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RombBullet Quote of the week
RombBullet Currency rates
RombBullet Brewers equities
RombBullet Market prices change trend
RombBullet Industry news
RombBullet Graph of the week
RombBullet Table of the week
RombBullet Prices evolution
RombBullet Barley prices
RombBullet Theoretical malt prices
RombBullet Business history
RombBullet Agenda
RombBullet News articles

Last five Flashes

Last five graphs

Note: All graphs issued with e-malt.com newsletters are published in "Graph" section of e-malt.com site.

Last five tables

All e-malt.com tables are published in e-malt.com Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statistics section.

Last five prices evolution

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E-Malt.com Flash 26b
June 27 - June 30, 2024

Quote of the Week

Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working.
Pablo Picasso

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: Euro
on June 28, 2024
Base Currency: US Dollar
on June 28, 2024
      1 EUR = 1.0699 USD
1 EUR = 0.8464 GBP
1 EUR = 1.4649 CAD
1 EUR = 1.6076 AUD
1 EUR = 171.7960 JPY
1 EUR = 5.9013 BRL
1 EUR = 92.4767 RUB
1 EUR = 7.7736 CNY
      1 USD = 0.9346 EUR
1 USD = 0.7910 GBP
1 USD = 1.3692 CAD
1 USD = 1.5024 AUD
1 USD = 160.5640 JPY
1 USD = 5.5158 BRL
1 USD = 86.4359 RUB
1 USD = 7.2659 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Breweries Equities

Average Market Prices Change Trend

June 28, 2024
French Barley/Malt
Crop 2024
2RS Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 253.00-255.00 -
6RW Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 235.00-237.00 -
Feed Barley (FOB Creil) 186.00-188.00 -
2RS Malt (FOB Antwerp) 600.00-602.00 -
6RW Malt (FOB Antwerp) 578.00-580.00 -
French Barley/Malt
Crop 2025
2RS Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 254.00-256.00 -
6RW Malting Barley (FOB Creil) 235.00-237.00 -
Feed Barley (FOB Creil) 188.00-190.00 -
2RS Malt (FOB Antwerp) 601.50-603.50 -
6RW Malt (FOB Antwerp) 578.00-580.00 -
German Malting Barley
Crop 2023
Ex Farm
Average Malting Barley Price 259.50-261.50 down0.52%
-No change; upPrice increase; downPrice decrease versus last publication.

Click here to see our Market Prices History.

Top Industry News

Barley news Australia: Barley crop development remains quite positive ...Click here
Barley news Canada: Barley crop ratings reportedly the best since 2016 ...Click here
Barley news Canada: Barley and wheat planting reported as smaller than intended in March ...Click here
Barley news World: Grains and oilseeds prices continue to decline ...Click here

More Industry News

Brewery news Japan & India: Japanese brewing and distilling giant Suntory sets up Indian subsidiary ...Click here
Barley news Ireland: No shortage in spring barley seed expected for 2025 season ...Click here
Brewery news Malaysia: Carlsberg Malaysia expands its 1664 premium beer portfolio ...Click here

Graph of the week

Table of the week

Italy Malt Production and Import 2010 - 2023

Table of the week.
Prices Evolution

Prices evolution

Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

These Days in Business History

27 June
1820 - 1st edition of newspaper "Courrier de la Meuse" published"
1922 - Alan Peacock is born, economist
2013 - NASA launches the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, a space probe to observe the Sun

28 June
1801 - Frederic Bastiat is born, French Economist
1894 - London Tower Bridge opens

29 June
1200 - In China, sunglasses are invented
1881 - 1st international telephone conversation, Calais, ME-St. Stephen, NB
1979 - The Wall Street Journal boot Chrysler from the Dow Jones Industrial Average and replace it with IBM
2007 - Apple Inc. releases its first mobile phone, the iPhone

30 June
1893 - Harold/Joseph Laski is born, English economist/Labour leader
1896 - W. S. Hadaway patents electric stove


August 2024:
08 - 10: VIETFOOD & BEVERAGE - VIETNAM 2024 (Saigon Exhibitions and Conventions Center, 799 Nguyen Van Linh Street, District 7, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam)
17 - 20: World Brewing Congress 2024 (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
23 - 24: Beervana 2024 (Wellington, New Zealand)

September 2024:
02 - 04: 14th Iberoamerican VLB Symposium Brewing & Filling Technology (IBS) (Ciudad de Mexico (CDMX), Mexico)
12 - 14: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2024 (Stockholm, Sweden)
14 - 15: Bruges Beer Festival 2024 (Bruges, Belgium)
21 - 06 October: Oktoberfest 2024 (Munich, Germany)
28 - 30: Whisky Live Paris 2024 (Paris, France)

October 2024:
03 - 04: Brew Asia 2024 (Suntec Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore)
23 - 25: Drink Technology India 2024 (Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India)
28 - 31: China Brew 2024 China Beverage 2024 (Shanghai, China)

November 2024:
22 - 22: Drink Japan 2024 (Makuhari Messe, Japan)
26 - 28: Brau Beviale 2024 (Nuremberg, Germany)

