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E-Malt.com NewsLetter
Newsletter Summary

RombBullet Quote of the week
RombBullet Currency rates
RombBullet Brewers equities
RombBullet Industry news
RombBullet Graph of the week
RombBullet Table of the week
RombBullet Prices evolution
RombBullet Barley prices
RombBullet Theoretical malt prices
RombBullet Business history
RombBullet Agenda
RombBullet News articles

Last five graphs

Note: All graphs issued with e-malt.com newsletters are published in "Graph" section of e-malt.com site.

Last five tables

All e-malt.com tables are published in e-malt.com Statistics section. The Statistics section includes Barley statistics, Malt statistics and Beer statistics. The tables related to barley are published in Barley Statistics section, the tables related to malt in Malt Statistics section and the tables related to beer in Beer Statistics section.

Last five prices evolutions

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E-Malt.com Newsletter 05b
January 30 - February 02, 2025

Quote of the Week

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.
Robert Louis Stevenson

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Currency Rates

Base Currency: US Dollar
on January 31, 2025
Base Currency: Canadian Dollar
on January 31, 2025
      1 USD = 0.9601 EUR
1 USD = 0.8035 GBP
1 USD = 1.4425 CAD
1 USD = 1.6056 AUD
1 USD = 154.3820 JPY
1 USD = 5.8697 BRL
1 USD = 98.5601 RUB
1 USD = 7.2506 CNY
      1 CAD = 0.6931 USD
1 CAD = 0.5569 GBP
1 CAD = 0.6654 EUR
1 CAD = 1.1129 AUD
1 CAD = 107.0050 JPY
1 CAD = 4.0684 BRL
1 CAD = 68.3139 RUB
1 CAD = 5.0255 CNY

Currency Rates Chart

Equities of the Largest Breweries

Equities of the Largest Breweries

North America News
Whisky news USA, AL: Diageo to open new manufacturing and warehousing facility in Alabama ...Click here
Brewery news USA, WI: North Pillar Brewing Co. to hold grand opening in Waukesha on February 1 ...Click here
Brewery news USA, ME: Lakes Region Brewing gets approval to open in Casco ...Click here
Brewery news USA, FL: Twisted Trunk Brewing announces plans to close ...Click here
Brewery news USA, WA: Poulsbo’s Slippery Pig Brewery shutting its doors for good ...Click here
World News
Brewery news World: Global craft beer market forecast to reach US$242.79 bln by 2033 ...Click here
Brewery news New Zealand: Beer industry going from strength to strength ...Click here
Brewery news France: France’s beer imports down 24.5% in 2024 ...Click here
Brewery news Russia: Beer, beer drinks production up in Russia in 2024 ...Click here
Barley news Argentina: Barley crop forecast reduced on stiff competition for planted area ...Click here
Brewery news Germany: Krombacher beer retains leadership on German beer market despite sales dip ...Click here
Brewery news Malaysia: Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia poised to deliver strong results for Q4 ended December 31st ...Click here
Brewery news Lithuania: UAB Genys Brewing acquires Lithuania’s oldest brewery AB Kauno Alus ...Click here
Brewery news UK: Alcohol sector preparing for tax increases from February 1st ...Click here
Whisky news Japan: Japanese whisky industry reaching a stage of maturity ...Click here
Brewery news The Czech Republic: Czech beer culture added to e List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Czech Republic ...Click here
Brewery news UK: Keystone Brewing Group acquires craft beer brands Magic Rock and Fourpure ...Click here
Graph of the Week

Table of the Week

Australia Hops Area, Yields, and Production 2017-2024s

Table of the week.

Prices Evolution

Prices evolution

Barley Prices

Theoretical Malt Prices

These Days in Business History

30 January
1922 - World Law Day, 1st celebrated
1951 - Ferdinand Porsche, German car inventor (Porsche), dies at 75
1995 - Belgium's TV channel 2 in Flanders goes on the air

31 January
1956 - The twist off bottle cap is invented
1973 - Ragnar Frisch Norwegian economist (Nobel 1969), dies at 77
1990 - McDonald's opens its first restaurant in Russia
2010 - Avatar becomes the first film to gross over $2 billion worldwide

01 February
1788 - 1st US steamboat patent issued, by Georgia to Briggs & Longstreet
1884 - 1st volume of the Oxford English Dictionary, A-Ant, published
1898 - 1st auto insurance policy in US issued, by Travelers Insurance Co
1968 - World trade conference Unctad 2 opens in New Delhi

