 2024 European Union/United Kingdom grain crop, released on June 10, COCERAL increased its projection slightly to 296 million ...More info on site

Barley newsEU & UK: Malting barley prices mostly down driven by lower Paris wheat futures
In France, malting barley prices are mostly down, driven by lower Paris wheat futures, which are coming down from the spike created by the ...More info on site

HopsHops News Hops

Hops newsUSA: Hop farmers adapting growing plans and contracts amid beer sector volatility
Hop farmers in the US are having to adapt growing plans and contracts while beer sector volatility remains an issue, The Drinks Business reported ...More info on site

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