February 2025:
06 - 07: Glug Swiss 2025 (Alte Reithalle, Aarau, Switzerland)
07 - 10: HoReCa 2025 (Athens, Greece)
16 - 18: BBTech Expo 2025 (Rimini, Italy)
21 - 23: Finest Spirits 2025 (Munich, Germany)

March 2025:
03 - 07: IBD Asia Pacific Convention 2025 (Hobart, Tasmania)
12 - 15: Festival Brasileiro da Cerveja 2025 (Blumenau, Brazil)
19 - 20: BeerX 2025 (Liverpool, UK)

April 2025:
06 - 09: 15th International Trends in Brewing 'Beer & Society' 2025 (Leuven, Belgium)
10 - 12: KIBEX 2025 (Seoul, South Korea)

More events are available on site e-malt.com

BreweryBrewery News Brewery

Brewery news Japan & India: Japanese brewing and distilling giant Suntory sets up Indian subsidiary
Japanese multinational brewing and distilling company Suntory on June 27 said it has set up an Indian subsidiary to accelerate its business in the country, Deccan Herald reported.

The new company - Suntory India - will commence operations in July and will be headed by Managing Director Masashi Matsumura. The company will set up its office at Gurgaon, Haryana, according to a statement. This "aims to cover corporate functions...

Suntory Holdings President & CEO Tak Niinami said this will be a new base in India, a country with a large population and a rapidly growing economy.

"India is a remarkably attractive market and a key geopolitical player on the global stage, with strong cultural and economic ties with Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

"Together with our spirits business Suntory Global Spirits, we will enhance our presence as a multifaceted beverage company in this vital market by supporting soft drinks and health & wellness businesses to build foundations in India through investments and partnerships," he said.

Founded as a family-owned business in 1899 in Osaka, Japan, Suntory Group is a global leader in the beverage industry.

It is the maker of famous Japanese whiskies Yamazaki and Hibiki, iconic American whiskies Jim Beam and ...More info on site

Brewery news Malaysia: Carlsberg Malaysia expands its 1664 premium beer portfolio
Carlsberg Malaysia has expanded its 1664 premium beer portfolio with a new lager offering, hoping to appeal to a wider consumer segment with its ASEAN-first launch into this new category, FoodNavigator-Asia reported on June 25.

The brewery owns exclusive rights to the 1664 French beer brand outside of the United Kingdom, including in Malaysia and Singapore, and so far has only sold the 1664 Blanc and 1664 Rosé wheat beers in these markets.

In an attempt to widen its reach, Carlsberg Malaysia has introduced the new 1664 Brut lager beer to the local market, taking a multi-format approach by launching this across both retail and foodservice.

“We mean for 1664 Brut to appeal to premium beer drinkers that are looking for lager products, it has a different taste profile with a different edge and a twist to it compared to the well-known 1664 Blanc wheat beer,” Carlsberg Malaysia Managing Director Stefano Clini told FoodNavigator-Asia.

“This will allow beer drinkers that don’t like wheat beer to access the 1664 brand, so we can increase the appeal of the brand and open up to new consumer segments that like a different taste profile.

“It means that our 1664 range in Malaysia now provides a diverse premium ...More info on site

BarleyBarley News Barley

Barley newsAustralia: Barley crop development remains quite positive
Australia’s barley crop development remains quite positive across Australia, with the lone area of concern being South Australia and western Victoria, which have missed ...More info on site

Barley newsCanada: Barley crop ratings reportedly the best since 2016
Across western Canada and the US barley crop ratings are very good and soil moisture levels are improved from recent rains. In Canada, crop ...More info on site

Barley newsCanada: Barley and wheat planting reported as smaller than intended in March
Canadian farmers planted less wheat and barley for harvest 2024 than they had intended in March, and than the market expected, supporting prices on ...More info on site

Barley newsWorld: Grains and oilseeds prices continue to decline
Grains and oilseeds prices continued to decline in the International Grains Council’s (IGC) latest Grain Market Report, released on June 27.

The IGC’s Grains and ...More info on site

Barley news Ireland: No shortage in spring barley seed expected for 2025 season
The Irish Seed Trade Association (ISTA) is forecasting that there will be no shortage in spring barley seed produced by Irish growers for the 2025 season, Agriland reported on June 28.

This was a key message delivered by the organisation’s vice-president, Fred Lynch at the 2024 Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) cereal variety trials open day this week.

“This projection is based on the state of crops in the fields right now. And, obviously, a lot can happen between now and harvest,” Lynch continued.

“But, assuming, we get decent weather over the coming weeks, there will be enough indigenous supplies of spring barley seed to meet the needs of Irish growers next year.”

Meanwhile DAFM is confirming that Ireland’s tillage area in 2024 is on a par with that of last year. This is despite a significant fall-off in the area of winter cereals sown out last back end.

DAFM’s head of division for crop policy, evaluation and certification, Barry O’Reilly, spoke at the variety trials open day.

He confirmed that the prolonged period of very wet weather since last summer resulted in significant challenges for tillage farmers in getting crops harvested for the 2024 harvest.

“The area of winter cereal crops is approximately ...More info on site

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