02 February
1914 - The Hong Kong Stock Exchange (formerly the Association of Stock Brokers in Hong Kong) is established
1947 - Edwin H. Land, founder of Polaroid Corp., demonstrates the instant camera to 650 scientists assembled at the annual meeting of the Optical Society of America
1995 - Barings Bank, one of the oldest and most distinguished investment banks in the world, declares bankruptcy after rogue trader Nick Leeson loses more than $1.4 billion on unauthorized (and apparently unsupervised) trades in Japanese stock futures


February 2025:
06 - 07: Glug Swiss 2025 (Alte Reithalle, Aarau, Switzerland)
07 - 10: HoReCa 2025 (Athens, Greece)
12 - 15: Great British Beer Festival Winter 2025 (Magna Science Adventure Centre, Rotherham, UK)
16 - 18: BBTech Expo 2025 (Rimini, Italy)
21 - 23: Finest Spirits 2025 (Munich, Germany)
24 - 24: Beer Experience 2025 (Antwerp, Belgium)

March 2025:
03 - 07: IBD Asia Pacific Convention 2025 (Hobart, Tasmania)
12 - 15: Festival Brasileiro da Cerveja 2025 (Blumenau, Brazil)
19 - 20: BeerX 2025 (Liverpool, UK)
21 - 23: St Malo Craft Beer Expo 2025 (St Malo, France)
25 - 27: Expo Antad & Alimentaria Mexico 2025 (Expo Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico)
25 - 27: 109th International Brewing & Engineering Congress 2025 (Kulmbach, Germany)

April 2025:
03 - 05: Warsaw Beer Festival 2025 (Warsaw, Poland)
06 - 08: Planete Biere 2025 (Paris, France)
06 - 09: 15th International Trends in Brewing 'Beer & Society' 2025 (Leuven, Belgium)
10 - 12: KIBEX 2025 (Seoul, South Korea)
11 - 12: InnBrew 2025 (Barcelona, Spain)
11 - 13: Barcelona Beer Festival 2025 (Barcelona, Spain)
15 - 17: Craft Beer China 2025 (Shanghai, China)
28 - 01 May: Craft Brewers Conference & BrewExpo America 2025 (Indianapolis, USA)
28 - 30: 27th Annual International Beer Strategies 2025 (Prague, the Czech Republic)

May 2025:
01 - 01: World Beer Cup 2025 (Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN, USA)
12 - 13: European Malt Supply Summit 2025 (https://rmi-analytics.com/event/european-regional-summit-paris-2025/)
13 - 15: International Beer Strategies Conference 2025 (Prague, the Czech Republic)
16 - 18: Cerveza Mexico Expo 2025 (Expo Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico)
16 - 17: Copenhagen Beer Festival 2025 (Copenhagen, Denmark)
18 - 20: EBC Symposium 2025 (Budapest, Hungary)
26 - 01 June: Budapest Beer Week 2025 (Budapest, Hungary)

June 2025:
10 - 11: IGC Grains Conference 2025 (116 Pall Mall, London, UK)
13 - 14: Tallinn Craft Beer Weekend 2025 (Tallinn, Estonia)
16 - 18: VLB Africa Brewing Conference 2025 (Maputo, Mosambique)
20 - 22: Mondial de la Biere 2025 (Montreal, Canada)

August 2025:
05 - 09: Great British Beer Festival 2025 (Birmingham, UK)
07 - 09: VIETFOOD & BEVERAGE - PROPACK VIETNAM 2025 (Saigon Exhibitions and Conventions Center, 799 Nguyen Van Linh Street, District 7, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam)
13 - 15: Brewing Summit 2025 (Palm Desert, CA, USA)
22 - 23: Beervana 2025 (Wellington, New Zealand)

September 2025:
04 - 06: Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival 2025 (Stockholm, Sweden)
13 - 14: Bruges Beer Festival 2025 (Bruges, Belgium)
15 - 19: Drinktec 2025 (Munich, Germany)
20 - 05 October: Oktoberfest 2025 (Munich, Germany)
27 - 29: Whisky Live Paris 2025 (Paris, France)

October 2025:
09 - 11: The Great American Beer Festival 2025 (Denver, USA)
16 - 17: Brew Asia 2025 (Bangkok, Thailand)

November 2025:
10 - 12: 15th Iberoamerican VLB Symposium Brewing & Filling Technology (Parana, Brasil)
13 - 15: Drink Technology India 2025 (Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India)

December 2025:
03 - 05: Drink Japan 2025 (Makuhari Messe, Japan)

More events are available on site e-malt.com

News Articles

Whisky news USA, AL: Diageo to open new manufacturing and warehousing facility in Alabama
As part of its efforts to build an increasingly resilient and efficient supply network, premium drinks company Diageo North America announced on January 30 plans to open a new manufacturing and warehousing facility in Montgomery, Alabama. The 360,000 square foot facility will have a multi-million case annual production capacity for Diageo’s leading beverage alcohol brands. This site will enhance the company’s North America supply chain operations and support future growth for the company’s export business.

The new facility, which will be referred to as ‘Diageo Montgomery,’ will provide a new point of operations closer to the company’s beverage distributors in the southern region. The site’s strategic location is expected to reduce required road travel, significantly helping to further mitigate carbon emissions associated with logistics operations. The new facility will also employ state-of-the-art technology for more efficient water and energy usage across the site.

"We are proud to contribute to the economic development of Montgomery, and deeply grateful to the city, state, and community leaders for their continued support,” said Marsha McIntosh, President of North America Supply at Diageo. “The new facility will not only bring our business closer to our customers and distributors in the south, but also enable our broader supply ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, WI: North Pillar Brewing Co. to hold grand opening in Waukesha on February 1
Glasses will be filled with fresh brew during the grand opening celebration Saturday, February 1 for North Pillar Brewing Co.

The event will start at 11 a.m. and go until 10 p.m. Saturday at its renovated historic building located at 212 E. North St., Waukesha.

"We couldn't be more excited to show off the transformation of this historic site and can't wait to start serving up some delicious beverages we've been brewing up here," reads a post on Facebook.

Brewery news USA, ME: Lakes Region Brewing gets approval to open in Casco
A community-oriented brewery, taphouse and restaurant is coming to fruition on a familiar stretch of Route 302 in Casco, The Bridgton News reported on January 24.

On January 20, the Casco Planning Board approved the site plan for Lakes Region Brewing, the future business of Tor Moson and Mike Bray.

The vote was 4-1, with Planning Board member Michelle Williams opposing, having expressed her concerns about the 30-year-old septic system.

The location is the former Chute’s Cafe. The address is 333 Roosevelt Trail. The seating capacity will be 80 people, with 50 seats indoors and another 30 outside.

Community is the emphasis of this business, according to Moson. The business will cater to families and outdoor groups like the snowmobile club, the ATV club, the running and hiking clubs, he said.

“We are looking to do a small brewery, a small taproom. We will have fun community events and try to draw in clubs,” Moson told the planning board.

“It is a tap room, not a bar or a lounge. It will have earlier hours than a bar,” he said.

The proposed hours call for the business to close at 8 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, to close at 9 p.m. on Saturday and 6 p.m. ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, FL: Twisted Trunk Brewing announces plans to close
Fans of local craft brews likely will be crying in their beer when Twisted Trunk Brewing in Palm Beach Gardens shuts down, possibly this week, WLRN reported on January 30.

The 10-year-old craft brewery started by Fran Andrewlevich and his then-partner Matt Webster announced its closing on social media.

Rising rents forced the shutdown, Andrewlevich wrote.

“The cost of doing business on PGA Boulevard has pushed us to close our legendary home in the Gardens,” Andrewlevich wrote. “We are in search of an alternate location.”

A Ritz-Carlton Residences with condos starting at $4 million is under construction across the street from Twisted Trunk.

Andrewlevich, a pioneer in the craft brew industry, helped start several craft breweries in the county. Twisted Trunk, at 2000 PGA Blvd., is a spinoff of Tequesta Brewing Co., which Andrewlevich owns.

Andrewlevich’s Steam Horse Brewing in West Palm Beach closed last September.

Andrewlevich also is involved in the Jupiter Craft Brewers Festival, held Saturday in Abacoa. He could not be reached last week for comment.

Popular beers brewed for Twisted Trunk — IPGA and the Palm Beach Pilsner — will continue to be distributed by Tequesta Brewing, he said in his post.

“This decision is the hardest of a lifetime,” he wrote. “The sheer ...More info on site

Brewery news USA, WA: Poulsbo’s Slippery Pig Brewery shutting its doors for good
It’s been two weeks since the owners of the Slippery Pig Brewery announced the business would shut its doors for good. Chairs and cardboard boxes were stacked, ready to move out of the commercial space on Front Street as co-owner Dave Lambert sat down at a table. The restaurant was emptying out now, but the day after the Lamberts made the announcement the brewery was packed for one last hurrah, Kitsap Sun reported on January 30.

A line of regulars wrapped around the building on Friday, January 17, while tears and beers flowed. Co-owner Shawna Lambert said she gave more hugs that night than she had her whole life. For Dave, it felt like a wake, but there was joy and celebration too. Karaoke closed out the night and everyone who took the stage sang with exuberance, he said. Every song meant something.

“When you are feeling any emotion for the first time in years, it’s like…it was a good time,” he said after a pause. “It was a really good time.”

Things were looking up just over a year ago. Dave Lambert was moving furniture and brewing equipment into a new retail space on Callow Avenue in Bremerton, ready to open a ...More info on site

Brewery newsWorld: Global craft beer market forecast to reach US$242.79 bln by 2033
The global craft beer market is forecast to reach US$242.79 billion by 2033, registering a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.5% between 2025 ...More info on site

Brewery newsNew Zealand: Beer industry going from strength to strength
New Zealand’s brewing industry is going from strength to strength, with a new report revealing how low-carb beers are on the rise, The New ...More info on site

Brewery newsFrance: France’s beer imports down 24.5% in 2024
In 2024, France’s beer imports decreased by -24.5% to 642M litres, falling for the second consecutive year after two years of growth, IndexBox reported ...More info on site

Brewery newsRussia: Beer, beer drinks production up in Russia in 2024
Beer production in Russia increased by more than 10 percent in 2024, RBC Wine reported, citing Rosalokoltabakcontrol (RATK).

The production of beer drinks in Russia ...More info on site

Barley newsArgentina: Barley crop forecast reduced on stiff competition for planted area
Weather conditions were wet over the past month in Argentina, but barley harvest advanced to a closure. Quality impacts are present but manageable, with ...More info on site

Brewery newsGermany: Krombacher beer retains leadership on German beer market despite sales dip
The Krombacher brand continues to lead the German beer market, although its sales declined by 117,000 hectolitres (-2.1%), according to the new INSIDE Brand ...More info on site

Brewery newsMalaysia: Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia poised to deliver strong results for Q4 ended December 31st
Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Bhd (Carlsberg Malaysia) is poised to deliver seasonally strong results for the fourth quarter ended Dec 31, 2024 (4Q24), potentially marking ...More info on site

Brewery news Lithuania: UAB Genys Brewing acquires Lithuania’s oldest brewery AB Kauno Alus
Lithuania’s leading craft brewer UAB Genys Brewing has acquired AB Kauno Alus, one of the country’s oldest and most historic breweries. This acquisition marks a significant milestone for both companies and the Lithuanian beer market. Despite the change in ownership, both breweries will continue to operate independently, Baltic News Network reported on January 30.

According to Genys Brewing CEO Laurynas Lisauskas, the key factor behind the acquisition was the shared values and approach to brewing held by both companies.

“We are united by our commitment to producing high-quality brews using traditional methods. Kauno Alus is known for its long-standing heritage, classic brewing techniques, and deep-rooted traditions. We respect that and seek to preserve. This step will allow us to expand the availability of high-quality products,” said Lisauskas.

Genys Brewing will continue focusing on craft beverage innovations and the creation of high-quality products, while Kauno Alus will maintain its production of traditional-style drinks, valued for both their taste and affordability.

Founded in 2016 in Kaunas by Laurynas Lisauskas and Jonas Miežys, Genys Brewing quickly gained popularity for its bold innovations, experimental flavours, and dedication to quality – carefully selecting premium hops, malts, and natural ingredients such as berries and fruits. All beer recipes are developed ...More info on site

Brewery news UK: Alcohol sector preparing for tax increases from February 1st
The wine and spirits sector in the United Kingdom is preparing for a tax increase that will directly impact the retail price of many alcoholic beverages. Starting February 1, the rise in alcohol duties, announced in the Autumn Budget by Chancellor Rachel Reeves, will make various products more expensive, particularly wines with higher alcohol content, Vinetur reported on January 30.

The new taxes, adjusted according to the Retail Price Index (RPI) inflation rate, will add up to 54 pence to the price of a 14.5% ABV bottle of wine. For spirits such as gin and vodka, the increase will be approximately 30 pence per bottle due to a 3.6% tax hike. Fortified wines, including port and sherry, will also see a 3.6% increase, while the tax on sparkling wines will decrease by 1 penny per bottle.

The most significant change affects wines, which will now be taxed based on their alcohol strength. This means that wines with an alcohol content above 12.5% ABV will see substantial price increases, with the highest hikes for those with the most alcohol. Since August 2023, the accumulation of these increases has already raised the cost of a 14.5% ABV bottle of wine by 98 pence.

Another financial ...More info on site

Whisky news Japan: Japanese whisky industry reaching a stage of maturity
Certain types of whisky are global favorites: Scotch from Scotland, Irish whisky from Ireland, American blends like bourbon, and Canadian whisky with its rich history. Recently, Japanese whisky is increasingly being recognized as one of the world's five major whisky styles, joining their ranks, The Mainichi reported on January 31.

Leading Japan's whisky production are two major companies, Suntory Holdings Ltd. and Nikka Whisky Distilling Co. These firms have spent decades refining their flavors while engaging in a friendly rivalry. Since the early 2000s, their whiskies have consistently earned high praise at international competitions, solidifying Japanese whisky's global reputation.

"Can whisky become a true Japanese industry? We're at a critical turning point," said Takahiro Inagaki, the 37-year-old president of Wakatsuru Shuzo Co. Founded in 1862, the sake brewery in Toyama Prefecture is best known for Wakatsuru, a premium sake. However, the company has also been producing whisky since 1952 at its Saburomaru Distillery.

Inagaki returned to the family business in his 20s after working for a foreign-affiliated company. While pondering ways to revitalize the firm, he discovered a whisky made by his great-grandfather, Kotaro, that had been aging for more than 60 years. Although the employees doubted it was drinkable, Inagaki sampled it ...More info on site

Brewery news The Czech Republic: Czech beer culture added to e List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Czech Republic
Czech beer culture has been officially added to the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Czech Republic, a significant step toward potential inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage list, Prague Morning reported on January 31.

The nomination was prepared by the Czech Beer and Malt Association in cooperation with experts.

With this designation, the Czech Republic joins Germany and Belgium as the third European country to recognize beer culture as an intangible cultural asset.

Belgium’s beer culture was added to UNESCO’s Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2016, setting a precedent that Czech brewers hope to follow.

“We make no secret of our ambition to achieve UNESCO recognition. Now, we must demonstrate that we can preserve and develop our beer culture before taking the next step,” said Petr Slunečko, a representative involved in the nomination process.

To be considered for UNESCO status, an element must first be recognized on the national heritage list. Czech beer culture now stands alongside other national traditions, including Slovácko verbuňk dance, handmade glassmaking, and puppetry.

Žatec and the Žatec hop-growing region, integral to Czech brewing, were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2023.

According to industry data, 96% of beer consumed in the Czech Republic is locally brewed, ...More info on site

Brewery news UK: Keystone Brewing Group acquires craft beer brands Magic Rock and Fourpure
Keystone Brewing Group has acquired craft beer brands Magic Rock and Fourpure to join its growing portfolio, The Caterer reported on January 30.

Both brands had been owned by In Good Company Brewing since 2022, but Keystone said the holding company had “fallen into financial difficulties” in recent months.

Private equity-backed Keystone said it had stepped in to “save” the brands, which will join its portfolio of brands including Maison SASSY, Big Drop Brewing Co, Black Sheep Brewery, Purity Brewing Company, BBNo and Brick Brewing Company.

Chief executive Mark Williams said: “Keystone Brewing Group has secured an exclusive license with the brand owners to take these fantastic brands forward in the UK and worldwide.”

He added: “We have managed to save two iconic beer brands for future generations of beer lovers, following Keystone’s strategy of building an impressive portfolio of high-quality and distinctive beverages.”

In August Fourpure closed its Bermondsey taproom and moved production up to Yorkshire after 11 years.

Production of Fourpure’s beers had since been based at its sister Magic Rock brewery in Huddersfield, but Keystone confirmed this site had since closed.

Williams said: “The Magic Rock brewery has unfortunately closed, and we are naturally saddened at the loss of the Magic Rock ...More info on site

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